2,765 research outputs found

    Quality assurance of high education

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    The article expounds questions concerning Quality assurance of Higher education, related to the entry of Russia into the united European Higher Education Area. The main emphases is focused on the necessity to create the system for Quality assurance of Russian Higher education, which will be harmonized with European systems. Comparing of Russian and European approaches in Quality assurance of Higher education is drawn. Russian system of Quality assurance of Higher education is considered on four levels: State level, level of Higher educational institution, level of society and international level; for each level the main elements of a system are determined. Since the European approach separates the Quality assurance system into two levels, e.g. internal and external, a conversion to comparable levels is being proposed. Characteristics of EURopean ACcredited Engineer (EUR-ACE) Framework Standards are expounded. These Standards have been developed, fi rst of all, for facilitation of the procedure of acceptance of degrees and qualifi cations as well as Quality assurance of Study Programmes in European Higher Education Area. The comparison of requirements of Federal State Educational Standards for Higher education in Russian Federation and EUR-ACE Framework Standards is produced on the example of Masters’ Study programmes in Engineering. The comparison exposed similarities and, at the same time, considerable differences in examined approaches. So, the results of studies are formulated in different “coordinate systems”: according with kinds of activities in Federal State Educational Standards for Higher education, but according to the “cycle” of Engineering activity in EURACE Framework Standards. However, if the task for harmonization of standards (or requirements) could be considered out of just simple coincidence between their structures and/or definitions and terms, than the principle contradictions between European and Russian approaches in Quality assurance will not appear. It means that the ways of harmonization of European and Russian requirements to Study Programmes’ Quality assurance could be found. And the logical part of implementation of international Quality management schemes will be the accreditation of Russian Study programmes in international organizations and networks. In order to ensure the effectiveness of such tasks, it is necessary to develop an appropriate tools, which could help to formalize and systematize procedures of Study Programmes’ Quality assurance with a glance of requirements of European standards. The experience of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) on Quality assurance of Study Programmes is discussed, in particular: development and appraisal of Technique for monitoring of Study Programmes and of the Model for on-line Quality Assurance of Study Programmes with a glance of requirements of European standards, which have been created in frames of the project TEMPUS EQUASP («On-line (Electronic) Quality Assurance of Study Programmes») with participation of SPbPU. Implementation of proposed tools ensures the integrity and authenticity of information on all aspects of the realization of educational process, fulfi llment of all-European requirements on Study Programmes’ accreditation, harmonization of Russian and European Higher education systems, and, thus, forms the basis for Study Programmes’ accreditation in international organizations and networks. The Model for on-line Quality Assurance of Study Programmes is a powerful tool, which allows to bring the process of Quality Assurance of Study Programmes into accord with European standards and guidelines, to improve quality of Programmes, to increase their transparency and comparability

    Public Health in Pharmacy Practice: A Casebook 2nd Edition

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    This casebook, now in its second edition, is a collaboration of over 90 individuals with expertise and training in public health pharmacy. A total of 54 chapters are presented, covering a broad array of topics relevant to pharmacy applications of public health. These topics include, but are not limited to, cross-cultural care, health literacy and disparities, infectious disease, health promotion and disease prevention, medication safety, structural racism, advocacy/policy analysis, chronic disease, women’s health, rural health, travel medicine and more. The book is designed to allow educators/students to choose chapters of interest as they feel suited, as each chapter is independent from the others. Each chapter contains learning objectives and an introduction to the topic, followed by a case and questions. The chapter closes with commentary from the authors and patient-oriented considerations for the topic at hand.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/oer-ost/1026/thumbnail.jp

    Адъювантная внутрипузырная химиотерапия с аквакомплексом глицеросольвата титана в сравнении с БЦЖ-терапией у больных немышечно-инвазивным раком мочевого пузыря высокого риска

