49 research outputs found

    Stress at the teacher’s workplace – chosen factors

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    Stress aspects still remain as an existing problem, which requires further interdisciplinary studies. Considering the strong impact of chronic exposure to psychosocial stressors at a workplace in relational and incentives contexts of undertaking professional duties, those aspects gain in importance in teachers’ work. A person stays in a continuouscontact with a student, parent or another teacher, and their motivation seems to be a key aspect for the entire education process. The presented article is an attempt to capturestress indicators in a teachers’ work, as well as ways of dealing with them in a school reality. The article begins by highlighting the most important stress definitions, followed by a brief methodology of self-research. Then the author describes stressors present in teacher’s work, which were identified in empirical studies, and ways of dealing with stress used by tested teachers. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations for further representative studies.Stress aspects still remain as an existing problem, which requires further interdisciplinary studies. Considering the strong impact of chronic exposure to psychosocial stressors at a workplace in relational and incentives contexts of undertaking professional duties, those aspects gain in importance in teachers’ work. A person stays in a continuouscontact with a student, parent or another teacher, and their motivation seems to be a key aspect for the entire education process. The presented article is an attempt to capturestress indicators in a teachers’ work, as well as ways of dealing with them in a school reality. The article begins by highlighting the most important stress definitions, followed by a brief methodology of self-research. Then the author describes stressors present in teacher’s work, which were identified in empirical studies, and ways of dealing with stress used by tested teachers. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations for further representative studies

    Stress at the teacher’s workplace – chosen factors

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    Stress aspects still remain as an existing problem, which requires further interdisciplinary studies. Considering the strong impact of chronic exposure to psychosocial stressors at a workplace in relational and incentives contexts of undertaking professional duties, those aspects gain in importance in teachers’ work. A person stays in a continuouscontact with a student, parent or another teacher, and their motivation seems to be a key aspect for the entire education process. The presented article is an attempt to capturestress indicators in a teachers’ work, as well as ways of dealing with them in a school reality. The article begins by highlighting the most important stress definitions, followed by a brief methodology of self-research. Then the author describes stressors present in teacher’s work, which were identified in empirical studies, and ways of dealing with stress used by tested teachers. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations for further representative studies.Stress aspects still remain as an existing problem, which requires further interdisciplinary studies. Considering the strong impact of chronic exposure to psychosocial stressors at a workplace in relational and incentives contexts of undertaking professional duties, those aspects gain in importance in teachers’ work. A person stays in a continuouscontact with a student, parent or another teacher, and their motivation seems to be a key aspect for the entire education process. The presented article is an attempt to capturestress indicators in a teachers’ work, as well as ways of dealing with them in a school reality. The article begins by highlighting the most important stress definitions, followed by a brief methodology of self-research. Then the author describes stressors present in teacher’s work, which were identified in empirical studies, and ways of dealing with stress used by tested teachers. The article ends with conclusions and recommendations for further representative studies

    Nauka i wiara w nauczaniu Karola Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II

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    A Mosaic Approach in the study of the normative contexts of childhood

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    Wśród wielu perspektyw badania przestrzeni dzieciństwa na uwagę zasługuje interesujące poznawczo zagadnienie eksploracji tego fragmentu rzeczywistości społecznej, który nazywamy "dzieciństwem dzieciństwa". Interesujące studia na ten temat zaprezentowała Alison Clark, nazywając je podejściem mozaikowym (the Mosaic Approach). Owo oryginalne podejście badawcze opiera się na dowartościowaniu kompetencji dzieci przeżywających swoje dzieciństwo, będących głównymi podmiotami, dzięki którym "dorosły" badacz pozyskuje wiarygodne źródło informacji. Dzieci postrzegane są jako eksperci ich własnego życia. To dzięki nim otrzymujemy wiedzę o tym, jakie znaczenia, wartości oraz doświadczenia życia codziennego budują przestrzeń ich dzieciństwa. W tej strategii badawczej szczególnego znaczenia nabiera aktywne słuchanie i proces rozumienia dzieci poprzez wszystkie dostępne ich wytwory. Poniższy artykuł przedstawia ujęcie teoretyczne proponowane przez A. Clark, które wykorzystała ona w procesie poszukiwań znaczeń, jakie dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym nadają prawu pozytywnemu współtworzącemu przestrzeń ich dzieciństwa.Among the many research perspectives in the exploration of childhood space, the attention of the researcher should be drawn to a cognitively interesting approach to the question of studying this fragment of social reality, which is called "the childhood of the childhood", namely the one which was presented by Alison Clark and defined as the Mosaic Approach. This original research strategy is based on the appreciation of the competences of children who experience their childhood as the main subjects through which an "adult" researcher acquires a reliable source of information. Children are experts in their own lives. It is thanks to them that we obtain knowledge about what meanings, values and experiences of everyday life build the space of their childhood. In this research strategy, active listening and the process of understanding children through the analysis of many available children’s products become particularly important. The following article presents the theoretical approach proposed by A. Clark used in the search for meanings that preschool children give to a positive law co-creating the space of their childhood

