62 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is on the rise in our society for various reasons. It is said that allergy might represent a primary or secondary factor in up to half the patients encountered in an otolaryngology practice. Thus, the management of AR constitutes a large proportion of the day-to-day practice. In addition to its primary effect, inhalant allergy of the upper respiratory tract might affect the development and clinical course of other disease states such as sinusitis, otitis media, and asthma due to the mucosal continuity. Hence, this study was conducted to know the comorbid associations of AR and also the pathology in inferior turbinate hypertrophy (ITH).Methods: A time-bound, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in ENT OPD. Patients were selected for the study after proper history taking, clinical examination, laboratory investigations such as absolute eosinophil count (AEC) and diagnostic nasal endoscopy, and consent for biopsy from inferior turbinate and histopathological examination using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Nasal symptoms of sneezing, rhinorrhea, nasal pruritus, nasal obstruction, anosmia and non-nasal symptoms of eye itching, watering, foreign body sensation, and pharyngeal itching were recorded.Results: The mean age of the patients was 27.08 years with a standard deviation of 6.1. Patients were clinically evaluated regarding symptoms in ear, nose, throat, eyes, and respiratory system. All patients had nasal symptoms whereas 53.34% patients had ophthalmic and pharyngeal symptoms. Aural comorbidity was most common with complaints in 68.33% followed by respiratory symptoms in 30% patients. About 40% patients complained of sleep disturbances. Nearly 31.67% patients had a positive family history. The pale nasal mucosa was seen in 63.33% patients. Almost 70% patients had intermittent AR, of which 43.33% had a mild degree. About 55% cases had AEC <350 cells/cumm. Almost 51.67% patients had more than five eosinophils per high power field in the biopsy of their inferior turbinates.Conclusion: Although most patients presented with nasal symptoms, ophthalmic and pharyngeal symptoms were commonly presented. ITH with pale nasal mucosa were the most common examination findings. Although AEC was not raised in most of the patients, more than half patients had a raised eosinophil count in the inferior turbinate biopsy. Thus, in a patient with AR, special attention has to be given to the ear, throat, eye, and asthmatic aspect. Eosinophil count in inferior turbinate biopsy is fairly reliable indicator in allergic turbinates.Keywords: Allegic rhinitis, Asthma, Absolute eosinophil count, Eosinophil count, Inferior turbinate biopsy

    Nanotechnology: The Emerging Science in Dentistry

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    Predicting the future of any major technology is difficult. Nanotechnology or nanoscience refers to the research and development of an applied science at the atomic or molecularlevel (i.e. molecular engineering, manufacturing). Although the nanoscale is small in size, its potential is vast. Almost every area of human activity will be affected by futurenanotechnologies. Nanotechnology is also applied to various medical fields like pharmacological research, clinical diagnosis, supplementing immune system, cryogenic storage of biological tissues. The growing interest in the dental applications of nanotechnology is leading to the emergence of a new field called nanodentistry

    Role of receptor activity modifying protein-2 (RAMP2) in endocrine physiology of female mice

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    Receptor activity modifying proteins (RAMPs 1, 2, and 3) are single-pass transmembrane proteins that can regulate the trafficking, ligand-binding, and signaling of several G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). For example, biochemical studies have shown that RAMP2 interacts with calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), parathyroid hormone receptor (PTHR1) and calcitonin receptor (CTR). However, the most well-characterized role of RAMP2 is in the regulation of adrenomedullin (AM; gene: Adm) binding to CLR (gene: Calcrl), and previous in vivo work from the Caron laboratory supports this canonical signaling paradigm. Loss of RAMP2 causes embryonic lethality associated with failed lymphatic vascular development, which is a precise phenocopy of the defects seen in Adm-/- and Calcrl-/- mice. However, Ramp2+/- mice survive, and here we present the phenotypic analyses of Ramp2+/- female mice and Ramp2-/- placentas, many of which are distinct from the phenotypes observed in Adm and Calcrl mice. Haploinsufficiency of Ramp2 causes severe subfertility in female mice characterized by intrauterine growth restriction and postnatal lethality. Furthermore, Ramp2+/- female mice exhibit hyperprolactinemia, pituitary gland hyperplasia, precocious mammary gland development, and skeletal abnormalities--phenotypes that are distinct from those observed in Adm+/- and Calcrl+/- mice. In addition, Ramp2-/- placentas have marked defects, including reduced labyrinth size, reduced cellularity and reduced proliferation of labyrinthine trophoblast cells. Interestingly, loss of Ramp2 Pthr1Ramp2Adm and Calcrl animals, considerably extends the biological functions of RAMP2 beyond the canonical AM/CLR signaling pathway and supports an essential role for RAMP2 in PTHR1 signaling. Therefore, these studies provide novel physiological insights and potential pharmacological targets for the future development of RAMP2-based therapies for the treatment of female endocrine disorders

