1,176 research outputs found

    The sustainable management of byproducts of the steel industry: Egypt case study

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    In society today, the world is faced with multiple challenges within the realm of sustainability in the economic, social, and environmental sectors. Egypt has also been faced with challenges that have been growing over the decades that require a vision that will put forward mitigation efforts and recommendations. Egypt’s steel industry has been rapidly and vastly expanding over the past decade due to an overall increase in demand in steel, this is also linked to the fact that with population growth the supply demanded increases which in turn requires that the demand meet. The growing steel market has sparked the emergence and opening of a number of newly introduced companies who have joined this viable production sector. As steel production in Egypt is increasing, the country must also adapt and develop ways to sustainably treat the by- products of steel production, which are harmful to the environment, society, and the economy. The types of waste generated from steel production include byproducts that are usually left unrecycled or that are thrown away. These byproducts include slag and dust. Sustainable methods of reusing byproducts generated by steelmaking plants would help develop more viable production cycles for steel plants in Egypt, especially with their current uses that are not being employed correctly. However, to date, no sustainable practices for the reuse of steelmaking byproducts have been implemented by the steel making industry in Egypt. By researching ways in which steel byproducts are dealt with in other countries and assessing how such methods are suitable in the Egyptian context, this thesis will make important recommendations for a more sustainable management of byproducts of steel in Egypt. This thesis will employ a case study method and pros and cons will be discussed to examine which approach is the optimal choice for the industry in Egypt. Further research regarding the procedures of implementations, the current and potential difficulties that will be faced and the lessons learnt from case studies abroad will also be taken into consideration. Ultimately, this thesis shows positive results from the mathematical calculations that have forecasted the potential reuse profits of slag and dust. This will imply that these methods are viable for Egypt to implement as recommendations for the next steps forward. In addition to that looking and learning from countries methodologies abroad that have implemented vast methods of byproduct dealings and their impacts on the three pillars of sustainability

    Effect of Nursing Care Strategy on Functional Outcomes among Patients after First Time Stroke

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    Context: Strokes are life-changing events that not merely affect a person physically but also emotionally as it may result in physical disabilities, which lead to functional disabilities as difficulties carrying out daily activities as working, walking, talking, eating, bathing, with loss of energy in addition to depressive status as a result of functional disabilities. Daily nursing care strategies are essential to stroke management since they can overcome spasticity and hemiplegia through sustained stretching by various positioning, the repetitive performance of a specific movement, and teaching the patient to use and adapt the affected limb during functional activities. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the effect of nursing care strategy on functional outcomes among patients after a first-time stroke. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used to conduct the current study in the neurology department to be followed through the neurology outpatient clinic at Benha University Hospital. During the period from the beginning of February 2018 till the beginning of January 2019.Subjects: Purposive sample of 171 patients to be at the end of the study period (Intervention group 72 & control group 69), recruited according to the study formula based on the total number admitted to the study settings during 2017. Tools: Two tools utilized for data collection, (1)Structured interviewing questionnaire for patients, (II)Functional outcomes scales, involving: Modified Ashworth scale, Modified Barthel index, as well as the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Results: Showed that there was a highly statistically significant difference in terms of increased knowledge score among the intervention group compared to controls, as well as a higher level of independence in performing the activity of daily living (ADL), besides, lower depression score among the intervention group compared to controls. It also showed a significant correlation between spasticity with both independence in performing ADL and degree of depression among intervention groups after nursing care strategy implementation. Conclusion: The nursing care strategy effectively improved patients' knowledge and the functional outcomes among intervention groups, revealing a significant correlation between the degree of spasticity with both independence in performing ADL and degree of depression. The study suggested continuous education and training program planned and offered regularly to stroke patients in the neurology and rehabilitation unit. Also recommended written, a simple booklet about stroke and its management should be provided & be available for patients and their families (relatives)

    Effect of The Health Belief Model-Based Education on Preventive Behaviors of Breast Cancer

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    Context: Breast cancer is the main type of cancer affecting women and the fourth most common cancer mortality cause. Approximately one out of eight women worldwide develop breast cancer. Screening prevention plays a vital role in the early detection of breast cancer and in reducing mortality rates.Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of the health belief model-based education on breast cancer preventive behaviors. Methods: Quasi-experimental (pre/post-test) design was used in this study. The study was conducted at the obstetrics outpatient clinic affiliated to Benha University Hospital, Egypt, on a purposive sample of 100 women. A self-administered questionnaire, Champion’s Health Belief Model Constructs Scale (CHBMS), and an observation checklist for Breast Self-Examination (BSE) were used to collect the data. Results: The study showed that 62% of the studied women’s mean age was 35.90±6.45, 53 % of them had secondary education, 93% of them didn't do regular breast self-examination, and 96% of them did not have a mammogram ever. Besides, there were improvements in the studied women's knowledge scores regarding breast cancer post-model implementation (P < 0.001). There was a highly statistically significant difference in total practice scores of preventive behaviors pre and post-model implementation (p-value <0.001). Also, there was a positive statistically significant correlation between the studied women's total knowledge (pre and post-model implementation), practices (post-model implementation), and their total health beliefs. Conclusions: This study concluded the positive effects of the health belief model-based education on women's knowledge and preventive breast cancer behaviors regarding breast self-examination. The study recommended developing a regular periodic educational program for women to enhance their knowledge and practices toward the prevention of breast cancer. Regular periodic screening of the high-risk women for early detection of breast cancer

