702 research outputs found
Stance-taking in Spanish-speaking Preschoolers' Argumentative Interaction
The aim of this study is to determine what linguistic resources are used for stance-taking in confrontational interactions. For this purpose, we analyze 70 argumentative sequences in spontaneous peer conversations during play situations of 4 dyads (2 mid and 2 low socio-economic status backgrounds) of 4 to 7-year-old Argentinian children. Stance-taking relies on the use of evaluative language, understood as the markers of speaker's attitude (reference to internal states such as attribute, cognition, emotion, intention, and reported speech, [Shiro, 2003]); and the use of evidential markers, understood as speaker's reference to the status of the information in the utterance (causality, concession, capacity, deontic and epistemic modality, and inference, [Shiro, 2007]), including markers of politeness which serve to mitigate (or intensify) the confrontation (Watts, 2003). Our findings describe the evaluative resources used for stance-taking strategies produced by children at this early age in confrontational interactions with their peers.Fil: Shiro, Martha. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Migdalek, Maia Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Rosemberg, Celia Renata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; Argentin
Juegos con reglas convencionales: un análisis multimodal de la regulación de la situación lúdica por parte de la maestra
El presente trabajo se enmarca en la perspectiva histórico-cultural del desarrollo humano (Elkonin, 1980, Vigotsky, 2009) y el aprendizaje que considera el juego como una actividad rectora de la infancia. Diversos trabajos (Bruner, 1986; Fimreite, Flem y Gudmundsdottir, 1999; Haight, 1997; Howe, Petrakos, Rinaldi y Lefevre, 2005) han dado cuenta, en el contexto del hogar y del jardín de infantes, del andamiaje que los adultos o niños mayores proveen a los más pequeños en las situaciones lúdicas. Sin embargo, estas investigaciones no han realizado un análisis microdiscursivo de los intercambios que guían y sostienen la Participación de los niños en el juego. En este trabajo, por tanto, se propone un análisis multimodal de los movimientos conversacionales a través de los cuales una maestra de jardín de infantes regula las situaciones de juego con reglas convencionales durante la actividad de juego en rincones. Para ello, se analizaron cualitativamente dos situaciones de juego de video-filmadas articulando las propuestas del Análisis de la Conversación (Goodwin, 2000; Tusón, 1995) con la Sociolingüística Interaccional (Gumperz, 1982). Los resultados muestran la yuxtaposición de recursos de diversos campos semióticos en el andamiaje de la maestra para regular la situación lúdica.Within the framework of the sociocultural perspective on human learning and development (Elkonin, 1980; Vigotsky, 2009) the game is considered as the leading activity of childhood, on this paper. In family contexts as well as in the kindergarten, several studies (Bruner, 1986; Fimreite, Flem y Gudmundsdottir, 1999; Haight, 1997; Howe, Petrakos, Rinaldi y Lefevre, 2005) have shown the scaffolding that adults or older children provide to young children in playing situations. However, these investigations have not done a micro-discursive analysis of the exchanges that guide and support the children’s participation in the game. This paper proposes a multimodal analysis of conversational movements through which a kindergarten teacher regulates conventional games situations during the play corners activity. For this, two video-recorded game situations were qualitatively analyzed. The analysis articulated Conversation Analysis (Goodwin 2000; Tusón, 1995) proposals with Interactional Sociolinguistics (Gumperz, 1982). The results show the juxtaposition of different semiotic resources in the teacher’s scaffolding to regulate the game situation.Fil: Migdalek, Maia Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Rosemberg, Celia Renata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; Argentin
Construcción multimodal de los argumentos de niños pequeños en disputas durante situaciones de juego
En el marco de una perspectiva sociocultural del desarrollo humano y el aprendizaje (Vigotsky, 1964; Bruner, 1986; Nelson, 1996; Tomasello, 1998, 2003), el presente trabajo tiene por objeto indagar la construcción multimodal de los argumentos producidos por niños de 5 años en el marco de disputas en una situación de juego en el jardín de infantes. Para ello se atiende a la yuxtaposición de información que proporcionan recursos de distintos campos semióticos (Goodwin, 2000, 2007). El corpus está conformado por una situación de juego de construcción –sala de 5 años- videofilmada, registrada durante el juego en rincones en un jardín de infantes al que asiste población urbana marginada del Conurbano Bonaerense, Argentina. El análisis sigue una lógica cualitativa a partir de las herramientas metodológicas del Análisis de la Conversación utilizadas en investigaciones antecedentes (Goodwin, 2000, 2007; Goodwin y Goodwin, 1990, 2000; Goodwin, Goodwin y Yaeger-Dror, 2002). Los resultados muestran que componentes de diversos campos semióticos se yuxtaponen con la expresión lingüística de argumentos o puntos de vista que los niños sostienen en las disputas durante las situaciones de juego. Se evidencia la especial importancia de atender a la entonación, el uso del espacio, la dirección de