15 research outputs found

    Are There Radio-quiet Solar Flares?

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    Some 15% of solar flares having a soft X-ray flux above GOES class C5 are reported to lack coherent radio emission in the 100 - 4000MHz range (type I - V and decimetric emissions). A detailed study of 29 such events reveals that 22 (76%) of them occurred at a radial distance of more than 800″ from the disk center, indicating that radio waves from the limb may be completely absorbed in some flares. The remaining seven events have statistically significant trends to be weak in GOES class and to have a softer non-thermal X-ray spectrum. All of the non-limb flares that were radio-quiet above 100MHz were accompanied by metric typeIII emission below 100MHz. Out of 201 hard X-ray flares, there was no flare except near the limb (R>800″) without coherent radio emission in the entire meter and decimeter range. We suggest that flares above GOES class C5 generally emit coherent radio waves when observed radially above the sourc

    Interferometric Imaging, and Beam-Formed Study of a Moving Type-IV Radio Burst with LOFAR

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    Type-IV radio bursts have been studied for over 50 years. However, the specifics of the radio emission mechanisms is still an open question. In order to provide more information about the emission mechanisms, we studied a moving Type-IV radio burst with fine structures (spike group) by using the high-resolution capability of the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) on August 25, 2014. We present a comparison of Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) and the first LOFAR imaging data of the Type-IV radio burst. The degree of circular polarization (DCP) is calculated at frequencies in the range 20 — 180 MHz using LOFAR data, and it was found that the value of DCP gradually increased during the event, with values of 20 — 30%. LOFAR interferometric data were combined with white-light observations in order to track the propagation of this Type-IV burst. The kinematics shows a westward motion of the radio sources, slower than the CME leading edge. The dynamic spectrum of LOFAR shows a large number of fine structures with durations of less than 1 s and high brightness temperatures (TB), i.e., 1012 — 1013 K. The gradual increase of DCP supports gyrosynchrotron emission as the most plausible mechanism for the Type IV. However, coherent emissions such as Electron Cyclotron Maser (ECM) instability may be responsible for small-scale fine structures. Countless fine structures altogether were responsible for such high TB.Peer reviewe

    Multipoint Observations of the June 2012 Interacting Interplanetary Flux Ropes

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    We report a detailed analysis of interplanetary flux ropes observed at Venus and subsequently at Earth's Lagrange L1 point between June 15 and 17, 2012. The observation points were separated by about 0.28 AU in radial distance and 5 degrees in heliographic longitude at this time. The flux ropes were associated with three coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that erupted from the Sun on June 12-14, 2012 (SOL2012-06-12, SOL2012-06-13, and SOL2012-06-14). We examine the CME-CME interactions using in-situ observations from the almost radially aligned spacecraft at Venus and Earth, as well as using heliospheric modeling and imagery. The June 14 CME reached the June 13 CME near the orbit of Venus and significant interaction occurred before they both reached Earth. The shock driven by the June 14 CME propagated through the June 13 CME and the two CMEs coalesced, creating the signatures of one large, coherent flux rope at L1. We discuss the origin of the strong interplanetary magnetic fields related to this sequence of events, the complexity of interpreting solar wind observations in the case of multiple interacting CMEs, and the coherence of the flux ropes at different observation points.Peer reviewe

    Are there Radio-quiet Solar Flares?

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    Abstract. Some 15 % of solar flares having a soft X-ray flux above GOES class C5 are reported to lack coherent radio emission in the 100 – 4000 MHz range (type I – V and decimetric emissions). A detailed study of 29 such events reveals that 22 (76%) of them occurred at a radial distance of more than 800 ′ ′ from the disk center, indicating that radio waves from the limb may be completely absorbed in some flares. The remaining seven events have statistically significant trends to be weak in GOES class and to have a softer non-thermal X-ray spectrum. All of the non-limb flares that were radio-quiet> 100 MHz were accompanied by metric type III emission below 100 MHz. Out of 201 hard X-ray flares, there was no flare except near the limb (R> 800 ′ ′ ) without coherent radio emission in the entire meter and decimeter range. We suggest that flares above GOES class C5 generally emit coherent radio waves when observed radially above the source. 1

    Type III Radio Bursts Observations on 20th August 2017 and 9th September 2017 with LOFAR Bałdy Telescope

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    We present the observations of two type III solar radio events performed with LOFAR (LOw-Frequency ARray) station in Bałdy (PL612), Poland in single mode. The first event occurred on 20th August 2017 and the second one on 9th September 2017. Solar dynamic spectra were recorded in the 10 MHz up to 90 MHz frequency band. Together with the wide frequency bandwidth LOFAR telescope (with single station used) provides also high frequency and high sensitivity observations. Additionally to LOFAR observations, the data recorded by instruments on boards of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the UV spectral range complement observations in the radio field. Unfortunately, only the radio event from 9th September 2017 was observed by both satellites. Our study shows that the LOFAR single station observations, in combination with observations at other wavelengths can be very useful for better understanding of the environment in which the type III radio events occur

    A Preliminary Statistical Analysis of Type-III Solar Burst Detections in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Data

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    We present the results of a preliminary statistical analysis and classification of solar radio burst candidates detected by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD). We first analyze the histograms of the MRO SHARAD burst candidates as a function of MRO-STEREO true anomaly difference and received peak power. We then show the results of performing logistic regression to classify the MRO SHARAD burst candidates. Our results highlight the need for additional burst data to further refine the classifier, additional parameters to determine if bursts are present, and potentially explore a different classification technique to assign burst candidates with improved accuracy. Analyzing SRBs detected by MRO/SHARAD (as a potential additional solar radio-observatory) would enhance our understanding of solar radio burst propagation physics and behavior. We conclude by discussing the potential application, and challenges, of using these bursts as a source for subsurface radio sounding for future terrestrial and Mars missions

    Observation of solar radio burst events from Mars orbit with the Shallow Radar instrument

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    Multispacecraft and multiwavelength observations of solar eruptions such as flares and coronal mass ejections are essential to understand the complex processes behind these events. The study of solar burst events in the radio-frequency spectrum has relied almost exclusively on data from ground-based radiotelescopes and dedicated heliophysics missions such as STEREO or Wind. Reanalysing existing data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Shallow Radar (SHARAD) instrument, a Martian planetary radar sounder, we have detected 38 solar radio burst events with a correlated observation by at least one dedicated solar mission. The very high resolution of the instrument, both in temporal and frequency directions, its bandwidth, and its position in the solar system enable SHARAD to make significant contributions to heliophysics; it could inform on plasma processes on the site of the burst generation and also along the propagation path of associated fast electron beams. In this letter, we characterise the sensitivity of the instrument to type-III solar radio bursts through a statistical analysis of correlated observations, using STEREO and Wind as references. We establish the conditions under which SHARAD can observe solar bursts in terms of acquisition geometry, laying the foundation for its use as a solar radio-observatory. We also present the first analysis of type-III characteristic times at high resolution beyond 1 AU. The scaling laws are also comparable to results found on Earth, except for the fall time; a clearer distinction between fundamental and harmonic components of the bursts may be needed to resolve the discrepancy.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, 2 table