    Removal of Triphenylmethane Dyes by Bacterial Consortium

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    A new consortium of four bacterial isolates (Agrobacterium radiobacter; Bacillus spp.; Sphingomonas paucimobilis, and Aeromonas hydrophila)-(CM-4) was used to degrade and to decolorize triphenylmethane dyes. All bacteria were isolated from activated sludge extracted from a wastewater treatment station of a dyeing industry plant. Individual bacterial isolates exhibited a remarkable color-removal capability against crystal violet (50 mg/L) and malachite green (50 mg/L) dyes within 24 h. Interestingly, the microbial consortium CM-4 shows a high decolorizing percentage for crystal violet and malachite green, respectively, 91% and 99% within 2 h. The rate of chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal increases after 24 h, reaching 61.5% and 84.2% for crystal violet and malachite green, respectively. UV-Visible absorption spectra, FTIR analysis and the inspection of bacterial cells growth indicated that color removal by the CM-4 was due to biodegradation. Evaluation of mutagenicity by using Salmonella typhimurium test strains, TA98 and TA100 studies revealed that the degradation of crystal violet and malachite green by CM-4 did not lead to mutagenic products. Altogether, these results demonstrated the usefulness of the bacterial consortium in the treatment of the textile dyes

    An optimum location of on-grid bifacial based photovoltaic system in Iraq

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    Bifacial photovoltaic (PV) module can gain 30% more energy compared to monofacial if a suitable location were chosen. Iraq (a Middle East country) has a variable irradiation level according to its geographic coordinates, thus, the performance of PV systems differs. This paper an array (17 series, 13 parallel) was chosen to produce 100 kWp for an on-grid PV system. It investigates the PV system in three cities in Iraq (Mosul, Baghdad, and Basrah). Effect of albedo factor, high and pitch of the bifacial module on energy yield have been studied using PVsyst (software). It has been found that the effect is less for a pitch greater than 6 m. The energy gained from bifacial and monofacial PV system module in these cities shows that Mosul is the most suitable for installing both PV systems followed by Baghdad and lastly Basrah. However, in Basrah, the bifacial gain is 12% higher in the energy than monofacial as irradiation there is higher than the other locations, especially for elevation above 1.5 m. Moreover, the cost of bifacial array is 7.23% higher than monofacial, but this additional cost is acceptable since the bifacial gain is about 11.3% higher energy compared to the monofacial

    Effect of Blended Learning Approach on Student Nurses’ Attitudes and Academic Achievement

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    Although  various blended approaches that integrate online components into traditional classes continue to grow rapidly, they still remain at an early stage of development. Consequently, developers and deliverers of online learning need more understanding of how students perceive and react to elements of e-learning (since student perception and attitude is critical to motivation and learning) along with how to apply these approaches most effectively to enhance learning. The Aim: aim of the current study was to examine the effect of blended learning  approach on student nurses’ attitudes and academic achievement in Medical Surgical Nursing course compared to traditional teaching method modules. Setting: A The sample consisted of 62 female students their age range from 19 to 20 years at 5th., level  recruited from 5th., level in faculty of nursing, King Khaled University   Tools: 3  tools used to collect data for the study: 1. student attitude scale toward blended learning approach 2.A Constructed Motivational Scale. and The Achievement Test, they are developed by the researchers. Results: The study findings revealed that,  the Study Group subjects (blended learning Group ) had higher Mean Of attitude  Subscales And Total Scores, achievement test Scores, and Mean Of Motivational Subscales And Total Scores than  Control Group (traditional), in addition, there were  statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in relation to previously mentioned variables. Therefore, this study recommended an educational programs for academic staff for teaching using  blended learning approach. Keywords: E-learning, Online learning, traditional, Attitudes, Blended Learning, Academic Achievement

