15 research outputs found
Of seekers and nonseekers: Characteristics of Covid-19-related information-seeking behaviors
During health crises like the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, it is crucial that individuals are able and willing to adequately respond to information. Individuals who deliberately seek information have an enhanced capacity to act on it and are capable of informed assessments of risks and self-protective behaviors. In contrast, overexposure to Covid-19 news as well as non-seeking can constitute information-related inequalities and hamper individuals' coping with the health crisis. Having this global health communication challenge in mind, our research aims to understand what characterizes non-, medium, and frequent seekers, considering sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, health status, affective risk responses, efficacy assessments, trust in information sources, and satisfaction with information. This study is based on data of the second wave of the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) Germany. Among 2602 participants, analysis revealed that 23.3% of the respondents did not actively seek information about Covid-19, while 34.3% of them intensively monitored information. Nonseekers, compared to medium and frequent seekers, were characterized by a lower socioeconomic status, lower affective risk responses, lower perceived information-related self-efficacy, and lower trust in information sources. These findings provide indications for strategic health approaches and can guide initiatives to address adequate use of health information
Typen des interpersonalen und medialen Kommunikations- und Informationshandelns während der Corona-Pandemie
Die Corona-Pandemie stellt eine Phase der Unsicherheit dar und geht mit Handlungs- und Entscheidungsbedarfen einher, für deren Bewältigung das individuelle Kommunikations- und Informationshandeln eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Dabei ziehen Rezipient*innen situationsbedingt bestimmte Quellen anderen vor und legen beispielsweise unter bestimmten Bedingungen mehr Wert auf interpersonalen Austausch anstelle von medialer Suche. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags liegt darin, verschiedene Typen des interpersonalen und medialen Kommunikations- und Informationshandelns mit Bezug zur Corona-Pandemie zu identifizieren und ihre Spezifika herauszuarbeiten. Auf Basis 21 leitfadengestützter Interviews, die mittels einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet wurden, konnten je sechs inhaltsbezogene und zwei strategiebezogene Typen des interpersonalen sowie des medialen Kommunikations- und Informationshandelns identifiziert werden. Bei den interpersonalen Typen liegt der Fokus auf Emotionsbewältigung, auf Erfahrungs- oder Informationsaustausch. Sie zeichnen sich durch unterschiedliche Offenheit gegenüber dem Thema aus, während die medialen Typen von konkreten Interessensfeldern und sowohl durch Strategien der aktiven, gezielten Suche als auch der passiven Form des Scanning gekennzeichnet sind. Mit Blick auf die vorliegenden Erkenntnisse zeigt sich für die frühe Phase der Pandemie ein hohes Informationsbedürfnis und eine umfassende, auch selektive und kritische Rezeption medialer Inhalte und eine durch emotionale und informationelle Unterstützung geprägte Art des persönlichen Austauschs im sozialen Umfeld.The corona pandemic is a phase of uncertainty that is accompanied by the need for action and decision-making. To cope with uncertainties and prepare for decision-making interpersonal communication and information-seeking behavior play an important role. Depending on situational factors, individuals prefer certain sources to others and, for example, place more weight on interpersonal exchange instead of seeking information using media channels. This paper aims to identify different types of interpersonal communication and media information seeking about the Corona pandemic. Based on 21 semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed by qualitative content analysis, six content-related and two strategy-related types of interpersonal communication and information-seeking behavior using media channels were identified. The focus of the identified types of interpersonal communication was on coping with emotions and on exchanging experiences or information as types of social support and was further characterized by different degrees of openness to the topic. In contrast, the types of information-seeking behaviors using media channels were characterized by concrete fields of interest and by strategies of both active, targeted seeking, and passive forms of scanning. The findings illustrate that the early phase of the pandemic revealed a high need for information and a comprehensive, also selective, and critical reception of media content, whereas interpersonal communication was characterized by emotional and informational support
Expanding the Health Information National Trends Survey Research Program Internationally to Examine Global Health Communication Trends: Comparing Health Information Seeking Behaviors in the U.S. and Germany
The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) is a well-established U.S.-based research program administered by the National Cancer Institute to track the public access to and use of health information. This paper introduces a German research initiative, part of the International Studies to Investigate Global Health Information Trends (INSIGHTS) research consortium. This adaptation of the HINTS is important for initiating analyses of global health communication practices and comparing health information seeking behaviors (HISB) across nations to pinpoint potentials and challenges of health information provision and contribute to a deeper understanding of socio-contextual determinants of HISB. First cross-country comparisons revealed that the share of residents seeking for health information is high in the U.S. (80%) and Germany (74%), but different primary sources are used. Whereas a clear majority of U.S. residents chose the Internet to gather health information (74.9%), Germans most often turn to health professionals (48.0%). Socio-structural and health(care)-related predictors were found to contribute to the explanation of HISB in both countries, whereas information-related predictors were only relevant in Germany. The results indicate the need to engage in patient-provider communication to initiate HISB and to improve the access to information for residents with lower socio-economic backgrounds
Association of prenatal sex steroid exposure estimated by the digit ratio (2D:4D) with birth weight, BMI and muscle strength in 6- to 13- year-old Polish children
The aim of this paper was to provide evidence for the impact of prenatal sex steroid exposure on prenatal and postnatal body size parameters, and muscle strength in children.
