7,471 research outputs found

    Challenge Patient Dispatching in Mass Casualty Incidents

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    Efficient management of mass casualty incidents is complex, since regular emergency medical services struc-tures have to be switched to a temporary “disaster mode” involving additional operational and tactical struc-tures. Most of the relevant decisions have to be taken on-site in a provisional and chaotic environment. Data gathering about affected persons is one side of the coin; the other side is on-site patient dispatching requiring information exchange with the regular emergency call center and destination hospitals. In this paper we extend a previous conference contribution about the research project e-Triage to the aspect of patient data and on-site patient dispatching. Our considerations reflect the situation in Germany, which deserves from our point of view substantial harmonization

    Female self-gifts buying behaviour: impulse purchase and product involvement

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    This research examines the effect of product involvement on impulse buying behaviour for self-gifts. An experiment based on a factorial design was conducted among 152 females. Product involvement and self-gift giving context were manipulated by using two scenarios. The dependent variable of impulse buying behaviour was measured with a 6-item impulsivity scale. Results indicate that impulse self-gifting is likely to happen when consumers want to reward themselves after a success. Impulse buying tendency is found to be the best predictor for impulse self-gifting. The higher the level of product involvement is the more impulsive the purchase of a self-gift

    Mechanism for nonequilibrium symmetry breaking and pattern formation in magnetic films

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    Magnetic thin films exhibit a strong variation in properties depending on their degree of disorder. Recent coherent x-ray speckle experiments on magnetic films have measured the loss of correlation between configurations at opposite fields and at the same field, upon repeated field cycling. We perform finite temperature numerical simulations on these systems that provide a comprehensive explanation for the experimental results. The simulations demonstrate, in accordance with experiments, that the memory of configurations increases with film disorder. We find that non-trivial microscopic differences exist between the zero field spin configuration obtained by starting from a large positive field and the zero field configuration starting at a large negative field. This seemingly paradoxical beahvior is due to the nature of the vector spin dynamics and is also seen in the experiments. For low disorder, there is an instability which causes the spontaneous growth of line-like domains at a critical field, also in accord with experiments. It is this unstable growth, which is highly sensitive to thermal noise, that is responsible for the small correlation between patterns under repeated cycling. The domain patterns, hysteresis loops, and memory properties of our simulated systems match remarkably well with the real experimental systems.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures Added comparison of results with cond-mat/0412461 and some more discussio

    Local Temperature and Universal Heat Conduction in FPU chains

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    It is shown numerically that for Fermi Pasta Ulam (FPU) chains with alternating masses and heat baths at slightly different temperatures at the ends, the local temperature (LT) on small scales behaves paradoxically in steady state. This expands the long established problem of equilibration of FPU chains. A well-behaved LT appears to be achieved for equal mass chains; the thermal conductivity is shown to diverge with chain length N as N^(1/3), relevant for the much debated question of the universality of one dimensional heat conduction. The reason why earlier simulations have obtained systematically higher exponents is explained.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised published versio

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 23, 1959

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    Student-faculty show was well received by Ursinus • Students urged to take SS test, April 30 • U.C. students can enter public speaking contest • Ursinus to host annual county science fair • MSGA discusses new projects March 16 • Dr. Schmoyer to discuss growth of liturgy • Mrs. P. Streich to talk this Wednesday • May Day boasts long history; featured at Ursinus since 1905 • Campus Chest ends; Campaign is successful • Art seminars to begin on April 8 • S-P Jaycees to sponsor Easter sunrise service • Editorial: That\u27s it • Our escape from the communists • Letters to the editor • Antics • Girls finish b-ball season; Win 81-31 • Track team practices for opener • Baseball team begins practice for \u2759 season • Men\u27s tennis team getting into shape • APO sells paperbacks • Dean\u27s list • Museum presents recent print sequenceshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1381/thumbnail.jp

    Eclipse Timing Modeling of Three Post-Common Envelope Binaries: Hybrid Solutions

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    We report 88 new observations of three post common envelope binaries at primary eclipse spanning between December 2018 to February 2021. We combine recent primary eclipse timing observations with previously published values to search for substellar circumbinary components consistent with timing variations from a linear ephemeris. We used a least-squares minimization fitting algorithm weighted by a Hill orbit stability function, followed by Bayesian inference, to determine best-fit orbital parameters and associated uncertainties. For HS2231+2441, we find that the timing data are consistent with a constant period and that there is no evidence to suggest orbiting components. For HS0705+6700, we find both two and three-component solutions that are stable for at least 10 Myr but have very different parameters. For HW Vir, we find multi-component solutions that fit the timing data but they are unstable on short timescale, and therefore highly improbable. Conversely, both the least-squares and Bayesian solutions provide a poor fit. In both systems, the best-fit stable solutions significantly deviate from the ensemble timing data. For both HS0705+6700 and HW Vir, substellar component solutions that fit all observed eclipse timing data are dynamically unstable, whereas best-fit solutions with stable orbits provide poor O-C fits. We speculate that the observed timing variations for these systems, and very possibly other sdB binaries, may result from a combination of substellar component perturbations and an Applegate-Lanza mechanism.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    My Hawaii You\u27re Calling Me

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    In the ev\u27ning when the stars are peeping thru,Skies of cloudless beauty that are ever blue,Sighing hearts their tales of love are telling,Same old tales I often told too. Bands are playing softly down at waikiki,Hula dancers swaying in their glee,There the moon is shinning and my heart is pining,Yes, I hear you calling me. REFRAINMy Hawaii, I\u27m coming back again,Your palmy shady lanes,Your songs and sweet refrains,Ever calling, Saying to me Come back to me beside the sea,My Hawaii, My Hawaii, you\u27re calling me. Dimpled maiden sang a fond farewell to me,When I left old Honolula by the sea;I still hear her dear sweet voice calling,That voice so full of melody. I shall count the hours till I\u27m back again,Strolling with my Honolula Lou,Ukuleles strumming, Hula maidens humming,Yes, I\u27m coming back to you

    Chosen Trauma, Emotions and Memory in Movements: The Ogoni and Ijaw in the Niger Delta

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    This paper presents a critical analysis of ‘Chosen Trauma’ theory and its applicability to social movement responses to oil resource extractive activities in Nigeria. Volkan’s (1985, 1997, 2005) formulations on ‘collective calamity of groups’ ancestors, defined in terms of shared pains suffered at the hands of an enemy is explored using the case of Ogoni and Ijaw movement activities against the Federal Government and oil companies operating in the Niger Delta. The framing of traumas focuses on the role played by leaders of both groups in their protests against calamitous environmental problems resulting from the activities of oil companies in the region. For the Ogoni, the memory of trauma is adaptive to non-violence while, for the Ijaw it is a fluid construction between non-violence and violence. Volkan’s theory is analytically helpful, but at the same time demands refinement to better explain the nuances in these cases