950 research outputs found

    Geometric scaling in ultrahigh energy neutrinos and nonlinear perturbative QCD

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    It is shown that in ultrahigh energy inelastic neutrino-nucleon(nucleus) scattering the cross sections for the boson-hadron(nucleus) reactions should exhibit geometric scaling on the single variable tau_A =Q2/Q2_{sat,A}. The dependence on energy and atomic number of the charged/neutral current cross sections are encoded in the saturation momentum Q_{sat,A}. This fact allows an analytical computation of the neutrino scattering on nucleon/nucleus at high energies, providing a theoretical parameterization based on the scaling property.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    On the Bernoulli Property of Planar Hyperbolic Billiards

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    We consider billiards in non-polygonal domains of the plane with boundaryconsisting of curves of three different types: straight segments, strictly convex inwardcurves and strictly convex outward curves of a special kind. The billiard map for thesedomains is known to have non-vanishing Lyapunov exponents a.e. provided that thedistance between the curved components of the boundary is sufficiently large, and the setof orbits having collisions only with the flat part of the boundary has zero measure. Undera few additional conditions, we prove that there exists a full measure set of the billiardphase space such that each of its points has a neighborhood contained up to a zero measureset in one Bernoulli component of the billiard map. Using this result, we show that thereexists a large class of planar hyperbolic billiards that have the Bernoulli property. This class includes the billiards in convex domains bounded by straight segments and strictlyconvex inward arcs constructed by Donnay

    A New Sub-Period-Minimum Cataclysmic Variable With Partial Hydrogen Depletion And Evidence Of Spiral Disk Structure

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    We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of CSS 120422:111127+571239 (=SBS 1108+574), a recently discovered SU UMa-type dwarf nova whose 55 minute orbital period is well below the cataclysmic variable (CV) period minimum of similar to 78 minutes. In contrast with most other known CVs, its spectrum features He I emission of comparable strength to the Balmer lines, implying a hydrogen abundance less than 0.1 of long-period CVs-but still at least 10 times higher than that in AM CVn stars. Together, the short orbital period and remarkable helium-to-hydrogen ratio suggest that mass transfer in CSS 120422 began near the end of the donor star's main-sequence lifetime, meaning that this CV is a strong candidate progenitor of an AM CVn system as described by Podsiadlowski et al. Moreover, a Doppler tomogram of the Ha line reveals two distinct regions of enhanced emission. While one is the result of the stream-disk impact, the other is probably attributable to spiral disk structure generated when material in the outer disk achieves a 2:1 orbital resonance with respect to the donor.NSF AST-1211196, AST-9987045Department of Physics at the University of Notre DameNSF Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP)Ohio Board of RegentsOhio State University Office of ResearchAstronom

    Magnetotunneling Between Two-dimensional Electron Gases in InAs-AlSb-GaSb Heterostructures

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    We have observed that the tunneling magnetoconductance between two-dimensional (2D) electron gases formed at nominally identical InAs-AlSb interfaces most often exhibits two sets of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations with almost the same frequency. This result is explained quantitatively with a model of the conductance in which the 2D gases have different densities and can tunnel between Landau levels with different quantum indices. When the epitaxial growth conditions of the interfaces are optimized, the zero-bias magnetoconductance shows a single set of oscillations, thus proving that the asymmetry between the two electron gases can be eliminated.Comment: RevTeX format including 4 figures; submit for publicatio

    Business Process and Information Technology Alignment: Construct Conceptualization, Empirical Illustration, and Directions for Future Research

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    Since strategic alignment first rose to prominence with Henderson and Venkatraman’s (1993) seminal paper, research has tended to focus on the extent of fit between IT and business strategy at the firm level. Although useful, a firm-level view of alignment could mask what firms are doing to realize intellectual alignment between business and IT strategy and whether their actions will likely succeed. In this study, we build on an emergent stream of research that considers alignment between IT and business strategy at the process level. Since research tends to view this form of alignment through the lens of IT support for business strategy, this perspective fails to account for how IT can enable the development of new business strategies. Accordingly, we conceptualize alignment between IT and business strategy at the process level using the lens of IT shortfall (a lack of IT support for business activities) and IT slack (having more IT than needed to support current business activities). Using data from matched surveys of IT and business executives at 317 U.S. and E.U. firms, we illustrate the value of this conceptualization and its process measures. Our results show that IT shortfall is negatively correlated with IT business value, while IT slack is positively correlated with IT business value. We further note that the existence of IT shortfall and IT slack depends on differences in firms’ chosen business strategy and whether a process is critical or non-critical to that strategy’s success

    Rapid quantification of 4-ethylphenol in wine using high-performance liquid chromatography with a fluorimetric detector

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    A rapid method was established for quantifying 4-ethylphenol in wine using HPLC with a detector usually present in wine laboratories. It does not require sample preparation and carries out chromatographic separation in less than 5 min, making control of wine production processes easier. The method is linear up to 2000 μg·l-1 with RSD < 3 % over 20 μg·L-1 and gives a detection limit of 4.0 μg·L-1. It was validated in comparison with the HPLC-coulometric array detector, giving comparable results. Its application to the analysis of 720 DOC and table Italian red wines revealed that the 45 % of them had contents of 4-ethylphenol potentially affecting sensory perception of the aroma.

    Intraventricular Thrombi with Systemic Embolization: Two Clinical Cases

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    A formação de trombos intraventriculares é um complicação frequente nos doentes com miocardiopatia dilatada e enfarte agudo do miocárdio, sendo o risco de embolização sistémica muito variável em função da patologia subjacente e características subjacentes dos trombos. Os autores descrevem dois casos clínicos relativos a dois doentes internados no mesmo dia com trombos intraventriculares, volumosos, protuberantes e muito móveis, no contexto de miocardiopatia dilatada e enfarte agudo do miocárdio, que embolizaram para os membros inferiores. Salientam a importância da ecocardiografia no diagnóstico, caracterização morfológica inicial e controlo evolutivo dos trombos intraventriculares, aspectos fundamentais na avaliação do risco embólico. Na ausência de recomendações específicas quanto às opções terapêuticas – anticoagulação, trombólise ou remoção cirúrgica, os autores sublinham a necessidade de avaliação individualizada, «caso a caso», tendo em conta o risco embólico, hemorrágico, e cirúrgico

    Ultrahigh energy neutrinos and non-linear QCD dynamics

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    The ultrahigh energy neutrino-nucleon cross sections are computed taking into account different phenomenological implementations of the non-linear QCD dynamic s. Based on the color dipole framework, the results for the saturation model supplemented by DGLAP evolution as well as for the BFKL formalism in the geometric scaling regime are presented. They are contrasted with recent calculations using NLO DGLAP and unified BFKL-DGLAP formalisms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Version to be published in Physical Review