233 research outputs found
Determining high-risk zones by using spatial point process methodology
Methods for constructing high-risk zones, which can be used in situations where a spatial point pattern has been observed incompletely, are introduced and evaluated with regard to unexploded bombs in federal properties in Germany.
Unexploded bombs from the Second World War represent a serious problem in Germany. It is desirable to search high-risk zones for unexploded bombs, but this causes high costs, so the search is usually restricted to carefully selected areas. If suitable aerial pictures of the area in question exist, statistical methods can be used to determine such zones by considering patterns of exploded bombs as realisations of spatial point processes. The patterns analysed in this thesis were provided by Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen, which supports the removal of unexploded ordnance in federal properties in Germany. They were derived from aerial pictures taken by the Allies during and after World War II.
The main task consists of finding as small regions as possible containing as many unexploded bombs as possible. In this thesis, an approach based on the intensity function of the process is introduced: The high-risk zones consist of those parts of the observation window where the estimated intensity is largest, i.e. the estimated intensity function exceeds a cut-off value c. The cut-off value can be derived from the risk associated with the high-risk zone. This risk is defined as the probability that there are unexploded bombs outside the zone.
A competing approach for determining high-risk zones consists in using the union of discs around all exploded bombs as high-risk zone. The radius is chosen as a high quantile of the nearest-neighbour distance of the point pattern. In an evaluation procedure, both methods yield comparably good results, but the theoretical properties of the intensity-based high-risk zones are considerably better.
A further goal is to perform a risk assessment of the investigated area by estimating the probability that there are unexploded bombs outside the high-risk zone. This is especially important as the estimation of the intensity function is a crucial issue for the intensity-based method, so the risk cannot be determined exactly in advance. A procedure to calculate the risk is introduced. By using a bootstrap correction, it is possible to decide on acceptable risks and find the optimal, i.e. smallest, high-risk zone for a fixed probability that not all unexploded bombs are located inside the high-risk zone.
The consequences of clustering are investigated in a sensitivity analysis by exploiting the procedure for calculating the risk. Furthermore, different types of models which account for clustering are fitted to the data, classical cluster models as well as a mixture of bivariate normal distributions.Methoden zur Konstruktion von Risikozonen, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein rĂ€umliches Punktmuster unvollstĂ€ndig beobachtet wurde, werden am Beispiel von BlindgĂ€ngern auf Bundesliegenschaften in Deutschland eingefĂŒhrt und evaluiert. BlindgĂ€nger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stellen in Deutschland ein schwerwiegendes Problem dar. Es ist daher wĂŒnschenswert, Risikozonen nach BlindgĂ€ngern abzusuchen. Da dies jedoch hohe Kosten verursacht, beschrĂ€nkt sich die Suche normalerweise auf sorgfĂ€ltig ausgewĂ€hlte Gebiete. Falls fĂŒr das fragliche Gebiet geeignete Luftbilder existieren, können zur Bestimmung solcher Zonen statistische Methoden angewandt werden, indem das Muster der detonierten Bomben als Realisation eines rĂ€umlichen Punktprozesses betrachtet wird. Die in dieser Arbeit analysierten Muster wurden von der Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt, die die KampfmittelrĂ€umung auf deutschen Bundesliegenschaften unterstĂŒtzt. Sie wurden aus Luftbildern gewonnen, die die Alliierten wĂ€hrend und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aufgenommen haben.
Das primĂ€re Ziel besteht darin, möglichst kleine Regionen zu finden, die möglichst viele BlindgĂ€nger enthalten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der auf der IntensitĂ€tsfunktion des Prozesses basiert: Die Risikozonen bestehen aus denjenigen Teilen des Beobachtungsfensters, in denen die geschĂ€tzte IntensitĂ€t am höchsten ist, d.h. in der die geschĂ€tzte IntensitĂ€tsfunktion einen Cutoff-Wert c ĂŒberschreitet. Der Cutoff-Wert kann vom Restrisiko der entsprechenden Risikozone abgeleitet werden.
Ein konkurrierender Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Risikozonen besteht darin, die Vereinigung aller Kreisscheiben um die detonierten Bomben herum als Risikozone zu definieren. Der Radius ergibt sich als hohes Quantil des NÀchste-Nachbarn-Abstandes des Punktmusters. Bei der Evaluation liefern beide Methoden Àhnlich gute Ergebnisse, jedoch sind die theoretischen Eigenschaften der intensitÀtsbasierten Risikozonen deutlich besser.
Ein weiteres Ziel ist eine RisikoabschĂ€tzung fĂŒr das untersuchte Gebiet, wofĂŒr die Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr BlindgĂ€nger auĂerhalb der Risikozone geschĂ€tzt wird. Dies ist insbesondere deswegen wichtig, weil sich die SchĂ€tzung der IntensitĂ€t als kritischer Punkt der intensitĂ€tsbasierten Methode erwiesen hat und das Risiko im Voraus nicht exakt festgelegt werden kann. Es wird ein Verfahren zur Risikobestimmung vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe einer Bootstrap-Korrektur ist es möglich, das akzeptable Risiko festzulegen und die optimale (d.h. kleinste) Risikozone fĂŒr eine vorgegebene Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass nicht alle BlindgĂ€nger in der Risikozone liegen, zu finden.
