259 research outputs found
SuccĂšs dâune plantation de feuillus en forĂȘt post-agricole avec des protections contre les cervidĂ©s sous diffĂ©rentes largeurs dâouvertures par bande
Suite Ă lâabandon agricole, le nouveau milieu forestier en dĂ©veloppement est souvent peu diversifiĂ© en
espĂšces dâarbres de grande valeur Ă©conomique. La solution quâest la plantation dâenrichissement sous
couvert doit intĂ©grer lâeffet dâinterception lumineuse des manchons protecteurs contre le broutage. Ă
cette fin, des ouvertures du couvert par bandes larges de 3, 6 et 9 mÚtres, combinées à deux manchons
protecteurs Ă petites et grandes mailles et Ă un tĂ©moin, sont comparĂ©s. LâexpĂ©rience analyse lâeffet
niveaux de lumiĂšre sur la croissance de plants de bouleaux jaunes et de chĂȘnes Ă gros fruits allant de 8 Ă
46 %. Lâouverture de 9 mĂštres a Ă©tĂ© la plus avantageuse pour la croissance en hauteur et en diamĂštre du
bouleau jaune, et ce pour les deux types de protections. Le protecteur à petites mailles a limité la
croissance de lâespĂšce dans les trois largeurs dâouvertures. Le diamĂštre du chĂȘne Ă gros fruits a Ă©tĂ© le plus
faible dans cette mĂȘme protection. Avec une lumiĂšre accrue, le diamĂštre du chĂȘne Ă gros fruits a
augmenté ainsi que la longueur moyenne des branches et la surface foliaire du bouleau jaune. La bonne
croissance juvĂ©nile ou initiale du bouleau jaune en fait une espĂšce dâintĂ©rĂȘt pour lâenrichissement en
forĂȘts. Une ouverture intermĂ©diaire dâune largeur de six mĂštres est envisageable pour rĂ©duire les
perturbations et les coûts. La protection de type grandes mailles améliore davantage la croissance que
lâautre, sous toutes les tailles dâouvertures.Following abandonment of agricultural land, regrowth forests typically show a low diversity of tree
species. One possible solution, enrichment underplanting, must consider protection against browsing,
which hinders sunlight from reaching the seedlings. We examined the effects on growth of three different
widths of strip opening (3, 6 or 9 meters) mixed with two protective sleeves (a small mesh and a large
one). In the experiment, light levels reaching seedlings of yellow birch and burr oak range from 8 to 46
%PAR. The nine meters strip was the best to promote diameter and height growth of yellow birch,
regardless of the protective sleeves used. The small mesh sleeve produced a smaller growth in all the
openings, for both species in diameter and only for yellow birch in height. Burr oak diameter was also
reduced by the small mesh protection. With increased light, mean length of branches and leaf area for
yellow birch increased, as well as diameter for burr oak. Good growth of yellow birch makes it a species of
interest for enrichment planting. A strip opening of 6 meters width could be enough to ensure artificial
regeneration of yellow birch, while limiting disturbances and reducing costs. Large mesh sleeve would be
best to maximize growth
Expression of a splice variant of the platelet-activating factor receptor transcript 2 in various human cancer cell lines.
