41 research outputs found

    Leadership and Management School in Controlling Discipline

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    Today, a variety of disciplinary problems hit school students. This problem should be addressed immediately to ensure the effectiveness of education, personal development and construction of student values. Disciplinary problems require serious attention and demanding teachers play a role in addressing this issue. Undeniably teachers play a role in helping to reduce discipline problems among students. Teachers can do this job either directly with troubled students through discussion or organize appropriate programs to address the problems of student discipline. In this context, the main purpose of the teacher is to change and adapt behavior to the behavior of students better. Keywords: Discipline, Controlling model, Parent

    Kesedaran Akhlak Pelajar Melalui Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam

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    Akhlak merupakan perwatakan secara lahiriah seseorang individu samada sesama manusia atau dengan keadaan sekeliling. Dewasa ini keruntuhan akhlak para remaja semakin membimbangkan pihak bertanggungjawab. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat tahap kesedaran pelajar selepas mempelajari pendidikan islam berdasarkan jantina pelajar, tempat tinggal pelajar. Disamping itu kajian ini.juga melihat peranan guru dalam dalam memupuk kesedaran akhlak pelajar. Bilangan responden adalah seramai 201 orang terdiri daripada pelajar diploma yang mana pada ketika ini merupakan pelajar diploma pada tahun satu semester satu di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). Data-data dikumpul dengan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dan dianalisis mengunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 16.0 bagi mendapat analisis deskritif dan infrensi. Dapatan kajian menunjukan tahap kesedaran akhlak pelajar secara keseluruhanya berada pada aras tinggi dengan skor min 4.17. Kesedaran akhlak pelajar berdasarkan tempat tinggal pulak menunjukan terdapat perbezaan dengan pelajar lelaki lebih tinggi tahap kesedaran berbanding pelajar perempuan. Dari soal tempat tinggal pelajar pulak, hasil dapatan menunjukan pelajar luar Bandar lebih baik kesedaran mereka berbanding pelajar Bandar. Daripada kajian ini juga menunjukan wujud hubungan yang signifikan antara peranan guru semasa pengajaran Pendidikan Islam dengan kesedaran akhlak pelajar. Hasil dapatan kajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahawa tahap kesedaran akhlak pelajar masih berada pada tahap yang baik disamping peranan guru. Hal ini juga menunjukan mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam mampu membentuk pelajar yang berakhlak dan beradap dalam masyarakat

    Two-step synthesis of ca-based MgO hybrid adsorbent for pontential CO2 capturing application

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of the method in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. CO2 capturing using calcium oxide (CaO) solid sorbents has been considered as an advanced concept for CO2 capture and recovery. However, the adsorption capacity of CaO decreases during repeated adsorption/desorption cycles. The stability of Ca-based sorbents during cyclic runs can be achieved via the incorporation of inert support materials. Among the available inert materials, MgO is most promising for CO2 due to high stability and a high Tammann temperature. Most of Ca- based MgO hybrid adsorbent synthesis methods sorbent come with its own limitations which are longer synthesis duration and complex or multistep methods. In this research, Ca-based MgO hybrid adsorbent was prepared via two-step method. Calcium acetate and magnesium nitrate as precursor had dissolved in water, follow by addition of ethanol. The mixture then became gelated and proceeded for calcination at 550oC and 650°C. The prepared sorbent was characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and fourier transfer infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The XRD analysis of the Ca-based MgO hybrid adsorbent showed the existence of MgO,CaO and CaCO3. FTIR analysis showed existant of CaO bond and MgO bond. The morphology of the hybrid adsorbent was found to be spherical to granular shape and agglomerated. The Ca- based MgO hybrid adsorbent structural and morphological shows great potential for CO2 capturing capacity over multiple carbonation cycles for CO2 capturing application

    Minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi keusahawanan dalam kalangan peserta Akademi Pembangunan Belia Malaysia

