6,041 research outputs found

    Duality and interval analysis over idempotent semirings

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    In this paper semirings with an idempotent addition are considered. These algebraic structures are endowed with a partial order. This allows to consider residuated maps to solve systems of inequalities AXBA \otimes X \preceq B. The purpose of this paper is to consider a dual product, denoted \odot, and the dual residuation of matrices, in order to solve the following inequality AXXBX A \otimes X \preceq X \preceq B \odot X. Sufficient conditions ensuring the existence of a non-linear projector in the solution set are proposed. The results are extended to semirings of intervals

    Cepstral analysis based on the Glimpse proportion measure for improving the intelligibility of HMM-based synthetic speech in noise

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    In this paper we introduce a new cepstral coefficient extraction method based on an intelligibility measure for speech in noise, the Glimpse Proportion measure. This new method aims to increase the intelligibility of speech in noise by modifying the clean speech, and has applications in scenarios such as public announcement and car navigation systems. We first explain how the Glimpse Proportion measure operates and further show how we approximated it to integrate it into an existing spectral envelope parameter extraction method commonly used in the HMM-based speech synthesis framework. We then demonstrate how this new method changes the modelled spectrum according to the characteristics of the noise and show results for a listening test with vocoded and HMM-based synthetic speech. The test indicates that the proposed method can significantly improve intelligibility of synthetic speech in speech shaped noise. Index Terms — cepstral coefficient extraction, objective measure for speech intelligibility, Lombard speech, HMM-based speech synthesis 1

    Mass distribution and structural parameters of Small Magellanic Cloud star clusters

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    In this work we estimate, for the first time, the total masses and mass function slopes of a sample of 29 young and intermediate-age SMC clusters from CCD Washington photometry. We also derive age, interstellar reddening and structural parameters for most of the studied clusters by employing a statistical method to remove the unavoidable field star contamination. Only these 29 clusters out of 68 originally analysed cluster candidates present stellar overdensities and coherent distribution in their colour-magnitude diagrams compatible with the existence of a genuine star cluster. We employed simple stellar population models to derive general equations for estimating the cluster mass based only on its age and integrated light in the B, V, I, C and T1 filter. These equations were tested against mass values computed from luminosity functions, showing an excellent agreement. The sample contains clusters with ages between 60 Myr and 3 Gyr and masses between 300 and 3000 Mo distributed between ~0.5 deg. and ~2 deg. from the SMC optical centre. We determined mass function slopes for 24 clusters, of which 19 have slopes compatible with that of Kroupa IMF (2.3 +/- 0.7), considering the uncertainties. The remaining clusters - H86-188, H86-190, K47, K63 and NGC242 - showed flatter MFs. Additionally, only clusters with masses lower than ~1000 Mo and flatter MF were found within ~0.6 deg. from the SMC rotational centre.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figures. Includes another 29 full-page figures of supplementary material. Accepted for publication in the MNRA

    Quantum radiation in a plane cavity with moving mirrors

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    We consider the electromagnetic vacuum field inside a perfect plane cavity with moving mirrors, in the nonrelativistic approximation. We show that low frequency photons are generated in pairs that satisfy simple properties associated to the plane geometry. We calculate the photon generation rates for each polarization as functions of the mechanical frequency by two independent methods: on one hand from the analysis of the boundary conditions for moving mirrors and with the aid of Green functions; and on the other hand by an effective Hamiltonian approach. The angular and frequency spectra are discrete, and emission rates for each allowed angular direction are obtained. We discuss the dependence of the generation rates on the cavity length and show that the effect is enhanced for short cavity lengths. We also compute the dissipative force on the moving mirrors and show that it is related to the total radiated energy as predicted by energy conservation.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, published in Physical Review

