6 research outputs found

    Quality of life, work motivation, burn-out and stress perceptions benefits of a stress management program by autogenic training for emergency room staff: A pilot study

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    Emergency room have particularly stressful work situations. Emergency room personnel cope with stressors on a daily basis. These stressors can be risks factor for burn out and for reduced quality of life and work motivation. Emergency room staff of one of ASP 3 CT urban hospital in Acireale, Italy participated to stress management program by autogenic training twice a month for 16 weeks. This program were prepared based on existing research and studies, and were conducted by clinical psychologists. We found that the mean value in pre-test is significantly different from mean value in post-test for: Perceived Stress Scale PPS (t=7.72 with 27 df and

    Assay of serum cholinesterase activity by an amperometric biosensor based on a cocrosslinked choline oxidase/overoxidized polypyrrole bilayer

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    Based on choline oxidase immobilized by co-crosslinking on an overoxidised polypyrrole modified platinum electrode, a novel electrochemical assay for cholinesterase activity in human serum was developed. The assay was performed by adding an aliquot of cholinesterase standard solution or serum sample to phosphate buffer containing choline or thiocholine ester and measuring the oxidation current of hydrogen peroxide at the rotating modified electrode polarized at +0.7 V vs. SCE. The influence of some experimental parameters such as pH of the assay, mass transport at the electrode, type and concentration of the cholinesterase substrate was studied and optimised. Reversible inhibition of choline oxidase from cholinesterase substrates was evidenced for the first time, which increases in the order of acetylcholine, butyrylcholine and s-butyrylthiocholine. Wide linear range, fast response time and appreciable long-term stability were assured for both acethyl- and butyrylcholinesterase assays. On allowing the polypyrrole layer to efficiently remove interferences from the electroactive compounds in the sample, the present method revealed to be suitable for the detection of butyrylcholinesterase in human serum at activities as low as 0.5 U L−1. The validation with a reference spectrophotometric method showed no significant differences when human serum samples were analysed

    Systemic lupus erythematosus and ocular involvement: an overview

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multisystem autoimmune disease of undefined etiology and with remarkably heterogeneous clinical features. Virtually any organ system can be affected, including the eye. SLE-related eye involvement can be diagnosed in approximately one-third of the patients and is usually indicative of disease activity. An early diagnosis and the adoption of suitable therapeutic measures are necessary to prevent sight-threatening consequences, especially in patients with juvenile SLE. Periocular lesions, such as eyelid involvement and orbital inflammation, are relatively rare and, in case of orbital masses, may require a biopsy control. Keratoconjunctivitis sicca or secondary Sjogren's syndrome is the most frequent ophthalmic manifestation of SLE. According to its variable severity, lubricating tear drops may be sufficient in mild cases, whereas cyclosporine-A ophthalmic solution, glucocorticoids (GCs), methotrexate, and/or other immunosuppressive drugs may be required in the more severe cases. Partial occlusion of the lacrimal punctum by thermal cautery is rarely applied. Although uncommon, episcleritis and scleritis can sometimes be detected as an initial finding of SLE and reveal themselves as moderate to intense ocular pain, redness, blurred vision, and lacrimation. Unilateral or more often bilateral retinopathy is responsible for visual loss of variable severity and is ascribed to vasculitis of the retinal capillaries and arterioles. In addition to the combined treatment suitable for all patients with active SLE, intravitreal bevacizumab should be considered in cases of severe vaso-occlusive retinopathy and laser photocoagulation in cases of neovascularization. Purtscher-like retinopathy is likely ascribable to the formation of microemboli that results in retinal vascular occlusion and microvascular infarcts. Choroidal disease is characterized by monolateral or bilateral blurred vision. Because of the choroidal effusion, retinal detachment and secondary angle-closure glaucoma may occur. Ischemic optic neuropathy is characterized by acute-onset and progressive binocular visual impairment as a consequence of occlusion of the small vessels of the optic nerves due to immune complex vasculitis. Intravenous GC boluses followed by oral GCs and/or, in case of recurrence, intravenous cyclophosphamide and/or rituximab are commonly employed. Neovascularization can be treated by intravitreal bevacizumab and progression of retinal ischemic areas by retinal laser photocoagulation. Ocular adverse events (AE) have been described following the long-term administration of one or more of the drugs presently used for the treatment of SLE patients. Posterior subcapsular cataracts and secondary open-angle glaucoma are common AE of the prolonged GC administration. The long-term administration of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) sulfate is well known to be associated with AE, such as vortex keratopathy and in particular the often irreversible and sight-threatening maculopathy. Length of administration > 5 years, > 1000 g total HCQ consumption, > 6.5 mg/kg daily dosing, coexistence of renal disease, and preexisting maculopathy are all considered risk factors for HCQ-induced retinopathy. Ocular AE of additional immunosuppressive and biological agents are still poorly known, given the worldwide more limited experience with their long-term use.A thorough ophthalmological control is strongly recommended at closer intervals for all SLE patients, in step with the total length of exposure to the drugs and the cumulative dose administered

    Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial

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    BackgroundTocilizumab blocks pro-inflammatory activity of interleukin-6 (IL-6), involved in pathogenesis of pneumonia the most frequent cause of death in COVID-19 patients.MethodsA multicenter, single-arm, hypothesis-driven trial was planned, according to a phase 2 design, to study the effect of tocilizumab on lethality rates at 14 and 30 days (co-primary endpoints, a priori expected rates being 20 and 35%, respectively). A further prospective cohort of patients, consecutively enrolled after the first cohort was accomplished, was used as a secondary validation dataset. The two cohorts were evaluated jointly in an exploratory multivariable logistic regression model to assess prognostic variables on survival.ResultsIn the primary intention-to-treat (ITT) phase 2 population, 180/301 (59.8%) subjects received tocilizumab, and 67 deaths were observed overall. Lethality rates were equal to 18.4% (97.5% CI: 13.6-24.0, P=0.52) and 22.4% (97.5% CI: 17.2-28.3, P<0.001) at 14 and 30 days, respectively. Lethality rates were lower in the validation dataset, that included 920 patients. No signal of specific drug toxicity was reported. In the exploratory multivariable logistic regression analysis, older age and lower PaO2/FiO2 ratio negatively affected survival, while the concurrent use of steroids was associated with greater survival. A statistically significant interaction was found between tocilizumab and respiratory support, suggesting that tocilizumab might be more effective in patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.ConclusionsTocilizumab reduced lethality rate at 30 days compared with null hypothesis, without significant toxicity. Possibly, this effect could be limited to patients not requiring mechanical respiratory support at baseline.Registration EudraCT (2020-001110-38); clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04317092)

    Correction to: Tocilizumab for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The single-arm TOCIVID-19 prospective trial

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