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    Objective: to compare recurrence rate, progression rate and recurrence-free survival in patients with high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) after adjuvant intravesical chemotherapy (IVCT) with titanium glycerosolvate aquacomplex (TGA) versus intravesical BCG therapy.Material and methods. In a retrospective multicenter clinical study initially were included 126 patients with NMIBC. Of all 126 patients, 94 patients with high-risk NMIBC were selected and divided into 2 groups using a pseudo randomization with propensity score matching to minimize systematic differences in the process of forming groups. The treatment group (n = 55) consisted of patients with high-risk NMIBC who received a 6-week course of adjuvant IVCT with TGA. In the control group (n = 39) patients received an induction 6-week course of adjuvant intravesical BCG therapy, 19 (49 %) of 39 patients received maintenance therapy. Both methods were compared according to recurrence rate, progression rate and recurrence-free survival. Significance of difference was set at p <0.05.Results. The compared groups of patients were well balanced in terms of clinical and morphological characteristics and the main risk factors for recurrence and progression of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer, no significant differences were found between the groups (p >0.5). The recurrence rate in treatment and control groups was 33 % and 23 %, respectively (p = 0.31). The disease progression was observed in 1 (2 %) patient in the treatment group and in 4 (13 %) patients in the control group (p = 0.08). The median disease-free survival in both groups of patients was not reached at the time of analysis. Three- and five-year recurrence-free survival in the treatment group of patients were 71 % and 62 %, respectively; in the control group — 76 % and 72 %, respectively. There were no significant differences between recurrence-free-survival curves of the treatment and control groups (p = 0.58).Conclusion. Adjuvant IVCT with TGA has demonstrated a clinical effectiveness comparable to intravesical BCG therapy and it can be used as an alternative method of treatment in patients with high-risk NMIBC.Цель исследования — сравнить безрецидивную выживаемость, частоту рецидивов и прогрессирования заболевания у больных немышечно-инвазивным раком мочевого пузыря (НМИРМП) высокого риска после адъювантной внутрипузырной химиотерапии (ВПХТ) с аквакомплексом глицеросольвата титана (АГТ) в сравнении с внутрипузырной терапией бациллой Кальметта-Герена (БЦЖ).Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное мультицентровое сравнительное клиническое исследование исходно включены 126 пациентов с НМИРМП. Из них с использованием метода псевдорандомизации (propensity score matching) отобраны 94 пациента с НМИРМП высокого риска, которые были разделены на 2 группы: основную и контрольную. Основную группу (n = 55) составили больные, получившие 6-недельный курс адъювантной ВПХТ с АГТ. Пациенты контрольной группы (n = 39) получили индукционный 6-недельный курс адъювантной внутрипузырной БЦЖ-терапии в режиме 1 инстилляция в неделю, у 19 (49 %) из 39 больных проводилось поддерживающее лечение в срок от 2 до 16 мес. Сравнение эффективности различных методик адъювантной внутрипузырной терапии выполняли по показателям безрецидивной выживаемости, частоте рецидивов и прогрессирования заболевания. Достоверность различий устанавливали при уровне значимости p <0,05.Результаты. Сравниваемые группы больных были хорошо сбалансированы по клинико-морфологическим характеристикам и основным факторам риска рецидива и прогрессирования НМИРМП, достоверных различий между ними не выявлено (p >0,5). Частота рецидивов заболевания в основной и контрольной группах составила 33 и 23 % соответственно (р = 0,31). Прогрессирование заболевания установлено у 1 (2 %) больного в основной группе и у 4 (13 %) больных в контрольной группе (p = 0,08). Медиана безрецидивной выживаемости в обеих группах на момент проведения анализа не достигнута. Показатели 3- и 5-летней безрецидивной выживаемости в основной группе составили 71 и 62 %, в контрольной группе - 76 и 72 % соответственно. При сравнении кривых безрецидивной выживаемости основной и контрольной групп достоверных различий между ними не выявлено (p = 0,58).Заключение. Адъювантная ВПХТ с АГТ позволяет получить сопоставимые с внутрипузырной БЦЖ-терапией основные показатели эффективности и может применяться в качестве альтернативного метода лечения у больных НМИРМП высокого риска

    Влияние количества биоптатов, взятых при таргетной биопсии предстательной железы, на вероятность положительного результата у пациентов с клинически значимым раком предстательной железы

