232 research outputs found

    Understanding the Increased of Child Height for Age Index During the Decline Coverage of Posyandu Using Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Macro-Environmental Factors Approach: a Literature Review

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    In Indonesia, the village health post (Posyandu) is a community driven organisation that provides basic health and family planning services such as maternal and child health (MCH), nutrition, family planning, immunization and diarrhoeal disease control (BKKBN, 2004). During 1997 to 2000, or during the monetary crisis, it was revealed from the IFLS study that there was a 12% drop in the usage of Posyandu for bothboys and girls (Strauss, et al. 2002). Almost all Posyandu services decline rapidly, the coverage of child growth monitoring dropped by 14% between 1997 to 2000, and the possession of growth monitoring cards (KMS) dropped by 24% (Marks, 2003). However, Strauss, et al. (2003 cited in Marks 2003) reveal that during the period when Posyandu coverage and attendance were decreasing rapidly, child height increased which indicated a better health and nutritional status (Marks, 2003). This literature review aims to give a better insight of understandingthe paradox using three factors approach, which are: intrinsic, extrinsic and macro-environmental factors. The limitation of internal factors within Posyandu believed to be the key of declining coverage. Among intrinsic factors are: the quality of kader, and the displacement of the family planning program (Rusydi, 2005). The role of private health care providers or NGOs, and shifts in consumer preferences are thoughtto be responsible for the improved child health indicated by increased height for age index. Broader macro-environmental factors also have had a significant impact, the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia in 1998 resulted in a reduction of both mens and womens participation in a variety of community development activities such as neighborhood improvement projects and the Posyandu (Frankenberg, Thomas and Beegle,1999). Even with a broad spectrum of variability among Indonesian, nonetheless, this approach could be regarded as a template for site to site evaluation.Key words: child, height for age, coverage, posyandu, intrinsic, extrinsic, macro-environmental factor

    Do Social Sciences Have Little to Contribute to Public Health Investigation and Intervention? a Critical Analysis

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    It is undeniable that the epidemic and the global burden of disease are shifting from infectious to degenerative diseases. The conventional way of understanding health and illness in society can no longer merely rely on depth clinical investigation, but should be collaborated with sociology, anthropology and other social sciences. To achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the risk of the disease, and health related behavior in the community, it is necessary for biomedical scientist to embrace the use of social science or at least bring social researchers into play. In the course of such integration, public health interventions would be far more effective with high degree of coverage or compliance. Through several examples and highlight evidences, this critical analysis reveals invaluable contribution of social science to the success of public health investigations and interventions.Key words: social sciences, contribution, public health, investigations, interv

    Systematic Review-based Recommendation for an Optimal Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding in Indonesian Population (a Critical Appraisal)

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    The length of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) recommendation has been debated for the last decade between four and six months. Experts opinion divided around what so called weanling dilemma and safety or concern on milk substitutes sanitation, furthermore, it also related to the target community, whether they are develop or developing nations. For each nation, developing recommendation or national program on EBF should be based on the strongest evidence found preferably from systematic review of randomized control trials. A review involving adequate and proportional evidence from either developed or developing countries reveals the beneficial value of six compare to four months EBF. Considering its strength and limitations, the review has a good objectivity. The applicability of the review in developing six months EBF recommendation for Indonesian population is regarded to be suitable because the results of the review are seen to be cost effective and appropriate with less harm, and even protective against diarrhea. This is a critical appraisal of a systematic review written by Kramer and Kakuma (2002).Key words: exclusive breastfeeding, systematic review, critical appraisa

    Bagaimana Gizi Sejak Massa Konsepsi Dapat Mempengaruhi Kesehatan Biologis Anak?

