43 research outputs found

    Impact of Supervision on Rework in Construction Industry

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    The role of supervision plays a vital role in the construction projects. Supervision due to unskilled labours is believed to be one of the major causes of rework. Therefore, skilled supervisors along with experience play an important role in reducing the amount of rework due to construction defects. This paper shows the quality of site supervision in India as it is related to the levels of experience and skill of a supervisor. Hence, the paper gives the fair idea about the relationship between the quality of site supervision and rework in construction industry. Based on site data collection considering five building construction sites in India, this paper suggests that the principal cause of rework during construction is due to the unskilled supervision without experience which leads to the defects in construction industry

    Cholesterol Behind the Whole Life of Humans

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    Cholesterol is a sterol, synthesized by animal cells and vital lipid molecule for human cells (animal) and is also a component of the diet, being present in food of animal origin. Its main function is to maintain the integrity and fluidity of cell membranes and to serve as a precursor for the synthesis of substance that are vital for the organism including steroid hormones, bile acids and vitamin D. animal cells acquire cholesterol from extracellular lipoprotein and form new synthesis of cells. Dietary cholesterol comes exclusively from animal sources, it is naturally present in our diet and tissues. Cholesterol is synthesized in the human body in order to maintain a stable peel when dietary intake is low, given the necessity for cholesterol, very effective intestinal uptake mechanisms bile acid and cholesterol reabsorption cycles exist1. Conversely carbohydrates are poorly absorbed and indeed rapidly excreted. Dietary cholesterol content does not significantly influence cholesterol value, which are regulated by various nutritional. Factors that influence cholesterol absorption (or) synthesis. Recent study data do not support a link between dietary cholesterol and cardio vascular diseases2

    Forensic Identification of Suspected Poached Wild Boar (Sus scrofa affinis)

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    A case of suspected wild boar death due to dynamite blast by poachers was received by us for confirmation. The skin sample was collected and examined histologically for identification based on hair follicle arrangement in the horizontal section of skin. The horizontal sections of skin from both domestic and wild boar was stained in order to study the distribution of hair follicles. Linear arrangement of hair follicles comprising three primary follicles in a row was observed in both domestic and suspected wild boar. Based on circumstantial evidence it was concluded that it may be belonging to wild boar

    Ublažavajući učinak biljke Andrographis paniculata na promjene u brojlera uzrokovane bakterijom E. coli

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    The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the ameliorative effect of Andrographis paniculata during E. coli-induced pathology in broilers. Day-old broiler chicks (n = 100) were randomly divided into four equal groups. Group I served as a negative control and was fed with a commercial diet. On day 8, the birds from groups II and IV were challenged with a single oral dose of E. coli broth culture 0.2 mL (1×109 cfu/mL). Groups III and IV were fed with Andrographis paniculata 5 g/kg of feed from day old to the end of the experiment. The total duration of the experiment was 35 days. On the 7th, 21st and 28th day post infection (DPI) with E. coli, six birds from each group were randomly sacrificed and observed for gross and histopathogical observations. Group II birds showed ascites and thickened intestinal mucosa with cheesy material on the 28th and 35th DPI. Pathomorphological alterations, viz. congestion, hemorrhages, degenerations, necrosis, fibrinous exudates, edema, mononuclear cell and heterophil infiltration in the lung, liver, heart, kidneys and duodenum were observed in group II birds, along with depletion of the lymphoid cell population in the spleen. Pretreatment of Andrographis paniculata in the E. coli challenged group led to mild degenerative changes in all organs, indicating the putative protective effect of the plant during E. coli induced pathology in broilers. However, further, more elaborated study is required to calculate the dosage of Andrographis paniculata for use as an antibacterial agent in broiler feed.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se procijenio ublažavajući učinak biljke Kineski andrografis (Andrographis paniculata) na patološke procese u brojlera uzrokovane bakterijom E. coli. Jednodnevni pilići (n = 100) slučajnim su odabirom podijeljeni u četiri jednake skupine. Prva je skupina poslužila kao negativna kontrola i hranjena je komercijalnom hranom. Osmi dan pilićima iz druge i četvrte skupine peroralno je dana jednokratna doza E. coli bujona u količini od 0,2 mL (1×109 cfu/mL). Treća i četvrta skupina hranjene su biljkom Andrographis paniculata u količini od 5 g/kg hrane od početka do kraja pokusa. Istraživanje je trajalo 35 dana. Sedmi, 21. i 28. dan nakon zaražavanja bakterijom E. coli po šest pilića iz svake skupine nasumce je usmrćeno te su promatrane makroskopske i patohistološke promjene. U drugoj je skupini uočen ascites i zadebljanje crijevne sluznice sa sirastim naslagama 28. i 35. dan poslije zaražavanja. U toj su skupini promatrane patomorfološke promjene poput kongestije, krvarenja, degeneracije, nekroze, fibrinskog eksudata, edema, infiltracije pluća, jetre, srca, bubrega i dvanaesnika mononuklearnim i heterofilnim stanicama, uz depleciju limfoidnih stanica u slezeni. Dodavanje biljke Andrographis paniculata skupini zaraženoj bakterijom E. coli utjecalo je na pojavu blažih degenerativnih promjena u svim organima, što upućuje na zaštitni učinak biljke tijekom izlaganja brojlera bakteriji E. coli. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja kako bi se izračunala doza biljke Andrographis paniculata kao antibakterijskog dodatka/lijeka u prehrani brojlera

