152 research outputs found

    Investigating the QCD dynamical entropy in high-energy hadronic collisions

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    The dynamical entropy of dense gluonic states in proton-proton collisions at high energies is studied by using phenomenological models for the unintegrated gluon distribution. The corresponding transverse momentum probability distributions are evaluated in terms of rapidity. The dynamical entropy density is obtained in the rapidity range relevant for the collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. The total entropy density for the dense system is computed as a function of the rapidity evolution ΔY ¼ Y − Y0 given an initial rapidity Y0. The theoretical uncertainties are investigated, and a comparison with related approaches in literature is done

    Investigating entanglement entropy at small x in DIS off protons and nuclei

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    In this work we analyze the entanglement entropy in deep inelastic scattering off protons and nuclei. It is computed based on the formalism where the partonic state at small-x is maximally entangled with proton being constituted by large number of microstates occurring with equal probabilities. We consider analytical expressions for the number of gluons, Ngluon, obtained from gluon saturation models for the dipole-target amplitudes within the QCD color dipole picture. In particular, the nuclear entanglement entropy per nucleon is studied. We also study the underlying uncertainties on these calculations and compare the results to similar investigations in literature

    Characterizing videos, audience and advertising in Youtube channels for kids

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    Online video services, messaging systems, games and social media services are tremendously popular among young people and children in many countries. Most of the digital services offered on the internet are advertising funded, which makes advertising ubiquitous in children's everyday life. To understand the impact of advertising-based digital services on children, we study the collective behavior of users of YouTube for kids channels and present the demographics of a large number of users. We collected data from 12,848 videos from 17 channels in US and UK and 24 channels in Brazil. The channels in English have been viewed more than 37 billion times. We also collected more than 14 million comments made by users. Based on a combination of text-analysis and face recognition tools, we show the presence of racial and gender biases in our large sample of users. We also identify children actively using YouTube, although the minimum age for using the service is 13 years in most countries. We provide comparisons of user behavior among the three countries, which represent large user populations in the global North and the global South

    Characterizing Attention Cascades in WhatsApp Groups

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    An important political and social phenomena discussed in several countries, like India and Brazil, is the use of WhatsApp to spread false or misleading content. However, little is known about the information dissemination process in WhatsApp groups. Attention affects the dissemination of information in WhatsApp groups, determining what topics or subjects are more attractive to participants of a group. In this paper, we characterize and analyze how attention propagates among the participants of a WhatsApp group. An attention cascade begins when a user asserts a topic in a message to the group, which could include written text, photos, or links to articles online. Others then propagate the information by responding to it. We analyzed attention cascades in more than 1.7 million messages posted in 120 groups over one year. Our analysis focused on the structural and temporal evolution of attention cascades as well as on the behavior of users that participate in them. We found specific characteristics in cascades associated with groups that discuss political subjects and false information. For instance, we observe that cascades with false information tend to be deeper, reach more users, and last longer in political groups than in non-political groups.Comment: Accepted as a full paper at the 11th International ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci 2019). Please cite the WebSci versio

    Mucosal Environment Induces Phage Susceptibility in Streptococcus mutans

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    Pathogenic bacteria are attracted toward mucosa, as it is their way of entry into the body. However, we know surprisingly little about the phage-bacterium interactions in the mucosal environment. Here, we explored the effect of the mucosal environment on growth characteristics and phage-bacterium interactions in Streptococcus mutans, a causative agent of dental caries. We found that although mucin supplementation increased bacterial growth and survival, it decreased S. mutans biofilm formation. More importantly, the presence of mucin had a significant effect on S. mutans phage susceptibility. In two experiments done in Brain Heart Infusion Broth, phage M102 replication was detected only with 0.2% mucin supplementation. In 0.1 × Tryptic Soy Broth, 0.5% mucin supplementation led to a 4-log increase in phage titers compared with the control. These results suggest that the mucosal environment can have a major role in the growth, phage sensitivity, and phage resistance of S. mutans, and underline the importance of understanding the effect of mucosal environment on phage-bacterium interactions