658 research outputs found

    PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM DALAM MENGATUR TATA CARA JUAL BELI YANG ADIL (The Perspective of Shariah Law to Govern the Fairness Trade Procedures)

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    ABSTRAK Produsen dan konsumen merupakan komponen penting dalam sistem pasar dan keberadaan keduanya dapat membawa dampak positif sekaligus negatif pada perekonomian secara global.  Perlindungan terhadap adanya keseimbangan hak-hak produsen dan konsumen sangat diperlukan agar keduanya dapat terlindung dari berbuat atau mendapatkan perbuatan negatif yang akan berdampak pada sistem perekonomian.  Hukum ekonomi Islam dalam hal ini hadir untuk memberikan jawaban atas upaya pengaturan tata cara jual beli yang adil menurut pandangan Islam. Terdapat dua hal utama dalam penerapan hukum Islam dalam mengatur tata cara jual beli secara adil dan proporsional, diantaranya adalah melalui terciptanya suatu sistem perdagangan yang dibangun atas dasar-dasar hukum ekonomi Islam, yaitu (i) mengikuti prinsip dasar jual beli menurut Islam dan (ii) terpenuhinya syarat sah transaksi/jual beli. Prinsip dasar jual beli menurut Islam diantaranya adalah (i) hukum asal setiap perniagaan adalah halal, (ii) memudahkan orang lain, (iii) kejelasan status, (iv) tidak merugikan masyarakat banyak, (v) kejujuran, (vi) niat seseorang mempengaruhi hukum transaksi, dan (vii) peran adat istiadat dalam perniagaan.  Adapun syarat sahnya transaksi/jual beli diantaranya adalah (i) adanya ijab dan qabul, (ii) adanya dasar suka sama suka, (iii) akad jual beli dilakukan oleh orang yang dibenarkan untuk melakukannya, (iv) barang yang diperjualbelikan kegunaannya halal, (v) yang menjalankan akad jual beli adalah pemilik dan yang mewakilinya, (vi) barang yang diperjualbelikan dapat diserahterimakan, (vii) barang yang diperjualbelikan telah diketahui oleh kedua belah pihak, dan (viii) harga barang ditentukan dengan jelas ketika akad.    Kata Kunci : Akad, Perdangan Islam, Produsen dan Konsumen ABSTRACT Producers and consumers are important components in the market system and their existence can have both positive and negative impacts on the global economy. Protection of the balance of producer and consumer rights is very necessary so that both of them can be protected from doing or getting negative actions that will have an impact on the economic system. Islamic economic law in this case is here to provide answers to efforts to regulate fair buying and selling procedures according to Islamic views. There are two main things in the application of Islamic law in regulating the procedures for buying and selling in a fair and proportional manner, including through the creation of a trading system that is built on the basics of Islamic economic law, namely (i) following the basic principles of buying and selling according to Islam and (ii) ) the fulfillment of the conditions for a valid transaction/sale and purchase. The basic principles of buying and selling according to Islam include (i) the law of origin of every business being halal, (ii) making it easier for others, (iii) clarity of status, (iv) not harming the public at large, (v) honesty, (vi) one's intention to influence others. transaction law, and (vii) the role of customs in commerce. The conditions for the validity of the transaction/sale and purchase include (i) the existence of consent and qabul, (ii) the existence of consensual basis, (iii) the sale and purchase contract is carried out by a person who is justified in doing so, (iv) the goods being traded are for halal use, ( v) the person who runs the sale and purchase contract is the owner and his representative, (vi) the goods being traded can be handed over, (vii) the goods being traded are known by both parties, and (viii) the price of the goods is clearly determined during the contract. Keywords: Akad, Islamic Trade, Producers and Consumers

