237 research outputs found

    Los sueños rotos de los refugiados sudaneses en El Cairo

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    Al menos 28 sudaneses murieron en diciembre de 2005 cuando la policía antidisturbios egipcia dispersó violentamente una sentada cerca de las oficinas del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) en El Cairo. Un año después, los responsables de esa violación de los derechos humanos aún no han sido llamados para responder de sus acciones y algunos refugiados continúan desaparecidos

    The Relationship between Nurses' Professional Shared Governance and Their Work Empowerment at Mansoura University and Specialized Medical Hospitals

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    The concept of shared governance in nursing first emerged in the 1980s and was based on principles from organizational development models. Shared governance is defined as an organizational model that allows nurses to have control over their practice as well as influence in administrative areas. Today shared governance is a key empowerment mechanism in nursing organizations. Staff empowerment is fundamental to shared governance, including both the state of empowerment itself and the structures that facilitate it. Hence, the present study aims to examine the relationship between nurses perceptions of professional shared governance and their working empowerment at Mansoura University Hospital and Specialized Medical Hospital. Descriptive correlational design was utilized in the present study. The study subjects includes 133 nurses working in all inpatient surgical departments at Mansoura University Hospital and all general medical inpatient departments at Specialized Medical Hospital. Two tools were used for data collection, namely; Index of Professional Nursing Governance (IPNG) and Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire. The study findings indicated that there were significant relationship between nurses perceptions of professional shared governance and their working empowerment. It is recommended to there is a need for nurse managers’ to implement empowering strategies such as shared governance that afford staff nurses the opportunity to have control over nursing practice and promote quality nursing care. In addition to support governance strategies by providing education and development of both managers and staff.

    Interplay between matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 in acute asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling

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    AbstractBackgroundAirway inflammation and remodeling of extracellular matrix are important features of asthma. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are group of enzymes expressed in the airways with their inhibitor (tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP) and they are the key responsible for extra cellular matrix (ECM) degradation.ObjectiveTo clarify the role of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling.Subjects and methodsThe study included 3 groups, group “A” included 22 patients with stable asthma group “B” included 18 patients during asthma exacerbation and group “C” of 18 healthy volunteer served as control. All groups were matching age and sex. Levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 were measured in the induced sputum of the 3 groups. Serum IgE skin prick test and PEFR were assessed.ResultsMMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio increased in both A and B groups in comparison to control (P<0.001). During exacerbation MMP-9 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio showed significant increase for both but TIMP-1 did not show significant change when compared to stable asthmatics. There was significant negative correlation between PEFR and MMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio.ConclusionMMP-9 and TIMP-1 play an important role in pathophysiology of asthma exacerbation and airway remodeling. Clearly, a greater understanding of the pathogenesis of asthma is critical to the development of better therapeutic modalities

    The Level Of Psychological Hardness Of A Sample Of Swimmers In Damascus Governorate

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    The aim of the research is to identify the level of psychological hardness of a sample of swimmers in Damascus Governorate. Differences in the level of psychological hardness between the members of the research sample are defined according to the sex variables (males / females) and age (12/13/14/15) years. The sample consisted of (77) individuals divided into (54) males and (23) females. They were selected in a random stratified manner, where they applied a measure of psychological rigidity (prepared by the researcher) after verifying of validity and reliability. The results indicated that: • There is an average level of psychological hardness in general among swimmers and members of the research sample in Damascus Governorate. • There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research sample on the psychological hardness scale according to gender variable in favor of males • There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the individuals on the psychological rigidity scale according to the age variable for the benefit of the larger age. مستوى الصلابة النفسية لدى عينة من السباحين في محافظة دمشق هدف البحث التعرّف على مستوى الصلابة النفسية لدى عينة من السباحين في محافظة دمشق، والتعرف إلى الفروق في مستوى الصلابة النفسية بين أفراد عينة البحث وفقاً لمتغيري الجنس (ذكور/ إناث) والعمر (12/13/14/15) عاماً. وتكونت عينة البحث من (77) فرداً موزعين إلى (54) من الذكور، و(23) من الإناث. تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية الطبقية، حيث طُبقَ عليهم مقياس الصلابة النفسية (من إعداد الباحثة) بعد التحقق من صدقه وثباته. وأشارت النتائج إلى ما يلي: • وجود مستوى متوسط من الصلابة النفسية بشكل عام لدى السباحين أفراد عينة البحث في محافظة دمشق. • وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسط درجات أفراد عينة البحث على مقياس الصلابة النفسية تبعاً لمتغير الجنس لصالح الذكور. • وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسط درجات أفراد عينة البحث على مقياس الصلابة النفسية تبعاً لمتغير العمر لصالح العمر الأكبر

