4 research outputs found

    Nilai-nilai kesederhanaan dalam Al-Qur’an perspektif Tafsir Al-Azhar dan Al-Mishbah

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    ABSTRAK Kajian dalam skripsi ini membahas tentang fenomena masyarakat yang menjalani hidup secara hedonis dan konsumtif. Gaya hidup tersebut sangat menyalahi apa yang Al-Qur’an ajarkan. Sebagai pedoman hidup, Al-Qur’an mengajarkan untuk hidup sederhana. Untuk menyampaikan pesan ini, dibutuhkan mufassir untuk menjelaskan secara jelas kepada masyarakat. Mufassir yang penulis pilih dalam penelitian ini adalah Hamka dengan Tafsir Al-Azhar dan Quraish Shihab dalam tafsir Al-Mishbah. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam penelitian normatif. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah hasil Kitab Al-Azhar dan Kitab Al-Mishbah. Data sekunder penelitian bersumber dari artikel, jurnal, skripsi, kitab klasik, dan buku buku yang membahas seputar nilai-nilai kesederhanaan dan dan dianggap menunjang dalam penelitian ini. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menentukan tema seputar nilai-nilai kesederhanaan, membuat indikator yang nilai-nilai kesederhanaan dan mengumpulkan ayat-ayat serta mentafsirkan dengan tafsir Al-Azhar dan Al-Mishbah. Hasil pembahasan dari penelitian ini adalah, pertama adalah ayat-ayat yang mengandung nilai kesederhanaan adalah Surat al-isrâ ayat 26-27 dan 29 , al-Furqan ayat 67 dan al-A’raf ayat 31. Tafsir dari ayat-ayat tersebut adalahmengutamakan hidup sederhana dengan cara menghindari pemborosan dan sifat bakhil. Kedua, untuk konstekstualisasi dalam masa ini menerapkan nilai-nilai kesederhanaan dengan cara makan dan minum seperlunya, menghindari penjualan online dan membuat perencanaan keuangan ABSTRACT The study in this thesis discusses the phenomenon of people living a hedonistic and consumptive life. This lifestyle seriously violates what the Qur'an teaches. As a guide to life, the Qur'an teaches to live simply. To convey this message, it takes mufassir to explain clearly to the community. The mufassir that the author chose in this study is Hamka with Tafsir Al-Azhar and Quraish Shihab in tafsir Al-Mishbah. This research is classified as normative research. The primary data sources in this study are the results of the Kitab Al-Azhar and the Kitab Al-Mishbah. Secondary research data is sourced from articles, journals, theses, classics, and books that discuss the values of simplicity and are considered supportive in this research. The data collection method in this study determines the themes around the values of simplicity, makes indicators that are the values of simplicity and collects verses and interprets with the interpretation of Al-Azhar and Al-Mishbah. The result of the discussion of this study is, first is that the verses that contain the value of simplicity are Sura al-isrâ verses 26-27 and 29, al-Furqan verse 67 and al-A'raf verse 31. The interpretation of these verses is to prioritize a simple life by avoiding waste and piety. Second, to contextualize in this time apply the values of simplicity by eating and drinking as necessary, avoiding online sales and making financial planning ملخص البحث تناقش الدراسة في هذه الأطروحة ظاهرة الأشخاص الذين يعيشون حياة ممتعة واستهلاكية. نمط الحياة هذا ينتهك بشكل خطير ما يعلمه القرآن. كدليل للحياة، يعلم القرآن أن يعيش ببساطة. ولنقل هذه الرسالة، يتطلب الأمر من المفسر أن يشرح بوضوح للمجتمع. المفسر الذي اختاره المؤلف في هذه الدراسة هو حمكة مع تفسير الأزهر وقريش شهاب في تفسير المصباح حث معياري. مصادر البيانات الرئيسية في هذه الدراسة هي نتائج كتاب الأزهر وكتاب المصباح. يتم الحصول على بيانات البحث الثانوية من المقالات والمجلات والأطروحات والكلاسيكية والكتب التي تناقش قيم البساطة وتعتبر داعمة في هذا البحث. تحدد طريقة جمع البيانات في هذه الدراسة الموضوعات حول قيم البساطة ، وتصنع المؤشرات التي هي قيم البساطة وتجمع الآيات وتفسر مع تفسير الأزهر والمصباح ومن نتائج مناقشة هذه الدراسة، أولا، أن الآيات التي تحتوي على قيمة البساطة هي سورة الإسراء الآياتستة وعشرون -سبعة وعشرون و تسعة وعشرون، والفرقان الآية سبعة وستون، والآية العرفية واحد وثلاثون. تفسير هذه الآيات هو إعطاء الأولوية للحياة البسيطة من خلال تجنب الهدر والتقوى. ثانيا ، لوضع قيم البساطة في سياقها في هذا الوقت عن طريق الأكل والشرب حسب الضرورة ، وتجنب المبيعات عبر الإنترنت وإجراء التخطيط المال

