54 research outputs found

    The Processing Effects of Anthocyanins Extracted from Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Peel on Total Amount of Anthocyanins and SEM Image in Poultry Nutrition

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    The purpose of present study was to know the effects of different processing of anthocyanin content and scan electron microscope image of anthocyanin of dragon fruit peel in poultry diet. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with different processing like untreated dragon fruit peel or control, physical, chemical, biological, and physical-biological, and each treatment was replicated 4 times. Variables measured were total amount of anthocyanin and anthocyanin image of dragon fruit peel. The results indicated that physical treatment significantly increased anthocyanin content of dragon fruit peel. Furthermore, treated dragon fruit peel with chemical, biological, and combination of physical-biological significantly reduced anthocyanin content. The image of anthocyanin from each treated processing revealed that control image was similar to physical treatment, and it was different from other treatments. The physical treatment was the best method to increase anthocyanin content, and did not change the image of anthocyanin from dragon fruit peel

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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    School Building Defect Pattern

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    In providing a conducive learning environment for the student, the school building must be in good condition. This paper is evaluating the existing condition of primary school building in Sarawak, Malaysia. It focuses on building defects pattern for school building. The primary data collection is from the school building condition survey with involvement of 24 primary schools. The schools have been selected using simple random sampling and stratified sampling (of school age as the variable of selection). The reporting method is based on Condition Survey Protocol (CSP) 1 Matrix. Data analysis covers descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysis carried out found that the overall 4,725 defects have been identified. The building defect pattern is mainly on Ground Level of 3,176 defects, the highest number of defects components found on walls (798). 16.2% defects are cracks from 11 common defects and most of all the highest score of defects based on age of the building were the building in the range of 11 to 20 years

    An Unusual Complication of Sinus Arrest Following Right-Sided Stellate Ganglion Block: A Case Report

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    We present a case of a 29-year-old female patient who had presented to us for the management of her chronic right shoulder–hand pain and developed a sinus arrest following a right-sided stellate ganglion block (RSGB). This patient on receiving a diagnostic RSGB via the anterior paratracheal (C6) approach developed sinus arrest followed by apnea and unconsciousness. On institution of resuscitative measures involving tracheal intubation, positive pressure ventilation, cardiac massage, and intravenous atropine, spontaneous cardiac activity recovered in about 3 minutes. Other signs and symptoms resolved fully in a total of 10 minutes. She had persistent postural hypotension lasting for about 24 hours requiring bed rest and was discharged about 36 hours after the procedure, without any adverse sequelae. As the sinus node is supplied by the right-sided sympathetic chain, its blockade probably resulted in unopposed parasympathetic activity leading to asystole. Available evidence of the role of right stellate ganglion in regulation of cardiac electrophysiology and functioning is also discussed
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