96 research outputs found


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    Protoparvoviruses target the nucleus due to their dependence on the cellular reproduction machinery during the replication and expression of their single-stranded DNA genome. In recent years, our understanding of the multistep process of the capsid nuclear import has improved, and led to the discovery of unique viral nuclear entry strategies. Preceded by endosomal transport, endosomal escape and microtubule-mediated movement to the vicinity of the nuclear envelope, the protoparvoviruses interact with the nuclear pore complexes. The capsids are transported actively across the nuclear pore complexes using nuclear import receptors. The nuclear import is sometimes accompanied by structural changes in the nuclear envelope, and is completed by intranuclear disassembly of capsids and chromatinization of the viral genome. This review discusses the nuclear import strategies of protoparvoviruses and describes its dynamics comprising active and passive movement, and directed and diffusive motion of capsids in the molecularly crowded environment of the cell

    Persistence of human bocavirus 1 in tonsillar germinal centers and antibody-dependent enhancement of infection

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    Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), a nonenveloped single-stranded DNA parvovirus, causes mild to life-threatening respiratory tract infections, acute otitis media, and encephalitis in young children. HBoV1 often persists in nasopharyngeal secretions for months, hampering diagnosis. It has also been shown to persist in pediatric palatine and adenoid tonsils, which suggests that lymphoid organs are reservoirs for virus spread; however, the tissue site and host cells remain unknown. Our aim was to determine, in healthy nonviremic children with preexisting HBoV1 immunity, the adenotonsillar persistence site(s), host cell types, and virus activity. We discovered that HBoV1 DNA persists in lymphoid germinal centers (GCs), but not in the corresponding tonsillar epithelium, and that the cell types harboring the virus are mainly naive, activated, and memory B cells and monocytes. Both viral DNA strands and both sides of the genome were detected, as well as infrequent mRNA. Moreover, we showed, in B-cell and monocyte cultures and ex vivo tonsillar B cells, that the cellular uptake of HBoV1 occurs via the Fc receptor (FcγRII) through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). This resulted in viral mRNA transcription, known to occur exclusively from double-stranded DNA in the nucleus, however, with no detectable productive replication. Confocal imaging with fluorescent virus-like particles moreover disclosed endocytosis. To which extent the active HBoV1 GC persistence has a role in chronic inflammation or B-cell maturation disturbances, and whether the virus can be reactivated, will be interesting topics for forthcoming studies. IMPORTANCE Human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1), a common pediatric respiratory pathogen, can persist in airway secretions for months hampering diagnosis. It also persists in tonsils, providing potential reservoirs for airway shedding, with the exact location, host cell types, and virus activity unknown. Our study provides new insights into tonsillar HBoV1 persistence. We observed HBoV1 persistence exclusively in germinal centers where immune maturation occurs, and the main host cells were B cells and monocytes. In cultured cell lines and primary tonsillar B cells, we showed the virus uptake to be significantly enhanced by HBoV1-specific antibodies, mediated by the cellular IgG receptor, leading to viral mRNA synthesis, but without detectable productive replication. Possible implications of such active viral persistence could be tonsillar inflammation, disturbances in immune maturation, reactivation, or cell death with release of virus DNA, explaining the long-lasting HBoV1 airway shedding.Peer reviewe

    Internalization of novel non-viral vector TAT-streptavidin into human cells

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    BACKGROUND: The cell-penetrating peptide derived from the Human immunodeficiency virus-1 transactivator protein Tat possesses the capacity to promote the effective uptake of various cargo molecules across the plasma membrane in vitro and in vivo. The objective of this study was to characterize the uptake and delivery mechanisms of a novel streptavidin fusion construct, TAT(47–57)-streptavidin (TAT-SA, 60 kD). SA represents a potentially useful TAT-fusion partner due to its ability to perform as a versatile intracellular delivery vector for a wide array of biotinylated molecules or cargoes. RESULTS: By confocal and immunoelectron microscopy the majority of internalized TAT-SA was shown to accumulate in perinuclear vesicles in both cancer and non-cancer cell lines. The uptake studies in living cells with various fluorescent endocytic markers and inhibiting agents suggested that TAT-SA is internalized into cells efficiently, using both clathrin-mediated endocytosis and lipid-raft-mediated macropinocytosis. When endosomal release of TAT-SA was enhanced through the incorporation of a biotinylated, pH-responsive polymer poly(propylacrylic acid) (PPAA), nuclear localization of TAT-SA and TAT-SA bound to biotin was markedly improved. Additionally, no significant cytotoxicity was detected in the TAT-SA constructs. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that TAT-SA-PPAA is a potential non-viral vector to be utilized in protein therapeutics to deliver biotinylated molecules both into cytoplasm and nucleus of human cells