    Postawa ciała a wybrane zmienne stabilometryczne u chorych na depresję

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    Wstęp: Pionowa postawa ciała wyróżnia człowieka spośród innych istot żywych. Wyznacza również specyficzne warunki dla ruchu. Elementem łączącym zarówno postawę, jak i ruch jest stabilność. Polega ona na statycznym i dynamicznym równoważeniu destabilizujących sił grawitacji oraz bezwładności przez pobudzenie odpowiednich grup mięśniowych. Zakłócenia kontroli posturalnej mogą być uwarunkowane różnymi czynnikami. Wśród nich wymieniany jest udział czynnika psychicznego. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wybranych zmiennych charakteryzujących stabilność posturalną osób z depresją. Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięło udział 54 osoby, które przydzielono do dwóch grup. Do pierwszej grupy zakwalifikowano 28 pacjentów ze zdiagnozowaną depresją. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 37,25 +/- 3,88 lat. Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 26 osób. Osoby te były w pełni zdrowe, rekrutowane z ogólnej populacji, u których wykluczono depresję i obniżenie nastroju. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 33,31 +/- 5,19 lat. Do badań oceniających stabilność wykorzystano platformę PEL 38 i oprogramowanie komputerowe TWIN 99. Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki różniły się istotnie między grupami w zakresie pięciu zmiennych: zmian oscylacji środka ciężkości w płaszczyźnie czołowej i strzałkowej, średniego odchylenia w płaszczyźnie czołowej oraz w parametrach niestabilności: pola powierzchni i stosunku długości do powierzchni. Grupa z depresją w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną uzyskała wyższe wartości 4 z 5 ocenianych parametrów. Wnioski: Osoby z depresją cechuje zmniejszenie stabilności ciała w porównaniu do osób bez depresji.Introduction: A vertical posture distinguishes humans from other living beings. It also determines the specific conditions for movement. The element which connects body posture and movement is stability. It is based on the static and dynamic balancing of the destabilising forces of gravity and inertia through stimulating the appropriate muscle groups. A disruption of postural control may be conditioned by various factors, among which the literature mentions mental health. The purpose of this study wasa comparative analysis of selected variables characterising the postural stability of persons with depression. Material and methods: The study involved fifty-four persons who were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 28 patients diagnosed with depression. The mean age of the participants was 37.25 +/- 3.88. The second group consisted of 26 completely healthy persons who were recruited from the general population, excluding persons with depression ora low mood. The mean age of the participants was 33.31 +/- 5.19 years. The postural stability was assessed usinga PEL 38 posturographic platform and TWIN 99 computer software. Results: The results differed significantly between the two groups with regard to five variables: oscillations of the centre of gravity in the frontal and the sagittal planes, average deviation in the frontal plane, and deviations in the parameters of instability (the surface area and the ratio of length to the surface area). It was observed that the group witha diagnosis of depression displayed higher values in 4 out of 5 the evaluated parameters when compared to the control group. Conclusions: Persons with depression are characterised bya reduced body stability compared to those who do not suffer from depression

    Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization in preterm newborns with respiratory distress syndrome

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    © The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail: [email protected] describe the prevalence of Pneumocystis jirovecii in mother-infant pairs of very low birth weight newborns <32 weeks gestation. Molecular and microscopic methods were used for detection of P. jirovecii in patients' specimens. Pneumocystis DNA was detected in eight nasopharyngeal aspirates (14%) of 56 newborns and in seven oral washes (21%) of 34 mothers. Pneumocystis detection immediately after birth suggests the possibility of its transplacental transmission. Comparing to non-colonized infants, more frequent occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia was seen in colonized ones (P=0.02), suggesting a potential clinical importance of this pathogen in abnormal lung development.publishersversionpublishe

    Antitumor Potential of Extracellular Vesicles Released by Genetically Modified Murine Colon Carcinoma Cells With Overexpression of Interleukin-12 and shRNA for TGF-β1

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    Recent developments demonstrate that tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) could become a highly effective tool for delivery of antitumor factors. The main objective of the study was to determine whether EVs secreted by MC38 colon carcinoma cells genetically engineered for overproduction of interleukin (IL-)12 and/or shRNA targeting TGF-β1 are effectively loaded with these molecules and whether the obtained EVs could be an efficient tool for antitumor therapy. Fractions of EVs released by genetically modified MC38 cells [both modified tumor-derived exosomes (mTEx) and modified microvesicles (mTMv)] and those released by unmodified, wild-type MC38 cells were characterized in terms of loading efficacy, using real-time PCR and ELISA, as well as their antitumor potential. In order to examine the therapeutic potential of mTEx, they were applied in the form of sole treatment as well as in combination with dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines stimulated with mTMv in the therapy of mice with subcutaneously growing MC38 tumors. The results demonstrated that genetic modification of wild-type MC38 tumor cells is an effective method of loading the molecules of interest into extracellular vesicles secreted by the cells (both TEx and TMv). The results also showed that mTEx secreted by cells engineered for overproduction of IL-12 and/or shRNA for TGF-β1 are able to induce tumor growth inhibition as opposed to TEx from unmodified MC38 cells. Additionally, antitumor therapy composed of mTEx (especially those deprived of TGF-β1) and DC-based vaccines allowed for regeneration of antitumor immunity and induction of the systemic Th1 response responsible for the sustained effect of the therapy. In conclusion, tumor-derived exosomes loaded with IL-12 and/or deprived of TGF-β1 could become an efficient adjuvant supporting induction of a specific antitumor response in both immuno- and chemotherapeutic schemes of treatment