237 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Survival of Tree Seedlings in the Drylands of Northern Ethiopia

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    The major factors that affect the survival of tree seedlings in the drylands of Northern Ethiopia were studied using questionnaire which was administered to a total of 225 randomly selected farmers. Drought and moisture stress problem was perceived by 78.3% of the respondents; 58.6% of the respondents noted that low soil fertility as the main factor; 42.5% of the respondents acknowledge that termites are most importantly affecting the survival of tree seedlings. In addition, 25.2% of the respondents observed that livestock affected survival of tree seedlings mainly because of grazing and trampling. These results indicate that drought and moisture stress, low soil fertility, termites and grazing by livestock can significantly hinder the survival of tree seedlings on degraded lands of the study area. Therefore, proper allocation of species into the site is needed to address the problem and improve the forest development. Keywords: Seedlings, growth, survival, moisture stres

    Leaf Litter Decomposition and Nutrient Release from Cordia Africana Lam. and Croton Macrostachyus Del. Tree Species

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the nutrient content of abscised leaves of Cordia africana Lam. and Croton macrostachyus Del. tree species and the extent to which they decompose to release these nutrients. Abscised leaves were collected from trees of these species and were evaluated by litter-bag technique for a period of 3 months. Nutrient return from each selected species showed that leaf of C. macrostachyus had significantly higher (P < 0.05) P but lower C compared with the leaf of C. africana. N concentration in the leaf of the study species did not show significant variation. Leaves of C. africana had significantly (P < 0.05) higher concentration of lignin and significantly higher lignin:N and C:N than C. macrostachyus. C. macrostachyus showed more rapid mass loss and nutrient release than C. africana. 50% of the biomass applied was lost during the first 6-7 weeks in C. macrostachyus and 9-10 weeks in C. africana. The half lives of N and P were 6-7 and 8-9 weeks, respectively, in C. macrostachyus. In C. africana, however, the half-lives were 13-14 and about 19 weeks for N and P, respectively. Generally, leaves with higher initial lignin, lignin:N and C:N ratios had lower decomposition and mineralization rates. Key words: Cordia africana, Croton macrostachyus, litter, decomposition, nutrient

    Ideas for Capacity Building and Educational Empowerment of Female Children in Rural Butaleja, Uganda: Applying the Central Human Capability Approach

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    Building upon the concepts of Capability Approach, this paper discusses how these ideas can be effectively utilized within the setting of a small rural village in Uganda, Africa to empower female children to create a valuable life that affects positive social change. Colonization left a devastating blow to the socioeconomic conditions among many ethnic communities in Uganda. However, Uganda’s political outlays and social constructs further deepened the inequity gap between female and male children. This paper explores ways in which female children may be given the capacity to create agency for themselves as a stepping stone towards building a life they value in Butaleja, Uganda

    Native And Indigenous Women Of Hawai\u27i: Exploring The Importance Of Indigenous Narratives And Storytelling To Understand Ancestral Knowledge Systems

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    This dissertation contains three articles. The research for these articles was conducted through many interviews and working directly in the communities from around the Island of O ‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Each article addresses a research topic that is connected to ancestral stories and historical events brought forward by women through stories and storytelling. These stories embed rich ancestral knowledge from a specific time and a specific place and space. In reading these articles, the reader is exposed to the power of story and storytelling, and how that in turn, reconnects people to places to learn from ancestral knowledge, and apply these important leanings to current practices. Although all articles are tied together from the perspective of stories and storytelling, each article is representative of its own research, data collection, and analysis

    PENGARUH DIVIDEN DAN STATUS PEMBAYARAN DIVIDEN TUNAI TERHADAP KUALITAS LABA PERUSAHAAN (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2010-2014)

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    The objectives of this study are to obtain empirical proof and analyze dividends’ effect views from several dividends proxies. The dividends proxies are from dividends payment status, size of dividends, the increase of dividends size, and the persistence of dividends distribution towards company’s earnings quality. The population of this study are manufacturing companies listed in Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) from 2010 - 2014. Total sample used in this study are 72 companies based on predetermined criteria (purposive sampling). Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis, classic assumption test, multicoloniarity test, and hypothesis testing with multiple regression analysis. Results of this analytical study indicate that cash dividends payment status has a significant positive effect on the companies’ earnings quality, the dividends size and the increase of dividends size also have a significant positive effect on the earnings quality, however persistence of dividend distribution has no significant effect on the company’s earnings quality