    Analysis of the formation of laws and regulations in the Indonesian legislation hierarchy

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    The hierarchy of laws and regulations, as stipulated in Article 7 of Law No. 12 of 2011, shows the types and levels of laws and regulations in force in Indonesia. In addition to the hierarchy regulated in Article 7, Article 8 paragraph (1) of Law No. 12 of 2011 also regulates other types of laws and regulations that are legally recognized. The existence of laws and regulations in Article 8, paragraph (1) has reaped a number of problems. One of them is the position of the regulation in the hierarchy of laws and regulations and the identification of which state ministries/institutions are entitled to issue regulations as referred to in Article 8 paragraph (1) of Law No.12 of 2011. This paper is a normative research study that uses a conceptual approach and a statutory approach. The results showed that the types of laws and regulations recognized according to Article 8 paragraph (1) of Law No. 12 of 2011 should only include Bank Indonesia Regulations, Ministerial Regulations, and Regional Head Regulations. Furthermore, the existence of Article 8 paragraph (1) will have an impact on the ambiguity of the preparation of laws and regulations based on the concept of Good Regulatory Practices

    Identification of a Novel GABAA Receptor Channel Ligand Derived from Melissa officinalis and Lavandula angustifolia Essential Oils

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    Aims: Melissa officinalis (Mo) and Lavandula angustifolia (La) essential oils and their major constituents ((E) - caryophyllene, caryophyllene oxide, geranyl acetate, linalool, nerol, Oct-1-en-3-ol, 3-Octanone, myrcene, allo-ocimene, p-cymene and α- terpineol) assessed by GC-MS) which are shared by these two essential oils were probed in an attempt to identify the GABAAR ligand(s). Study Design: [35S] t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) radioligand binding assay to GABAA receptors. In vitro neuronal viability assay. Place and Duration of Study: School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, United Kingdom (December 2012 and January 2013). Results: One of the major component (s) of (Mo), trans-ocimene, inhibited [35S] (TBPS) binding to native GABAA receptors in a concentration-dependent manner with an apparent IC50 of 40μM. Concentrations (0.001 mg/ml) of whole (Mo) were shown to display modest beneficial effects upon neuronal viability while at a higher concentration (0.1 mg/ml) of (Mo) and (La) oils induced a neurotoxicity effect. Conclusion: These data provide the first evidence that allo-ocimene is an neuroactive GABAA R inhibitory component found in both (Mo) and (La), and represents a novel GABAA receptor channel chemotype derived from a natural product. - See more at: http://www.sciencedomain.org/abstract.php?iid=474&id=13&aid=4142#.VCFGHBbQpv


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi antibakteri ekstrak daun jambu biji terhadap bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila penyebab penyakit Motil Aeromonas septicemia (MAS) pada benih ikan gurami, melalui uji invitro dan uji LC50 48 jam. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratoris dengan sembilan perlakuan dan dua ulangan untuk uji invitro, sedangkan untuk uji LC50 48 jam sebanyak lima perlakuan dan dua ulangan. Perlakuan untuk Uji invitro adalah kertas cakram direndam dalam larutan ekstrak daun jambu biji pada konsentrasi 250 ppm, 500 ppm, 750 ppm, 1500 ppm, 2500 ppm, 3250 ppm, dan  kontrol (0 ppm), kemudian diletakkan pada media agar yang telah ditumbuhi  Aeromonas hydrophila, kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 37oC selama 48 jam. Perlakuan untk uji LC50 48 jam, yaitu benih ikan nila berukuran 4-6 cm direndam dalam larutan ekstrak daun jambu biji pada konsentrasi 750 ppm, 600 ppm, 500 ppm, 250 ppm dan 0 ppm selama 48 jam. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil uji invitro memperlihatkan bahwa ekstrak daun jambu biji pada konsentrasi 250 ppm-3250 ppm berpotensi sebagai antibakteri terhadap bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dengan diameter zona hambat berkisar antara 6,5-11,5 mm. Ekstrak daun jambu biji dikategorikan antibakteri berspektrum luas. Hasil uji LC50 48 jam memperlihatkan mortalitas benih ikan gurame sebanyak 50% terjadi pada benih ikan gurami yang direndam dalam larutan ekstrak daun jambu biji pada konsentrasi 600 ppm. Berdasarkan analisis EPA Probit ekstrak daun jambu biji dibawah 600,580 ppm aman digunakan untuk pengobatan benih ikan gurami yang terserang bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila.   Kata Kunci : Aeromonas hydrophila, benih ikan gurami, danekstrak daun jambu biji

