79 research outputs found

    Tracing the atomic nitrogen abundance in star-forming regions with ammonia deuteration

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    Partitioning of elemental nitrogen in star-forming regions is not well constrained. Most nitrogen is expected to be partitioned among atomic nitrogen, molecular nitrogen (N2), and icy N-bearing molecules, such as ammonia (NH3) and N2. Atomic nitrogen is not directly observable in the cold gas. In this paper, we propose an indirect way to constrain the amount of atomic nitrogen in the cold gas of star-forming clouds, via deuteration in ammonia ice, the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio. Using gas-ice astrochemical simulations, we show that if atomic nitrogen remains as the primary reservoir of nitrogen during cold ice formation stages, the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio is close to the statistical value of 1/3 and lower than unity, whereas if atomic nitrogen is largely converted into N-bearing molecules, the ratio should be larger than unity. Observability of ammonia isotopologues in the inner hot regions around low-mass protostars, where ammonia ice has sublimated, is also discussed. We conclude that the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio can be quantified using a combination of VLA and ALMA observations with reasonable integration times, at least toward IRAS 16293-2422 where high molecular column densities are expected.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 12 pages, 9 figures, 1 Tabl

    Warm water deuterium fractionation in IRAS 16293-2422 - The high-resolution ALMA and SMA view

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    Measuring the water deuterium fractionation in the inner warm regions of low-mass protostars has so far been hampered by poor angular resolution obtainable with single-dish ground- and space-based telescopes. Observations of water isotopologues using (sub)millimeter wavelength interferometers have the potential to shed light on this matter. Observations toward IRAS 16293-2422 of the 5(3,2)-4(4,1) transition of H2-18O at 692.07914 GHz from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) as well as the 3(1,3)-2(2,0) of H2-18O at 203.40752 GHz and the 3(1,2)-2(2,1) transition of HDO at 225.89672 GHz from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) are presented. The 692 GHz H2-18O line is seen toward both components of the binary protostar. Toward one of the components, "source B", the line is seen in absorption toward the continuum, slightly red-shifted from the systemic velocity, whereas emission is seen off-source at the systemic velocity. Toward the other component, "source A", the two HDO and H2-18O lines are detected as well with the SMA. From the H2-18O transitions the excitation temperature is estimated at 124 +/- 12 K. The calculated HDO/H2O ratio is (9.2 +/- 2.6)*10^(-4) - significantly lower than previous estimates in the warm gas close to the source. It is also lower by a factor of ~5 than the ratio deduced in the outer envelope. Our observations reveal the physical and chemical structure of water vapor close to the protostars on solar-system scales. The red-shifted absorption detected toward source B is indicative of infall. The excitation temperature is consistent with the picture of water ice evaporation close to the protostar. The low HDO/H2O ratio deduced here suggests that the differences between the inner regions of the protostars and the Earth's oceans and comets are smaller than previously thought.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Tracing the atomic nitrogen abundance in star-forming regions with ammonia deuteration

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    Partitioning of elemental nitrogen in star-forming regions is not well constrained. Most nitrogen is expected to be partitioned among atomic nitrogen (N i), molecular nitrogen (N2), and icy N-bearing molecules, such as NH3 and N2. N i is not directly observable in the cold gas. In this paper, we propose an indirect way to constrain the amount of N i in the cold gas of star-forming clouds, via deuteration in ammonia ice, the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio. Using gas–ice astrochemical simulations, we show that if atomic nitrogen remains as the primary reservoir of nitrogen during cold ice formation stages, the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio is close to the statistical value of 1/3 and lower than unity, whereas if atomic nitrogen is largely converted into N-bearing molecules, the ratio should be larger than unity. Observability of ammonia isotopologues in the inner hot regions around low-mass protostars, where ammonia ice has sublimated, is also discussed. We conclude that the [ND2H/NH2D]/[NH2D/NH3] ratio can be quantified using a combination of Very Large Array and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations with reasonable integration times, at least towards IRAS 16293−2422, where high molecular column densities are expected

    Feedback of molecular outflows from protostars in NGC 1333 revealed by Herschel and Spitzer spectro-imaging observations