la mirada, los gestos y el posicionamiento corporal como componentes que conforman la fuerza argumentativa de los enunciados en la disputa. Asimismo ellos son indicios de las emociones que las partes experimentan en las disputas y que no pueden ser obviadas al momento de dar cuenta de cómo se produce la argumentación en situaciones reales de interacción.Within the framework of a sociocultural theory of human development and learning (Vigotsky, 2009; Bruner, 1986; Nelson, 1996; Tomasello, 1998, 2003), this paper aims to investigate the multimodal construction of arguments produced by 5 year-old children during disputes in a kindergarten play situation. We considered the juxtaposition of information provided by resources from different semiotic fields (Goodwin, 2000, 2007). The corpus consists of the interactions in a group of children while they play with building blocks. This play situation was videotaped in a kindergarten classroom that is attended by an urban marginalized population of outer Buenos Aires, Argentina. The analysis makes use of the qualitative logic derived from the methodological tools of Conversation Analysis developed in previous research (Goodwin, 2000, 2007; Goodwin and Goodwin, 1990, 2000; Goodwin, Goodwin and Yaeger-Dror, 2002). The results show the different semiotic fields that overlap with the linguistic expression of the arguments or points of view that children maintain while quarrelling during play situations. This demonstrates the importance of attending to intonation, the use of space, the direction of gaze, gestures, and body positioning as they are components that contribute to the argumentative force of the utterances in disputes. These elements emerge as indicators of the emotions that parties experience in disputes which can not be disregarded when attempting to account for how argumentation occurs in real situations of interaction.Fil: Migdalek, Maia Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Rosemberg, Celia Renata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; Argentin
Teachers' perception about gifted students
Esse estudo investigou a percepção do professor de ensino fundamental e de educação infantil sobre o aluno superdotado. Questionários foram aplicados em um grupo de 41 professores de escolas particulares e públicas de Brasília. Uma abordagem qualitativa foi usada nesse estudo. Procedeu-se a uma análise de conteúdo dos dados obtidos. Os resultados sugeriram que tanto os professores de escolas públicas quanto os de escolas particulares consideram importante o papel da escola na educação do aluno superdotado. Entretanto, não adotavam medidas ou instrumentos para identificação desses alunos, nem os atendiam de forma diferenciada. Os professores relataram nunca terem trabalhado com alunos superdotados. A maioria dos professores possuía um conhecimento superficial do conceito de superdotação, do processo de identificação do aluno superdotado e não contava com uma orientação específica sobre práticas educacionais compatíveis com as necessidades desses alunos superdotados.The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school teachers' perception about gifted students. Questionnaires were administered to 41 teachers from private and public schools in Brasilia. A qualitative approach was used in this study and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The findings suggest that both private and public schools teachers believe that the involvement of the school in the gifted student educational process is important. On the other hand, neither public nor private schools adopted any kind of student identification system or had a special program for those students. The teachers reported that they have never had a gifted student in their classrooms. It was observed that most teachers have a superficial information about the concept of giftedness, identification processes, and educational strategies that could attend the needs of gifted students
Evaluation of educational practices a gifted and talented program
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o rendimento acadêmico e a criatividade de alunos de um programa de atendimento a alunos superdotados e talentosos, investigar a percepção de professores, alunos e mães acerca das atividades e estratégias educacionais implementadas no programa, bem como examinar a extensão em que tais atividades e práticas educacionais se diferenciam das utilizadas em sala de aula regular. Participaram do estudo 77 alunos, do ensino fundamental e médio, que freqüentavam o programa, 11 professores que atuavam no programa, 6 professores de sala de aula regular e 6 mães de alunos do programa. Os resultados indicaram que alunos com habilidade em áreas acadêmicas apresentaram rendimento acadêmico superior aos da área artística que, por sua vez, obtiveram escores superiores no teste de criatividade. A percepção de professores, alunos e mães acerca das atividades empregadas no programa era positiva. As práticas educacionais utilizadas no programa se diferenciavam moderadamente das implementadas na sala de aula regular.This study evaluated the impact of a program designed to meet the needs of gifted and talented students on the academic performance and creativity of its participants, to investigate teachers , students and parents perception of activities and strategies implemented in the program, as well as to examine the extent to which activities and educational strategies adopted in the program differ from the ones used in the regular classes. Seventy-seven students who attended the program, 11 teachers who worked in the program, 6 teachers from regular clasrooms and 6 parents of students from the program participated in this study. The results indicated that academically gifted students had a better academic performance than talented students, who obtained a higher score in the creativity test. The perception of teachers, students and parents about activities developed in the program was positive. Educational practices implemented in the program were moderately different from that adopted in regular classrooms