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan tahap minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi keusahawanan dalam kalangan peserta Akademi Pembangunan Belia Malaysia (APBM). Sampel kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif yang melibatkan 245 responden yang telah mengikuti kursus jangka pendek Program Pembangunan Keusahawanan di bawah kelolaan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, Malaysia. lnstrumen kajian adalah berpandukan kepada penggunaan alat pengukuran psikologi yang diperkenalkan oleh Sidek Mohd Noah (1996), dikenali dengan lnventori Minat Kerjaya Sidek (IMKS) mengenai pengukuran tahap minat seseorang usahawan. Penggunaan alat pengukuran psikologi ini juga digunakan untuk melihat tahap skor tret personaliti usahawan, dengan menggunakan instrumen lnventori Personaliti Sidek (IPS) dan juga melihat tahap kompetensi diri sebagai asas untuk melihat tahap belia yang mengikuti kursus pembangunan usahawan dalam kalangan peserta APBM yang berminat dalam bidang keusahawanan. Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk menentukan tahap skor melalui minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi diri dalam kalangan peserta Akademi Pembangunan Belia Malaysia (APBM) dalam melahirkan belia dalam bidang perniagaan dan keusahawanan. Dapatan kajian yang menunjukkan responden berada pada skor yang sederhana dalam kategori yang berkaitan dengan minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi dalam bidang keusahawanan. Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa ketegori minat belia ialah pada skor minat kepada kategori sosial, kedua konvensional dan ketiga baru kepada kategori enterprising, sedangkan dalam perniagaan perkara yang utama adalah minat dan skor yang dikehendaki dalam ujian. lni ialah pertama skor enterprising, kedua konvensional dan ketiga sosial, ini bererti peserta kursus masih memerlukan skor kekuatan minat yang tinggi. lni menunjukkan bahawa tiada kesinambungan dalam perniagaan ini, adalah berkaitan dengan kurang minat serta skor tret personaliti dan kompetensi yang sederhana. Oleh itu, penemuan kajian ini boleh dijadikan landasan untuk memajukan institut latihan yang berkaitan agar institut tersebut berperanan dengan lebih efektif dan berjaya dalam memberi dorongan minat, personaliti dan kompetensi dengan menggunakan pendekatan alat pengukuran psikologi. dorongan dan motivasi yang tinggi, untuk meneruskan dalam bidang keusahawanan sebagai usahawan yang berjaya. Penggunaan alat pengukuran psikologi didapati dalam min skor tret personaliti menunjukkan bahawa responden mempunyai tahap skor yang sederhana terhadap tret personaliti. Untuk menjadi seorang usahawan yang berjaya ia perlu mempunyai tahap personaliti yang tinggi dan kompetensi yang tinggi. Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan kajian didapati skor yang rendah. Ini bermakna bahawa usahawan belia dilihat masih mempunyai kekurangan yang perlu diberi perhatian bagi memastikan kemampuan untuk menjadi usahawan yang berjaya dalam bidang perniagaan dan keusahawanan. Maka inilah peranan yang dimainkan dalam kajian ini iaitu ujian minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi diri untuk membina serta melahirkan dalam kerjaya keusahawanan. Analisis ANOVA menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan min skor antara minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi. Kajian ini juga melihat dan menunjukkan perbezaan antara lelaki dan perempuan. la juga menunjukkan secara keseluruhan bahawa responden mempunyai keupayaan untuk maju dalam bidang keusahawanan jika mereka menunjukkan minat, tret personaliti dan kompetensi yang tinggi dan motivasi yang kuat dalam diri responden jika mereka hendak berjaya dan memilih usahawan sebagai kerjaya

    Preparation of nanosilica powder using rice husk via precipitation method

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    Silica in nanoscale has various superior properties which leads to a wide range of applications. Most researches used and metal alkoxides as the sources but very few researches attempted at preparing nanosilica powder from the agricultural waste which environmental friendly and inexpensive. This research is presented as the studies of optimization of parameters involved during preparation, aimed to improve the purity of silica produced. In this work, rice husk ash (RHA) precursor was subjected to precipitation method in order to produce nanosilica powder. Acid leaching and thermal treatment were done as a pre-synthesis process. The process parameters that have been studied were the reuxed NaOH concentration, heating time, and temperature, in which the properties were then evaluated during characterization process. The results from X-Ray Flourescence (XRF) conrmed that it is possible to extract 100% purity of silica from RHA treated by the combination of thermal treatment, acid leaching, reuxed with 2.5 M of NaOH and heated at 50°C for 48 hours. X-Ray Diraction (XRD) illustrated that the produced silica is in amorphous state. Meanwhile, the mean particle size of the spherical shape of silica obtained ranging from 44.7 nm to 1.23 μm. Therefore, the best mean particle size obtained was by using the sample reuxed with 2.5 M NaOH and heated at 50°C for 48 hours, which were conrmed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM). These ndings on the optimum parameters indicate the successful production of highest purity of nanosilica powder with nanoscaled particle size