    Aerosol control on depth of warm rain in convective clouds

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    Aircraft measurements of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and microphysics of clouds at various altitudes were conducted over India during CAIPEEX (Cloud Aerosol Interaction and Precipitation Enhancement Experiment) phase I and II in 2009 and 2010 respectively. As expected, greater CCN concentrations gave rise to clouds with smaller drops with greater number concentrations (Nc). The cloud drop effective radius (re) increased with distance above cloud base (D). Warm rain became detectable at the tops of growing convective clouds when re exceeded 12 µm with appreciable liquid water content (> 0.01 g/Kg). The re is determined by the number of activated CCN, Nad, and D. The Nad can be approximated by the maximum measured values of Nc. Higher Nc resulted in greater D for reaching the re threshold for onset of warm rain, re, denoted as D. In extreme cases of highly polluted and moist air that formed the monsoon clouds over the Indo-Gangetic plains, D exceeded 6 km, well above the 0{degree sign}C isotherm level. The precipitation particles were initiated there as supercooled rain drops at a temperature of -8{degree sign}C. Giant CCN reduced re and D, by initiating raindrops at warmer temperatures. This effect was found mainly in dusty air masses over the Arabian Sea. Besides, the aerosol effect on D, D was found to decrease with increase in cloud water path

    A Flexible Crypto-system Based upon the REDEFINE Polymorphic ASIC Architecture

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    The highest levels of security can be achieved through the use of more than one type of cryptographic algorithm for each security function. In this paper, the REDEFINE polymorphic architecture is presented as an architecture framework that can optimally support a varied set of crypto algorithms without losing high performance. The presented solution is capable of accelerating the advanced encryption standard (AES) and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) cryptographic protocols, while still supporting different flavors of these algorithms as well as different underlying finite field sizes. The compelling feature of this cryptosystem is the ability to provide acceleration support for new field sizes as well as new (possibly proprietary) cryptographic algorithms decided upon after the cryptosystem is deployed.Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(1), pp.25-31, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.62.143

    A case study on Sophayuktha Charmakeela Arshas

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    Charmakeela Arshas (sentinel pile) is a skin tag, also associated with chronic fissure in ano, at the lower part of the chronic fissure in ano skin enlarges and appears like guarding the fissure. It causes discomfort, itching and low grade infection.[1] Here the Sophayukta Charmakeela Arshas (inflamed sentinel piles) are treated with Jalouka and after the pain reduction Kshara Sutra is applied for Chedana of Charmakeela. Inflammation occurs due to Pitta-Raktadoshavardhana, for reducing inflammation Jaloukavacharana is the best. Jaloukas have Sheetha and Madhuraguna[2] because of that it helps to remove excess Dosas from inflamed sentinel pile and helps to reduce pain and swelling. Kshara Sutra is the medicated thread, prepared from Snuhi, Apamarga Kshara and Haridra.[3] In this case Jaloukavachara helps to reduce inflammation and Kshara Sutra ligation helps to remove the Charmakeela from it base and relieves the symptoms. Jalouka kept over inflamed pile mass for 5 days and Kshara Sutra was administered on the base of sentinel tag for three consecutive sittings with an interval of one week along with other oral medications, Avagaha Sweda (sitzbath) and local application. Signs, symptoms and size of sentinel tag are assessed after each week till the sentinel tag cut through takes place. This paper elaborates upon the effect of Jaloukavacharana and Kshara Sutra application in the management of inflamed sentinel pile. Ksharasutra and Jaloukavacharanas are good Anusastras to surgery as it is less risky and can be performed easily and is devoid of major complications. Jaloukavacharana done in IPD basis and Ksharasutra on an OPD basis as there is no chance of bleeding during procedure and on follow up