As políticas imigratórias brasileiras na perspectiva crítica dos direitos humanos
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as diferentes políticas imigratórias brasileiras, desde a entrada dos primeiros fluxos imigratórios quando da chegada da Corte Portuguesa no Brasil em 1808, até a recém promulgada Lei de Migração de 2017. Esta análise foi realizada sob a perspectiva da Teoria Crítica dos Direitos Humanos, utilizando a metodologia do diamante ético de Joaquin Herrera Flores, por meio dos eixos da historicidade e das instituições. A história da imigração foi, portanto, apresentada conforme os instrumentos normativos editados a cada período, inseridos em seus respectivos contextos políticos e sociais. Tal panorama histórico das instituições foi fundamental para compreender a forma pela qual o Brasil endereçou o tema da imigração ao longo do tempo, para assim identificar a origem e a magnitude dos problemas hoje enfrentados pela nova lei, que trouxe pela primeira vez a perspectiva dos direitos humanos. A partir disso, observei que a história das políticas imigratórias brasileiras é fundamentalmente uma sucessão de violações dos direitos humanos dos imigrantes, legitimada pelo Direito e alicerçada em três aspectos que perpassaram todas as épocas estudadas, quais sejam, a visão economicista e instrumentalizadora da imigração, o racismo e a xenofobia seletiva, e a negação da cidadania aos imigrantes
Hair transplantation, a new technology.
Introduction: Techniques of hair transplantation are evolving with time both in terms of use of better methods of graft harvestment and implantation. The result of the procedure ultimately depends on the tenderness with which grafts are handled.
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and feasibility of using implanter in premade slits for implantation of the graft.
Materials and Methods: This technique was used in 104 patients who were willing to undergo hair transplantation by follicular unit extraction. After administration of local anesthesia, the recipient sites were created. Thereafter, the processes of scoring the skin with a motorized punch, graft extraction, and implantation using implanter into the premade slits were performed simultaneously. These patients were followed up to look for the time period of initiation of hair growth. Improvement was assessed by comparing basic and specific classification (BASP) at the baseline and during subsequent follow-up.
Results: Of 104 patients, 103 (99%) were men and one (1%) was woman. According to pretransplant BASP score, 98 (94.2%) patients were having severe type and 6 (5.8%) were having mild type. As per the posttransplant BASP score, patients having severe and mild type were 24 and 80, respectively. Improvement in the BASP score (from severe to mild type) was seen in 74 (71%) patients and no change was seen in 30 (29%) patients. Hair growth started becoming visible after two to five months and “good” results were obtained in all except two patients after a follow-up period varying from 8 to 18 months.
Conclusion: Placement of the grafts into premade slits using implanter will help in improved results because of minimal graft handling, more graft placement in less time, and thereby reducing body out of time.Introduction: Techniques of hair transplantation are evolving with time both in terms of use of better methods of graft harvestment and implantation. The result of the procedure ultimately depends on the tenderness with which grafts are handled.
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate efficacy and feasibility of using implanter in premade slits for implantation of the graft.
Materials and Methods: This technique was used in 104 patients who were willing to undergo hair transplantation by follicular unit extraction. After administration of local anesthesia, the recipient sites were created. Thereafter, the processes of scoring the skin with a motorized punch, graft extraction, and implantation using implanter into the premade slits were performed simultaneously. These patients were followed up to look for the time period of initiation of hair growth. Improvement was assessed by comparing basic and specific classification (BASP) at the baseline and during subsequent follow-up.
Results: Of 104 patients, 103 (99%) were men and one (1%) was woman. According to pretransplant BASP score, 98 (94.2%) patients were having severe type and 6 (5.8%) were having mild type. As per the posttransplant BASP score, patients having severe and mild type were 24 and 80, respectively. Improvement in the BASP score (from severe to mild type) was seen in 74 (71%) patients and no change was seen in 30 (29%) patients. Hair growth started becoming visible after two to five months and “good” results were obtained in all except two patients after a follow-up period varying from 8 to 18 months.