    Preparation of CaO-SiO2 adsorbent for potential CO2 capture via dry mixing method

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    Calcium-looping technology is defined as one of the most desirable methods of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). However, because of sintering, rapid deactivation of CaO�sorbents is currently a major barrier to this technology. The stability of calcium based sorbent may be enhance by incorporating them with inert support materials such as MgO, Al2O2, ZrO2 and SiO2. For this study, calcium based sorbent has been incorporate with silica obtained from rice husk ash. CaO-SiO2 sorbents are prepared using physical dry mixing method which is much simpler compared to other available methods. The prepared CaO-SiO2 sorbents were then characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). New crystalline phase, larnite (Ca2SiO4) was detected in XRD patterns and this phase possess good chemical durability and may help to prevent sintering effect of calcium based sorbents and enhance their cyclic capability. CaO-SiO2 sorbent calcined at 700 ºC with different grinding times have highest intensity of XRD peak at (104) with element of calcite. Sorbents with different weight composition of CaCO3-RHA were observed to have different surface morphology. SEM images of the sorbent (90wt% CaCO3-RHA) before calcination showed bigger particle size with irregular shape and more porosity. Then, SEM analysis was conducted for samples with different grinding times after calcination. CaO-SiO2 sorbents with 20minutes grinding time exhibited small size of particles with some porosity. Besides that, the particles are well distributed without agglomeration occured. The CaO-SiO2 sorbent calcined at 700 ºC sorbents were tested for 20 consecutive carbonation and calcination cycles using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). CaO-SiO2 sorbent treated with 700 ºC calcination temperature and 20 minutes of grinding shows better cyclic CO2 sorption capacity

    The preparation of CaO-Based pellet using rice husk ash via f=granulation method for potential CO2 capture

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    CO2 capturing has become very significant option to reduce the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere and hence, minimizing environmental issues.Among solid CO2 sorbent, calcium oxide (CaO) is an attractive regenerable sorbent for CO2 capturing because of their reactivity and high CO2 absorption capacity. CaO alone suffers from rapid decay of CO2 adsorption during multiple carbonation/calcination reaction cycles. The stability of CaO sorbents during cyclic runs can be achieved via the incorporation of additive support materials. The silica (SiO2) from natural sources such as rice husk is the best candidate to be used as an additive in the sorbents. However, the CaO-based sorbent in finely generated powders are prone to severe attrition problems. Therefore, this research focuses on preparation of CaO-based pellets by using rice husk ash (RHA) via granulation method. The result of the raw materials confirmed that Ca(OH)2 have crystalline structure with finely distributed grains and RHA exhibit amorphous structure with randomly oriented size grains. Based on the XRD, it is confirmed that the insertion of RHA does not alter the phase structure of the pellets. Each ratio yield different intensity value and has formation of new peaks after sintering. Meanwhile, the microstructures of the pellets show that the pores reduced as the calcination temperature increased while the incorporation of RHA caused the pores size increased with randomly oriented shape. These findings indicate that the optimum value for the pellets is with the Ca(OH)2:RHA ratio of 80:20 and calcination temperature of 750 °C .******************************************************************************** Penangkapan CO2 telah menjadi pilihan yang sangat penting untuk mengurangkan pelepasan CO2 di atmosfer serta kesan alam sekitar. Antara penjerap CO2 pepejal, kalsium oksida (CaO) adalah penyerapan yang menarik untuk CO2 yang ditangkap kerana kereaktifan dan kapasiti penyerapan CO2 yang tinggi. CaO sahaja menderita daripada pelepasan cepat penjerapan CO2 semasa kitaran tindakbalas karbonasi / kalsinasi. Kestabilan CaO penjerap semasa berlaku kitaran boleh dicapai melalui penggabungan bahan sokongan tambahan. Silika (SiO2) dari sumber semula jadi seperti sekam padi (RHA) adalah calon terbaik untuk digunakan sebagai aditif dalam penjerap. Walau bagaimanapun, penjerap berasaskan CaO dalam bentuk serbuk halus yang dihasilkan adalah terdedah kepada masalah pergeseran yang teruk. Oleh itu, kajian ini memberi tumpuan kepada penyediaan pelet berasaskan CaO dengan menggunakan abu sekam beras melalui kaedah granulasi. Hasil bahan mentah mengesahkan bahawa Ca(OH)2 mempunyai struktur kristalografi dengan bijirin halus dan RHA yang mempamerkan struktur bukan kristal dengan butiran saiz berorientasikan secara rawak. Berdasarkan XRD, ia disahkan bahawa penyisipan RHA tidak mengubah struktur kristalografi pelet. Setiap nisbah menghasilkan nilai intensiti yang berbeza dan mempunyai pembentukan puncak baru selepas pensinteran. Sementara itu, mikrostruktur pelet menunjukkan bahawa pori-pori berkurangan apabila suhu kalsinasi meningkat sementara pembentukan RHA menyebabkan saiz pori meningkat dengan bentuk berorientasikan rawak. Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahawa nilai optimum bagi pelet adalah dengan nisbah Ca(OH)2:RHA 80:20 dan suhu kalsinasi 750 °C