Platelet-activating factor receptor (PAF-R) transcripts were analysed by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in five human cancer cell lines derived from the breast (BT20, SKBR3 and T47D cells), the pancreas (Miapaca cells) and the bladder (5,637 cells) in order to confirm the existence of a splice variant of the PAF-R transcript 2. After cloning and sequencing, we confirmed its existence in all cell lines. It consisted of the PAF-R transcript 2 lengthening with 82 nucleotides from the 3' end of exon 1 of the PAF-R gene. The role of this elongated form of the tissue-type PAF-R transcript in cell physiology remains to be elucidated
DĂ©coupage virtuel interactif de corps Ă©lastiques pour simulation chirurgicale
''RĂSUMĂ : La simulation chirurgicale dans un environnement de rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle fournit un moyen de pratiquer certaines opĂ©rations sans les risques associĂ©s Ă une intervention sur un patient ou le coĂ»t dâun mannequin. Afin de gĂ©nĂ©rer un sentiment de prĂ©sence, on cherche Ă produire un environnement le plus complet possible, incluant une vision 3D, un retour haptique, des interactions crĂ©dibles et un comportement physique rĂ©aliste des objets prĂ©sents. La recherche prĂ©sentĂ©e ici porte sur la simulation physique du comportement dâorganes mous, comme le foie ou le cerveau, ainsi que sur le dĂ©coupage de ces organes Ă lâaide dâun scalpel, une interaction particuliĂšrement difficile Ă reproduire virtuellement de façon rĂ©aliste. Lâobjectif principal est de dĂ©velopper une mĂ©thode de dĂ©formation Ă la fois rĂ©aliste et efficace, et de permettre Ă un utilisateur de dĂ©couper interactivement un objet simulĂ© par cette mĂ©thode, Ă lâaide dâun outil tranchant virtuel. De plus, nous voulons que la dĂ©formation et les interactions soient dĂ©crites avec une grande prĂ©cision, tout en permettant dâeffectuer les calculs trĂšs rapidement, pour une interaction fluide qui maintient le sentiment de prĂ©sence.''----------''ABSTRACT : Surgery simulation in a virtual reality environment provides a way to practice certain operations without the risks associated with performing surgery on a patient or the cost of using arealistic dummy. To facilitate immersion, we seek to produce an environment as complete as possible, including 3D vision, haptic feedback, credible interactions and a realistic physical behavior of simulated objects. The research presented in this document focuses on the physical behavior of soft organs, like the brain or liver, and on cutting these organs using a scalpel. It is especially difficult to reproduce virtually that interaction in a realistic way. The main objective is to develop a deformation method that is both realistic and efficient, and to allow a user to interactively cut an object simulated through this method, using a virtual sharp tool. Furthermore, we want the deformation and interactions to be described with high precision while allowing for fast computations, for a smooth interaction that maintains immersion.'
Ăvaluation de l'impact des erreurs numĂ©riques dans un logiciel de calcul de dose en radiothĂ©rapie par la mĂ©thode de Monte-Carlo sur GPU
Cette Ă©tude se penche sur les erreurs issues de la reprĂ©sentation imparfaite des nombres rĂ©els par les ordinateurs dans le cadre de programmes de calcul scientifique, plus particuliĂšrement ceux exĂ©cutĂ©s sur carte graphique (GPU). Ces erreurs se produisent parce que les nombres manipulĂ©s constituent seulement une approximation des nombres rĂ©els, qui doivent donc ĂȘtre arrondis. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les calculs sont faits avec une prĂ©cision suffisante pour donner les rĂ©sultats attendus, mais il arrive que les erreurs dâarrondi sâaccumulent ou se combinent pour donner des rĂ©sultats inexacts. Lâobjectif de ce travail est de dĂ©terminer, Ă lâaide dâune sĂ©rie de tests, si de telles erreurs sont prĂ©sentes dans un programme spĂ©cifique sur GPU, bGPUMCD.
bGPUMCD est un programme utilisĂ© en radiothĂ©rapie pour simuler la quantitĂ© de radiation distribuĂ©e Ă un patient. La simulation est basĂ©e sur une mĂ©thode de Monte-Carlo, câest-Ă -dire quâun grand nombre de particules sont simulĂ©es individuellement, avec leur trajectoire et leurs interactions, et lâĂ©nergie quâelles dĂ©posent en chaque point du volume simulĂ© est enregistrĂ©e. Pour calculer le dĂ©pĂŽt dâĂ©nergie, le volume est divisĂ© en une grille rĂ©guliĂšre de voxels, qui contiennent chacun lâĂ©nergie donnĂ©e par toutes les particules qui les ont traversĂ©s.