    Lakshmi in the market place: traders and farmers in a North Indian market

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    This thesis examines the cultural and structural aspects of a North Indian wholesale market (wandi) at which agriculturalists sell their products, the marketing process, and the relationships between the buyer and sellers who use that market. The thesis is divided into seven chapters.Chapter 1 describes the aim of the thesis, and relevant theoretical perspectives, and suggests that comprehending Indian society requires the use of a context-specific approach. Chapter 2 presents a general picture of Muzaffarnagar District, with brief reference to its topology, history, and communication networks. Special attention is paid to economic and socio-cultural structures relevant to activities in the wandi, and the factors that made Baniyas (a Hindu trading caste) the most wealthy and influential caste group, and the larg¬ est landholders during the colonial period, at the expense of traditional landholders who consequently became their tenants and debtors. I also describe how, after Independence, traditional cultivating castes regained much of the land they had lost, and the influential status of Baniyas declined.Chapter 3 describes the ritual meanings of land, crop production and different models of exchange from the point of view of agriculturalists who today sell I//' their crops in the market. Chapter 4 presents a general picture of the market organization of Muzaffarnagar District,a description of the mandi, the relationship between state and the mandi, and discusses the rela- « tionships and backgroundr of three groups--traders, business clerks, and labourers --who work in the mandi.Chapter 5 is concerned with the ritual dimension of traders' commercial activities. I describe four main analytically distinct sets of beliefs and rituals which are concerned with the moral justifications of commer¬ cial activities, ensure success and profit, the predic¬ tion of profit and loss and the conversion of inauspi¬ cious profit into auspicious profit. The distinctive beliefs and ritual practices and distinctive moral perspectives of the traders clarify the importance of incorporating an awareness of contextually and multiple value systems within a culture in sociological analysis. Chapter 6 deals with the marketing process in the mandi, the manner in which traders initiate and maintain longterm relationships with their c1 i ents,their images of each other and their differing perspectives regarding market exchange, profit, wealth, prestige, and so on. 1 also demonstrate that exchange in the mandi is signifi¬ cantly influenced by local cultural meanings that are not comprehensible in terms of a formalist model of economic behaviour.In the final chapter, the conclusion is drawn that actors in India not only adopt varying strategies and moral perspectives to adjust to many different types of situations, but also that these strategies are context specific. 1 argue that there are multiple interpretive codes and values available for use within a single situation in Indian society, and'I describe how Baniya traders follow their own distinctive model of behaviour, a model different from both the kingly and priestly models, in order to gain profit and wealth. I have also argued that it is impossible to separate the "religious" clearly from the "economic" in Indian society, and that traditional jajmani relationships within a village can no longer be discussed in isolation from wider political and economic contexts.Finally, I have argued that the particular form that South Asian market relationships assume cannot be understood apart from the broad cultural milieu. In general, it is argued that Indian society cannot be understood in terms derived from European social and religious categories. Indian society can only be finally interpreted in terms of indigenous categories and mean¬ ings, and the multiplicity of social values found In this transactionally complex society

    Model pemberdayaan masyarakat Yayasan Puter Indonesia

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini berangkat dari permasalahan yang diangkat oleh C. Kandouw, E. Pangemanan dan K. Kairupan, mereka mengangkat masalah peran Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LPM) di bawah pemerintah telah digeser oleh lembaga swadaya masyarakat. Lembaga swadaya masyarakat memiliki peran penting dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Salah satu lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang bergerak di bidang pemberdayaan masyarakat adalah Yayasan Puter Indonesia. Model pembedayaan masyarakat merupakan acuan penting bagi lembaga pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui model pemberdayaan masyarakat dari Yayasan Puter Indonesia yang mencakup strategi, pendekatan dan metode pemberdayaan masyarakat yang diterapkan oleh Yayasan Puter Indonesia. Landasan teoritis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori model yang dikemukakan oleh Laefudin, dijelaskan dalam teori ini bahwa model merupakan acuan yang mencakup strategi, pendekatan dan metode. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, menggunakan metode studi deskriptif dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adadalah metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Tahap analisis data dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa model pemberdayaan masyarakat Yayasan Puter Indonesia adalah model Locality Development dengan satrategi sebagai berikut: Pertama, tinggal bersama masyarakat (live-in). Kedua, menjiwai nilai-nilai masyarakat setempat. Ketiga, membangun kepercayaan masyarakat. Keempat, memulai dari pengetahuan masyarakat. Kelima, memulai dari apa yang masyarakat miliki. Adapun pendekatan pemberdayaan masyarakat yang diterapkan adalah pendekatan pengorganisasian, the development approach dan the welfare approach. Adapun metode pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai berikut: Pertama, tinggal bersama masyarakat (live-in), penggalian informasi, perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan pengembangan

    Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Passing Atas melalui Wall Pass Permainan Bola Voli Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 01 Desa Kalimantan Kabupaten Sambas

