107 research outputs found

    EEG sub-band frequency analysis of spectrogram image for balanced brainwave and IQ applications / Mahfuzah Mustafa

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    This thesis introduces new methods in analyzing Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal by utilizing EEG spectrogram image and image processing texture analysis called Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM). The methods attempt to apply in balanced brain and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) applications. The relationship between balanced brain and IQ application also proposed in this thesis. Collection of EEG signals were recorded from 101 volunteers. EEG signals recorded for the balanced brain application contain closed eyes state meanwhile for the IQ application contains closed eyes and opened eyes state. Before processing the information from the EEG signals, signal preprocessing is done to remove artefacts and unwanted signal frequencies. A time-frequency based technique called EEG spectrogram image was used to generate an image from EEG signal. The spectrogram image was produced for each EEG signals sub-band frequency Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta. The GLCM texture analysis derives features from EEG spectrogram image

    EEG sub-band frequency analysis of spectrogram image for balanced brainwave and IQ applications / Mahfuzah Mustafa

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    This thesis introduces new methods in analyzing Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal by utilizing EEG spectrogram image and image processing texture analysis called Gray level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM). The methods attempt to apply in balanced brain and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) applications. The relationship between balanced brain and IQ application also proposed in this thesis. Collection of EEG signals were recorded from 101 volunteers. EEG signals recorded for the balanced brain application contain closed eyes state meanwhile for the IQ application contains closed eyes and opened eyes state. Before processing the information from the EEG signals, signal preprocessing is done to remove artefacts and unwanted signal frequencies. A time frequency based technique called EEG spectrogram image was used to generate an image from EEG signal. The spectrogram image was produced for each EEG signals sub-band frequency Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta. The GLCM texture analysis derives features from EEG spectrogram image. Then, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to reduce the results and selected principal components features were used as inputs to the classifier. Two classifiers involved in this experiment are K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The number of training and testing ratio is assessed at 70 to 30 and 80 to 20 to find the best model based on percentage of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity as well as Mean Squared Error (MSE). The relationship pattern of balanced brain and IQ application were observed via histogram and then Scatterplot. The strength and significant of the relationship was evaluated by using Pearson correlation test. The percentage of correctness classification for balanced brain application is 90% and MSE 0.1. The sensitivity and specificity of this application is ranging from 66.67% to 100%. The accuracy for IQ application is 94.44% and MSE 0.0752. Meanwhile, the sensitivity and specificity of this application is ranging from 0% to 100%. The relationship between balanced brain and IQ achieved with positive and strong correlation with r ranging between 0.860 to 1.000 and p < 0.05 for some cases. The experiments reported in this thesis showed that the proposed technique were highly successful in indexing the balanced brain level and IQ

    Connection of siemens PLC to labview using OPC

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    The project is to enable the Siemens PLC (Programmable Logic Control) S7-300 to comlllzlI1icate ll'ith the Lab VIETY. The cOllllllunication between S7-300 and LabT/lEW is via OPC (OLE for Process Control).Development of OPC Zlsing SI1vfATlC NET OPC Server. OPC is indusfly standard provides real plug-and-play software technology for process control and factor), alltomat ioll. OPC integrate software and hardware across spectrum of vendors easi~v. Vislla/i~ation of Festa Didactic process developed llsing LahI/l EW Festo Didactic is small .\ystem which consist actuators and sensors . The process of Festa is to make hole for three different material red plastic. black plastic and metal. PROFIBUS is a medium to tramJer datu from PLC to Lab VIEW or Lab VlEJ;V to PLC

    Statistical Analysis of Balanced Brain and IQ Applications

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    EEG signal research had been studied massively in such balanced brain and IQ applications. This paper focuses on correlation between balanced brain and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) applications. At first, the raw EEG signals from both applications need to pre-process to remove artefact and unwanted frequency. Then, the EEG signals will go through statistical processes which are Scatterplot and Correlation test. As a result, there is correlation between the balanced brain and IQ application with strong and significant Pearson correlation

    Five-Class SSVEP Response Detection using Common-Spatial Pattern (CSP)-SVM Approach

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    Brain-computer interface (BCI) technologies significantly facilitate the interaction between physically impaired people and their surroundings. In electroencephalography (EEG) based BCIs, a variety of physiological responses including P300, motor imagery, movement-related potential, steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) and slow cortical potential have been utilized. Because of the superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) together with quicker information transfer rate (ITR), the intentness of SSVEP-based BCIs is progressing significantly. This paper represents the feature extraction and classification frameworks to detect five classes EEG-SSVEP responses. The common-spatial pattern (CSP) has been employed to extract the features from SSVEP responses and these features have been classified through the support vector machine (SVM). The proposed architecture has achieved the highest classification accuracy of 88.3%. The experimental result proves that the proposed architecture could be utilized for the detection of SSVEP responses to develop any BCI applications

    A robust framework for driver fatigue detection from EEG signals using enhancement of modified Z-score and multiple machine learning architectures

