46 research outputs found

    Optical and electrical properties of F doped SnO2 thin films

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    A wide variety of commercial devices needs conducting/semiconducting metal oxide materials due to their unique combination of high optical transparency and high electrical conductivity. Moreover, induced defects within the host atomic arrangement are fairly responsible for their desirable optical and electrical properties. Therefore, studying the effect of doped ion is essential for better understanding of the behaviour of conducting/semiconducting metal oxides. In this context, influence of fluorine doping on optical and electrical properties of polycrystalline SnO2 thin films synthesized using sol-gel assisted spin coating method have been investigated in this work. The structural, optical and electronic analysis of pure and F doped SnO2 thin film indicates major effect of F doping concentration. Based on the electrical measurement these films show semiconducting nature with optical band gap in the range from 2.88 to 3.11 eV with increasing F concentration. These results suggest that F doped SnO2 thin films are suitable in field of advance electronic or nano-electronic device technology

    Metal oxide blended ZSM-5 nanocomposites as ethanol sensors

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    Nano-ZSM-5 is synthesized without organic template via microwave-assisted hydrothermal technique. The synthesized nano-ZSM-5 zeolite is blended with metal oxides (ZnO and TiO2) to have novel composites as ethanol sensors. The composites are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) techniques. A study on ethanol sensing behaviour of metal oxide blended composite screen-printed thick films is carried out and the effect of metal oxide concentration on various ethanol sensing features, specifically operating temperature, response/recovery time and active region of the sensor, are investigated. XRD and FTIR confirm the blending of metal oxides in ZSM-5 matrix. Both, ZnO and TiO2 blended, composite films are sensitive to ethanol. It can be concluded that metal oxide blending improves the preformance of sensor for ethanol detection. The response/recovery time and active sensing regions depend upon the concentration of metal oxide in host zeolite. The ZnO/ZSM-5 and TiO2/ZSM-5 composite films are the excellent ethanol sensors

    Synthesis and Characterization of CaxSryBa1-x-yFe12-zLazO19 by Standard Ceramic Method

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    The polycrystalline compounds with chemical formula CaxSryBa1-x-yFe12-zLazO19 (CSBFLO) were synthesized via standard ceramic method. The chemical phase analysis was carried out by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) method, which confirmed the formation of the magnetoplumbite phase belonging to ferrite structure. The frequency dependence of AC conductivity and dielectric constant was studied in the frequency range of 10 Hz to 2 MHz. The experimental results revealed that AC conductivity increases with increasing frequency, which is in agreement with Koop’s phenomenological theory. However, variation in dielectric constant required explanation in light of dielectric polarization. Magnetic characterization included studies of parameters such as Ms, Mr, Hc, and Tc, and results were explained via magnetic dilution and canting spin structure

    Pax 6 Controls Neural Crest Potential of Limbal Niche Cells to Support Self-Renewal of Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells

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    On ocular surface, corneal epithelial stem cells (SC) reside in limbus between cornea and conjunctiva. Pax6, an evolutionally conserved transcription factor essential for eye development, is expressed in post-natal corneal and limbal epithelia progenitors (LEPC) but not in underlying stroma. Because Pax6 is transiently expressed in developing corneal stroma and a subset of limbal and corneal stromal progenitors, we examined the role of Pax6 in limbal niche cells (LNC) in maintaining the phenotype of neural crest (NC) progenitors to support LEPC. Our results showed that nuclear Pax6 staining was found in freshly isolated LNC but not corneal stromal cells. Serial passaged LNC resulted in gradual loss of nuclear Pax6 (46 kDa) staining and neural crest progenitor status defined by the expression of embryonic SCs and NC markers, neurosphere formation, and differentiation into neurons, oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Gain of function of 46 kDa Pax6 in late-passaged LNC resulted in nuclear Pax6 staining and promotion of the aforementioned NC progenitor status. In an in vitro reunion assay, early passaged LNC and late passaged LNC with overexpression of Pax6 inhibited the expression of corneal epithelial differentiation marker and promoted holoclone by LEPC. Therefore, expression of nuclear 46 kDa Pax6 in LNC plays an important developmental role in maintaining NC progenitor status to support self-renewal of corneal epithelial SCs in the limbal niche

