89 research outputs found

    Assessing the Health Impact of Water Quality Interventions in Low-Income Settings: Concerns Associated with Blinded Trials and the Need for Objective Outcomes.

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    BACKGROUND: A dramatic disparity between the results of blinded versus open trial designs has raised questions about the effectiveness of water quality interventions and other environmental interventions to prevent diarrhea, a leading killer of young children in low-income countries. OBJECTIVES: We summarize the results of blinded versus open trials of water quality interventions, describe evidence from a recent placebo-controlled trial in India suggesting that control households were put at risk from their participation, and suggest alternatives to blinded trials that could resolve continued uncertainty about the magnitude of the protective effect of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) interventions without presenting ethical questions. DISCUSSION: Concerns about reporting bias in open trial designs continue to cause uncertainty about the effectiveness of WASH interventions. However, evidence suggests that despite instructions to the contrary, placebos may encourage control group participants in blinded trials to cease practicing traditional water treatment practices in the mistaken belief that they are protected by an active intervention. Although objective outcomes such as pathogen incrimination, seroconversion, biomarkers, and anthropometry can be helpful, these are often costly, nonspecific, and unsuitable for evaluating programmatic interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Unless researchers can be assured that a placebo will not cause those in a control group to change their behavior in a manner that increases their risk, it is incumbent on researchers to use alternatives. Validated objective measures are needed for assessing the health impact of WASH interventions that are reliable, affordable, and suitable both for research and program evaluation. CITATION: Clasen T, Boisson S. 2016. Assessing the health impact of water quality interventions in low-income settings: concerns associated with blinded trials and the need for objective outcomes. Environ Health Perspect 124:886-889; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.1510532

    Partial characterization of three &#946-defensin gene transcripts in river buffalo and cattle

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    In this study, the tracheal tissues from Egyptian river buffalo and cattle were screened for the presence of three bovine β-defensin gene transcripts. Three primer pairs were designed on the basis of published Bos taurus sequences for partial amplification of β-defensin 4, β-defensin 10 and β-defensin 11 complementary DNA (cDNA). The amplified cDNA products of the three genes in both buffalo and cattle were sequenced. The sequences were analyzed to verify gene identity and to identify differences with the corresponding buffalo (Bubalus bubalis bubalis) and/or cattle (Bos taurus) β-defensin mRNAs published sequences in the GenBank database. β-Defensin 4 and β-defensin 10 primer pairs amplified cDNA sequences in buffalo and cattle that corresponded to those mRNAs of the two genes in GenBank database with nucleotide percentage homology of 83 and 84% for β-defensin 4, and 87 and 90% for β-defensin10, respectively. The translated protein sequences obtained for buffalo and cattle showed protein percentage similarity of 86 and 81% for β-defensin 4, and 87.5 and 87% for β-defensin 10 with the corresponding proteins of B. bubalis bubalis and/or B. taurus in GenBank database. On the other hand, cDNA sequences amplified by β-defensin 11 primer pair in both buffalo and cattle corresponded more to lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP) mRNAs of B. bubalis bubalis and B. taurus (94 and 82% nucleotide similarity and 92 and 77% translated-protein similarity) rather than β-defensin 11 mRNA of B. taurus (68 and 66% nucleotide similarity and 74 and 65.5% translated-protein similarity).Key words: β-Defensin 4, β-defensin 10, β-defensin 11, lingual antimicrobial peptide (LAP), river buffalo, cattle

    The association between leukocytes and sperm quality is concentration dependent

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To evaluate the association between leukocytes (polymorphonuclear granulocytes -PMNL) and semen parameters at different leukocyte concentrations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a retrospective clinical study at a university hospital andrology clinic. Semen samples from infertile men were analyzed for sperm morphology and motility according to seminal leukocytes (PMNL) concentration (category A: >0 to <0.25 × 10(6)/mL; category B: >0.25 to <0.5 × 10(6)/mL; category C: >0.5 to <0.75 × 10(6)/mL; category D: >0.75 to <1.0 × 10(6)/mL, category E: >1 × 10(6)/mL).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The percentage of sperm with normal morphology increased significantly from category A (14%) to category D (19%) but decreased in category E to levels (14%) similar to those in category A. Motility grades a and a+b (combined) also increased from category A (12%, 20%) to category D (18.0%, 28.5%) and decreased in category E (11%, 20.5%) to levels similar to those in category A. Sperm deformities and motility grades c and d increased progressively in all categories.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Leukocytes had a positive association with normal morphology and progressive motility in semen samples at a concentration of 0-1 × 10(6)/mL. The findings suggest that the association between leukocytes (PMNL) and semen quality might be concentration dependent.</p

