304 research outputs found

    Acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine among persons experiencing homelessness in the City of Rome, Italy

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    Objective: Vulnerable populations are being more severely impacted by the ongoing pandemic, and the recent release of vaccines for Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) may offer them protection. The aim of this study was to investigate the willingness of homeless persons to be vaccinated against COVID-19; secondary aims were to analyze the immunization coverage for other conditions. Patients and methods: The acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine and immunization coverage for other conditions were investigated through a form in 112 persons experiencing homelessness referring to the primary care medical services of the Eleemosynaria Apostolica, Holy See. Results: Most subjects, with a male preponderance, were willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19 (64.3%), 3.6% were unsure and 32.1% preferred not to be vaccinated. When answering questions on the immunization coverage for tuberculosis and hepatitis A and B, most subjects reported not to be vaccinated (48.2%, 56.2% and 55.3%, respectively) or did not know (33%, 28.6% and 27.7%). Conclusions: A significant portion of our sample declared to be willing to be vaccinated against COVID-19. It would be auspicious that the recent statements from several countries on the importance to extend COVID-19 vaccination to fragile populations be followed by the distribution of the vaccine to these populations

    Immunolocalization of estrogen receptor beta in the epididymis of mature and immature pigs.

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    A growing body of evidence suggests a role of estrogens in the male reproduction via their specific estrogen receptors (ERalpha/ERbeta). Estrogen receptor distribution along the genital tract tissues has been described in different species, but it is unknown in the pig. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to localize ERbeta in the epididymis of mature and immature pigs (aged 2 and 18 months, respectively). Immunohistochemistry was carried out on paraffin-embedded tissues using a mouse anti-human monoclonal IgG against ERbeta as the primary antibody, and a goat anti-mouse biotinylated IgG as the secondary antibody. Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex was then applied followed by diaminobenzidine. In immature pigs, the epithelial cells from the caput, corpus and cauda epididymis showed no or very weak immunoreactivity for ERbeta, whereas they were all strongly immmunoreactive in mature pigs. A various intensity of immunostaining from weak to strong in the smooth muscle cells as well as in the connective tissue cells were detected in the epididymis of both, young and adult pigs. This is the first report on the cellular localization of ERbeta protein in porcine epidydimis. The present study demonstrated that (1) irrespectively of the epididymal region, the epithelial cells of caput, corpus and cauda epididymis of mature pigs revealed a strong immunoreactivity for ERbeta, and (2) ERbeta expression in the epididymal epithelium is regulated by puberty. Finally, although the biological activity of ERbeta has not yet been established, the results of the present study suggest its involvement in estrogen modulation of pig epididymal function

    Bioactive Constituents from the Traditional Kurdish plant Iris persica

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    In the first phytochemical investigation of non-volatile secondary metabolites from the Kurdish traditional plant Iris persica L, (-)-embinin was isolated from flowers and leaves, isovitexin from flowers, trans-resveratrol-3- O-β-D-glucopyranoside from rhizomes and tectorigenin from bulbs. The complete NMR spectra of embinin are reported for the first time. In an MTT assay, embinin showed an inhibition activity higher than the well-known antitumor drug cisplatin against five of the six tested human tumor cells. Moreover, embinin showed a significant DPPH radical scavenging activity (IC50 value of 112.16) comparable to the reference antioxidant ascorbic acid. The remarkable biological activities exhibited by the extracts of Iris persica and isolated compounds have validated the uses of I. persica in the traditional medicine of Kurdistan

    Crack initiation and propagation paths in small diameter FSW 6082-T6 aluminium tubes under fatigue loading

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    This paper reports results of fatigue tests of friction stir welded (FSW) aluminium tubes. Relatively small 38 mm diameter tubes were used and hence an automated FSW process using a retracting tool was designed for this project, as the wall thickness of the aluminium tube was similar to the diameter of the FSW tool. This is a more complex joint geometry to weld than the more usual larger diameter tube reported in the literature. S-N fatigue testing was performed using load ratios of R = 0.1 and R = -1. Crack path analysis was performed using both low magnification stereo microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, in order to identify crack initiation sites and to determine the direction of crack propagation. Work is still in progress to follow the crack path through the various microstructural zones associated with the weld. A simple statistical analysis was used to characterize the most typical crack initiation site. This work forms part of a wider project directed at determining multiaxial fatigue design rules for small diameter 6082-T6 aluminium tubes that could be of use in the ground vehicle industry

    New titanocene derivatives with high antiproliferative activity against breast cancer cells

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    The synthesis and characterization of some new titanocene-complexes, having a ethenyl-phenoxide or a benzyl group as substituents of the cyclopentadienyl rings, are reported. The synthesized compounds have been evaluated for their cytotoxic potential against two human breast cancer cell lines, that is: MCF7 and SkBr3. Most of these compounds have shown significant cytotoxic effects, compared to cisplatin, in MTT-based cell tests

    Differential phosphorylation of c-Jun and JunD in response to the epidermal growth factor is determined by the structure of MAPK targeting sequences