    Effective Management to Support Tahfidz Al-Qur’ān Course in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

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    The purpose of this study is (was) to determine the management of the tahfidz al-Qur’ān course at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Malang and to find out the factors that influence the differences between the two and their relevance in the development of tahfidz al-Qur’ān courses in the two universities. This type of research was included into the empirical-qualitative category using Miles and Huberman-style analysis. The data collection was taken from interviews, observations and documentation. The standards of the management theory as the reference were the five principles set by Fayol. The results of this study present that the management of the tahfidz al-Qur’an course at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Malang had several similarities and differences in terms of planning. Each lecturer provided the explanations related to targets and memorization and memorization deposit mechanisms. The differences from the two were only the methods and targets set. As for the Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating and Controlling sides, it was broadly the same. What distinguished was only the technical implementation. The factors that influenced the existence of differences in the management of the the tahfidz al-Qur’an course were the absence of standard provisions and rules on the methods in teaching tahfidz al-Qur’an courses between the two universities. Tahfidz course management has relevance to the development into the Department of Qur’anic Studies matters in terms of graduate achievement and competence. This research gives a message that the lecturers of tahfidz courses have to make special strategies that can be applied uniformly by every tahfidz course supervisor in higher education

    Effective management to support Tahfidz Al-Qur’ān course in Indonesian Islamic higher education

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    The purpose of this study is (was) to determine the management of the tahfidz al-Qur’ān course at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Malang and to find out the factors that influence the differences between the two and their relevance in the development of tahfidz al-Qur’ān courses in the two universities. This type of research was included into the empirical-qualitative category using Miles and Huberman-style analysis. The data collection was taken from interviews, observations and documentation. The standards of the management theory as the reference were the five principles set by Fayol. The results of this study present that the management of the tahfidz al-Qur’an course at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and UIN Malang had several similarities and differences in terms of planning. Each lecturer provided the explanations related to targets and memorization and memorization deposit mechanisms. The differences from the two were only the methods and targets set. As for the Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating and Controlling sides, it was broadly the same. What distinguished was only the technical implementation. The factors that influenced the existence of differences in the management of the the tahfidz al-Qur’an course were the absence of standard provisions and rules on the methods in teaching tahfidz al-Qur’an courses between the two universities. Tahfidz course management has relevance to the development into the Department of Qur’anic Studies matters in terms of graduate achievement and competence. This research gives a message that the lecturers of tahfidz courses have to make special strategies that can be applied uniformly by every tahfidz course supervisor in higher education

    Hadith interpretation of religious moderation among students and its implications for the radicalization inversion movement at UIN Jakarta

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    Many studies have cited the massiveness of radical understanding among students in universities. Not only students from public universities, but also come from religious colleges such as UIN and IAIN. Therefore, this study aims; first, to analyze the hadith interpretation of Islamic moderates among students. Second, knowing the implementation of indications of religious moderates among students. Third, knowing the implications of the interpretation of Islamic moderates among students on the inversion-radicalization movement in Indonesia. All interview questions refer to the four pillars of indication of religious moderation initiated by the MORA, namely national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and acceptance of local culture. This type of study is qualitative, and the approach chosen is hadith-phenomenological. The method used in this study consists of three main methods. First, the descriptive method; second, the critic-analysis method; third, the critic-analysis-reflective. The results of this study provide information that the interpretation of Islamic moderatism among students has a variety of languages interpreted by each student. As for interpreting the hadith, many of them still do not understand and understand the content of the hadith. Based on the questionnaire and interview data, none of the students were free from indications of radicalism. The implications of these findings provide clues to the importance of fostering and socializing ideologies and instilling attitudes of moderation among students