73 research outputs found
Heterogeneous Catalytic Method for the One-pot Three-component Synthesis of Isoquinolonic Acid Derivatives Catalyzed by a 4Å Molecular Sieves Supported Lanthanum Catalyst
Lanthanum supported on 4Å molecular sieves proved to be an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the one-pot three-component synthesis of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolinone-4-carboxylic acid derivatives from homophthalic anhydride, aromatic aldehydes and an amine component, ammonium acetate or aralkyl amines, with good to excellent yields. The catalyst could be recovered easily and reused without significant loss of its initial activity
Molecular Sieve Supported Lanthanum Catalyst for the Efficient Synthesis of Polyhydroquinolines via Hantzsch Synthesis
Molecular sieve supported lanthanum catalyst proved to be an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the one-pot, four-component synthesis of polyhydroquinoline derivatives from aromatic aldehydes, dimedone, ethyl acetoacetate and ammonium acetate in ethanol via Hantzsch reaction. The method has several advantages such as simple reaction conditions, short reaction time, high yields and simple workup procedure, which make it an attractive route for the synthesis of polyhydroquinolines. The catalyst could be reused several times without the loss of its initial activity
Kerekasztal-beszélgetés középiskolásokkal olvasási szokásokról, attitűdökről, élményekről
In this study, we summarize the main consequences of a round table conversa- tion. We talked with secondary school children about their reading habits, attitudes and reading experiences on the 29 September 2017, at the Researchers’ Night. During the conversation, the children answered the following questions: who, what, when, how, where, why and in whatever form do they like reading? Which are the determinate factors? The story? The author? The size? The genre? All of them? None of them? Anything else? We compared the students’ opinions with the results of a research from 2012, which we made also among secondary school-children, with the method of structured interviews
Kerekasztal-beszélgetés középiskolásokkal olvasási szokásokról, attitűdökről, élményekről
In this study, we summarize the main consequences of a round table conversa-
tion. We talked with secondary school children about their reading habits, attitudes
September 2017, at the Researchers’
Night. During the conversation, the children answered the following questions:
who, what, when, how, where, why and in whatever form do they like reading?
school-children, with the method of structured interviews
Az olvasói műhelymunka mint az olvasóvá nevelést segítő eljárás : Kvalitatív vizsgálat tanító szakos hallgatók körében
Az olvasás iránti érdeklődésnek, az olvasóvá válásnak és az iskolai olvasási és tanulási teljesítménynek számos ösztönzője és hátráltatója is lehet. A befolyásoló tényezők
között szerepel többek között a család szociokulturális háttere, a szülőktől látott minta,
a településtípus, az iskolatípus, a szövegtípusok, egy-egy meghatározó példakép, akár
pedagógus is. A hazai és nemzetközi felmérések fontos megállapításai közé tartozik,
hogy az olvasási teljesítmény nem annyira az olvasásra fordított idő növelésével, mint
inkább a kedvtelésből történő olvasás elérésével javítható (Pennac, 2001). Tanulmányomban az olvasói műhelymunkát mint az olvasóvá nevelés egyik lehetséges technikáját szeretném bemutatni egy kvalitatív vizsgálat tapasztalatai alapján.
Empirikus kutatásomat tanító szakos hallgatók (N = 8) körében végeztem. Egy
tanóra keretében aktív résztvevőként kipróbálhatták az olvasói műhelymunka technikát, amelynek egyes szakaszaiban további eljárások alkalmazásával ismertem meg
attitűdjeiket, tapasztalataikat és reflexióikat a technika működésére és alkalmazhatóságára vonatkozóan. Metaforavizsgálat révén az olvasás és az olvasói műhelymunka
célfogalmakhoz rendeltek forrástartományokat. Ezeket elemezve képet kaptam arról,
hogy hogyan viszonyulnak a vizsgált fogalmakhoz. A műhelymunka eszmecsere szakaszában félig strukturált interjúk keretében beszélgettem a hallgatókkal az aktuális
olvasmányaikról, olvasási szokásaikról, érdeklődésükről és az olvasóvá nevelésről
vallott nézeteikről. A reflektálás szakaszban az „írás saját magunk számára” technikát
alkalmazva fogalmazták meg véleményüket a hallgatók az olvasói műhelymunkáról.