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    MAPK phosphorylation of various substrates is mediated by the presence of docking sites, including the D domain and the DEF motif. Depending on the number and sequences of these domains, substrates are phosphorylated by specific subsets of MAPKs. For example, a D domain targets JNK to c-Jun, whereas a DEF motif is required for ERK phosphorylation of c-Fos. JunD, in contrast, contains both D and DEF domains. Here we show that these motifs mediate JunD phosphorylation in response to either ERK or JNK activation. An intact D domain is required for phosphorylation and activation of JunD by both subtypes of MAPK. The DEF motif acts together with the D domain to elicit efficient phosphorylation of JunD in response to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) but has no function on JunD phosphorylation and activation by JNK signaling. Furthermore, we show that conversion of a c-Jun sequence to a canonical DEF domain, as it is present in JunD, elicits c-Jun activation in response to EGF. Our results suggest that evolution of a particular modular system of MAPK targeting sequences has determined a differential response of JunD and c-Jun to ERK activation

    A Multi-Channel Low-Power System-on-Chip for in Vivo Recording and Wireless Transmission of Neural Spikes

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    This paper reports a multi-channel neural spike recording system-on-chip with digital data compression and wireless telemetry. The circuit consists of 16 amplifiers, an analog time-division multiplexer, a single 8 bit analog-to-digital converter, a digital signal compression unit and a wireless transmitter. Although only 16 amplifiers are integrated in our current die version, the whole system is designed to work with 64, demonstrating the feasibility of a digital processing and narrowband wireless transmission of 64 neural recording channels. Compression of the raw data is achieved by detecting the action potentials (APs) and storing 20 samples for each spike waveform. This compression method retains sufficiently high data quality to allow for single neuron identification (spike sorting). The 400 MHz transmitter employs a Manchester-Coded Frequency Shift Keying (MC-FSK) modulator with low modulation index. In this way, a 1.25 Mbit/s data rate is delivered within a limited band of about 3 MHz. The chip is realized in a 0.35 um AMS CMOS process featuring a 3 V power supply with an area of 3.1x 2.7 mm2. The achieved transmission range is over 10 m with an overall power consumption for 64 channels of 17.2 mW. This figure translates into a power budget of 269uW per channel, in line with published results but allowing a larger transmission distance and more efficient bandwidth occupation of the wireless link. The integrated circuit was mounted on a small and light board to be used during neuroscience experiments with freely-behaving rats. Powered by 2 AAA batteries, the system can continuously work for more than 100 hours allowing for long-lasting neural spike recordings

    Strongly enhanced light-matter coupling of a monolayer WS2 from a bound state in the continuum

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    Optical bound states in the continuum (BIC) allow to totally prevent a photonic mode from radiating into free space along a given spatial direction. Polariton excitations derived from the strong radiation-matter interaction of a BIC with an excitonic resonance inherit an ultralong radiative lifetime and significant nonlinearities due to their hybrid nature. However, maximizing the light-matter interaction in these structures remains challenging, especially with 2D semiconductors, thus preventing the observation of room temperature nonlinearities of BIC polaritons. Here we show a strong light-matter interaction enhancement at room temperature by coupling monolayer WS2 excitons to a BIC, while optimizing for the electric field strength at the monolayer position through Bloch surface wave confinement. By acting on the grating geometry, the coupling with the active material is maximized in an open and flexible architecture, allowing to achieve a 100 meV photonic bandgap with the BIC in a local energy minimum and a record 70 meV Rabi splitting. Our novel architecture provides large room temperature optical nonlinearities, thus paving the way to tunable BIC-based polariton devices with topologically-protected robustness to fabrication imperfections.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figur

    Leukotoxin Diols from Ground Corncob Bedding Disrupt Estrous Cyclicity in Rats and Stimulate MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation

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    Previous studies in our laboratory demonstrated that high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of ground corncob bedding extracts characterized two components (peak I and peak II) that disrupted endocrine function in male and female rats and stimulated breast and prostate cancer cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. The active substances in peak I were identified as an isomeric mixture of 9,12-oxy-10,13-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acid and 10,13-oxy-9,12-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acid, collectively designated tetrahydrofurandiols (THF-diols). Studies presented here describe the purification and identification of the HPLC peak II component as 9,10-dihydroxy-12-octadecenoic acid (leukotoxin diol; LTX-diol), a well-known leukotoxin. A synthetic mixture of LTX-diol and 12,13-dihydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid (isoleukotoxin diol; i-LTX-diol) isomers was separated by HPLC, and each isomer stimulated (p < 0.001) MCF-7 cell proliferation in an equivalent fashion. The LTX-diol isomers failed to compete for [(3)H]estradiol binding to the estrogen receptor or nuclear type II sites, even though oral administration of very low doses of these compounds (>> 0.8 mg/kg body weight/day) disrupted estrous cyclicity in female rats. The LTX-diols did not disrupt male sexual behavior, suggesting that sex differences exist in response to these endocrine-disruptive agents