77 research outputs found

    Exploring the Capacity of Open, Linked Data Sources to Assess Adverse Drug Reaction Signals

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    Abstract. In this work, we explore the capacity of open, linked data sources to assess adverse drug reaction (ADR) signals. Our study is based on a set of drugrelated Bio2RDF data sources and three reference datasets, containing both positive and negative ADR signals, which were used for benchmarking. We present the overall approach for this assessment and refer to some early findings based on the analysis performed so far

    PATHway: decision support in exercise programmes for cardiac rehabilitation

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    Rehabilitation is important for patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) to improve health outcomes and quality of life. However, adherence to current exercise programmes in cardiac rehabilitation is limited. We present the design and development of a Decision Support System (DSS) for telerehabilitation, aiming to enhance exercise programmes for CVD patients through ensuring their safety, personalising the programme according to their needs and performance, and motivating them toward meeting their physical activity goals. The DSS processes data originated from a Microsoft Kinect camera, a blood pressure monitor, a heart rate sensor and questionnaires, in order to generate a highly individualised exercise programme and improve patient adherence. Initial results within the EU-funded PATHway project show the potential of our approach

    Detection of squawks in respiratory sounds of mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients

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    Mechanically ventilated patients typically exhibit abnormal respiratory sounds. Squawks are short inspiratory adventitious sounds that may occur in patients with pneumonia, such as COVID-19 patients. In this work we devised a method for squawk detection in mechanically ventilated patients by developing algorithms for respiratory cycle estimation, squawk candidate identification, feature extraction, and clustering. The best classifier reached an F1 of 0.48 at the sound file level and an F1 of 0.66 at the recording session level. These preliminary results are promising, as they were obtained in noisy environments. This method will give health professionals a new feature to assess the potential deterioration of critically ill patients.publishe

    Semantic Integration of Cervical Cancer Data Repositories to Facilitate Multicenter Association Studies: The ASSIST Approach

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    The current work addresses the unification of Electronic Health Records related to cervical cancer into a single medical knowledge source, in the context of the EU-funded ASSIST research project. The project aims to facilitate the research for cervical precancer and cancer through a system that virtually unifies multiple patient record repositories, physically located in different medical centers/hospitals, thus, increasing flexibility by allowing the formation of study groups “on demand” and by recycling patient records in new studies. To this end, ASSIST uses semantic technologies to translate all medical entities (such as patient examination results, history, habits, genetic profile) and represent them in a common form, encoded in the ASSIST Cervical Cancer Ontology. The current paper presents the knowledge elicitation approach followed, towards the definition and representation of the disease’s medical concepts and rules that constitute the basis for the ASSIST Cervical Cancer Ontology. The proposed approach constitutes a paradigm for semantic integration of heterogeneous clinical data that may be applicable to other biomedical application domains

    Cost-effective health services for interactive lifestyle management: the PANACEIA-iTV and the e-Vital concepts, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2005, nr 4

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    Information technology applications in medicine are rapidly expanding, and new methods and solutions are evolving since they are considered pivotal in the success of preventive medicine. In this paper two different concepts will be presented, the PANACEIA-iTV and the e-Vital concept. PANACEIA-iTV is a home care service provision system based on interactive TV technology and supported by the IST programme of the European Commission. The e-Vital service, supported by the eTEN programme of the European Commission, regards an integrated home care and telemonitoring service chain aimed at large sensitive parts of the European population, the "at-risk" citizens, who are usually patients with a stable medical condition that allow a near normal life but may suddenly deteriorate and put life at risk

    Clinical validation of an algorithm for rapid and accurate automated segmentation of intracoronary optical coherence tomography images

