12 research outputs found

    Hydrogen rich gas production through co-gasification of low rank coal, flotation concentrates and municipal refuse derived fuel

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    In the paper a novel approach to thermochemical utilization of low rank coal, flotation concentrates and municipal refuse derived fuels was presented. The economic attractiveness of low rank coals and flotation concentrates is limited and that is why they are commonly stored at excavation heaps causing additional costs and the risk of endogenous fires occurrence. One of the crucial parameters determining the attractiveness and usability of a fuel in the gasification process is its reactivity. In the study several low rank coals, flotation concentrates and municipal refuse derived fuels were tested in terms of their reactivity in the process of steam gasification. The reactivity of low rank coal and flotation concentrates at 50% of carbon conversion, R50, varied between 1.46104and2.3910 4 and 2.3910 4 s 1, whereas the maximum reactivity, Rmax, from 3.28104to4.6210 4 to 4.6210 4 s 1. Advanced mathematical models were developed to investigate the similarities and dissimilarities between the studied fuels as well as the relationships between the physical and chemical parameters and the reactivities of fuel chars in steam gasification. On this basis, a low rank coal was selected and blended with 20%w/w of municipal refuse derived fuel in cogasification experiments. The aim of the research was to utilize the low rank coal characterized by the lowest reactivities (R50 and Rmax of 1.46104and3.2810 4 and 3.2810 4 s 1, respectively) in steam co-gasification to hydrogen-rich gas with an alternative fuel in a fixed bed reactor at the temperature of 800 C. The selected low rank coal was blended with 20%w/w of municipal refuse derived and the resulting fuel yielded the average concentration of hydrogen in the produced gas of 58.99%vol

    An analysis of self-ignition of mine waste dumps in terms of environmental protection in industrial areas in Poland

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    The aim of the paper was to work out a new comprehensive methodology to monitor thermal activity at mine waste dumps. The methodology was tested through monitoring thermal phenomena occurring in the areas of extractive waste dumping facilities located in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland. Within the framework of the study, a comparative analysis of three waste dumps was performed; the first two of them, which were not previously reclaimed, are in part thermally active, whereas the third one comprises one section which was partially reclaimed and another section which is still being operated. The research objective was to observe the changes of atmospheric emissions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the three selected facilities within the period of 21 months of constant monitoring. The novelty of the methodology of thermal activity monitoring at burning mine waste dumps consisted in the application advanced chemometrics methods. The collected data were analyzed by means of the Hierarchical Clustering Analysis supplemented with a color map of the experimental results. Based on the newly developed methodology, it was determined that thermal processes occur in all of the three analyzed sites. The non-reclaimed waste dumps characterize of intense thermal phenomena covering the majority of the studied area. It was also observed that the most intensive thermal activity occurs in the central sections of the dumps with temperature values reaching the level of 600 degrees C accompanied by high emissions of PAHs. In addition, the research results demonstrate that despite the reclamation processes, there are certain areas which still remain thermally active in one of the studied extractive waste dumps. This manifested itself by high measured concentrations of all the analyzed PAHs and locally increased surface temperatures which, however, did not exceed 200 degrees C; the majority of the areas of the reclaimed waste dump characterized of temperatures in the range of 20-30 degrees C.Web of Science111art. no. 885

    Legal recognition of economic activity within the Polish law after 1988

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    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zmian, które zaszły w zakresie prawnego ujęcia działalności gospodarczej, na płaszczyźnie prawa polskiego, w okresie od 1988 roku do 2018 roku. Stanowi on jednocześnie próbę określenia aktualnego poziomu wolności działalności gospodarczej w Polsce. Szczególnej uwadze poddana została problematyka reglamentacji działalności gospodarczej.The aim of this article is to analyse the changes that took place in the scope of legal recognition of economic activity within the Polish law in the period from 1988 to 2018. It is also an attempt to determine the current level of freedom of economy in Poland. Particular attention was paid to the issue of restrictions that are connected with economic activity

    Economic freedom – from idea to the constitutional law

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    Przedmiotem rozważań niniejszego artykułu jest wolność działalności gospodarczej – geneza idei, normatywne ujęcie na płaszczyźnie prawa polskiego, reglamentacja i związane z nią zagrożenia.The problematic aspect of the publication concerns the issue of freedom of economic activity – history of idea economic freedom, economic freedom in the light of the Polish law, restrictions of the economic freedom

    Konstytucja RP z 1997 r. jako gwarant ochrony wolności działalności gospodarczej

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    The article deals with the issue of freedom of economic activity with reference to Polish constitutional law and presents the manner of its perception resulting from the latter. This freedom, on the one hand, is presented as a constitutional principle of the economic system and, on the other hand – as one of the guaranteed constitutional freedoms of people and citizens.The article deals with the issue of freedom of economic activity with reference to Polish constitutional law and presents the manner of its perception resulting from the latter. This freedom, on the one hand, is presented as a constitutional principle of the economic system and, on the other hand – as one of the guaranteed constitutional freedoms of people and citizens

    An Analysis of Risks and Challenges to the Polish Power Industry in the Year 2024