Pour Ă©valuer la prĂ©cision des rĂ©sultats de bGPUMCD, trois aspects des calculs sont testĂ©s : la prĂ©cision utilisĂ©e (simple ou double), lâimplantation des fonctions arithmĂ©tiques (logicielle ou matĂ©rielle) et la dimension des voxels. Deux composantes de bGPUMCD sont Ă©galement analysĂ©es plus en profondeur : lâaccumulation de lâĂ©nergie dans chaque voxel et le traçage de particule. Pour faciliter, de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, lâanalyse de programmes pour des erreurs numĂ©riques, une mĂ©thode automatisĂ©e de dĂ©tection dâerreurs est dĂ©veloppĂ©e.
Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent la prĂ©sence dâerreurs importantes dans le processus dâaccumulation dâĂ©nergie dans les voxels entourant les sources de radiation. Lorsque lâĂ©nergie atteint une certaine quantitĂ©, les contributions individuelles des particules sont trop petites pour avoir un effet lors dâune addition en prĂ©cision simple. Par ailleurs, une fonction importante pour le calcul de la trajectoire des particules retourne dans quelques cas rares un rĂ©sultat erronĂ©. Les autres aspects Ă©tudiĂ©s, soient lâimplantation particuliĂšre des fonctions arithmĂ©tiques et la discrĂ©tisation en voxels, ne semblent pas causer dâerreurs majeures. Finalement, la mĂ©thode automatique dâanalyse mise au point permet de dĂ©tecter les erreurs trouvĂ©es par dâautres moyens au cours de lâĂ©tude.
Des erreurs dâorigine numĂ©rique se produisent en effet dans bGPUMCD, sous des conditions trĂšs spĂ©cifiques. Certaines de ces erreurs sont facilement rĂ©parables, par exemple en changeant lâordre de certaines opĂ©rations, tandis que dâautres nĂ©cessitent des changements majeursv dans les algorithmes utilisĂ©s. Les types dâerreurs dĂ©tectĂ©es sont trĂšs gĂ©nĂ©riques et peuvent se retrouver dans de nombreux programmes de calcul scientifique, quâils soient basĂ©s sur des mĂ©thodes de Monte-Carlo ou non ; nos rĂ©sultats peuvent donc servir dâexemples pour certaines situations auxquelles il est nĂ©cessaire de porter une attention particuliĂšre lors du dĂ©veloppement dâune application sur GPU.----------ABSTRACT
This study examines errors produced by the representation of real numbers by processors in the context of a scientific program executed on a graphics processor (GPU). This representation only approximates real numbers and thus contains a rounding error. In most cases, this error is too small to significantly alter the computed values, but in some situations it can accumulate in such a way that the results become inaccurate or meaningless. The purpose of this work is to design a series of tests that will help determine whether such errors occur in a specific GPU-based program, bGPUMCD.
bGPUMCD is used in radiation therapy to simulate the radiation distribution received by a patient. This simulation is based on Monte Carlo methods, by which a large number of particles are simulated individually to determine the amount of energy they deposit in every part of the simulated volume. The volume is divided into voxels for the purpose of energy scoring.
To provide a general idea of the precision of bGPUMCDâs results, three aspects of the computations were tested: their precision (single or double), the implementation used for arithmetic functions (software of hardware) and voxel size. Additionally, two components of bGPUMCD, energy accumulation per voxel and particle tracking, were further tested. Finally, an automatic error detection method was implemented in order to provide an easier way to analyse programs for numerical errors.
Major errors were detected in the energy accumulation process, in the voxels surrounding radiation sources. When the energy in a voxel reaches a certain threshold, contributions from individual particles are too small to be taken into account during a single-precision addition. In the particle tracking component, a function was found to return a meaningless value in some rare cases. The other tests indicate no major errors in other aspects of the computations (arithmetic functions and discretization). The automatic analysis method was able to detect the errors found by other means during the study.
Numerical errors do occur in bGPUMCD, under very specific conditions. Some can be avoided by simply reordering some operations, while others require major changes in the algorithm. The detected errors arise from very simple computations which can be found in many program other than bGPUMCD, which may or may not be Monte Carlo simulations. When precision is important, careful consideration must be given to such possibilities
Systematics and biology of some species of Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) from the Holarctic Region, with re-description of M. caraganella (Hering) from Siberia
During a DNA barcoding campaign of leaf-mining insects from Siberia, a genetically divergent lineage of a gracillariid belonging to the genus Micrurapteryx was discovered, whose larvae developed on Caragana Fabr. and Medicago L. (Fabaceae). Specimens from Siberia showed similar external morphology to the Palearctic Micrurapteryx gradatella and the Nearctic Parectopa occulta but differed in male genitalia, DNA barcodes, and nuclear genes histone H3 and 28S. Members of this lineage are re-described here as Micrurapteryx caraganella (Hering, 1957), comb. n., an available name published with only a brief description of its larva and leaf mine.
