72 research outputs found

    Visualization of Publication Impact

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    Measuring scholarly impact has been a topic of much interest in recent years. While many use the citation count as a primary indicator of a publications impact, the quality and impact of those citations will vary. Additionally, it is often difficult to see where a paper sits among other papers in the same research area. Questions we wished to answer through this visualization were: is a publication cited less than publications in the field?; is a publication cited by high or low impact publications?; and can we visually compare the impact of publications across a result set? In this work we address the above questions through a new visualization of publication impact. Our technique has been applied to the visualization of citation information in INSPIREHEP (http://www.inspirehep.net), the largest high energy physics publication repository

    Standards and infrastructure for managing experimental metadata

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    *See also the "related presentation":http://precedings.nature.com/documents/3145/version/1*

We present an infrastructure that leverages synergistic reporting standards and ontologies^1,2,3,4,5^ to create a common structured representation and storage mechanism for experimental metadata from biological and biomedical investigations ranging from simple single-assay studies to complex, methodologically diverse multi-assay studies. 

The infrastructure’s components include: a data capture and editing tool (_ISAcreator_); validator (_ISAvalidator_); database (_BioInvestigation Index_); and converter (_ISAconverter_); and a BioConductor analysis package (_R-ISApackage_). The components are designed for local installation, and can work independently, or as unified system.

View the "public instance":http://www.ebi.ac.uk/bioinvindex running at EBI and/or "download the components":http://isatab.sf.net for your local use.

1. Taylor CF, Field D, Sansone SA,… Rocca-Serra P et al. (2008) The MIBBI Project. _Nature Biotechnology_ Aug;26(8):889-896. "http://www.mibbi.org":http://www.mibbi.org

2. Smith B, Ashburner M, Rosse C,… Rocca-Serra P, …Sansone SA et al. (2007) The OBO Foundry. _Nature Biotechnology_ Nov;25(11):1251-5. "http://www.obofoundry.org":http://www.obofoundry.org

3. Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI) "http://obi-ontology.org":http://obi-ontology.org 

4. Sansone SA, Rocca-Serra P, Brandizi M,… Taylor CF et al. (2008) The First MGED RSBI (ISA-TAB) Workshop. _OMICS_. Jun;12(2):143-9. "http://isatab.sf.net":http://isatab.sf.net

5. Jones AR, Miller M, Aebersold R,… Sansone SA et al. (2007) The Functional Genomics Experiment model (FuGE). _Nature Biotechnology_ Oct;25(10):1127-1133. "http://fuge.sf.net":http://fuge.sf.ne

    Glyph visualization: A fail-safe design scheme based on quasi-hamming distances

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    © 1981-2012 IEEE. In many spatial and temporal visualization applications, glyphs provide an effective means for encoding multivariate data. However, because glyphs are typically small, they are vulnerable to various perceptual errors. This article introduces the concept of a quasi-Hamming distance in the context of glyph design and examines the feasibility of estimating the quasi-Hamming distance between a pair of glyphs and the minimal Hamming distance for a glyph set. The authors demonstrate the design concept by developing a file-system event visualization that can depict the activities of multiple users

    EBI metagenomics - a new resource for the analysis and archiving of metagenomic data

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    Metagenomics is a relatively recently established but rapidly expanding field that uses high-throughput next-generation sequencing technologies to characterize the microbial communities inhabiting different ecosystems (including oceans, lakes, soil, tundra, plants and body sites). Metagenomics brings with it a number of challenges, including the management, analysis, storage and sharing of data. In response to these challenges, we have developed a new metagenomics resource (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/metagenomics/) that allows users to easily submit raw nucleotide reads for functional and taxonomic analysis by a state-of-the-art pipeline, and have them automatically stored (together with descriptive, standards-compliant metadata) in the European Nucleotide Archive

    Meeting Report from the Second 'Minimum Information for Biological and Biomedical Investigations (MIBBI) workshop

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    Face-to-face meetings play a central role in the birth and maturation of communities. Intensive workshops filled with presentations, discussions and working group meetings have always been at the heart of the activities of the Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC). Such work-driven meetings are a key way in which the GSC fulfils its mission. Similarly, meeting reports provide a key mechanism for preserving and disseminating the consensus built at such meetings as they describe the range of speakers and participants present, topics covered and key outcomes and priorities agreed upon by the community.This issue contains a total of nine meeting reports, from workshops held between April and October 2010 that are presented to the reader to provide a broad overview of ongoing GSC activities and initiatives
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