Conclusion: Placement of the grafts into premade slits using implanter will help in improved results because of minimal graft handling, more graft placement in less time, and thereby reducing body out of time
Argumentative strategies in young children: An study of disputes during play in school contexts
En este trabajo se pone a prueba un sistema de categorías para analizar las estrategias argumentativas que despliegan niños en situaciones de juego en el contexto educativo. Se indaga si el sistema resulta adecuado para describir y evaluar las estrategias argumentativas de niños de 3, 4 y 5 años en el contexto del jardín de infantes. El estudio empírico se desarrolla a partir de la observación de interacciones de niños en situaciones naturales de juego en jardines de infantes de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El estudio ha permitido concluir la validez del sistema para contextos institucionales. Asimismo, el análisis muestra que los niños producen mayormente expresiones de oposición argumentativa sin desplegar argumentos estructurados (razón-conclusión), lo que podría ser característico de una fase protoargumentativa, y que entre los niños de 5 años se observa un uso más recurrente del esquema argumentativo de apelación a la mayoría.In this paper, a model is tested for its adequacy to describe and evaluate argumentative strategies in 3, 4 and 5-year old children in a kindergarten context. The data consist of the observation of children’s interactions in natural play settings in kindergartens in Buenos Aires city. The results show that the proposed model is valid for institutional contexts. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that children mainly produce statements of argumentative opposition without using structured arguments (reason-conclusion), which could be a characteristic of a proto-argumentative phase. It also shows that among 5-year olds the ad populum argumentative scheme is used recurrently.Fil: Migdalek, Maia Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Santibáñez Yánez, Cristian. Universidad Diego Portales; ChileFil: Rosemberg, Celia Renata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; Argentin
Aceleração de ensino na educação infantil : percepção de alunos superdotados, mães e professores
Tese (Doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde, 2012.A aceleração de ensino é uma estratégia educacional que possibilita ao aluno mover-se pelo currículo, em áreas que domina, no seu ritmo, reduzindo seu tempo de permanência na escola e propiciando seu avanço acadêmico. Ou seja, essa prática busca equiparar o nível e a complexidade do currículo ao conhecimento, interesse, motivação e ritmo de aprendizagem do estudante. É recomendada aos superdotados, especialmente, quando estes se deparam com um ambiente escolar pouco estimulador e desafiador, gerando tédio, irritação e mesmo indisciplina em sala de aula. Apesar das pesquisas apontarem efeitos benéficos da aceleração de ensino ao aluno com altas habilidades, observa-se uma resistência por parte de pais e educadores à sua implantação. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar alunos superdotados, do ensino fundamental, que foram submetidos a procedimentos de aceleração de ensino quando frequentavam a educação infantil, do ponto de vista acadêmico, cognitivo e socioemocional, bem como examinar a percepção dos alunos, de suas mães e professores acerca dessa prática Participaram da pesquisa 12 estudantes superdotados de escolas públicas que frequentavam as salas de recursos do Atendimento Especializado a Alunos com Altas Habilidades da Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal e que foram acelerados quando frequentaram a educação infantil. Integraram, ainda, o estudo, 12 mães, 10 professores de salas de aula regular e 5 professores de salas de recursos. Foram utilizadas escalas para a investigação das características comportamentais, dos estilos de aprendizagem e do autoconceito dos discentes, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos, mães e professores. Os resultados indicaram que a aceleração de ensino foi uma intervenção educacional bem sucedida para os alunos, não acarretando perdas acadêmicas ou dificuldades socioemocionais. Os estudantes apresentavam bom rendimento acadêmico nas séries cursadas, inclusive, se destacando entre os melhores de sua turma; apreciavam a escola, gostavam de aprender; eram socialmente engajados, e a maioria tinha muitos amigos. Segundo mães e professores, eles mostravam habilidades acima da média, particularmente relacionadas à inteligência e ao domínio do conteúdo escolar, linguagem oral avançada, velocidade de pensamento e bom relacionamento com os pares. Os alunos destacaram seu excelente desempenho acadêmico e habilidades acima da média, descrevendo-se como inteligentes, espertos e estudiosos e demonstrando um autoconceito positivo. As crianças deste estudo foram aceleradas porque se destacavam dos seus colegas da educação infantil quanto ao domínio do conteúdo escolar e precocidade na leitura e escrita, e em função de dificuldade de interação com seus pares, tendo em vista interesses diferentes entre eles. Mães e alunos avaliaram positivamente a experiência de aceleração de ensino. Tanto professores da sala de aula regular quanto da sala de recursos se posicionaram desfavoravelmente em relação à aceleração. Os argumentos estavam associados a possíveis problemas de adaptação dos alunos acelerados nas séries seguintes