    Preparatiion of CaO-based pellet using rice husk ash via granulation method for potential CO2 capture

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    CO2 capturing has become very significant option to reduce the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere and hence, minimizing environmental issues. Among solid CO2 sorbent, calcium oxide (CaO) is an attractive regenerable sorbent for CO2 capturing because of their reactivity and high CO2 absorption capacity. CaO alone suffers from rapid decay of CO2 adsorption during multiple carbonation/calcination reaction cycles. The stability of CaO sorbents during cyclic runs can be achieved via the incorporation of additive support materials. The silica (SiO2) from natural sources such as rice husk is the best candidate to be used as an additive in the sorbents. However, the CaO-based sorbent in finely generated powders are prone to severe attrition problems. Therefore, this research focuses on preparation of CaO-based pellets by using rice husk ash (RHA) via granulation method. The result of the raw materials confirmed that Ca(OH)2 have crystalline structure with finely distributed grains and RHA exhibit amorphous structure with randomly oriented size grains. Based on the XRD, it is confirmed that the insertion of RHA does not alter the phase structure of the pellets. Each ratio yield different intensity value and has formation of new peaks after sintering. Meanwhile, the microstructures of the pellets show that the pores reduced as the calcination temperature increased while the incorporation of RHA caused the pores size increased with randomly oriented shape. These findings indicate that the optimum value for the pellets is with the Ca(OH)2:RHA ratio of 80:20 and calcination temperature of 750 °C

    High purity nano-silica from rice husk ash (RHA) via chemical methodas additive/stabilizing agent for CO2 capture application

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    This paper aims to synthesize high purity nano-sized silica from rice husk ash (RHA) by chemical method and investigate its physical and chemical properties. Through a controlled burning of rice husk, the white-colored RHA is obtained. Next, the RHA is subjected to the pre-treatment of acid leaching and thermal treatment. The synthesizing process has been done through the precipitationmethod. The EDX and FTIR analysis confirmed that the prepared powder consists of high purity silica particles through the detection of characteristic peaks of O and Si elements and the presence of primary bonds in silica, which are silanol groups and siloxane bonds. Meanwhile, the FESEM micrograph shows that silica particles in nano-scale had been obtained with an average diameter of 74.0 nm – 84.0 nm. The XRF and XRD analysis confirmed that the prepared powder yields 99.68% nano-silica in an amorphous structure


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    A 66-year-old Malay woman, known hypertensive, presented with post menopausal bleeding associated with clot for three months. She was postmenopausal for last ten years. She also complaints of developing a mass in the abdomen which was growing in size also for last three months. Abdominal examination revealed a twenty week size mass, movable from side to side but unable to get below the mass. Vaginal examination revealed a fleshy fungating mass arising from the uterus coming out through the vagina. Cervix could not be visualized properly. Subsequent histopathology of the removed mass was reported as a Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumour - Heterologous