Die Auswirkungen von Clustering werden in einer SensitivitĂ€tsanalyse untersucht, wozu das Verfahren zur Risikobestimmung verwendet wird. DarĂŒber hinaus werden verschiedene Arten von Clustermodellen an die Daten angepasst, sowohl klassische Clustermodelle als auch Mischungen von bivariaten Normalverteilungen
Determining high-risk zones by using spatial point process methodology
Methods for constructing high-risk zones, which can be used in situations where a spatial point pattern has been observed incompletely, are introduced and evaluated with regard to unexploded bombs in federal properties in Germany.
Unexploded bombs from the Second World War represent a serious problem in Germany. It is desirable to search high-risk zones for unexploded bombs, but this causes high costs, so the search is usually restricted to carefully selected areas. If suitable aerial pictures of the area in question exist, statistical methods can be used to determine such zones by considering patterns of exploded bombs as realisations of spatial point processes. The patterns analysed in this thesis were provided by Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen, which supports the removal of unexploded ordnance in federal properties in Germany. They were derived from aerial pictures taken by the Allies during and after World War II.
The main task consists of finding as small regions as possible containing as many unexploded bombs as possible. In this thesis, an approach based on the intensity function of the process is introduced: The high-risk zones consist of those parts of the observation window where the estimated intensity is largest, i.e. the estimated intensity function exceeds a cut-off value c. The cut-off value can be derived from the risk associated with the high-risk zone. This risk is defined as the probability that there are unexploded bombs outside the zone.
A competing approach for determining high-risk zones consists in using the union of discs around all exploded bombs as high-risk zone. The radius is chosen as a high quantile of the nearest-neighbour distance of the point pattern. In an evaluation procedure, both methods yield comparably good results, but the theoretical properties of the intensity-based high-risk zones are considerably better.
A further goal is to perform a risk assessment of the investigated area by estimating the probability that there are unexploded bombs outside the high-risk zone. This is especially important as the estimation of the intensity function is a crucial issue for the intensity-based method, so the risk cannot be determined exactly in advance. A procedure to calculate the risk is introduced. By using a bootstrap correction, it is possible to decide on acceptable risks and find the optimal, i.e. smallest, high-risk zone for a fixed probability that not all unexploded bombs are located inside the high-risk zone.
The consequences of clustering are investigated in a sensitivity analysis by exploiting the procedure for calculating the risk. Furthermore, different types of models which account for clustering are fitted to the data, classical cluster models as well as a mixture of bivariate normal distributions.Methoden zur Konstruktion von Risikozonen, die verwendet werden können, wenn ein rĂ€umliches Punktmuster unvollstĂ€ndig beobachtet wurde, werden am Beispiel von BlindgĂ€ngern auf Bundesliegenschaften in Deutschland eingefĂŒhrt und evaluiert. BlindgĂ€nger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg stellen in Deutschland ein schwerwiegendes Problem dar. Es ist daher wĂŒnschenswert, Risikozonen nach BlindgĂ€ngern abzusuchen. Da dies jedoch hohe Kosten verursacht, beschrĂ€nkt sich die Suche normalerweise auf sorgfĂ€ltig ausgewĂ€hlte Gebiete. Falls fĂŒr das fragliche Gebiet geeignete Luftbilder existieren, können zur Bestimmung solcher Zonen statistische Methoden angewandt werden, indem das Muster der detonierten Bomben als Realisation eines rĂ€umlichen Punktprozesses betrachtet wird. Die in dieser Arbeit analysierten Muster wurden von der Oberfinanzdirektion Niedersachsen zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt, die die KampfmittelrĂ€umung auf deutschen Bundesliegenschaften unterstĂŒtzt. Sie wurden aus Luftbildern gewonnen, die die Alliierten wĂ€hrend und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg aufgenommen haben.
Das primĂ€re Ziel besteht darin, möglichst kleine Regionen zu finden, die möglichst viele BlindgĂ€nger enthalten. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der auf der IntensitĂ€tsfunktion des Prozesses basiert: Die Risikozonen bestehen aus denjenigen Teilen des Beobachtungsfensters, in denen die geschĂ€tzte IntensitĂ€t am höchsten ist, d.h. in der die geschĂ€tzte IntensitĂ€tsfunktion einen Cutoff-Wert c ĂŒberschreitet. Der Cutoff-Wert kann vom Restrisiko der entsprechenden Risikozone abgeleitet werden.
Ein konkurrierender Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Risikozonen besteht darin, die Vereinigung aller Kreisscheiben um die detonierten Bomben herum als Risikozone zu definieren. Der Radius ergibt sich als hohes Quantil des NÀchste-Nachbarn-Abstandes des Punktmusters. Bei der Evaluation liefern beide Methoden Àhnlich gute Ergebnisse, jedoch sind die theoretischen Eigenschaften der intensitÀtsbasierten Risikozonen deutlich besser.
