191 research outputs found

    The Global Award for Entreprenurship Research

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    The International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research was instituted in 1996, and it is now firmly established as the leading Prize for outstanding research contributions in the area. Thanks to a generous donation from the Swedish entrepreneur Rune Andersson it has been possible to make a number of changes in order to strengthen the Prize even further: The name is changed to The Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research, the Prize sum is roughly doubled to 100,000 euros, and the system for nomination, evaluation and selection of future Award Winners is becoming more structured and transparent. This essay presents the background to and the organizations behind the Award, briefly categorizes Winners in the 1996–2008 period, describes the previous and future system for nomination, evaluation and selection of Award Winners, and discusses the criteria for the selection of Prize candidates and Award Winning contributions.Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Research award; Small business

    Eye spectral sensitivity in fresh- and brackish-water populations of three glacial-relict Mysis species (Crustacea) : physiology and genetics of differential tuning

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    Absorbance spectra of single rhabdoms were studied by microspectrophotometry (MSP) and spectral sensitivities of whole eyes by electroretinography (ERG) in three glacial-relict species of opossum shrimps (Mysis). Among eight populations from Fennoscandian fresh-water lakes (L) and seven populations from the brackish-water Baltic Sea (S), L spectra were systematically red-shifted by 20-30 nm compared with S spectra, save for one L and one S population. The difference holds across species and bears no consistent adaptive relation to the current light environments. In the most extensively studied L-S pair, two populations of M. relicta (L (p) and S (p)) separated for less than 10,000 years, no differences translating into amino acid substitutions have been found in the opsin genes, and the chromophore of the visual pigments as analyzed by HPLC is pure A1. However, MSP experiments with spectrally selective bleaching show the presence of two rhodopsins (lambda (max) a parts per thousand 525-530 nm, MWS, and 565-570 nm, LWS) expressed in different proportions. ERG recordings of responses to "red" and "blue" light linearly polarized at orthogonal angles indicate segregation of the pigments into different cells differing in polarization sensitivity. We propose that the pattern of development of LWS and MWS photoreceptors is governed by an ontogenetic switch responsive to some environmental signal(s) other than light that generally differ(s) between lakes and sea, and that this reaction norm is conserved from a common ancestor of all three species.Peer reviewe

    Different responses to artificial ventilation in two stratified coastal basins

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    We studied the effects of pumping surface water down through the pycnocline (i.e. artificial ventilation) on hydrodynamics, oxygen concentrations, hydrogen sulfide, and nutrients in two anoxic coastal basins (Lannerstasundet and Sandofjarden). In addition, in a corresponding laboratory aquarium experiment, pumping of less saline surface water entrained dense bottom water with a mixing ratio of 6.8 and illustrated dispersal below the pycnocline. Oxygen saturation increased from 0 to 20%; oxygen penetrated poorly into the sediment of the aquarium. In the salinity-stratified Lannerstasundet basin, ventilation also oxidized the anoxic bottom water. The ventilation removed hydrogen sulfide and decreased the sub-pycnocline water pools of phosphorus and ammonium, which was not observed in a neighboring reference basin. The summertime ventilation warmed and made the sub-pycnocline water less saline. In the autumn, the inflows of cooled water from the surroundings with equal or higher salinity promoted its sinking in the relatively warm ventilated basin. The inflows maintained oxygen concentrations between 4 and 8 mg L-1 for months after the ventilation ended. In contrast to Lannerstasundet, ventilation did not prevent formation of anoxia and release of nutrients in the temperature stratified Sandofjarden. Here, the ventilation capacity was less than that in Lannerstasundet and ventilation expanded the sub-thermocline bottom area, warmed the bottom sediments, and probably displaced oxic water from the experimental area. The ventilation did not promote density conditions for inflows and no marked inflow-induced oxidation was observed after midsummer. We conclude that a significant amount of anoxic water was entrained into the ascending plume which reduced the oxygen content below the pycnocline ventilation in aquarium experiment. Additionally, summertime ventilation may improve the status of the salinity-stratified basins for further oxidation. The improvement occurs due to autumn cooling and favorable basin topography, which promote inflows of oxic water with larger density and thereby, renewal of bottom water in the pumped basin. The semi-enclosed and temperature-stratified basin cannot form such favorable density conditions for inflows and thus ventilation is less efficient.Peer reviewe

    A new non-invasive ultrasonic method for simultaneous measurements of longitudinal and radial arterial wall movements: first in vivo trial.

