541 research outputs found

    Racial and Gender Implications in African Female Literature: an Afrocentric Feminist Reading of Emecheta’s Second Class Citizen

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    The paper analyzes and explains the racial and gender meanings in African female literature, particularly in Buchi Emecheta\u27s Second Class Citizen. The analysis is made from an Afrocentric -feminist perspective. Thus the research findings have shown how the social and ideological constructions of race and gender could engender networks of racism and sexism for both sexes. Through the experience of Adah, the paper describes the manner in which the colored woman could be double oppressed due to her gender and race. In spite of the obstacles placed before her due to racism and sexism, the findings have indicated that the heroine, Adah, thanks to her determination, and her strong desire to be independent, was able to integrate the English society by obtaining a first class job as librarian at North Finchley Library. She succeeded where many black men failed like her husband, Francis. Although the paper concludes that education and financial independence are efficient means for the empowerment of the African woman, it also reveals the Eurocentric attitude of the novelist. It is therefore found out that Emecheta reproduces some of the same Eurocentrists\u27 stereotypes about Africa by considering the African man and his culture as responsible for the marginalization of the African woman

    Renoval Charge Technic Applied To A Bifacial Solar Cell Under Constant Magnetic Field

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    An n+-p-p+ bifacial solar cell under constant magnetic field is placed in a fast-switch-interrupted circuit and submitted to a constant multi-spectral illumination. The transient decay occurs between two steady states throughoperating points depending on two variable resistors; this allows us to obtain a transient decay at any operating point of the I-V curve of the solar cell, from the short circuit to the open one. The influence of magnetic field on the transient photocurrent has been studied using Matlab Simulink simulations.These simulations lead to an equivalent circuit of the bifacial cell in transient state assuming that the photocurrent is the diffused

    3d Approach Of Spectral Response For A Bifacial Silicon Solar Cell Under A Constant Magnetic Field

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    A three-dimensional study is made to improve the theoretical approach of spectral response of bifacial polycrystalline silicon solar cells. This study has allowed taking into account new parameters like grain size and grain boundaries recombination velocity, which reduce the cell efficiency. Losses in emitter region and external magnetic field are also being taken into account in order to perfect the description of measured spectral response. Then the new analytical expressions of carrier, photocurrent and short circuit densities are produced for front side and rear side illuminations. Homemade software based on the new analytical expressions of internal quantum efficiency is used to fit the experimental data

    L’epilepsie en milieu scolaire : enquete chez les enseignants de la ville de Kati au Mali et revue de la litterature

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    Introduction La prévalence de l’épilepsie en Afrique subsaharienne est élevée. Nous avons mené une étude transversale et descriptive dans l’ensemble des écoles primaires de la ville de Kati (200 000 habitants). Les enseignants furent interviewés de manière exhaustive à l’aide de questionnaires portant, d’une part, sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des enseignants en matière d’épilepsie et, d’autre part, sur leurs avis sur les conséquences psychologiques, sociales pour l’enfant épileptique et les incidences sur sa scolarité.Résultats Nous avons interrogé 92 enseignants (60 hommes et 32 femmes). L’âge moyen des enseignants était de 30 ans. La majorité d’entre eux avait une expérience professionnelle de plus de 5 ans. Environ 38% des enseignants attribuaient la maladie à une cause surnaturelle. Plus de 39% des enseignants pensaient que l’épilepsie était contagieuse et 61% pensaient que l’épilepsie était incurable. 79% interdisaient systématiquement la pratique du sport à l’enfant épileptique. Environ 55% pensaient que l’enfant épileptique avait des capacités cognitives inférieures à celles de l’enfant non épileptique et 88% affirmaient que l’enfant épileptique était incapable d’avoir une scolarité normale. 59% trouvaient que l’élève épileptique était victime de stigmatisation et de marginalisation. Devant une crise, 68% renvoyaient l’enfant au domicile.Conclusion Ce travail fait apparaître un besoin de formation des enseignants en matière d’épilepsie. Les données actuelles sur la fréquence de l’épilepsie en milieu scolaire justifient une attention particulière des services de santé et de ceux de l’éducation nationale sur la scolarisation de l’enfant épileptique.Mots clés : Epilepsie, Ecole, Enseignants, Mali, Pratiques

    Changing Ecotypes of Dengue Virus 2 Serotype in Nigeria and the Emergence of Cosmopolitan and Asian I Lineages, 1966–2019

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    Dengue virus (DENV) is a leading mosquito-borne virus with a wide geographical spread and a major public health concern. DENV serotype 1 (DENV-1) and serotype 2 (DENV-2) were first reported in Africa in 1964 in Ibadan, Nigeria. Although the burden of dengue is unknown in many African countries, DENV-2 is responsible for major epidemics. In this study, we investigated the activities of DENV-2 to determine the circulating strains and to appraise the changing dynamics in the epidemiology of the virus in Nigeria. Nineteen DENV-2 sequences from 1966–2019 in Nigeria were retrieved from the GenBank of the National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI). A DENV genotyping tool was used to identify the specific genotypes. The evolutionary history procedure was performed on 54 DENV-2 sequences using MEGA 7. There is a deviation from Sylvatic DENV-2 to other genotypes in Nigeria. In 2019, the Asian I genotype of DENV-2 was predominant in southern Edo State, located in the tropical rainforest region, with the first report of the DENV-2 Cosmopolitan strain. We confirmed the circulation of other non-assigned genotypes of DENV-2 in Nigeria. Collectively, this shows that DENV-2 dynamics have changed from Sylvatic transmission reported in the 1960s with the identification of the Cosmopolitan strain and Asian lineages. Sustained surveillance, including vectorial studies, is required to fully establish the trend and determine the role of these vectors