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    Background. Targeted biopsy is proposed as a method of choice in the algorithm of prostate cancer diagnosis, but not all the features of method has been evaluated. Objective: determine the rational number of targeted biopsy samples in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer. Materials and methods. The magnetic resonance imaging and fusion biopsy data of 156 patients with suspected prostate cancer were retrospectively evaluated. Results and conclusion. In the study statistically significant dependence of the positive histological results in patients with clinically significant prostate cancer from the number of biopsy samples was found. The potential probability of a false negative histological examination with an insufficient number of biopsy samples was noted. These results confirm the latest published data of potential targeted biopsy false in true positive patients after multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging. An increase in the number of biopsy samples in the target lesion reduces the likelihood of false-negative results. The main causes of such discrepancy are some technical laxity and the heterogeneous histological structure of prostate cancer. Increase the number of biopsy cores can reduce the likelihood of false-negative results. © 2020 ABC-press Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Germ cell cancer in male: health care in Sverdlovsk Region

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    Germ cell cancer morbidity continues to grow in Sverdlovsk Region from 1.16 cases per 100.000 male population in 1989 to 2.0 in 2009. Mortality remains unchangeable at the same time. It was 0.81 cases per 100.000 male population in 2009.243 patients from 403 fallen ill in the last 10 years have been treated in Sverdlovsk Regional Oncology Dispensary. Relapse was in 8.2% of patients with Seminoma I stage after successful treatment and in 15.7% of patients with Non-seminoma I stage. Remission was reached in 100% patient with Seminoma and 97% patients with Non-seminoma in group of good and intermediate prognosis. Patients with poor prognosis have only 54% remissions and 2-year mortality was 46%.Заболеваемость герминогенными опухолями яичка у мужнин в Свердловской области растет, увеличившись с 1,16 случая на 100 тыс. мужского населения в 1989 г. до 2,0 - в 2009. При этом смертность осталась на прежнем уровне и составила 0,81 случай на 100 тыс. в 2009 году. В течение последних 10 лет из 403 заболевших 243 пациента получили лечение в ГБУЗ СО СООД. После достижения ремиссии у пациентов I стадией семиномы рецидив возник у 8,2%, несеминомы - у 15,7%. У пациентов II и III стадией группы благоприятного и промежуточного прогноза ремиссии удалось достигнуть у 100% с семиномой и у 97% с несеминомой. При неблагоприятном прогнозе ремиссия была только у 54%, а летальность через 24 месяца достигла 46%

    Лечение обширной некротической раны при болезни Вебера – Крисчена – Пфейфера

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    The authors present a successful treatment of a 29-year-old patient with idiopathic Weber – Christian – Pfeiffer panniculitis. after the lumbotomy access for a malignant neoplasm of the right kidney that had provoked the onset of the disease. Edema and hyperemia, aseptic necrotic process at wound edges, hyperthermia, arthralgia, respiratory and cardiovascular insufficiency were initially regarded as a periwound phlegmon and sepsis. In the course of treatment, the diagnosis of idiopathic panniculitis was put pathohistologically. After patient’s stabilization, an extensive wound on the abdominal wall was treated surgically plus physical techniques. A defect in the muscular aponeurotic skeleton of the abdominal wall was replaced with a polypropylene mesh prosthesis. After preparing the wound with negative pressure therapy, the skin grafting was made. Satisfactory immediate and long-term outcomes were achieved.В статье представлено наблюдение лечения пациентки, 29 лет, с идиопатическим панникулитом Вебера – Крисчена – Пфейфера после люмботомического доступа по поводу злокачественного новообразования правой почки, спровоцировавшего начало заболевания. Возникли отек и гиперемия, асептический некротический процесс в краях раны, гипертермия, артралгия, дыхательная и сердечно-сосудистая недостаточности, исходно расцененные как околораневая флегмона и сепсис. В процессе лечения патогистологически установлен диагноз идиопатического панникулита. После стабилизации состояния пациентки выполнены хирургические обработки обширной раны стенки живота с применением комплекса дополнительных физических методов. Проведено замещение дефекта мышечно-апоневротического каркаса брюшной стенки сетчатым полипропиленовым протезом, и после подготовки раны с помощью терапии отрицательным давлением выполнена дерматомная аутодермопластика с удовлетворительными непосредственным и отдаленным исходами