    The Level of Psychological hardness of A Sample of Swimming Players in Damascus Governorate

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    The aim of the research is to identify the level of psychological hardness of a sample of swimmers in Damascus Governorate. Differences in the level of psychological hardness between the members of the research sample are defined according to the sex variables (males / females) and age (12/13/14/15) years. The sample consisted of (77) individuals divided into (54) males and (23) females. They were selected in a random stratified manner, where they applied a measure of psychological rigidity (prepared by the researcher) after verifying of validity and reliability. The results indicated that: 1. There is an average level of psychological hardness in general among swimmers and members of the research sample in Damascus Governorate. 2. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research sample on the psychological hardness scale according to gender variable in favor of males 3. There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the individuals on the psychological rigidity scale according to the age variable for the benefit of the larger age

    Characteristics of Magnet Nursing Work Environment that Promotes Patient Safety Culture at Mansoura University Oncology Center

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    The Magnet hospital concept and related criteria have drawn the consideration of researchers and nurses for more than twenty years. Nurses assume an essential part in forming health policy in any nation by observing the problems in the healthcare organizations and evaluating its effects. They understand where enhancements are required to shape care, rise access, enhance proficiency and quality of health services, and encourage prevention. Perfection in nursing care has been connected with constructive results for both nurses and patients. To accomplish magnet status, hospitals should provide confirmation of having band of attributes as exemplary professional practice; knowledge; structural empowerment, improvements, and innovation; and transformational leadership. These attributes act together to shape a positive workplace that ought to prompt better results. Magnet designation gives a helpful mechanism for assessing and changing nursing workplace to be more proficient. Many of the recent efforts concentrated on enhancing patient safety and quality. Less efforts has been focused on enhancing nursing care to improve patient safety. Hence, the present determine the relationship between magnetism dimensions and patient safety culture in inpatient units at Oncology Center Mansoura University (OCMU). A descriptive correlation design was used. Sample of the study consisted of all nurses (n=95 nurses) working in inpatient units in the Oncology Center Mansoura University. Two tools were used for data collection, namely; Magnetism Dimensions Scale and Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire. A major finding of the present study there was a statistically significant correlation between magnetism dimensions and patient safety culture in inpatient units. It was concluded that the nurse administrators play an important role in establishing conditions for magnet work environment  that support patient safety culture. It was recommended that additional researches are needed to correlate patient outcomes to magnet issues. Key words: nursing work environment, Magnet, Magnet Recognition Program, Forces of Magnetism professional practice environments, quality, patient safet

    Head Nurses ' Job Demands and Resources and its Relationship with Their Work Engagement at Mansoura University Hospitals

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    Hospitals are challenged to achieve consistently superior patient outcomes while facing mounting financial constraints. Work engagement contributes to a variety of benefits for employees and the organizations for which they work. Engaged heath care professional are energized, dedicated, and motivated to persevere and complete their work. The Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model is a conceptual framework used to explain employee engagement in the workplace. The importance of work engagement has been widely recognized at an individual and an organizational level. It is important to gain a deeper understanding into the aspects of the role that enable head nurses to feel engaged.  The aim of the present study is to determine relationships between head nurses job demands and resources with their work engagement. A descriptive correlation design was used in carrying out this study. All head nurses (n=179) who working in all general units at four Mansoura University Hospitals namely; Main University Hospital, Emergency Hospital, Pediatric Hospital, and Specialized Medical Hospital were included in the study. Three tools were used for data collection, namely; Job Demands Scale, Job Resources Scale, and Work Engagement Scale. A major finding of the present study there was statistically significant correlation between head nurses' job demands-resources components and their work engagement. It was concluded that job resources play a significant role in the work engagement of head nurses and four components of job resources namely; performance feedback, growth opportunities, organizational support and job control were predictors of work engagement. It is recommended that to promote head nurses' work engagement, it is necessary to acknowledge job demands and resources because it is play an important role in their work engagement

    Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block: Review article

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    Background: The transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is a localized analgesic method for the abdomen wall on the anterolateral side. Ultrasound (US) guided TAP blocks are currently regarded as the gold standard. It is simple to obtain US images; it could be utilized in several surgical procedures including the abdominal wall on the anterolateral side. Though, US-guided TAP blocks’ effectiveness varies, that may be owing to the variety of techniques used. The approach chosen has an effect on the area included and the duration of the block. To examine the true analgesic consequences of TAP blocks, we standardized the nomenclature system and defined all methods. While a single-shot TAP block has a restricted period, it remains an applicant for the analgesia threshold for abdominal wall operation due to the possibility of overcoming this restriction using the catheter method and liposomal bupivacaine. TAP blocks could be used more effectively to attain improvement of pain control with an integrated nomenclature and the advance of catheter method and/or local liposomal analgesics. Objective: This review discusses the nomenclature system and current improvements in TAP block approaches. Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases [PubMed – Google scholar- Egyptian bank of knowledge -Science direct] and Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as [Transversus abdominis plane block AND Internal Oblique Muscle OR Ultrasound guided] and in peer-reviewed articles between January 2000 and August 2021.Conclusion: With the improvement in US method, the successful rate and protection of TAP blocks have clearly enhanced

    A compact very wideband amplifying filter based on RTD loaded composite right/left-handed transmission lines

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    The composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) is presented as a general TL possessing both left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH) natures. RH materials have both positive permittivity and positive permeability, and LH materials have both negative permittivity and negative permeability. This paper aims to design and analyze nonlinear CRLH-TL transmission line loaded with resonant tunneling diode (RTD). The main application of this design is a very wideband and compact filter that amplifies the travelling signal. We used OrCAD and ADS software to analyze the proposed circuit. CRLH-TL consists of a microstrip line which is loaded with complementary split-rings resonators (CSRRs), series gaps, and shunt inductor connected parallel to the RTD. The designed structure possess a wide band that ranges from 5 to 10.5 GHz and amplifies signal up to 50 %. The proposed design is of

    High Performance Work Systems that Promote Nurses' Job Performance at Main Mansoura University Hospital

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    Today, health care organizations live in a dynamic, ambiguous, and changeable environment. Due to these dynamics new challenges faces organizations to improve their performance through applying High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and removing the obstacles in the direction of organizational effectiveness. However, on high-performance work systems define work environment as being comprised of a bundle of practices to engaged employees and positive individual, unit, and organizational outcomes. This bundle includes but extends beyond sufficient material resources and support for the work itself. It also encompasses managerial practices, such as an emphasis on worker discretion and participation in decision making; facilitation of communication and information sharing; and human resource management practices focused on developing workers’ skills and recruiting and retaining qualified workers. Hence, the present explore the relationship between nurses' perception of high-performance work systems and  their job performance in surgical units at Main Mansura University Hospital. The study subjects include 57nurses working in all inpatient surgical departments at Mansoura University Hospital. Three tools were used for data collection, namely; Observation Checklist of Nurses, Performance, High Performance Work Systems Scale, and Opinion Questionnaire Sheet. The study findings indicated there were significant relationship between high performance work systems and nurses’ job performance. Furthermore, the hypothesis that there is some variable that effect on nurses performance which perceived by study subjects as physical working condition, workload, job security, nurses' job autonomy and role clarity. It is recommended to the developed high performance work system imposed by organizations should be included employment security; selective hiring; extensive training; self-managed teams and decentralized decision making; information sharing; transformational leadership; high-quality work and reduced status distinctions to improve nurses’ job performance and organizational outcomes. Keywords: High Performance Work Systems (HPWS), High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs), Human Resource Management (HRM), High Performance Work Environment, Nurses’ job performance, Task performance and Contextual performanc