35 research outputs found

    A Secure Mobile App Solution Using Human Behavioral Context and Analytic Hierarchy Process

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    AbstractMobile devices have gained popularity worldwide. The mobile device flexibility has encouraged users to turn their mobile devices into primary hubs for storing information. This paper adopts the classical CW-Lite security models as the framework and the human behavioral patterns as the context. The selected behavioral aspects refer to mobile application and mobility, deployed as major characteristics that determine security control decisions. This proposed paper requires the application of human behavioral context on mobile phones. The solution involves the novel use of behavioral aspects to improve the security of mobile phones. Two important scenarios are incorporated: analytic hierarchy process (AHP) mobile application and AHP mobility. The proposed methodology is superior because it can detect the change in the user behavior in comparison with an intruder. The applied intelligent human behavioral context on the CW-Lite model shows the advantages of AHP in detecting the changes in the user behavior and in authenticating the identity of the main user. These advantages ensure reliability and security of the phone

    A secure near field communication (NFC)-enabled attendance on android mobile for higher education

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    Today, many universities evaluate the performance of students in a semester based on the student’s attendance to class to make sure that they do not miss out any important class.This lead to taking attendance system is an important issue in universities.In this work, a sensor based attendance system is proposed. This approach adopts sensing technology, which is Near Field Communication (NFC).Besides that, this system also includes face detection and recognition function to identify the person that taking attendance is currently being the owner of the NFC tag.This multi-factor identification system will be designed to cater the limitation of the conventional attendance system.The final results demonstrate that the proposed system thwart against replaying events leading to duplication s recording and cheating by legitimate and illegitimate users have due to the added randomization effect in generating sessions for each event recorded within the web-service database.The overall system provides an efficient, accurate and portability solution and work well for the real-life attendance environment within the university

    Security and privacy protection in RFID-enabled supply chain management

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    Radio frequency identification-enabled supply chain systems are in an open system environment, where different organisations have different business workflows and operate on different standards and protocols. This supply-chain environment can only be effective if the partners can trust each other and be collaborative. However, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) involves growing privacy and security concerns in part because humans cannot sense the radio frequency radiation used to read tags and the tags themselves maintain no history of past readings. Counterfeiting in the form of cloned or fraudulent RFID tags is a consequence of a lack of security measures and trust among the partners when RFID technology is used to automate their business transactions. This paper discusses the ways in which privacy and security protection can be maintained in an open-loop RFID supply chain. A cost-based detection of counterfeit tags using different classifiers is presented

    iHOME: an ambient intelligence mobile crowd sensing smart home system

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    iHOME is a monitoring system that aims to help caregivers take care of their elderly. The main module of the HOPE system provides an intelligent ambient environment by employing prediction based on elderly’s daily activity monitor.The goal of iHOME is for non-invasively monitor the elderly behavior pattern and to notify the caregiver upon abnormality detection such as fall detection in the their movement pattern.This enhances the safety of the elderly so that he/she could live independently. The technology behind this includes Arduino-based ambient sensors, tracking based sensors, Case-Based Reasoning prediction algorithm and Pebble wearable application

    Readability of websites security privacy policies: A survey on text content and readers

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    The aim of website's Privacy Policies is to educate consumers of a website's practices and procedures relating to their collection, usage, exchange, control, protection and the use of technology in relation to the information collection (website beacon and cookies) and transmission of user's personal information anytime he visits Internet website. This paper discusses a readability issues in privacy policies and how privacy scholars approach the issue. The paper also compares and analyzes research results on readability measurement of privacy policies and divides them into two categories according to different perspective. The perspective includes readability measurement from reader's perspective and readability measurement from privacy policies text content’s perspective. Our finding shows that website providers should give consumers better control regarding their information and give them more freedom in privacy policies. Only then will consumers become liberated from the burden of choosing between 2 unspeakable options. A legally binding document on the privacy policy can be written, that will also be clear and simple to read

    Security attacks taxonomy on bring your own devices (BYOD) model

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    Mobile devices, specifically smartphones, have become ubiquitous. For this reason, businesses are starting to develop “Bring Your Own Device” policies to allow their employees to use their owned devices in the workplace. BYOD offers many potential advantages: enhanced productivity, increased revenues, reduced mobile costs and IT efficiencies. However, due to emerging attacks and limitations on device resources, it is difficult to trust these devices with access to critical proprietary information. Therefore, in this paper, the potential attacks of BYOD and taxonomy of BYOD attacks are presented. Advanced persistent threat (APT) and malware attack are discussed in depth in this paper. Next, the proposed solution to mitigate the attacks of BYOD is discussed. Lastly, the evaluations of the proposed solutions based on the X. 800 security architecture are presented

    Localizing user experience for mobile application: A case study among USM undergraduates

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    The increasing number of mobile devices consumptions, especially mobile phones and smartphones had caused a growing interest in the user experience research on the mobile platform. However, it is difficult to gain an encompassing understanding of the user experience especially from a localized context.This paper presents our survey finding on the understanding of user experience among USM undergraduates.The research finding identifies that a respondents’ field of study has some influence on their understanding of user experience.Overall, the respondents tend to agree that user experience is subjective and based on the individual’s interaction with an application. The ISO definition of user experience is discussed and compared with the survey results. The comparison highlights that the definition of user experience is similar with the ISO’s definition of user experience

    Trust management in radio frequency identification systems

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