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    The green transition is a challenge for the Polish economy and energy sector. In this paper, the expert method of analysis was applied and findings revealed that the challenges and prerequisites for an effective transformation of the power sector mainly include technical, technological and organizational issues of energy production and use. The provision of electricity at competitive prices and with a low carbon footprint, for individual consumers and industry, is a prerequisite for maintaining the well-being of the population and ensuring the competitiveness of domestically produced goods. The ambitious climate policy goals of the European Union require immediate action and call for radical changes in the Polish energy sector; in the coming years, it must drastically reduce the amount of energy produced from fossil fuels and replace it with so-called green energy from renewable sources. The main purpose of this article was to highlight the need to modify Poland’s energy policy until 2040 in order to make it more consistent with the ambitious climate goals of the European Union. This article also shows that Poland’s energy transition must include a shift from fossil fuels to renewables, while ensuring that energy security is stabilized by the current energy and generation resources. To this end, we discuss the issues of creating reserves in the national energy system for the entire period of Poland’s energy transition

    The Cost Reduction Analysis of Green Hydrogen Production from Coal Mine Underground Water for Circular Economy

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    The novelty of the paper is the analysis of the possibilities of reducing the operating costs of a mine water pumping station in an abandoned coal mine. To meet the energy needs of the pumping station and reduce the carbon footprint, “green” energy from a photovoltaic farm was used. Surplus green energy generated during peak production is stored in the form of green hydrogen from the water electrolysis process. Rainwater and process water are still underutilized sources for increasing water resources and reducing water stress in the European Union. The article presents the possibilities of using these waters, after purification, in the production of green hydrogen by electrolysis. The article also presents three variants that ensure the energy self-sufficiency of the proposed concepts of operation of the pumping station

    Resource Assessment and Numerical Modeling of CBM Extraction in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland

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    The paper presents the assessment of the resources of methane considered as the main mineral in the most prospective selected areas of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland in the region of undeveloped deposits. The methane resources were estimated by means of a volumetric method at three depth levels, 1000, 1250, and 1500 m. A part of the Studzienice deposit comprising three coal seams, 333, 336, and 337, located in a methane zone was chosen for the numerical modeling of simulated methane production. The presented static 3D model has been developed using Petrel Schlumberger software. The total resources of methane in the area amount to approximately 446.5 million of Nm3. Numerical simulations of methane production from the selected coal seams with hydraulic fracturing were conducted by means of Schlumberger ECLIPSE reservoir simulator. Based on the simulations, it was concluded that, in the first six months of the simulations, water is produced from the seams, which is connected with the decrease in the rock mass pressure. The process prompts methane desorption from the coal matrix, which in turn results in a total methane production of 76.2 million of Nm3 within the five-year period of the simulations, which constitutes about 17% of total methane resources (GIP). The paper also presents a detailed analysis of Polish legislation concerning the activities aimed at prospecting, exploring, and extracting the deposits of hydrocarbons

    Research on the Processes of Injecting CO2 into Coal Seams with CH4 Recovery Using Horizontal Wells

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    The paper presents a research study on modeling and computer simulation of injecting CO2 into the coal seams of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland connected with enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) recovery. In the initial stage of the research activities, a structural parameter model was developed specifically with reference to the coal-bearing formations of the Upper Carboniferous for which basic parameters of coal quality and the distribution of methane content were estimated. In addition, a lithological model of the overall reservoir structure was developed and the reservoir parameters of the storage site were analyzed. In the next stage of the research, the static model was supplemented with detailed reservoir parameters as well as the thermodynamic properties of fluids and complex gases. The paper discusses a series of simulations of an enhanced coalbed methane recovery process with a simultaneous injection of carbon dioxide. The analyses were performed using the ECLIPSE software designed for simulating coal seam processes. The results of the simulations demonstrated that the total volume of CO2 injected to a designated seam in a coal mine during the period of one year equaled 1,954,213 sm3. The total amount of water obtained from the production wells during the whole period of the simulations (6.5 years) was 9867 sm3. At the same time, 15,558,906 sm3 of gas was recovered, out of which 14,445,424 sm3 was methane. The remaining 7% of the extracted gas was carbon dioxide as a result of reverse production of the previously injected CO2. However, taking into consideration the phenomena of coal matrix shrinking and swelling, the total amount of injected CO2 decreased to approximately 625,000 sm3

    An Assessment of the Formations and Structures Suitable for Safe CO2 Geological Storage in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin in Poland in the Context of the Regulation Relating to the CCS

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    The paper presents an analysis of the possible location of geological formations suitable for CO2 storage in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland. The range of the reservoir has been determined on the basis of an analysis of basic geological parameters, which determine the selection criteria for sites suitable for CO2 storage. A dynamic modelling of the CO2 distribution in the aquifer is presented. Based on the constructed model of migration, reactivity, and geochemical transport of CO2 in geological structures, it is possible to identify potential migration routes and escape sites of CO2 on the surface. The analysis of the technical and geological possibilities of CO2 storage was carried out according to the regulations of the complex Polish geological law, specifically in terms of sequestration possibilities in geological formations