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    During recent years, the radial movement of the arterial wall has been extensively studied, and measurements of the radial movement are now an important tool in cardiovascular research for characterizing the mechanical properties of the arterial wall. In contrast, the longitudinal movement of vessels has gained little or no attention as it has been presumed that this movement is negligible. With modern high-resolution ultrasound, it can, however, be seen that the intima-media complex of the arterial wall moves not only in the radial direction, but also in the longitudinal direction during pulse-wave propagation. This paper describes a new non-invasive ultrasonic method that is able to measure simultaneously two dimensionally arterial vessel wall movements. The method is demonstrated in a limited in vivo trial. Results from the in vivo trial show that, apart from the well-known radial movement, there is a distinct longitudinal movement in the human common carotid artery with, in this case, the intima-media complex moving substantially as compared with the region of the tunica adventitia. Two-dimensional evaluation of the vessel-wall movements, taking not only the radial movement, but also the longitudinal movement into account, may provide novel information of importance in the evaluation of vessel-wall function

    Dark‑adaptation in the eyes of a lake and a sea population of opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta): retinoid isomer dynamics, rhodopsin regeneration, and recovery of light sensitivity

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    We have studied dark-adaptation at three levels in the eyes of the crustaceanMysis relictaover 2-3 weeks after exposing initially dark-adapted animals to strong white light: regeneration of 11-cisretinal through the retinoid cycle (by HPLC), restoration of native rhodopsin in photoreceptor membranes (by MSP), and recovery of eye photosensitivity (by ERG). We compare two model populations ("Sea", S-p, and "Lake", L-p) inhabiting, respectively, a low light and an extremely dark environment. 11-cisretinal reached 60-70% of the pre-exposure levels after 2 weeks in darkness in both populations. The only significant L-p/S(p)difference in the retinoid cycle was that L(p)had much higher levels of retinol, both basal and light-released. In S-p, rhodopsin restoration and eye photoresponse recovery parallelled 11-cisretinal regeneration. In L-p, however, even after 3 weeks only ca. 25% of the rhabdoms studied had incorporated new rhodopsin, and eye photosensitivity showed only incipient recovery from severe depression. The absorbance spectra of the majority of the L(p)rhabdoms stayed constant around 490-500 nm, consistent with metarhodopsin II dominance. We conclude that sensitivity recovery of S(p)eyes was rate-limited by the regeneration of 11-cisretinal, whilst that of L(p)eyes was limited by inertia in photoreceptor membrane turnover.Peer reviewe

    Reduction in glomerular pore size is not restricted to pregnant women. Evidence for a new syndrome: 'Shrunken pore syndrome'.