devido à imaturidade emocional e à crença de que a aceleração gera dificuldades acadêmicas em anos subsequentes ou em outras áreas de conhecimento. Contudo, não identificaram tais problemas ao caracterizaram seus alunos acelerados. Os resultados indicaram ainda que os docentes relacionaram a aceleração de ensino exclusivamente ao avanço de série e que as escolas onde trabalham fornecem pouca orientação sobre como implementá-la. A aceleração de ensino na educação infantil é considerada por pesquisadores da área como uma “pedra angular” para o bom desempenho acadêmico e socioemocional do aluno superdotado e por isso requer planejamento e acompanhamento. A legislação educacional brasileira ampara o superdotado, mas, no entanto, traz barreiras à aceleração no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental, não define formas ou critérios para adoção dessa prática, tampouco prevê outras modalidades de aceleração. É importante que o estudante superdotado seja inserido em um ambiente educacional que estimule seu potencial, respeite seu ritmo de aprendizagem e atenda às suas necessidades cognitivas, acadêmicas, sociais e emocionais. Como apontado nos resultados, a aceleração de ensino é uma alternativa promissora na educação do aluno com altas habilidades. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTAcademic acceleration is an educational strategy that allows the student to move at his or her own pace through the curriculum, in areas which he or she dominates, reducing time spent in school and providing academic progress. In other words, this practice seeks to match the level and complexity of curriculum to the student’s knowledge, interest, motivation and learning rhythm. It is recommended to high ability students, especially when they are faced with a school environment which little stimulates and challenges, generating boredom, irritation and even indiscipline in the classroom. Although studies indicate beneficial effects of acceleration to gifted students, its implementation faces resistance from parents and educators. The objective of this study was to characterize elementary school gifted students, who went through the process of acceleration when attending early childhood education, and to investigate the perception of students, their mothers and teachers about this practice. The participants were 12 gifted students from public schools, attending the High Ability Student’s Program from the Federal District Education Department. These students were all accelerated when they were at Elementary School. The study also had the participation of 12 mothers, 10 teachers from regular classrooms and 5 teachers from resource rooms. Scales were used to investigate the student’s behavioral characteristics, learning styles and self-concept. Semi-structured interviews were also employed. The results indicated that academic acceleration was a successful educational intervention for students, not resulting in academic losses or socio emotional difficulties. The students had good academic performance in the grades attended, standing out among the best students in their classes. They also enjoyed school, loved to learn, were socially engaged, and most had many friends. According to mothers and teachers, students showed above-average skills, particularly related to intelligence and to the domain of the school content, advanced oral language, speed of thought and good relationship with peers. Students highlighted their excellent academic performance and above average skills, describing themselves as intelligent, smart and hard working scholars and demonstrating a positive selfconcept. Children in this study were accelerated because they stood out among peers during early childhood education as to the domain of school programs and early reading and writing. Students also presented difficulty interacting with peers, due to the different interests among them. Mothers and students have evaluated academic acceleration positively. Both teachers from regular classrooms and resource room positioned themselves unfavorably in relation to acceleration. The arguments were associated with possible adjustment problems of accelerated students in the following grades because of emotional immaturity and the belief that acceleration generates academic difficulties in subsequent years or in other areas of knowledge. However, the teachers did not identify such problems in their accelerated students. The results also indicated that teachers used to relate academic acceleration exclusively to the advancement of grades and that schools provided little guidance on its implementation. Learning acceleration in early childhood education is considered by researchers as a “cornerstone” for academic and socio emotional achievement of high ability students and therefore, requires planning and monitoring. The Brazilian educational legislation protects the gifted, but, 9 however, poses barriers to the acceleration in the first year of elementary school, does not define a criteria for the adoption of this practice, nor provides other forms of acceleration. It is important that the gifted student is placed in an educational environment that stimulates his or her potential, respecting the learning pace and meeting cognitive, academic, social and emotional needs. As noted in the results of this study, academic acceleration is a promising alternative for the education of high ability students
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