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    Background: good nutrition for mothers since pre-conception and conception is an important preparation for the health of the fetus and the child in the future. Objective: The purpose in writing this literature review is to explain argumentatively how nutrition from the time of conception can affect the child's biological health. Discussion: The results of the literature review show evidence that nutrition from the time of conception can affect the child's biological health. Several articles show a mechanism that explains the possible mechanisms of nutritional influence as conception on the child's biological health as in the future as Barker Hyphothesis or fetal programming. However, the data obtained to date is still not fully convincing. It is necessary to develop a long or longitudinal and experimental research that can guarantee the truth of the theory. Conclusion: the argument that nutrition from the time of conception is believed to affect the biological health of children in the future is increasingly stronger in the current literature although evidence of experimental research results still need to be accumulated to ensure the truth. ABSTRAK   Latar Belakang: gizi yang baik bagi ibu sejak masa pra konsepsi dan konsepsi merupakan persiapan yang penting untuk kesehatan janin dan anak dimasa dating. Tujuan: tujuan dalam penulisan literature review ini adalah untuk menjelaskan secara argumentative bagaimana gizi sejak masa konsepsi dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan biologis anak. Pembahasan: hasil literature review menunjukkan bukti bahwa gizi sejak masa konsepsi dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan biologis anak. Beberapa artikel menunjukkan mekanisme yang menjelaskan kemungkinan mekanisme pengaruh gizi saat konsepsi terhadap kesehatan biologis anak dimasa datang seperti halnya Barker Hyphothesis atau fetal programming. Namun begitu, data yang diperoleh hingga saat ini masih belum meyakinkan sepenuhnya. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan penelitian yang panjang atau longitudinal dan eksperimental yang dapat menggaransi kebenaran teori tersebut. Kesimpulan: argumentasi bahwa gizi sejak masa konsepsi diyakini berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan biologis anak dimasa depan semakin menguat dalam literature terkini walaupun bukti hasil penelitian eksperimental masih perlu banyak diakumulasikan untuk memastikan kebenarannya

    Mendapatkan Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif (Sebagai Ketua)

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    Penelitian dengan judul "EFFECVTIVENESS & CHALLANGES OF MEALS ON WHEELS-LIKE PROGRAM: COMPARATIVE STUDY IN SURABAYA, INDONESIA AND TAINAN, TAIWAN" Pendanaan International Research Collaboration Top #300, Tahun 202

    Mendapatkan Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif (Sebagai Ketua)

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    Penelitian dengan judul "PAPARAN MERKURI DARI IKAN DAN PRODUK OLAHANNYA PADA ANAK SEKOLAH DI AREA PANTAI KENJERAN, SURABAYA" Lanjutan Pendanaan Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat - Penelitian Dasar (PD), Tahun 202

    Menjadi reviewer Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi

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    Menjadi reviewer Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi: Frontiers in Public Healt


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    anker serviks merupakan salah satu jenis kanker rahim yang disebabkan karena pertumbuhan abnormal jaringan epitel serviks akibat infeksi human papillomavirus (HPV) risiko tinggi onkogenik yang persisten. Anemia sering menjadi penyakit komplikasi pada pasien kanker yang biasanya terjadi karena kekurangan zat besi dan perdarahan tumor. Pada penelitian ini, diet Tinggi Kalori dan Tinggi Protein diberikan sebagai Proses Asuhan Gizi Tertandar (PAGT). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui implementasi PAGT dan pemberian Diet TKTP pada pasien kanker serviks III B, low intake, dan anemia. Studi kasus dilakukan bulan November 2022 pada pasien rawat inap di RS Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan pemilihan pasien berdasarkan kriteria kasus besar yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya oleh ahli gizi rumah sakit dan pembimbing magang. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan meninjau rekam medis pasien berdasarkan persetujuan perawat jaga yang juga didampingi ahli gizi rumah sakit. Peneliti menggunakan metode observasi selama 3 hari pada aspek asupan, aspek fisik/klinis, dan aspek biokimia. Peneliti juga melakukan studi literatur untuk melengkapi data yang diperlukan. Hasil penelitian ini berdasarkan monitoring dan evaluasi terjadi perubahan jenis makanan sejalan dengan nafsu makan pasien yang menurun, fisik/klinis belum membaik, dan asupan makan pasien yang kurang dari target (<50%). Pemulihan kondisi pasien terbilang tidak berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan pasien masih menunjukkan tanda fisik/klinis lemas dan nyeri, walaupun asupan makan pasien meningkat, tetapi masih jauh dari target

    Membimbing Skripsi/TA

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    Membimbing skripsi atas nama Mutiara Arsya Vidianinggar Wijanarko, dkk sebanyak 24 mahasisw

    Menjadi reviewer Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi

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    Menjadi reviewer Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi: Public Health Nutritio
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