    Cow Milk Handling Practices and Factors Contributing to Quality Deterioration in Ethiopia

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    Milk, being a wholesome food with high nutritive value is often prone to early contamination and spoilage if not handled properly. Most losses of dairy products occur as a result of a combination of poor production and /or handling practices and lack of technical knowledge. Among others, lack of knowledge on clean milk production, use of unclean milking equipment coupled with lack of potable water for cleaning purpose probably contributed to the poor hygienic quality of dairy products produced in Ethiopia. The basic consideration during milk handling practices are: Housing and cleaning practices, milking practices, Milking Equipment and Milk hygienic practices. Factors that will contributes to the quality deteriorations of raw milk are Physical, chemical and biological contaminations. In addition to this the way identifying whether  milks deteriorate or not by using various techniques such as Methylene blue reduction and resazurine reduction, Alcohol test, Standard plate count, Somatic cell count and etc. Other methods of milk quality tests are: - Organoleptic test, Clot-on-boiling test, Lactometer test. Losses of dairy products occur as a result of a combination of poor production and /or handling practices and lack of technical knowledge. In order to prevent raw milk deterioration, training and awareness creation should be given to all farm communities concerning on  milk handling, personal hygienic , use of equipments, storage and transportation of milk. This paper cover milk handling practice in detail, factors that will contributes to deterioration and ways testing and method of controlling raw milk deterioration Keywords: milk handling, milk quality, milk deterioratio

    Discrete events model for dual mode transport system simulation and evaluation

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    Full text also available at http://www.mech.kuleuven.be/MT-ITS2011/downloads/Abstracts/042,%20A.%20de%20La%20Fortelle%20et%20al.,%20Discrete%20Events%20Model%20for%20Dual%20Mode%20Transport%20System%20Simulation%20and%20Evaluation.pdfInternational audienceThe European project CATS --- City Alternative Transport System --- is developing and evaluating a new vehicle system using a single type of vehicle for two different usages: individual use or collective transport. Real experiments will necessarily take place with a limited number of vehicles and stations. Hence there is a need for evaluation using simulations. INRIA is developing a discrete events simulator for that purpose, based on a previous work done for collective taxis. We present in this paper the model we use for the CATS project. This model rely on an adapted events/decision graph that extends previous graphs. The new feature of this model is the way we deal with two modes that can be extended to many other modes. This work therefore shows on a concrete example a method to efficiently merge multiple modes into one model

    The application development of “Directory Connoisseur” / Marliya Mahari

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    This research project proposed the service application called “Directory Connoisseur’. Currently in Malaysia, fixed line phone directory are still in forms of manual books and online directories. This means users have to do manual search and this might take some times to find the appropriate address and contact numbers preferred. With the application being proposed, the manual process of directory search could be eliminates. Thus, it could saves time and provide better and faster directory search. The application developed in this thesis involves the use of SMS (Short Message Service). The SMS is the intermediate between requestor or user and the directory. Requestor will request for the preferred directory using SMS. SMS provide users with two-way communication by enabling users to request for the preferred directory in a specified format. The request then will get a response from the system. The preferred information will be send back to the requestor through SMS reply. With the use of this application, the user will have the convenience to apply it anytime and anywhere as long as the user had a mobile phone

    Kesalahan Penggunaan Kosakata “你”nǐ dan “您”nín pada Peserta Didik Kelas 10 Akomodasi Perhotelan di SMK 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

