140 research outputs found

    Human Resource Management And The Performance Of Selected Small And Medium Manufacturing Enterprises

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    Despite many studies on human resource management can be found in the literature, until recently, studies on the moderating effects of this factor on the relationship between innovation and firm performance are hardly existent. In filling the literature gap, this study attempts to address the questions of how HRM practices and its interactions with innovation affect the performance of SMEs. Two hundred eighty-four samples were obtained from the food and beverage, textile and clothing and wood-based small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Malaysia. Using the multiple regression analysis, this study found that human resource management practices in terms of employee and employer’s trainings interacted with innovation and significantly affected the performance of SMEs. Keywords: Human Resource Management, Innovation, Firm Performance, Malaysi

    Role ambiguity and job performance of employees in the service sector SMEs in Malaysia

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    Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the economic development of Malaysia, of which the majority are in the service sector.Employees of the service sector SMEs have often been associated with low level of job performance and past research has shown that there are many factors that can contribute to employee poor performance such as role ambiguity.Thus the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between role ambiguity and job performance of employees in the service sector SMEs in Malaysia.1500 questionnaires were distributed and 300 were returned resulting in a 20% response rate.The result revealed that there was a significant relationship between role ambiguity and job performance of employees

    Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance of women-owned small and medium enterprises in Malaysia: Competitive advantage as a mediator

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    The aim of this research is to examine the mediating effect of competitive advantage on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of women-owned SMEs in Malaysia.It proposed a quantitative analysis in which entrepreneurial orientation and sources of competitive advantage are key success factors of SMEs.To answer the res earch questions, two hypotheses were for mulated; (a) There is significant relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance, and (b)competitive advantage mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance. Data were collected by means of a mail survey questionnaire completed by women owner/managers randomly selected from a sampling frame of registered SMEs.The questionnaires developed from prior research were used to measure the entrepreneurial orientation and competitive advantage of the firm while performance measurement was based on subjective evaluation involving self- reported measures.The findings revealed that significant relationships exist between entrepreneurial orientation and performance, while competitive advantage was found to partially mediate the entrepreneurial orientation and performance relationships. These findings may be of help to the women owner/managers of SMEs to be more entrepreneurial oriented and developed competitive edge in order for them to survive the intensely competitive market environment

    Exploring the relationship between role ambiguity and job performance among employees of the service sector SMES in Malaysia / Sethela June and Rosli Mahmood

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    Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in the economic development of Malaysia. The service sector forms the largest sector of the SMEs establishments. Employees of the service sector SMEs have often been associated with low level of job performance and past research have shown that there are many factors that can contribute to employee poor performance. One of the factors that often been associated with poor job performance is when employees experiences role ambiguity. Thus the main aim of this conceptual paper is to present a conceptual understanding on the relationship that exists between role ambiguity and job performance

    The relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate and innovative work behavior: A study among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia

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    This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between pro-innovation organizational climate and innovative work behavior among the knowledge workers of the knowledge intensive business services in Malaysia.The innovative work behavior has a central role in the development of knowledge-intensive business services in Malaysia. It was previously reported that pro-innovation organizational climate to have a significant relationship with innovative work behavior of employees in various business sectors.However, not all support the notion that organizational climate correlates with innovative work behavior.Some of the researchers concluded the relationship is rather weak.This makes it even more interesting to include organizational climate in the research framework of the model of innovative work behavior in Malaysia.A quantitative method was utilized and data were collected using mail survey.A total of 1520 questionnaires was distributed and 310 deemed usable for analysis using SPSS, resulted in 20.6 % response rate.The results revealed that there was a significant relationship between pro-innovation organizational climates with the innovative work behavior of knowledge workers.Discussions of the results and its implications are discussed

    Investigating the effect of intellectual capital on bank performance in Malaysia

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the state of intellectual capital among the banks in Malaysia, and to examine its consequent effect on bank business performance.The study employed the quantitative approach through a survey instrument design. The population was the branch managers of domestic banks in Malaysia, and they were chosen because these banks have extensive branch networks, even in rural areas.Data were collected using questionnaires, and the constructs used were developed from prior research and previously tested for reliability.A total of 1844 questionnaires were mailed to the respondents, and 260 usable responses were received, giving a response rate of 14.09 percent.Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the characteristics of the respondents including frequency, mean, and measures of reliability, while multivariate technique employed was multiple regressions.The findings revealed that significant relationships exist between human and structural capitals and bank performance, while no significant relationship was found between relational capital and bank performance These findings may be of help to bank managers to utilize more of their internal resources to compete and survive the intensely competitive business environment

    Social Capital and Firm Performance: Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence

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    This study aims to determine the moderating effect of environmental turbulence on the relationship among firm performance, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial management, and social capital. Along with survey on Indonesia SMEs, the finding shows that social capital plays pivotal role on firm performance. This study also provides evident that that environmental turbulence dampens the positive impact of social capital on firm performance. Under low environmental turbulence, social capital has positive impact on firm performance. However, social capital brings negative impact on firm performance during high environmental turbulence. This provides more fundamental issues on intersection between resource based view (RBV) and contingency theory (CT)

    Examining the dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship construct: A validation study in the Pakistani banking context

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    Corporate Entrepreneurship is globally advancing phenomena.Organizations in the search of excellence, increase in their financial and non-financial gains are adopting corporate entrepreneurship for a better tomorrow. Prominent scholars played a significant role in the development, understanding and advancement of corporate entrepreneurship.In this respect, particularly for measuring the state of corporate entrepreneurial activities inside a firm, the researchers developed tools to measure and assess it.In pursuing that objective the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI) was developed.As this instrument was mainly developed and tested in the United States and Canada therefore, in this study the psychometric properties of Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument construct are assessed in the Pakistan’s context.Two hundred and sixty five bank branch managers from big five banks of Pakistan were surveyed.We analysed the data using Smart PLS 3.0 software due to its methodological usefulness. The findings demonstrated that the scale has adequate level of internal consistency reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity for each CEAI dimension. Based on above findings, it is suggested that CEAI construct can be effective in measuring the corporate entrepreneurship in the banking sector of Pakistan.Therefore, the potential researchers are suggested to employ this tool in measuring corporate entrepreneurship in the developing countries and in Pakistan specially

    The effects of public service motivation on job performance: Myth or reality?

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    Today, performance of government employee is very important as its concerns of the government image and the efficiency on government management.Based on the previous studies, it revealed that public service motivation has significant relationship with the job performance of employees in public sector. But, there are some arguments about PSM measurement scale among previous scholars such as did not use Perry’s four dimensional measurements (1996) on their studies. However, they have their own justification for the measurement scale.Further discussions about the review of public service motivation on job performance are discussed