Tanulmányomban beszámolok a kvalitatív vizsgálat eredményeiről és következtetéseiről
Comparative study of antibody levels developed by vaccination against polio virus in population after vaccine type alteration
During clinical trials, samples from Hungarian patients of different age groups were tested for antibodies against all 3 serotypes of poliovirus, a member of Picornaviridae family. During the virus neutralization serological test, blood samples were titrated using permanent virus concentration. Based on the cythopathic effect observed under a light microscope, the antibody level of the patient was assessed. The 100 people examined were classified into 5 groups based on age and type of original vaccine: I. Newborns, no vaccination given; II. Immunosuppressed patients; III. Born before 1986, received only OPV vaccine; IV. Born between 1992–2005, received a combination of OPV and IPV vaccines; V. Born after 2006, received only IPV vaccine. Results show that vaccination coverage meets all the criteria. None of the immunized persons was seronegative to all three polioviruses. Both IPV and OPV vaccines are effective against poliovirus. Blood samples from newborn babies with no immunization were also examined. Results show that most newborns have maternal antibodies in their blood. Results of group II show that immunosuppression does not have a negative influence on blood antibody levels against polioviruses. In spite of the low number of samples, our results show that seroconversion after immunization in the Hungarian population is adequate. For more accurate results about vaccination coverage in the population, further trials would be necessary
Mantle of Expert (MoE)’ in Kindergarten Education
In our study, the complexity of skill development of preschool children is presented through the Mantle of the Expert (MoE) method which is a specific type of education approach based on drama pedagogy. The adaptation of the method was developed by Dorothy Heathcote (Heathcote&Bolton, 1995) and the development potential of the game in kindergarten is exemplified by the expert game of playing library in the ’Central Kindergarten’ in Jászberény, Hungary. The ‘Librarian MoE’ will be demonstrated with the help of the theoretical background of MoE and our empirical research based on a qualitative, structured interview method with parents (N=11). Our preliminary research focuses on the experience of the parents of those children who were actively participating in the ‘Librarian MoE’ during the initiation, creation and operation of the special kindergarten drama game. Regarding the results of the research, it can be claimed that the “play library” created according to the Mantle of the Expert method, had positive effects on the children’s social relationships and their ability to cooperate. Moreover, the children’s digital competence and use of ICT tools has become more conscious
Sodium-Assisted Formation of Binding and Traverse Conformations of the Substrate in a Neurotransmitter Sodium Symporter Model
Therapeutics designed to increase synaptic neurotransmitter levels by inhibiting neurotransmitter sodium sym-
porters (NSSs) classify a strategic approach to treat brain disorders such as depression or epilepsy, however, the critical
elementary steps that couple downhill flux of sodium to
uphill transport of neurotransmitter are not disti
nguished as yet.
Here we present modelling of NSS member neuronal GAT1 with the substrate
-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major
inhibitory neurotransmitter. GABA binding is simulated with the occluded conformation of GAT1 homodimer in an ex-
plicit lipid/water environment. Simulations performed in the 1-10 ns range of time elucidated persistent formation of half-
extended minor and H-bridged major GABA conformations, referred to as binding and traverse conformations, respec-
tively. The traverse GABA conformation was further stabilized by GAT1-bound Na
(1). We also observed Na
(1) trans-
location to GAT1-bound Cl
as well as the appearance of water molecules at GABA and GAT1-bound Na
(2), conjectur-
ing causality. Scaling dynamics suggest that the traverse GABA conformation may be valid for developing substrate in-
hibitors with high efficacy. The potential for this finding is significant with impact not only in pharmacology but wherever
understanding of the mechanism of neurotransmitter uptake is valuable
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