    Factors associated with hospital service satisfaction in a sample of Arab subjects with schizophrenia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Assessment of patients' satisfaction with health care services could help to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system and provide guidance for further development. The study's objectives were to: (i) assess the pattern of satisfaction with hospital care for a sample of people with schizophrenia in Kuwait, using the Verona Service Satisfaction Scale (VSSS-EU); ii) compare the pattern of satisfaction with those of similar studies; and iii) assess the association of VSSS seven domains with a number of variables representing met and unmet needs for care, family caregiver burden, severity of psychopathology, level of psychosocial functioning, socio-demographic characteristics, psychological well-being and objective quality of life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Consecutive outpatients in stable condition and their family caregivers were interviewed with the VSSS-EU and measures of needs for care, caregiver burden, quality of life and psychopathology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 130 patients (66.1%m, mean age 36.8). While over two-thirds expressed satisfaction with the domains of "overall satisfaction", "professionals' skills", "access", "efficacy", and "relatives' involvement", only about one-third were satisfied with the domains of "information" and "types of intervention". The later two domains were the areas in which European patients had better satisfaction than our patients, while our patients expressed better satisfaction than the Europeans in the domain of "relatives' involvement". In multiple regression analyses, self-esteem, positive and negative affect were the most important correlates of the domains of service satisfaction, while clinical severity, caregiver burden and health unmet needs for care played relatively minor roles.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The noted differences and similarities with the international data, as well as the predictive power of self-esteem and affective state, support the impression that patients' attitudes towards psychiatric care involve a complex relationship between clinical, personal and socio-cultural characteristics; and that many of the factors that impact on satisfaction with service relate to individual psychological characteristics. The weaknesses in the system, highlighted by the pattern of responses of the participants, indicate possible gaps in the provision of comprehensive psychiatric care in the country and obviate the need for public mental health education and development of services to enhance the quality of care.</p

    Effects of the Insemination of Hydrogen Peroxide-Treated Epididymal Mouse Spermatozoa on γH2AX Repair and Embryo Development

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    BACKGROUND: Cryopreservation of human semen for assisted reproduction is complicated by cryodamage to spermatozoa caused by excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We used exogenous ROS (H(2)O(2)) to simulate cryopreservation and examined DNA damage repair in embryos fertilized with sperm with H(2)O(2)-induced DNA damage. Sperm samples were collected from epididymis of adult male KM mice and treated with capacitation medium (containing 0, 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mM H(2)O(2)) or cryopreservation. The model of DNA-damaged sperm was based on sperm motility, viability and the expression of γH2AX, the DNA damage-repair marker. We examined fertility rate, development, cell cleavage, and γH2AX level in embryos fertilized with DNA-damaged sperm. Cryopreservation and 1-mM H(2)O(2) treatment produced similar DNA damage. Most of the one- and two-cell embryos fertilized with DNA-damaged sperm showed a delay in cleavage before the blastocyst stage. Immunocytochemistry revealed γH2AX in the one- and four-cell embryos. CONCLUSIONS: γH2AX may be involved in repair of preimplantation embryos fertilized with oxygen-stressed spermatozoa

    Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors among Employees and Their Families of a Saudi University: An Epidemiological Study

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    Objectives:To assess the prevalence of non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors among Saudi university employees and their families; to estimate the cardiovascular risk (CVR) amongst the study population in the following 10years. Methods:The NCD risk factors prevalence was estimated using a cross-sectional approach for a sample of employees and their families aged ≥ 18 years old, in a Saudi university (Riyadh in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; KSA). WHO STEPwise standardized tools were used to estimate NCD risk factors and the Framingham Coronary Heart Risk Score calculator was used to calculate the CVR. Results:Five thousand and two hundred subjects were invited, of whom 4,500 participated in the study, providing a response rate of 87%. The mean age of participants was 39.3±13.4 years. The majority of participants reported low fruit/vegetables consumption (88%), and physically inactive (77%). More than two thirds of the cohort was found to be either overweight or obese (72%), where 36% were obese, and 59% had abdominal obesity. Of the total cohort, 22–37% were found to suffer from dyslipidaemia, 22% either diabetes or hypertension, with rather low reported current tobacco use (12%). One quarter of participants was estimated to have >10% risk to develop cardiovascular disease within the following 10-years. Conclusion:The prevalence of NCD risk factors was found to be substantially high among the university employees and their families in this study

    Evolution of the TOR Pathway

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    The TOR kinase is a major regulator of growth in eukaryotes. Many components of the TOR pathway are implicated in cancer and metabolic diseases in humans. Analysis of the evolution of TOR and its pathway may provide fundamental insight into the evolution of growth regulation in eukaryotes and provide a practical framework on which experimental evidence can be compared between species. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses on the components of the TOR pathway and determined their point of invention. We find that the two TOR complexes and a large part of the TOR pathway originated before the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor and form a core to which new inputs have been added during animal evolution. In addition, we provide insight into how duplications and sub-functionalization of the S6K, RSK, SGK and PKB kinases shaped the complexity of the TOR pathway. In yeast we identify novel AGC kinases that are orthologous to the S6 kinase. These results demonstrate how a vital signaling pathway can be both highly conserved and flexible in eukaryotes