    Quantification and Localization of Mast Cells in Periapical Lesions

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    Background: Periapical lesions occur in response to chronic irritation in periapical tissue, generally resulting from an infected root canal. Specific etiological agents of induction, participating cell population and growth factors associated with maintenance and resolution of periapical lesions are incompletely understood. Among the cells found in periapical lesions, mast cells have been implicated in the inflammatory mechanism. Aim: Quantifications and the possible role played by mast cells in the periapical granuloma and radicular cyst. Hence, this study is to emphasize the presence (localization) and quantification of mast cells in periapical granuloma and radicular cyst. Materials and Methods: A total of 30 cases and out of which 15 of periapical granuloma and 15 radicular cyst, each along with the case details from the previously diagnosed cases in the department of oral pathology were selected for the study. The gender distribution showed male 8 (53.3%) and females 7 (46.7%) in periapical granuloma cases and male 10 (66.7%) and females 5 (33.3%) in radicular cyst cases. The statistical analysis used was unpaired t‑test.Results: Mean mast cell count in periapical granuloma subepithelial and deeper connective tissue, was 12.40 (0.99%) and 7.13 (0.83%), respectively. The mean mast cell counts in subepithelial and deeper connective tissue of radicular cyst were 17.64 (1.59%) and 12.06 (1.33%) respectively, which was statistically significant. No statistical significant difference was noted among males and females.Conclusion: Mast cells were more in number in radicular cyst. Based on the concept that mast cells play a critical role in the induction of inflammation, it is logical to use therapeutic agents to alter mast cell function and secretion, to thwart inflammation at its earliest phases. These findings may suggest the possible role of mast cells in the pathogenesis of periapical lesions. Keywords: Mast cells, Periapical granuloma, Radicular cyst, Toluidine blu

    Rebuilding the Tourism Area of Palu City after Three Years of Earthquake: An Overview of Spatial Law Studies

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    Natural disasters (earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction) that hit Palu City in 2018 had massively damaged the structure of the Palu City. One of the affected areas is the tourism area. The tourism area is one of the sources of regional income for Palu City so that the destruction of the area automatically reduces the source of regional income. To rebuild the tourism area after the natural disaster, the Palu City Government needs to update the spatial planning plan for the tourism area. The problems raised in this paper include, firstly, the steps of the Palu City Government in preparing a spatial planning plan for the tourism area after three years of the earthquake and secondly, the obstacles experienced by the Palu City Government in the process of compiling the spatial arrangement. Based on the research conducted, we know that preparing the spatial plan for the tourism area in Palu City has been running for three years but has not yet received the final draft so that it hampers the process of restoring tourism Palu City. Secondly, the obstacles experienced by the Palu City Government during the spatial planning's preparation include the lack of understanding on the importence of tourism masterplan in Palu City, lack of budget support, and lack of human resources

    Loss of receptor activity-modifying protein 2 in mice causes placental dysfunction and alters PTH1R regulation

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    Receptor activity-modifying protein 2 (Ramp2) is a single-pass transmembrane protein that heterodimerizes with several family B G-protein coupled receptors to alter their function. Ramp2 has been primarily characterized in association with calcitonin receptor-like receptor (Calcrl, CLR), forming the canonical receptor complex for the endocrine peptide adrenomedullin (Adm, AM). However, we previously demonstrated that Ramp2+/- female mice display a constellation of endocrine-related phenotypes that are distinct from those of Adm+/- and Calcrl+/- mice, implying that RAMP2 has physiological functions beyond its canonical complex. Here, we localize Ramp2 expression in the mouse placenta, finding that Ramp2 is robustly expressed in the fetal labyrinth layer, and then characterize the effects of loss of Ramp2 on placental development. Consistent with the expression pattern of Ramp2 in the placenta, Ramp2-/- placentas have a thinner labyrinth layer with significantly fewer trophoblast cells secondary to a reduction in trophoblast proliferation. We also find that absence of Ramp2 leads to failed spiral artery remodeling unaccompanied by changes in the uterine natural killer cell population. Furthermore, we assess changes in gene expression of other RAMP2-associated G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), concluding that Ramp2 loss decreases parathyroid hormone 1 receptor (Pthr1) expression and causes a blunted response to systemic parathyroid hormone (PTH) administration in mice. Ultimately, these studies provide in vivo evidence of a role for RAMP2 in placental development distinct from the RAMP2-CLR/AM signaling paradigm and identify additional pathways underlying the endocrine and fertility defects of the previously characterized Ramp2 heterozygous adult females