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    Abstrak Bahasa mempunyai peranan penting pada kehidupan. Apabila bahasa tidak digunakan secara terstruktur dan terorganisasi dengan baik bisa saja menyebabkan kesalahan pada pemahaman informasi. Kesalahan pemahaman tersebut dapat menyebabkan terjadinya konflik antar individu maupun kelompok. Dalam bahasa Mandarin terdapat beberapa kosakata yang memiliki arti serupa namun berbeda. Sebagai contoh, penggunaan kosakata “你” nǐ (kamu) dan “您” nín (anda) sendiri memiliki perbedaan, walaupun arti dari kedua kosakata tersebut hampir serupa, yakni “kamu” dan “anda”. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode campuran mixed methods. Dimana artinya peneliti menggabungkan kedua metode antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan jenis pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, yang artinya peneliti menganalisis data yang kemudian diintegrasikan berupa temuan yang kemudian ditarik kesimpulan dari data tersebut. Peneliti mengambil sumber data dari soal tes dan kuisioner tentang penggunaan kosakata “你” nǐ (kamu) dan “您” nín (anda) yang telah diisi oleh peserta didik kelas 10 jurusan Akomodasi Perhotelan di SMK 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya. Yang selanjutnya peneliti deskripsikan bagaimana pemahaman, bentuk kesalahan dan faktor penyebab dari kesalahan tersebut. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah kesalahan yang dilakukan peserta didik pada soal tes sebesar 49.80% dan masuk dalam kualifikasi kurang. Sebesar 42.11% peserta didik juga merasa kurang memahami penggunaan kosakata “你” nǐ (kamu) dan “您” nín (anda). Selanjutnya peneliti menemukan bentuk kesalahan yang dilakukan peserta didik pada kedua kode soal. Dan faktor yang menjadi penyebab kesalahan adalah kurangnya pengetahuan tentang penggunaan kosakata “你” nǐ dan “您” nín, dan kurangnya latihan pada penggunaan kosakata “你” nǐ (kamu) dan “您” nín (anda). Kata Kunci: “你”nǐ, “您”nín, Kesalahan, Kosakata Abstract Language has an important role in our life. If the languages are not used in a well-structured and well- organized can made a misunderstanding information. This misunderstanding can lead to make a conflict between individuals or even groups. In Mandarin there are several similar words but have different meanings. For example, the use of the words "你" nǐ and "您" nín. Themselves have differences, even though the meanings both of words are almost the same "you" and "you" (in honor). In this study, Researcher used mixed methods. Which means that Researcher combine both methods between quantitative and qualitative methods. The type of this research is a quantitative and qualitative descriptive, which means the researcher analyzes the data, and the data will be integrated findings to drawning conclusions from the data. Researcher took data sources from test and questionnaires about the use of vocabulary "你" nǐ and "您" nín which had been filled out by students in grade 10 majoring Hospitality Accommodation at SMK 17 August 1945 Surabaya. Then the researcher describes how the understanding of the students, forms of errors and the causing that error. The results obtained from this study are the errors made by students in the test questions of 49.80% and fall into less qualifications. 42.11% of students also felt they did not understand the use of the vocabulary "你" nǐ and "您" nín. Furthermore, the researcher found that the form of errors made by students in both types of question. And the factors that cause errors are the lack of knowledge about the use of the vocabulary "你" nǐ and "您" nín, and the lack of practice in using the vocabulary "你" nǐ and "您" nín. Keywords: “你”nǐ, “您”nín, Mistakes, Vocabularie

    Analisis asosiasi karakteristik mustahik menggunakan algoritma Apriori

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    Jumlah penduduk miskin pada maret 2019 sebesar 9.41% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia atau bisa jumlahkan 25.14 juta, orang Dalam Undang-undang Nomer 23 Tahun 2011 membahas pengelolaan zakat. dimana zakat merupakan salah satu pranata keagamaan untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia dengan memperhatikan masyarakat miskin atau tidak mampu. Namun dalam penyaluran dana zakat belum optimal. Penelitian ini diangkat bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor faktor dominan dan dijadikan asosiasi karacter dari mustahik, dari asosiasi karakter akan dianalisis pola keterkaitan penerima zakat. Metode Association Rule Mining merupakan teknik dalam data mining untuk menemukan aturan asosiatif antara suatu kombinasi item. Proses asosiasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan algoritma apriori. Atribut – atribut yang digunakan sebagai variable penelitian yaitu : pendapatan, pengeluaran, jumlah tanggungan, ukuranrumah, dinding,lantai, atap, kepimilikan rumah, kendaraan, pengelola zakat, agama, budak, hutang piutang, berjuang di jalan allah, dalam perjalan dan keterangan menerima atau tidak. Parameter yang diatur dalam penentuan pola aturan asosiatif pada penelitian ini adalah nilai minimum support dan nilai minimum confidence. Data yang digunakan dalam proses analisis berjumlah 150 data dari mahasiswa angkatan 2019. dimana pada hasilnya yang menjadi aturan asosiasi final adalah aturan yang memiliki nilai confidence tertinggi dengan nilai 100%