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    Objectives: The analysis of intracoronary optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is based on manual identification of the lumen contours and relevant structures. However, manual image segmentation is a cumbersome and time-consuming process, subject to significant intra- and inter-observer variability. This study aims to present and validate a fully-automated method for segmentation of intracoronary OCT images. Methods: We studied 20 coronary arteries (mean length = 39.7 ± 10.0 mm) from 20 patients who underwent a clinically-indicated cardiac catheterization. The OCT images (n = 1812) were segmented manually, as well as with a fully-automated approach. A semi-automated variation of the fully-automated algorithm was also applied. Using certain lumen size and lumen shape characteristics, the fully- and semi-automated segmentation algorithms were validated over manual segmentation, which was considered as the gold standard. Results: Linear regression and Bland–Altman analysis demonstrated that both the fully-automated and semiautomated segmentation had a very high agreement with the manual segmentation, with the semi-automated approach being slightly more accurate than the fully-automated method. The fully-automated and semiautomated OCT segmentation reduced the analysis time by more than 97% and 86%, respectively, compared to manual segmentation. Conclusions: In the current work we validated a fully-automated OCT segmentation algorithm, as well as a semiautomated variation of it in an extensive “real-life” dataset of OCT images. The study showed that our algorithm can perform rapid and reliable segmentation of OCT images

    Accurate and reproducible reconstruction of coronary arteries and endothelial shear stress calculation using 3D OCT: Comparative study to 3D IVUS and 3D QCA

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    Background: Geometrically-correct 3D OCT is a new imaging modality with the potential to investigate the association of local hemodynamic microenvironment with OCT-derived high-risk features. We aimed to describe the methodology of 3D OCT and investigate the accuracy, inter- and intra-observer agreement of 3D OCT in reconstructing coronary arteries and calculating ESS, using 3D IVUS and 3D QCA as references. Methods-Results: 35 coronary artery segments derived from 30 patients were reconstructed in 3D space using 3D OCT. 3D OCT was validated against 3D IVUS and 3D QCA. The agreement in artery reconstruction among 3D OCT, 3D IVUS and 3D QCA was assessed in 3-mm-long subsegments using lumen morphometry and ESS parameters. The inter- and intra-observer agreement of 3D OCT, 3D IVUS and 3D QCA were assessed in a representative sample of 61 subsegments (n Π5 arteries). The data processing times for each reconstruction methodology were also calculated. There was a very high agreement between 3D OCT vs. 3D IVUS and 3D OCT vs. 3D QCA in terms of total reconstructed artery length and volume, as well as in terms of segmental morphometric and ESS metrics with mean differences close to zero and narrow limits of agreement (BlandeAltman analysis). 3D OCT exhibited excellent inter- and intra-observer agreement. The analysis time with 3D OCT was significantly lower compared to 3D IVUS. Conclusions: Geometrically-correct 3D OCT is a feasible, accurate and reproducible 3D reconstruction technique that can perform reliable ESS calculations in coronary arteries

    Toward Systems Models for Obesity Prevention: A Big Role for Big Data

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    The relation among the various causal factors of obesity is not well understood, and there remains a lack of viable data to advance integrated, systems models of its etiology. The collection of big data has begun to allow the exploration of causal associations between behavior, built environment, and obesity-relevant health outcomes. Here, the traditional epidemiologic and emerging big data approaches used in obesity research are compared, describing the research questions, needs, and outcomes of 3 broad research domains: eating behavior, social food environments, and the built environment. Taking tangible steps at the intersection of these domains, the recent European Union project "BigO: Big data against childhood obesity" used a mobile health tool to link objective measurements of health, physical activity, and the built environment. BigO provided learning on the limitations of big data, such as privacy concerns, study sampling, and the balancing of epidemiologic domain expertise with the required technical expertise. Adopting big data approaches will facilitate the exploitation of data concerning obesity-relevant behaviors of a greater variety, which are also processed at speed, facilitated by mobile-based data collection and monitoring systems, citizen science, and artificial intelligence. These approaches will allow the field to expand from causal inference to more complex, systems-level predictive models, stimulating ambitious and effective policy interventions

    Managing Evidence from Multiple Gene Finding Resources via an XML-based Integration Architecture

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    While biological processes underlying gene expression are still under experimental research, computational gene prediction techniques have reached high level of sophistication with the employment of efficient intrinsic and extrinsic methods that identify protein-coding regions within query genomic sequences. Their ability though to delineate the exact exon boundaries is characterized by a trade off between sensitivity and specificity and still is prone to alternations in gene regulation during transcription and splicing and to inherent complexities introduced by the implemented methodology. Evaluation studies have shown that combinatorial approaches exhibit improved accuracy levels through the integration of evidence data from multiple resources that are further assessed in order to end up with the most probable gene assembly