    Parvovirus Induced Alterations in Nuclear Architecture and Dynamics

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    The nucleus of interphase eukaryotic cell is a highly compartmentalized structure containing the three-dimensional network of chromatin and numerous proteinaceous subcompartments. DNA viruses induce profound changes in the intranuclear structures of their host cells. We are applying a combination of confocal imaging including photobleaching microscopy and computational methods to analyze the modifications of nuclear architecture and dynamics in parvovirus infected cells. Upon canine parvovirus infection, expansion of the viral replication compartment is accompanied by chromatin marginalization to the vicinity of the nuclear membrane. Dextran microinjection and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) studies revealed the homogeneity of this compartment. Markedly, in spite of increase in viral DNA content of the nucleus, a significant increase in the protein mobility was observed in infected compared to non-infected cells. Moreover, analyzis of the dynamics of photoactivable capsid protein demonstrated rapid intranuclear dynamics of viral capsids. Finally, quantitative FRAP and cellular modelling were used to determine the duration of viral genome replication. Altogether, our findings indicate that parvoviruses modify the nuclear structure and dynamics extensively. Intranuclear crowding of viral components leads to enlargement of the interchromosomal domain and to chromatin marginalization via depletion attraction. In conclusion, parvoviruses provide a useful model system for understanding the mechanisms of virus-induced intranuclear modifications

    Chromatin organization regulates viral egress dynamics

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    Various types of DNA viruses are known to elicit the formation of a large nuclear viral replication compartment and marginalization of the cell chromatin. We used three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography, confocal and electron microscopy, combined with numerical modelling of capsid diffusion to analyse the molecular organization of chromatin in herpes simplex virus 1 infection and its effect on the transport of progeny viral capsids to the nuclear envelope. Our data showed that the formation of the viral replication compartment at late infection resulted in the enrichment of heterochromatin in the nuclear periphery accompanied by the compaction of chromatin. Random walk modelling of herpes simplex virus 1-sized particles in a three-dimensional soft x-ray tomography reconstruction of an infected cell nucleus demonstrated that the peripheral, compacted chromatin restricts viral capsid diffusion, but due to interchromatin channels capsids are able to reach the nuclear envelope, the site of their nuclear egress.Peer reviewe

    G2/M checkpoint regulation and apoptosis facilitate the nuclear egress of parvoviral capsids

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    The nuclear export factor CRM1-mediated pathway is known to be important for the nuclear egress of progeny parvovirus capsids in the host cells with virus-mediated cell cycle arrest at G2/M. However, it is still unclear whether this is the only pathway by which capsids exit the nucleus. Our studies show that the nuclear egress of DNA-containing full canine parvovirus. capsids was reduced but not fully inhibited when CRM1-mediated nuclear export was prevented by leptomycin B. This suggests that canine parvovirus capsids might use additional routes for nuclear escape. This hypothesis was further supported by our findings that nuclear envelope (NE) permeability was increased at the late stages of infection. Inhibitors of cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) and pro-apoptotic caspase 3 prevented the NE leakage. The change in NE permeability could be explained by the regulation of the G2/M checkpoint which is accompanied by early mitotic and apoptotic events. The model of G2/M checkpoint activation was supported by infection-induced nuclear accumulation of cyclin B1 and Cdk1. Both NE permeability and nuclear egress of capsids were reduced by the inhibition of Cdk1. Additional proof of checkpoint function regulation and promotion of apoptotic events was the nucleocytoplasmic redistribution of nuclear transport factors, importins, and Ran, in late infection. Consistent with our findings, post-translational histone acetylation that promotes the regulation of several genes related to cell cycle transition and arrest was detected. In conclusion, the model we propose implies that parvoviral capsid egress partially depends on infection-induced G2/M checkpoint regulation involving early mitotic and apoptotic events.Peer reviewe

    Parvovirus nonstructural protein 2 interacts with chromatin-regulating cellular proteins

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    Autonomous parvoviruses encode at least two nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. While NS1 is linked to important nuclear processes required for viral replication, much less is known about the role of NS2. Specifically, the function of canine parvovirus (CPV) NS2 has remained undefined. Here we have used proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) to screen for nuclear proteins that associate with CPV NS2. Many of these associations were seen both in noninfected and infected cells, however, the major type of interacting proteins shifted from nuclear envelope proteins to chromatin-associated proteins in infected cells. BioID interactions revealed a potential role for NS2 in DNA remodeling and damage response. Studies of mutant viral genomes with truncated forms of the NS2 protein suggested a change in host chromatin accessibility. Moreover, further studies with NS2 mutants indicated that NS2 performs functions that affect the quantity and distribution of proteins linked to DNA damage response. Notably, mutation in the splice donor site of the NS2 led to a preferred formation of small viral replication center foci instead of the large coalescent centers seen in wild-type infection. Collectively, our results provide insights into potential roles of CPV NS2 in controlling chromatin remodeling and DNA damage response during parvoviral replication.Peer reviewe
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