    Future dynamics in f(R) theories

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    The f(R)f(R) gravity theories provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration without invoking dark energy matter component. However, the freedom in the choice of the functional forms of f(R)f(R) gives rise to the problem of how to constrain and break the degeneracy among these gravity theories on theoretical and/or observational grounds. In this paper to proceed further with the investigation on the potentialities, difficulties and limitations of f(R)f(R) gravity, we examine the question as to whether the future dynamics can be used to break the degeneracy between f(R)f(R) gravity theories by investigating the future dynamics of spatially homogeneous and isotropic dust flat models in two f(R)f(R) gravity theories, namely the well known f(R)=R+αRnf(R) = R + \alpha R^{n} gravity and another by A. Aviles et al., whose motivation comes from the cosmographic approach to f(R)f(R) gravity. To this end we perform a detailed numerical study of the future dynamic of these flat model in these theories taking into account the recent constraints on the cosmological parameters made by the Planck team. We show that besides being powerful for discriminating between f(R)f(R) gravity theories, the future dynamics technique can also be used to determine the fate of the Universe in the framework of these f(R)f(R) gravity theories. Moreover, there emerges from our numerical analysis that if we do not invoke a dark energy component with equation-of-state parameter ω<1\omega < -1 one still has dust flat FLRW solution with a big rip, if gravity deviates from general relativity via f(R)=R+αRnf(R) = R + \alpha R^n . We also show that FLRW dust solutions with f<0f''<0 do not necessarily lead to singularity.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. V2: Generality and implications of the results are emphasized, connection with the recent literature improved, typos corrected, references adde

    Context-aware food recommendation system

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    Recommendation systems are commonly used in websites with large datasets, frequently used in e-commerce or multimedia streaming services. These systems effectively help users in the task of finding items of their interest, while also being helpful from the perspective of the service or product provider. However, successful applications to other domains are less common, and the number of personalized food recommendation systems is surprisingly small although this particular domain could benefit significantly from recommendation knowledge. This work proposes a contextaware food recommendation system for well-being care applications, using mobile devices, beacons, medical records and a recommender engine. Users passing near a food place receives food recommendation based on available offers order by appropriate foods for everyone’s health at the table in real time. We also use a new robust recipe recommendation method based on matrix factorization and feature engineering, both supported by contextual information and statistical aggregation of information from users and items. The results got from the application of this method to three heterogeneous datasets of recipe’s user ratings, showed that gains are achieved regarding recommendation performance independently of the dataset size, the items textual properties or even the rating values distribution.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito da umidade do solo na biologia de Rhopalosiphum maidis (FITCH, 1856) (Hemiptera: aphididae) em milho.

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    O efeito da umidade do solo na biologia de Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) em plantas de milho (Zea mays) foi avaliado em casa de vegetação. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com três tratamentos (20%, 40% e 100% de rotação hídrica) e quatro repetições, sendo cada parcela experimental constituída por um vaso de polietileno de cinco litros contendo duas plantas de milho no estádio fenológico três e com dez pulgões adultos confinados em microgaiolas de 10 mm de altura por 10 mm de diâmetro (cinco pulgões/microgaiola/planta), perfazendo um total de 40 pulgões/tratamento. As variáveis biológicas do pulgão estudadas foram: a duração de cada instar, dos períodos pré-reprodutivo, pós-reprodutivo e reprodutivo, a produção diária, total de ninfas e de alados e o ciclo de vida de R. maidis. Houve efeito da umidade do solo onde estavam as plantas de milho, tanto na duração do desenvolvimento dos pulgões, em cada um dos quatro ínstares, quanto na duração da fase ninfal, sendo que os pulgões que se desenvolveram em plantas de milho com défice de água de 80% completaram os estádios ninfais num menor período. De igual forma, o período reprodutivo e a longevidade dos adultos foram mais curtos nos pulgões que se desenvolveram em plantas de milho em solo com 20% da capacidade de campo. Porém, não houve efeito dos tratamentos na duração do período pós-reprodutivo. Por outro lado, adultos de pulgões que se desenvolveram nas plantas em solo com 20% da água necessária produziram a primeira ninfa num menor período do que os desenvolvidos nas plantas que receberam 40% de água na capacidade de campo. Pulgões cuja fase jovem ocorreu em plantas de milho sob estresse hídrico de 80% desapareceram mais rapidamente do que aqueles desenvolvidos em plantas sob regime de estresse hídrico de 60%. Esses resultados indicam que o manejo da água no milho pode ser uma estratégia no controle de fatores naturais que afetam tanto a população como o número de gerações do pulgão no ambiente, podendo reduzir a necessidade do controle químico

    Parabolic dunes in north-eastern Brazil

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    In this work we present measurements of vegetation cover over parabolic dunes with different degree of activation along the north-eastern Brazilian coast. We are able to extend the local values of the vegetation cover density to the whole dune by correlating measurements with the gray-scale levels of a high resolution satellite image of the dune field. The empirical vegetation distribution is finally used to validate the results of a recent continuous model of dune motion coupling sand erosion and vegetation growth.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, aubmitted to Geomorpholog