    <span style="font-size:11.0pt;font-family: "Times New Roman";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-bidi-font-family: Mangal;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language: HI" lang="EN-GB">Nanoactivator mediated modifications in thermostable amylase from<i style="mso-bidi-font-style:normal"> Bacillus licheniformis</i></span>

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    468-471Gram-positive rod-shaped thermophilic bacteria were isolated using samples collected from terrestrial natural thermal spring located at Unkeshwar (Longitude 78.22 degree East to 78.34 degree East, Latitude 19 degree 34' North to 19 degree 40' North), District Nanded, Maharashtra State, India. The isolates were then cultivated using selective media and identified using culture-dependent techniques. One prominent isolate (UN1) exhibited high temperature stability and remarkable amylase production and was identified as Bacillus licheniformis. Amylase production was carried out in starch media and the enzyme was partially purified and characterized for optimization of pH and temperature. Amylolytic activity of the enzyme was determined. Nanoactivator-mediated modifications were carried out to enhance amylolytic activity of the partially purified amylase. Three-fold increase in catalytic efficiency of amylase was obtained after modification. </span

    Original Article Section: Pathology Effect of Lifestyle Intervention on Glucose Regulation among Individuals without Glucose Intolerance or Diabetes mellitus. A Clinicopathological Study in National Capital Region (NCR) Among 1039 Patients

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    ABSTRACT Background: Diabetes is one of the widely occurring diseases acting as a threat to mankind. 65% of the diabetic deaths are due to cardiovascular complications therefore diabetes acts as a major risk factor for vascular diseases. Sedentary lifestyles followed by today&apos;s generation with unhealthy eating habits and obesity are the major risk factors for diabetes. The current study aims at evaluating the effect of lifestyle intervention on glucose regulation among individuals without glucose intolerance or diabetes. Methods: The study was conducted during a 3 month period. In this study the participants were randomly divided into control and intervention group. Data regarding age, weight, height was recorded from all. The candidates in the intervention group were taught about healthy eating habits, improving their physical activity etc. The follow up was done at an interval of 1 month and 3 month. Changes occurring in the baseline values were recorded. The data was analysed by SPSS software. Results: Out of 1039 candidates, 520 candidates were included in Group I and 519 candidates in Group II. Age, sex and height were similar amongst both the groups showing no significant difference. Mean systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood sugar level were higher in control group compared to intervention group. The intervention group demonstrated a change in physical activity by 37.5 +/-8.2 hours/ week compared to 12.3+/-5.1 hours/week. The BMI amongst the intervention group demonstrated a mean decrease by 0.21 +/-0.1 whereas the control group showed an increase by 0.17 +//-0.2. The difference was not significant between the groups. Conclusion: Lifestyle interventions influence the risk factors associated with diabetes or various other diseases. Thus any alterations in risk factors can decrease or increase the chances of occurrence of the disease

    Optical and electrical properties of F doped SnO<sub>2</sub> thin films

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    755-758 A wide variety of commercial devices needs conducting/semiconducting metal oxide materials due to their unique combination of high optical transparency and high electrical conductivity. Moreover, induced defects within the host atomic arrangement are fairly responsible for their desirable optical and electrical properties. Therefore, studying the effect of doped ion is essential for better understanding of the behaviour of conducting/semiconducting metal oxides. In this context, influence of fluorine doping on optical and electrical properties of polycrystalline SnO2 thin films synthesized using sol-gel assisted spin coating method have been investigated in this work. The structural, optical and electronic analysis of pure and F doped SnO2 thin film indicates major effect of F doping concentration. Based on the electrical measurement these films show semiconducting nature with optical band gap in the range from 2.88 to 3.11 eV with increasing F concentration. These results suggest that F doped SnO2 thin films are suitable in field of advance electronic or nano-electronic device technology