    Integrated datasets of proteomic and metabolomic biomarkers to predict its impacts on comorbidities of type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    © 2020 Cheema et al. Objective: The objective of the current study is to accomplish a relative exploration of the biological roles of differentially dysregulated genes (DRGs) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The study aimed to determine the impact of these DRGs on the biological pathways and networks that are related to the associated disorders and complications in T2DM and to predict its role as prospective biomarkers. Methods: Datasets obtained from metabolomic and proteomic profiling were used for investigation of the differential expression of the genes. A subset of DRGs was integrated into IPA software to explore its biological pathways, related diseases, and their regulation in T2DM. Upon entry into the IPA, only 94 of the DRGs were recognizable, mapped, and matched within the database. Results: The study identified networks that explore the dysregulation of several functions; cell components such as degranulation of cells; molecular transport process and metabolism of cellular proteins; and inflammatory responses. Top disorders associated with DRGs in T2DM are related to organ injuries such as renal damage, connective tissue disorders, and acute inflammatory disorders. Upstream regulator analysis predicted the role of several transcription factors of interest, such as STAT3 and HIF alpha, as well as many kinases such as JAK kinases, which affects the gene expression of the dataset in T2DM. Interleukin 6 (IL6) is the top regulator of the DRGs, followed by leptin (LEP). Monitoring the dysregulation of the coupled expression of the following biomarkers (TNF, IL6, LEP, AGT, APOE, F2, SPP1, and INS) highlights that they could be used as potential prognostic biomarkers. Conclusion: The integration of data obtained by advanced metabolomic and proteomic technologies has made it probable to advantage in understanding the role of these biomarkers in the identification of significant biological processes, pathways, and regulators that are associated with T2DM and its comorbidities

    Aspects electroneuromyographiques des traumatismes du plexus brachial

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    Introduction: L’électroneuromyogramme (ENMG) garde une place cruciale dans l’exploration du plexus brachial. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’étudier les caractĂ©ristiques Ă©lectroneuromyographiques des atteintes plexiques brachiales post-traumatiques et de dĂ©terminer les facteurs associĂ©s Ă  la topographie et Ă  la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© des lĂ©sions. Patients et mĂ©thodes: Une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le service de Neurologie du CHU RAZI incluant les patients adressĂ©s Ă  l’unitĂ© d’électroneurophysiologie pour une atteinte traumatique du plexus brachial durant la pĂ©riode allant de janvier 2003 Ă  juin 2018. Les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, cliniques et les rĂ©sultats de l’ENMG ont Ă©tĂ© recueillis et analysĂ©s. La sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© de la lĂ©sion a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e selon la version modifiĂ©e de l’échelle de Dumitru et Wilbourn. RĂ©sultats: Nous avons colligĂ© 36 plexopathies brachiales post traumatiques chez 35 patients (H/F = 30/5, Ăąge moyen = 39,3 ans). L’ENMG a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© 3 semaines aprĂšs le traumatisme chez 91,3% des patients. Il a montrĂ© une conduction nerveuse altĂ©rĂ©e (97,2 %), un tracĂ© neurogĂšne (91,7 %) et des signes de dĂ©nervation (55,6 %). Le niveau lĂ©sionnel concernait les troncs primaires (66,7 %) et les troncs secondaires (33,3 %). Il Ă©tait sans lien significatif avec la cause (p>0,05). La lĂ©sion Ă©tait sĂ©vĂšre (61,1 %), modĂ©rĂ©e (36,1 %) et lĂ©gĂšre (2,8 %) sans association significative ni avec la cause ni avec le site lĂ©sionnel (p>0,05). Conclusion: Notre Ă©tude a permis d’appuyer le rĂŽle de l’ENMG dans l’étude de la plexopathie brachiale post traumatique. Elle a dĂ©montrĂ© que la topographie et la sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© des lĂ©sions Ă©taient indĂ©pendantes des Ă©tiologies du traumatisme.   English title: Electroneuromyogram findings of traumatic brachial plexus injuries Background: Electroneuromyogram (ENMG) plays a crucial role in the exploration of the brachial plexus. The purpose of this study was to investigate the electroneuromyographic characteristics of posttraumatic plexus brachial damage and to determine the factors associated with the topography and severity of the lesions. Patients and methods:  A retrospective study was carried out in the Neurology Department of the RAZI University Hospital including patients referred to the electroneurophysiology unit for traumatic brachial plexus damage during the period from January 2003 to June 2018. Demographic, clinical and ENMG’s data results were collected and analyzed. The severity of the lesion was evaluated according to the modified version of the Dumitru and Wilbourn scale. Results:  We collected 36 post-traumatic brachial plexopathies in 35 patients (M / F = 30/5, mean age = 39.3 years). ENMG was performed 3 weeks after trauma in 91.3% of patients. He showed impaired nerve conduction (97.2%), a neurogenic trace (91.7%) and signs of denervation (55.6%). The lesion level concerned the primary trunks (66.7%) and the secondary trunks (33.3%). It was not significantly related to the cause (p> 0.05). The lesion was severe (61.1%), moderate (36.1%) and mild (2.8%) with no significant association with either the cause or the site of injury (p> 0.05). Conclusion:  Our study supported the role of ENMG in the study of post-traumatic brachial plexopathy. It demonstrated that the topography and the severity of the lesions were independent of the etiologies of the trauma. &nbsp