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    Context. Far infrared cooling of excited gas around protostars has been predominantly studied in the context of pointed observations. Large-scale spectral maps of star forming regions enable the simultaneous, comparative study of the gas excitation around an ensemble of sources at a common frame of reference, therefore, providing direct insights in the multitude of physical processes involved.Aims. We employ extended spectral-line maps to decipher the excitation, the kinematical, and dynamical processes in NGC 1333 as revealed by a number of different molecular and atomic lines, aiming to set a reference for the applicability and limitations of different tracers in constraining particular physical processes.Methods. We reconstructed line maps for H-2, CO, H2O, and [CI] using data obtained with the Spitzer infrared spectrograph and the Herschel HIFI and SPIRE instruments. We compared the morphological features revealed in the maps and derive the gas excitation conditions for regions of interest employing local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE methods. We also calculated the kinematical and dynamical properties for each outflow tracer in a consistent manner for all observed outflows driven by protostars in NGC 1333. We finally measured the water abundance in outflows with respect to carbon monoxide and molecular hydrogen.Results. CO and H-2 are highly excited around B-stars and, at lower, levels trace protostellar outflows. H2O emission is dominated by a moderately fast component associated with outflows. H2O also displays a weak, narrow-line component in the vicinity of B-stars associated to their ultraviolet (UV) field. This narrow component is also present in a few of outflows, indicating UV radiation generated in shocks. Intermediate J CO lines appear brightest at the locations traced by the narrow H2O component, indicating that beyond the dominating collisional processes, a secondary, radiative excitation component can also be active. The morphology, kinematics, excitation, and abundance variations of water are consistent with its excitation and partial dissociation in shocks. Water abundance ranges between 5 x 10(-7) and similar to 10(-5), with the lower values being more representative. Water is brightest and most abundant around IRAS 4A, which is consistent with the latter hosting a hot corino source. [CI] traces dense and warm gas in the envelopes surrounding protostars. Outflow mass flux is highest for CO and decreases by one and two orders of magnitude for H-2 and H2O, respectively.Conclusions. Large-scale spectral line maps can provide unique insights into the excitation of gas in star-forming regions. A comparative analysis of line excitation and morphologies at different locations allows us to decipher the dominant excitation conditions in each region in addition to isolating exceptional cases

    A recent accretion burst in the low-mass protostar IRAS 15398-3359: ALMA imaging of its related chemistry

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    Low-mass protostars have been suggested to show highly variable accretion rates through-out their evolution. Such changes in accretion, and related heating of their ambient envelopes, may trigger significant chemical variations on different spatial scales and from source-to-source. We present images of emission from C17O, H13CO+, CH3OH, C34S and C2H toward the low-mass protostar IRAS 15398-3359 on 0.5" (75 AU diameter) scales with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at 340 GHz. The resolved images show that the emission from H13CO+ is only present in a ring-like structure with a radius of about 1-1.5" (150-200 AU) whereas the CO and other high dipole moment molecules are centrally condensed toward the location of the central protostar. We propose that HCO+ is destroyed by water vapor present on small scales. The origin of this water vapor is likely an accretion burst during the last 100-1000 years increasing the luminosity of IRAS 15398-3359 by a factor of 100 above its current luminosity. Such a burst in luminosity can also explain the centrally condensed CH3OH and extended warm carbon-chain chemistry observed in this source and furthermore be reflected in the relative faintness of its compact continuum emission compared to other protostars.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters; 14 pages, 5 figure

    The First Interferometric Measurements of NH2D/NH3 Ratio in Hot Corinos

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    The chemical evolution of nitrogen during star and planet formation is still not fully understood. Ammonia (NH3) is a key specie in the understanding of the molecular evolution in star-forming clouds and nitrogen isotope fractionation. In this paper, we present high-spatial-resolution observations of multiple emission lines of NH3 toward the protobinary system NGC1333 IRAS4A with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. We spatially resolved the binary (hereafter, 4A1 and 4A2) and detected compact emission of NH3 transitions with high excitation energies (≳100 K) from the vicinity of the protostars, indicating the NH3 ice has sublimated at the inner hot region. The NH3 column density is estimated to be ∼1017-1018 cm−2. We also detected two NH2D transitions, allowing us to constrain the deuterium fractionation of ammonia. The NH2D/NH3 ratios are as high as ∼0.3-1 in both 4A1 and 4A2. From comparisons with the astrochemical models in the literature, the high NH2D/NH3 ratios suggest that the formation of NH3 ices mainly started in the prestellar phase after the formation of bulk water ice finished, and that the primary nitrogen reservoir in the star-forming cloud could be atomic nitrogen (or N atoms) rather than nitrogen-bearing species such as N2 and NH3. The implications on the physical properties of IRAS4A’s cores are discussed as well

    The First Interferometric Measurements of NH₂D/NH₃ Ratio in Hot Corinos

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    The chemical evolution of nitrogen during star and planet formation is still not fully understood. Ammonia (NH_{3}) is a key specie in the understanding of the molecular evolution in star-forming clouds and nitrogen isotope fractionation. In this paper, we present high-spatial-resolution observations of multiple emission lines of NH_{3} toward the protobinary system NGC1333 IRAS4A with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. We spatially resolved the binary (hereafter, 4A1 and 4A2) and detected compact emission of NH3 transitions with high excitation energies (≳100 K) from the vicinity of the protostars, indicating the NH_{3} ice has sublimated at the inner hot region. The NH3 column density is estimated to be ∼10^{17}–10^{18} cm^{−2}. We also detected two NH_{2}D transitions, allowing us to constrain the deuterium fractionation of ammonia. The NH_{2}D/NH_{3} ratios are as high as ∼0.3–1 in both 4A1 and 4A2. From comparisons with the astrochemical models in the literature, the high NH_{2}D/NH_{3} ratios suggest that the formation of NH3 ices mainly started in the prestellar phase after the formation of bulk water ice finished, and that the primary nitrogen reservoir in the star-forming cloud could be atomic nitrogen (or N atoms) rather than nitrogen-bearing species such as N_{2} and NH_{3}. The implications on the physical properties of IRAS4A's cores are discussed as well