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    Physiological signals, such as electroencephalogram (EEG), are used to observe a driver’s brain activities. A portable EEG system provides several advantages, including ease of operation, cost-effectiveness, portability, and few physical restrictions. However, it can be challenging to analyse EEG signals as they often contain various artefacts, including muscle activities, eye blinking, and unwanted noises. This study utilised an independent component analysis (ICA) approach to eliminate such unwanted signals from the unprocessed EEG data of 12 young, physically fit male participants between the ages of 19 and 24 who took part in a driving simulation. Furthermore, driver fatigue state detection was carried out using multichannel EEG signals obtained from O1, O2, Fp1, Fp2, P3, P4, F3, and F4. An enhanced modified z-score was utilised with features extracted from a time-frequency domain continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to elevate the reliability of driver fatigue classification. The proposed methodology offers several advantages. First, multichannel EEG analysis improves the accuracy of sleep stage detection, which is vital for accurate driver fatigue detection. Second, an enhanced modified z-score in feature extraction is more robust than conventional z-score techniques, making it more effective for removing outlier values and improving classification accuracy. Third, the proposed approach for detecting driver fatigue employs multiple machine learning classifiers, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) that utilise Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and also machine learning techniques like Support Vector Machines (SVM). The evaluation of five classifiers was performed through 5-fold cross-validation. The outcomes indicate that the suggested framework attains exceptional precision in identifying driver fatigue, with an average accuracy rate of 96.07%. Among the classifiers, the ANN classifier achieved the most significant precision of 99.65%, and the SVM classifier ranked second with an accuracy of 97.89%. Based on the results of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC) analysis, it was observed that all the classifiers had an outstanding performance, with an average AUC value of 0.95. This study’s contribution lies in presenting a comprehensive and effective framework that can accurately detect driver fatigue from EEG signals

    Optimal accuracy performance in music-based EEG signal using Matthew correlation coefficient advanced (MCCA)

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    The connection between music and human are very synonyms because music could reduce stress. The state of stress could be measured using EEG signal, an electroencephalogram (EEG) measurement which contains an arousal and valence index value. In previous studies, it is found that the Matthew Correlation Coefficient (MCC) performance accuracy is of 85±5%. The arousal indicates strong emotion, and valence indicates positive and negative degree of emotion. Arousal and valence values could be used to measure the accuracy performance. This research focuses on the enhance MCC parameter equation based on arousal and valence values to perform the maximum accuracy percentage in the frequency domain and time-frequency domain analysis. Twenty-one features were used to improve the significance of feature extraction results and the investigated arousal and valence value. The substantial feature extraction involved alpha, beta, delta and theta frequency bands in measuring the arousal and valence index formula. Based on the results, the arousal and valance index is accepted to be applied as parameters in the MCC equations. However, in certain cases, the improvement of the MCC parameter is required to achieve a high accuracy percentage and this research proposed Matthew correlation coefficient advanced (MCCA) in order to improve the performance result by using a six sigma method. In conclusion, the MCCA equation is established to enhance the existing MCC parameter to improve the accuracy percentage up to 99.9% for the arousal and valence index

    Diagnosis of hearing impairment based on wavelet transformation and machine learning approach

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    Hearing impairment has become the most widespread sensory disorder in the world, obstructing human-to-human communication and comprehension. The EEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI) technology may be an important solution to rehabilitating their hearing capacity for people who are unable to sustain verbal contact and behavioral response by sound stimulation. Auditory evoked potentials (AEPs) are a kind of EEG signal produced by an acoustic stimulus from the brain scalp. This study aims to develop an intelligent hearing level assessment technique using AEP signals to address these concerns. First, we convert the raw AEP signals into the time–frequency image using the continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Then, the Support vector machine (SVM) approach is used for classifying the time–frequency images. This study uses the reputed publicly available dataset to check the validation of the proposed approach. This approach achieves a maximum of 95.21% classification accuracy, which clearly indicates that the approach provides a very encouraging performance for detecting the AEPs responses in determining human auditory level

    Observation of the Effects of Playing Games with the Human Brain Waves

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    The purpose of this paper is to observe the human brain waves when a person playing video games. The game proposed is Counter Strike (CS) 1.6. There are 30 samples of human brain wave will be collected. The EEG signal will be recorded before playing a game and after playing a game. The threshold value is used to filter the data collected to acquire clean brain waves. Then, extraction of sub-band Alpha and Beta is done by Band-pass filter. Power Spectral Density (PSD) is performed in analysing the brain waves to acquire peak amplitude of the Alpha and Beta sub-band frequencies. The pattern of Alpha and Beta is carried out by using the histogram to observe the relationship between games and mind state of humanity. It is observed that the Beta-band increase and Alpha-band decrease after the samples playing game

    The multimodal parameter enhancement of electroencephalogram signal for music application

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    Blinding of modality has been influenced decision of multimodal in several circumstances. Sometimes, certain electroencephalogram (EEG) signal is omitted to achieve the highest accuracy of performance. Therefore, the aim for this paper is to enhance the multimodal parameters of EEG signals based on music applications. The structure of multimodal is evaluated with performance measure to ensure the implementation of parameter value is valid to apply in the multimodal equation. The modalities’ parameters proposed in this multimodal are weighted stress condition, signal features extraction, and music class. The weighted stress condition was obtained from stress classes. The EEG signal produces signal features extracted from the frequency domain and time-frequency domain via techniques such as power spectrum density (PSD), short-time Fourier transform (STFT), and continuous wavelet transform (CWT). Power value is evaluated in PSD. The energy distribution is derived from STFT and CWT techniques. Two types of music were used in this experiment. The multimodal fusion is tested using a six-performance measurement method. The purposed multimodal parameter shows the highest accuracy is 97.68%. The sensitivity of this study presents over 95% and the high value for specificity is 89.5%. The area under the curve (AUC) value is 1 and the F1 score is 0.986. The informedness values range from 0.793 to 0.812 found in this paper
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