716 research outputs found

    Musings on genome medicine: is there hope for ethical and safe stem cell therapeutics?

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    Although most stem cell therapy has been non-controversial, therapy based on pluripotent stem cells has raised both ethical and safety concerns. Despite these concerns, the use of cells derived from pluripotent stem cells has recently been approved for clinical trials. We suggest that recent advances in the field have provided avenues to develop pluripotent cells that raise far fewer ethical concerns. Moreover, advances in cell sorting, gene modification and screening have allowed the development of safer therapeutic approaches. Continued advances in this rapidly evolving field are likely to allow therapy to be delivered in a safe and effective manner without socially divisive ethical controversy in the not-so-distant future

    Studi Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik Untuk Lahan Parkir Di Kota Blitar

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    Bentuk pemanfaatan ruang publik Kota Blitar salah satunya adalah parkir. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakter dan distribusi ruang publik, mengetahui karakter dan distribusi lahan parkir di ruang publik, dan menyusun arahan penataan lahan parkir di ruang publik. Metode penelitianya adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, inventarisasi dokumen instansi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu interpetasi spasial dan skoring dengan analisis deskriptif. Distribusi ruang publik di Kota Blitar mengelompok di pusat kota dengan fungsi sebagai kawasan komersial, fungsi ekologi, sebagai pusat kuliner dan sarana rekreasi. Pengembanga lahan parkir pada ruang pubik didukung oleh Dinas Perhubungan, paguyuban pengelola lahan parkir, dan pengelolaan lahan parkir oleh masyarakat lokal. Hasil terakhir penelitian ini adalah penambahan serta pengadaan tempat khusus parkir kendaraan, pengadaan legalitas pengelola parkir, pemberdayaan terhadap petugas parkir legal, dan menjadikan lokasi ruang publik sebagai area bebas parkir

    Analisa Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Penerimaan Dan Penggunaan Aplikasi Go-jek Menggunakan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Utaut)

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    Gojek Application is android based application that is the entrance for customers to obtain services provided by PT Gojek Indonesia. This research was conducted to analyze the factors that affect the acceptance and use of the Gojek Application using United Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This reseacrh was conducted on 50 people Gojek Application users are found in several locations of offices, malls, schools, colleges and the environment surrounding the housing in Jakarta. Based on research, it is known that the simultaneous factor performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions and significant positive effect on use behavior Gojek Application. While partially, it is known that performance expectancy and social influence which has positive and significant effect on use behavior Gojek Application. While effort expectancy and facilitating condititions not have a positive and significant effect on use behavior Gojek Application

    Impact of network assortativity on epidemic and vaccination behaviour

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    The resurgence of measles is largely attributed to the decline in vaccine adoption and the increase in mobility. Although the vaccine for measles is readily available and highly successful, its current adoption is not adequate to prevent epidemics. Vaccine adoption is directly affected by individual vaccination decisions, and has a complex interplay with the spatial spread of disease shaped by an underlying mobility (travelling) network. In this paper, we model the travelling connectivity as a scale-free network, and investigate dependencies between the network's assortativity and the resultant epidemic and vaccination dynamics. In doing so we extend an SIR-network model with game-theoretic components, capturing the imitation dynamics under a voluntary vaccination scheme. Our results show a correlation between the epidemic dynamics and the network's assortativity, highlighting that networks with high assortativity tend to suppress epidemics under certain conditions. In highly assortative networks, the suppression is sustained producing an early convergence to equilibrium. In highly disassortative networks, however, the suppression effect diminishes over time due to scattering of non-vaccinating nodes, and frequent switching between the predominantly vaccinating and non-vaccinating phases of the dynamics.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Angka Penemuan Kasus TB Paru oleh Praktisi Kesehatan Swasta

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    The case of tubercolusis (TB) is still prevalence in Bali, especially in Karangasem District. District Health Office has developed the intervention program to reduce the prevalence of this case by expand partnership between Health Center and private health practitioners, also activating a staff of health center as Overseer for Intake of Medication (PMO). The objective of this research was to analyze the correlation between behavior factors of private health practitioners, visitation frequency of PMO and case detection rate of TBC. Research was conducted at Karangasem District, Bali. The cacthment area of 12 Health Centers were use as unit analysis of this study. Interview were carried out to 72 private practitioners (doctors, midwives, and nurses) and 12 PMOs of 12 Health Center. Dependent variable was number of case detection rate of private health practitioners, and independent variables were knowledge, attitude, motivation, and visitation frequency of Overseer for Intake of Medication to private health practitioners. The results show that there were correlation between case detection rate of TBC and good knowledge of private health practitioners (r = 0.66), good attitude of private health practitioners (r = 0.69), high motivation of private health practitioners (r = 0.56), number of private health practitioners (r = 0.13), knowledge of PMO (r = 0.79), visitation frequency of PMO to private health practitioners (r = 0,22). Its concluded that, more private practitioners with good knowledge, attitude, high motivation, higher number of private practitioners, PMO with good knowledge, intense visitation frequency could encourage the increase of case detection rate of Lung TB.Key words: Private health practitioners, Overseer for Intake of Medication (PMO), Case Detection Rate of Tubercolusi

    Pemaknaan Perkawinan (Studi Kasus pada Perempuan Lajang yang Bekerjadi Kecamatan Bulukerto Kabupaten Wonogiri)

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    Marriage is one of human cultures and being apart of the life cycle. It's a base of forming a family. In ancient era, marriage was considered as conventionally, means women did the marriage because of the culture and society's persepective. Along with the times growing, changes in the way of human thinking began. Marriage was not only considered as a must in cultural, but it became a personal and rational choice of women. A single woman started to express herself to be involved in many public media, to make her being educated and reach the higher level to catch her desire. Marriage now becomes an important thing, but it's not the main priority.The purpose of this research is to find the meaning of marriage for a single women workers, social condition of single woman with their job, and marriage preparation of single women. Theory to analize this problem is interpretative understanding of Weber. This is a qualitative research by using case study research strategy, located in Bulukerto district. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection technique was interview. Data validity using source triangulation and method triangulation.Data analizing technique using interactive analysis model.Research result and discussion analysis showed that women have started to move on the increasing and progress of prosperity in many fields. Including on the education quality. The involvement of women on the public sphere have opened a new discourse on their way of thinking. This influence on meaning on a perception friction about the meaning of marriage. Single women perception about their life partner is influenced by internal and exsternal factor. Marriage is considered as an individual freedom right. Social condition of single woman toward her job can be seen from their condition of hard working, achievement of goals, focus on profession, high awarenesss of profession and carrier chances, improvement of work, appreciation of work, and discipline of work. While marriage preparation of single women is to set their life partner criteria, ideal time of marriage, settled and psikologycal readiness, and to make a pre-marital agreement

    Struggling to a monumental triumph : Re-assessing the final stages of the smallpox eradication program in India, 1960-1980

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    The global smallpox program is generally presented as the brainchild of a handful of actors from the WHO headquarters in Geneva and at the agency's regional offices. This article attempts to present a more complex description of the drive to eradicate smallpox. Based on the example of India, a major focus of the campaign, it is argued that historians and public health officials should recognize the varying roles played by a much wider range of participants. Highlighting the significance of both Indian and international field officials, the author shows how bureaucrats and politicians at different levels of administration and society managed to strengthen—yet sometimes weaken—important program components. Centrally dictated strategies developed at WHO offices in Geneva and New Delhi, often in association with Indian federal authorities, were reinterpreted by many actors and sometimes changed beyond recognition
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