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    The plasma levels of cystatin C, β2-microglobulin, beta-trace protein, retinol binding protein (RBP) and creatinine were determined in plasma samples from 111 randomly selected patients with eGFRcystatin C ≤ 60% of eGFRcreatinine and from 55 control patients with 0.9eGFRcreatinine ≤ eGFRcystatin C ≤ 1.1eGFRcreatinine (eGFRcystatin C ≈ eGFRcreatinine). The concentration ratios of cystatin C/creatinine, β2-microglobulin/creatinine, beta-trace protein/creatinine and RBP/creatinine were significantly higher in patients with eGFRcystatin C ≤ 60% of eGFRcreatinine than in patients with eGFRcystatin C ≈ eGFRcreatinine. When the patients were divided into three groups with different estimated GFR intervals (≤ 40, 40-60 and ≥ 60 mL/min/1.73m(2)) the concentration ratios of cystatin C/creatinine, β2-microglobulin/creatinine, and beta-trace protein/creatinine were significantly higher in patients with eGFRcystatin C ≤ 60% of eGFRcreatinine than in patients with eGFRcystatin C ≈ eGFRcreatinine for all GFR intervals. Similar results were obtained when the population without pregnant women was studied as well as the subpopulations of men or of non-pregnant women. Populations of pre-eclamptic women and pregnant women in the third trimester display similar results. Since the production of these four proteins with sizes similar to that of cystatin C is not co-regulated, the most likely explanation for the simultaneous increase of their creatinine-ratios in patients with eGFRcystatin C ≤ 60% of eGFRcreatinine is that their elimination by glomerular filtration is decreased. We suggest that this is due to a reduction in pore diameter of the glomerular membrane and propose the designation 'Shrunken pore syndrome' for this pathophysiological state

    Spatial and temporal assessment of rural-urban land-use gradient effects on water quality and periphyton communities in tributaries of Durham Region, Ontario

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    This study examines the effects of longitudinal and local land-use gradients on water quality and periphyton within four watersheds representing varying rural-urban land-use types and intensities. Although numerous studies have identified how specific land-use gradients (e.g., urban or agricultural land-use) affect water quality and periphyton, it is not fully understood how varying intensities and types of rural-urban land-use gradients affect water quality and algae both within and across watersheds sharing similar physiography and climate. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how variation in rural-urban land-use gradients affect water quality and periphyton along the cumulative flow path of tributaries (i.e., longitudinal), as well as across tributaries where sites were approximately matched for distance from headwaters. To assess spatial variation without the confounding effects of seasonality, I analysed water quality, algal biomass, and community composition from a set of algal growth substrates that were deployed in all study creeks (Lynde, Oshawa, Bowmanville and Soper) during May, 2015. Additionally, I examined the spatial and temporal variation of water quality and algal community structure in all tributaries from May ??? August, 2015

    Hyaluronic acid influence on platelet-induced airway smooth muscle cell proliferation

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    Abstract Hyaluronic acid (HA) is one of the main components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and is expressed throughout the body including the lung and mostly in areas surrounding proliferating and migrating cells. Furthermore, platelets have been implicated as important players in the airway remodeling process, e.g. due to their ability to induce airway smooth muscle cell (ASMC) proliferation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of HA, the HA-binding surface receptor CD44 and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in plateletinduced ASMC proliferation. Proliferation of ASMC was measured using the MTS-assay, and we found that the CD44 blocking antibody and the HA synthase inhibitor 4-Methylumbelliferone (4-MU) significantly inhibited platelet-induced ASMC proliferation. The interaction between ASMC and platelets was studied by fluorescent staining of F-actin. In addition, the ability of ASMC to synthesise HA was investigated by fluorescent staining using biotinylated HA-binding protein and a streptavidin conjugate. We observed that ASMC produced HA and that a CD44 blocking antibody and 4-MU significantly inhibited platelet binding to the area surrounding the ASMC. Furthermore, the FAK-inhibitor PF 573228 inhibited platelet-induced ASMC proliferation. Co-culture of ASMC and platelets also resulted in increased phosphorylation of FAK as detected by Western blot analysis. In addition, 4-MU significantly inhibited the increased FAK-phosphorylation. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that ECM has the ability to influence platelet-induced ASMC proliferation. Specifically, we propose that HA produced by ASMC is recognised by platelet CD44. The platelet/HA interaction is followed by FAK activation and increased proliferation of co-cultured ASMC. We also suggest that the mitogenic effect of platelets represents a potential important and novel mechanism that may contribute to airway remodelling