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    Yielding Increasing effort Learned Passing On Passes Through Wallpass'sstrategy Student Volleyball game brazes v Country Elementary School 01Kalimantan District of Sambas district. Problem in observational it is What viawallpass can increase passing on bolavoli's game on student brazes v SD Country 1Kalimantan's Village Sambas's Regency . This research intent for to increasevolleyball game. To the effect Special: To the effect this research special is subject tobe increase permaian volleyball via wallpass passing on on student brazes v SDCountry 1 Kalimantan's Village Sambas's Regency. Observational type that is utilizedin this research is observational descriptive with actions observational approachingbraze. Subjek in observational it is which is all class v SDN 1 Kalimantan that total25 student, consisting of 13 son student and 12 daughter students. Instrument is datacollecting by essays and sport measurement via estimation rubric. analisis's tech thatis utilized in research is descriptive analisis percentage. This observational resultpoints out that p eningkatan among i. cycle and cycle II. marks sense changingaverage essay startup and essay acquired final student which is on cycle 1 averagevalue 65,2 and 79,2 on cycle 2

    Development of a biofilm bioreactor for enhanced ethanol production

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    Biofilms are a natural form of cell immobilization that result from microbial attachment to solid supports. Plastic-composite supports were prepared by high temperature extrusion of polypropylene and up to 25% (w/w) various agricultural materials and micronutrients into 2-3 mm chips. Pure cultures of the ethanol producers Zymomonas mobilis (ATCC 31821) or Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ATCC 24859), and mixed cultures with either ethanol-producing microorganism and the biofilm forming Streptomyces viridosporus T7A (ATCC 39115) were used. A maximum ethanol productivity of 374 g/l/h with 44% yield was obtained using soybean hull-zein-plastic composite supports with Z. mobilis and a 10% glucose feed. Productivities and yields were generally lower with Z. mobilis and S. viridosporus fermentations. With S. cerevisiae, the ethanol productivities were lower in both pure and mixed-cultures than those observed with Z. mobilis. Biofilm presence on the support was confirmed by weight gain, support clumping and Gram staining of supports. With these differences between pure- and mixed-culture fermentations, long-term performance studies of the pure-culture fermentations were further evaluated;A packed bed reactor that approximated a trickling bed was custom-made for Z. mobilis fermentation. Soy hull-zein polypropylene composites or polypropylene supports were used. For S. cerevisiae, a plug-flow reactor was filled with soybean hull-soybean flour polypropylene composite supports. Glucose-yeast extract medium containing 10% glucose for Zymomonas and 7.5% for Saccharomyces was used. Continuous fermentations in replicates of two were carried out for 60 days at various dilution rates. Suspended culture fermentations were carried out in 2-liter B. Braun fermentors. There was no difference in the productivities obtained in fermentation between the two supports for Z. mobilis, most likely because it is a good biofilm former. Maximum productivities of 536 g/l/h and 499 g/l/h were obtained with Z. mobilis using polypropylene alone and soybean hull-zein polypropylene composite supports respectively. These productivities are the highest reported in the literature so far. With S. cerevisiae a maximum productivity of 76.1 g/l/h was obtained on the soybean hull-soybean flour plastic composite supports;Visible biofilm formation was observed in all the reactors within two weeks of operation. Suspension culture fermentations resulted in ethanol productivities of 4.8 g/l/h and 5.2 g/l/h with yeast and bacteria respectively. A washout was observed in suspension culture fermentation when the reactor was operated at a dilution rate of 1.0 h-1 These results suggest that, biofilm bioreactors with composite support materials can be used to improve ethanol productivity and lower the costs of fermentation

    Photocatalytic Reactor using TiO2 Thin Film on Quartz Tubes

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    Photocatalysis process, as an environmental application is an advanced oxidation process with tremendous potential in the near future. Previously many researchers, have conducted photocatalysis in different reactor configuration using TiO2 slurry and thin film, using a UV light source, the constraints for these reactors are the need for the removal of TiO2 particles at the outlet stream in a slurry reactor and poor environment for the efficient use of TiO2 film using UV light, as the UV light penetration depth in water is about an inch. Taking all this into consideration, we propose a design for reactor with efficient contact of the aqueous phase to the TiO2 film so that UV light doesn\u27t need to penetrate through water, the TiO2 particles need not be removed from the outlet stream of water. The wok involves the deposition of TiO2 on quartz tubes with TiO2 and TiO2-Fe doped film by sol-gel and ESA (electrostatic self assembly) method and testing the performance of the coated film in proposed photocatalytic reactor in degradation of congo red, KI and Nitro phenol