Micrurapteryx caraganella is widely distributed throughout Siberia, from Tyumen oblast in the West to Transbaikalia in the East. Occasionally it may severely affect its main host, Caragana arborescens Lam. This species has been confused in the past with Micrurapreryx gradatella in Siberia, but field observations confirm that M. gradatella exists in Siberia and is sympatric with M. caraganella, at least in the Krasnoyarsk region, where it feeds on different host plants (Vicia amoena Fisch. and Vicia sp.).
In addition, based on both morphological and molecular evidence as well as examination of type specimens, the North American Parectopa occulta Braun, 1922 and Parectopa albicostella Braun, 1925 are transferred to Micrurapteryx as M. occulta (Braun, 1922), comb. n. with albicostella as its junior synonym (syn. n.). Characters used to distinguish Micrurapteryx from Parectopa are presented and illustrated. These findings provide another example of the potential of DNA barcoding to reveal overlooked species and illuminate nomenclatural problems
Catalytic behavior of biosorbents supported in zeolites
The catalytic oxidation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene at 350 oC was investigated over a robust
biosorption system consisting of a bacterial biofilm supported on NaY or NaX zeolites.
The batch method has been employed using chromium concentrations in solution
ranging from 50 to 250 mgCr/L. The results showed that the maximum removal
efficiency was 20% for Cr in both systems based in NaY or NaX. The bacterial biofilm,
Arthrobacter viscosus, supported on the zeolite reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III). The Cr(III) is
retained in the zeolite by ion exchange. The new biosorvents catalysts were
characterized by spectroscopic methods (FTIR and ICP-AES), surface analysis (DRX)
and thermal analysis (TGA). The various techniques of characterization used show that
this biosorption process does not modify the morphology and structure of the FAUzeolites.
These catalysts, Cr/FAU, prepared through this new procedure present good
activity and selectivity for dichlorobenzene oxidation in wet air. The Cr50-Y was
selected as the most active, selective and stable catalyst for oxidation of 1,2
dichlorobenzene in wet air.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT)Departamento de CiĂȘncias da Terra of Universidade do MinhoAgence de lâEnvironnement et de la MaĂźtrise de
lâEnergie (ADEME) and the RĂ©gion Poitou-Charente
Oxidation catalysts prepared from biosorbents supported on zeolites
The catalytic oxidation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene was investigated over NaYand NaX zeolites, loaded with chromiumthrough the action of a robust biosorption system consisting of a bacterial biofilm supported on the zeolites. The results of biosorption showed that the maximum metal removal efficiencywas 20%, in both systems based on NaYorNaX, starting fromsolutions with chromium(VI) concentrations ranging from 50 to 250 mgCr/L.
The bacterial biofilm, Arthrobacter viscosus, supported on the zeolite reduces Cr(VI) to Cr(III). The Cr(III) is retained in the zeolite by ion exchange.
The new catalysts were characterized by spectroscopic methods (FTIR ), chemical analyses (ICP-AES), surface analysis (XRD) and thermal analysis (TGA). The various techniques of characterization show that this biosorption process does not modify the morphology and structure of the FAUzeolites.
These catalysts,Cr/FAU, prepared through this newprocedure present good activity and selectivity for dichlorobenzene oxidation in wet air at 350 ÂșC. The Cr50-Y was selected as the most active, selective and stable catalyst for oxidation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene in wet air.Departamento de
CiĂȘncias da Terra of Universidade do Minho; Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT) ; Agence de lâEnvironnement et de la MaĂźtrise de lâEnergie (ADEME); RĂ©gion Poitou-Charentes
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