    A randomised trial in Mali of the effectiveness of weekly iron supplements given by teachers on the haemoglobin concentrations of schoolchildren

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    Objective: To assess the effect on the haemoglobin concentrations of schoolchildren of weekly iron tablets administered by teachers. Design: Sixty schools were randomly assigned to two groups: in 30 schools children were given weekly for 10 weeks a tablet providing 65 mg of iron and 0.25 mg of folic acid; in the other 30 schools no iron tablets were given. All children were dewormed and given vitamin A before the study began. The haemoglobin concentration of up to 20 randomly selected children in each school was estimated before and 2 weeks after the end of treatment. Setting: Rural community schools in Kolondieba district of Mali. Subjects: Some 1113 schoolchildren aged 6-19 years with a mean of 11.4 years. Results: The haemoglobin concentration of treated children rose on average by 1.8 g l -1 (P < 0.001) and the prevalence of anaemia fell by 8.2% (P < 0.001); in untreated children the haemoglobin concentration fell by an average of 22.7 g l -1 (P < 0.001) and the prevalence of anaemia rose by 9.4% (P < 0:001). The fall in haemoglobin concentration among untreated girls of 24.0 g l21 was greater than in untreated boys (20.3 g l -1 (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Weekly iron tablets given by teachers prevented a general fall in the haemoglobin concentrations of untreated children, and led to a small but statistically significant rise among treated children (P < 0.001). Young children benefited more than children aged </=12 years, and girls benefited more than boys

    La migraine en milieu scolaire a Gao ua Mali

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    Introduction La migraine est une maladie b&#233;nigne mais handicapante et qui peut alt&#233;rer la qualit&#233; de vie des patients, perturber les relations affectives et retentir sur les activit&#233;s scolaires et professionnelles. Objectifs L&#8217;objectif de notre travail &#233;tait d&#8217;&#233;tudier les aspects &#233;pid&#233;miologiques et l&#8217;impact de la migraine en milieu scolaire dans la commune urbaine de Gao au Mali. M&#233;thodes Il s&#8217;agit d&#8217;une &#233;tude transversale r&#233;alis&#233;e chez les &#233;l&#232;ves de la ville de Gao. Le sondage a &#233;t&#233; fait par grappes dans 11 lyc&#233;es dont chacun a repr&#233;sent&#233; une grappe. L&#8217;&#233;tude a port&#233; sur 733 &#233;l&#232;ves le diagnostic de migraine &#233;tait retenu suivant les crit&#232;res de L&#8217;International Headache Society (IHS) IHS 2004 et le GRIM. R&#233;sultats La pr&#233;valence globale de la migraine en milieu scolaire &#233;tait de 17,3% (IC95% : [14,6% &#224; 20%]). La pr&#233;valence parmi les &#233;l&#232;ves c&#233;phalalgiques &#233;tait de 20%(IC95% : [16,91% &#224; 23,09]), elle &#233;tait significativement plus &#233;lev&#233;e chez les filles 23,0% que chez les gar&#231;ons 14,8% (p&lt; 0,01). Concernant son impact sur la vie scolaire, 63,8% des &#233;l&#232;ves migraineux avaient un absent&#233;isme de 1 &#224; 14 jours avec une moyenne de 5 jours pendant le dernier trimestre pr&#233;c&#233;dant l&#8217;enqu&#234;te ; il y avait une limitation de la concentration chez 19,2% des &#233;l&#232;ves migraineux.Conclusion La migraine est fr&#233;quente chez les lyc&#233;ens de Gao avec une pr&#233;dominance f&#233;minine. Elle a un impact n&#233;gatif sur le rendement scolaire du &#224; l&#8217;absent&#233;isme et aux troubles de la concentration. Il apparait donc important de proc&#233;der &#224; une campagne de sensibilisation cibl&#233;e &#224; grande &#233;chelle dans l&#8217;environnement scolaire

    Modeling and forecasting unemployment rate in Tanzania : an ARIMA approach

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to develop a reliable forecasting approach for Tanzania's unemployment rate and provide policymakers with an effective tool for decision-making. Unemployment forecasting is vital for informed policymaking, particularly in countries like Tanzania.METHODOLOGY: This study employs a quantitative research design and adopts Box Jenkin's methodology and the ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) model for unemployment forecasting in Tanzania. The entire available dataset for the specified period is utilized, employing a non-probability sampling technique. Diagnostic tests, including ACF (AutoCorrelation Function), PACF (Partial AutoCorrelation Function), and unit root analysis, are conducted to guide the optimal model selection. Differencing addresses non-stationarity in the time series data by removing trend and seasonality effects. The optimal model selection is based on criteria such as AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), Schwartz, and Hannan-Quinn.FINDINGS: The study finds that the ARIMA (3,1,4) model demonstrates superior performance in forecasting the unemployment rate in Tanzania. Diagnostic checks validate the adequacy of the model, revealing white noise residuals. The forecasts indicate a consistent downward trend in unemployment rates over the next nine years, suggesting potential labour market improvements in Tanzania. These findings enhance our understanding of Tanzania's unemployment dynamics and provide valuable insights for policymakers.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study lies in its application of Box Jenkin's methodology and the ARIMA model to unemployment forecasting in Tanzania. By utilizing the entire available dataset and employing diagnostic tests for model selection, the study enhances the reliability of the forecasting approach. The study offers policymakers an informed decision-making tool by providing accurate forecasts and capturing underlying trends.peer-reviewe
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