Ein weiteres Ziel ist eine RisikoabschĂ€tzung fĂŒr das untersuchte Gebiet, wofĂŒr die Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr BlindgĂ€nger auĂerhalb der Risikozone geschĂ€tzt wird. Dies ist insbesondere deswegen wichtig, weil sich die SchĂ€tzung der IntensitĂ€t als kritischer Punkt der intensitĂ€tsbasierten Methode erwiesen hat und das Risiko im Voraus nicht exakt festgelegt werden kann. Es wird ein Verfahren zur Risikobestimmung vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe einer Bootstrap-Korrektur ist es möglich, das akzeptable Risiko festzulegen und die optimale (d.h. kleinste) Risikozone fĂŒr eine vorgegebene Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass nicht alle BlindgĂ€nger in der Risikozone liegen, zu finden.
Die Auswirkungen von Clustering werden in einer SensitivitĂ€tsanalyse untersucht, wozu das Verfahren zur Risikobestimmung verwendet wird. DarĂŒber hinaus werden verschiedene Arten von Clustermodellen an die Daten angepasst, sowohl klassische Clustermodelle als auch Mischungen von bivariaten Normalverteilungen
Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis in rodents in an area with sympatric existence of the hard ticks Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus, Germany
Background: Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis (CNM) has been described in the hard tick Ixodes ricinus and rodents as well as in some severe cases of human disease. The aims of this study were to identify DNA of CNM in small mammals, the ticks parasitizing them and questing ticks in areas with sympatric existence of Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus in Germany. Methods: Blood, transudate and organ samples (spleen, kidney, liver, skin) of 91 small mammals and host-attached ticks from altogether 50 small mammals as well as questing I. ricinus ticks (n=782) were screened with a real-time PCR for DNA of CNM. Results: 52.7% of the small mammals were positive for CNM- DNA. The majority of the infected animals were yellow-necked mice (Apodemus flavicollis) and bank voles (Myodes glareolus). Small mammals with tick infestation were more often infected with CNM than small mammals without ticks. Compared with the prevalence of similar to 25% in the questing I. ricinus ticks, twice the prevalence in the rodents provides evidence for their role as reservoir hosts for CNM. Conclusion: The high prevalence of this pathogen in the investigated areas in both rodents and ticks points towards the need for more specific investigation on its role as a human pathogen
Babesia spp. and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in questing ticks, ticks parasitizing rodents and the parasitized rodents - Analyzing the host-pathogen-vector interface in a metropolitan area
Background: The aims of this study were to evaluate the host-tick-pathogen interface of Babesia spp. and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in restored areas in both questing and host-attached Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus and their small mammalian hosts. Methods: Questing ticks were collected from 5 sites within the city of Leipzig, Germany, in 2009. Small mammals were trapped at 3 of the 5 sites during 2010 and 2011. DNA extracts of questing and host-attached I. ricinus and D. reticulatus and of several tissue types of small mammals (the majority bank voles and yellow-necked mice), were investigated by PCR followed by sequencing for the occurrence of DNA of Babesia spp. and by real-time PCR for A. phagocytophilum. A selected number of samples positive for A. phagocytophilum were further investigated for variants of the partial 16S rRNA gene. Co-infection with Rickettsia spp. in the questing ticks was additionally investigated. Results: 4.1% of questing I. ricinus ticks, but no D. reticulatus, were positive for Babesia sp. and 8.7% of I. ricinus for A. phagocytophilum. Sequencing revealed B. microti, B. capreoli and Babesia spp. EU1 in Leipzig and sequence analysis of the partial 16S RNA gene of A. phagocytophilum revealed variants either rarely reported in human cases or associated with cervid hosts. The statistical analysis revealed significantly less ticks infected with A. phagocytophilum in a city park in Leipzig as compared to the other sampling sites. A. phagocytophilum-DNA was detected in 2 bank voles, DNA of B. microti in 1 striped field-mouse and of Babesia sp. EU1 in the skin tissue of a mole. Co-infections were detected. Conclusion: Our results show the involvement of small mammals in the natural endemic cycles of tick-borne pathogens. A more thorough understanding of the interactions of ticks, pathogens and hosts is the essential basis for effective preventive control measures
Aplikasi Konsep Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) dengan Social Web
This study discusses the impact of social media to the development of personal knowledge management (PKM). Here the author describeS the factual condition of the company that useS social media as a means of personal knowledge management. Furthermore, these interaction patterns have significant impact on the organization. The purpose of this article is to analyze the application of personal knowledge managementconcept, combined with the social media concept that focuses on social networks with the consideration that they are widespreadly used by the public. Plus the emergence of social networking sites are increasingly new added value to the development of social media. The method used is literature study obtained from the online journals, articles and text books. The result of this study is expected to expand the use of social networking as a means of personal knowledge management in the organization
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