    Molecular complexity on disc scales uncovered by ALMA: Chemical composition of the high-mass protostar AFGL 4176

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    Context. The chemical composition of high-mass protostars reflects the physical evolution associated with different stages of star formation. In addition, the spatial distribution and velocity structure of different molecular species provide valuable information on the physical structure of these embedded objects. Despite an increasing number of interferometric studies, there is still a high demand for high angular resolution data to study chemical compositions and velocity structures for these objects. Aims. The molecular inventory of the forming high-mass star AFGL 4176, located at a distance of ∼3.7 kpc, is studied in detail at a high angular resolution of ∼0.35′′, equivalent to ∼1285 au at the distance of AFGL 4176. This high resolution makes it possible to separate the emission associated with the inner hot envelope and disc around the forming star from that of its cool outer envelope. The composition of AFGL 4176 is compared with other high- and low-mass sources, and placed in the broader context of star formation. Methods. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) the chemical inventory of AFGL 4176 has been characterised. The high sensitivity of ALMA made it possible to identify weak and optically thin lines and allowed for many isotopologues to be detected, providing a more complete and accurate inventory of the source. For the detected species, excitation temperatures in the range 120-320 K were determined and column densities were derived assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium and using optically thin lines. The spatial distribution of a number of species was studied. Results. A total of 23 different molecular species and their isotopologues are detected in the spectrum towards AFGL 4176. The most abundant species is methanol (CH3OH) with a column density of 5.5 7 1018 cm-2 in a beam of ∼0.3″, derived from its 13C-isotopologue. The remaining species are present at levels between 0.003 and 15% with respect to methanol. Hints that N-bearing species peak slightly closer to the location of the peak continuum emission than the O-bearing species are seen. A single species, propyne (CH3C2H), displays a double-peaked distribution. Conclusions. AFGL 4176 comprises a rich chemical inventory including many complex species present on disc scales. On average, the derived column density ratios, with respect to methanol, of O-bearing species are higher than those derived for N-bearing species by a factor of three. This may indicate that AFGL 4176 is a relatively young source since nitrogen chemistry generally takes longer to evolve in the gas phase. Taking methanol as a reference, the composition of AFGL 4176 more closely resembles that of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422B than that of high-mass, star-forming regions located near the Galactic centre. This similarity hints that the chemical composition of complex species is already set in the cold cloud stage and implies that AFGL 4176 is a young source whose chemical composition has not yet been strongly processed by the central protostar

    Imaging the water snowline in a protostellar envelope with H13^{13}CO+^+

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    Snowlines are key ingredients for planet formation. Providing observational constraints on the locations of the major snowlines is therefore crucial for fully connecting planet compositions to their formation mechanism. Unfortunately, the most important snowline, that of water, is very difficult to observe directly in protoplanetary disks due to its close proximity to the central star. Based on chemical considerations, HCO+^+ is predicted to be a good chemical tracer of the water snowline, because it is particularly abundant in dense clouds when water is frozen out. This work maps the optically thin isotopologue H13^{13}CO+^+ (J=32J=3-2) toward the envelope of the low-mass protostar NGC1333-IRAS2A (observed with NOEMA at ~0.9" resolution), where the snowline is at larger distance from the star than in disks. The H13^{13}CO+^+ emission peaks ~2" northeast of the continuum peak, whereas the previously observed H218_2^{18}O shows compact emission on source. Quantitative modeling shows that a decrease in H13^{13}CO+^+ abundance by at least a factor of six is needed in the inner ~360 AU to reproduce the observed emission profile. Chemical modeling predicts indeed a steep increase in HCO+^+ just outside the water snowline; the 50% decrease in gaseous H2_2O at the snowline is not enough to allow HCO+^+ to be abundant. This places the water snowline at 225 AU, further away from the star than expected based on the 1D envelope temperature structure for NGC1333-IRAS2A. In contrast, DCO+^+ observations show that the CO snowline is at the expected location, making an outburst scenario unlikely. The spatial anticorrelation of the H13^{13}CO+^+ and H218_2^{18}O emission provide a proof of concept that H13^{13}CO+^+ can be used as a tracer of the water snowline.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&