The following anthropometric data were studied in a group of 1148 children (536 boys and 612 girls) aged 6–13 years: the 2D:4D digit ratio, birth weight and length, and birth head and chest circumference. Postnatal parameters (6–13 years) included body weight and height, BMI, waist and hip circumference, WHR, as well as grip strength in both hands. All parameters that required it were adjusted for sex and gestational or chronological age. A general linear model, Pearson’s correlation, t-statistics and Cohen’s Δ were used in statistical analysis.
Among birth size parameters, only birth weight was significantly negatively correlated with the 2D:4D digit ratio in children. Higher (feminized) digit ratios were significantly correlated with postnatal parameters such as body weight, BMI, and waist and hip circumference (positively), as well as hand grip strength–a proxy for muscular strength (negatively).
Problems with maintaining adequate body size parameters and muscle strength may be programmed in fetal life and predicted on the basis of the 2D:4D digit ratio. Body weight at birth and in early ontogenesis are additive correlates of the 2D:4D ratio. The present findings suggest that the 2D:4D digit ratio is related to postnatal phenotypes such as birth weight, overweight, and obesity as well as muscle strength in 6–13-year-old children of both sexes
The age difference in 2D:4D among the Polish population: An exploratory study
In this study a widely debated association between 2D:4D digit ratio and age was investigated. The study material included 960 individuals (530 females and 430 males) from Central Poland aged between 6–79 years. The information about age was obtained via survey filled in by study participants or, if underaged, their parents. The direct measurements of the second and fourth finger were performed to assess the 2D:4D digit ratio. The 2D:4D digit ratios for the left hand were significantly correlated with age both among females and males. In women the 2D:4D digit ratios for the right hand were significantly correlated with age. There were also significant differences in digit ratio between age groups. The results of our study suggest that there might be an association between digit ratio and age, and the direction of the correlation might be related to the phase of the ontogenesis
Patterns of Online Information Seeking and Avoidance about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
Based on the uncertainty management theory considering different information-based coping strategies that are relevant during health crises, the purpose of the present study is to understand how individuals seek and avoid information during the COVID-19 pandemic. We focus on online information seeking and avoidance because of the high share of people searching for information about the pandemic online and the questionable quality of information about the virus available online. Data for this qualitative exploratory study were collected in semi-structured interviews with 21 participants. Our findings revealed four information-seeking patterns that can be located on a continuum between more active, targeted, and less purposeful acquisitions of information, and three avoidance patterns that are distinguished by different motives to avoid certain information. The findings on specific factors involved in individuals’ choices between seeking and avoiding information will help to design better information environments and to identify barriers to the adequate use of information during such crises
Wie informieren sich die Menschen in Deutschland zum Thema Gesundheit? Erkenntnisse aus der ersten Welle von HINTS Germany
Background!#!Dynamic developments in the healthcare system are associated with a more active and more participatory patient role, in which patients make informed decisions and help shape their care. This points to the increasing role of health information and health information seeking behaviors. But to date, the health information seeking behavior of people in Germany hasn't been subject to systematic survey research. The German Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS Germany) closes this gap.!##!Methods!#!HINTS Germany was fielded as a telephone survey with a sample of N = 2902 people. The questionnaire covers various aspects of the search for and use of health information, healthcare, health status, and health-related behaviors.!##!Results!#!First results show regional and gender differences in health information seeking. One in four respondents reports problems concerning the process of health information seeking. The most used health information sources are doctors and other health professionals as well as the Internet, whereby respondents trust health information from doctors by far the most.!##!Discussion!#!The rather rare use of the Internet as the primary source corresponds to the lower level of trust that the respondents place in the Internet as a source of health information, which is also known from other studies. However, this should not hide the fact that the Internet can be of great importance as a supplementary source, i.e., used in combination with other information, for example after a doctor's visit. HINTS Germany provides a data basis representative of the adult population in Germany, with which the importance of health information seeking for health-related attitudes and behaviors can be analyzed in a differentiated manner
Psychological Distress and Coping Ability of Women at High Risk of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer before Undergoing Genetic Counseling—An Exploratory Study from Germany
Carriers of pathogenic variants causing hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) are confronted with a high risk to develop malignancies early in life. The present study aimed to determine the type of psychological distress and coping ability in women with a suspicion of HBOC. In particular, we were interested if the self-assessed genetic risk had an influence on health concerns and coping ability. Using a questionnaire established by the German HBOC Consortium, we investigated 255 women with breast cancer and 161 healthy women before they were seen for genetic counseling. The group of healthy women was divided into groups of high and low self-assessed risk. In our study, healthy women with a high self-assessed risk stated the highest stress level and worries about their health and future. A quarter of the women requested psychological support. Overall, only few women (4–11%) stated that they did not feel able to cope with the genetic test result. More women (11–23%, highest values in the low-risk group) worried about the coping ability of relatives. The results of our exploratory study demonstrate that the women, who presented at the Department of Human Genetics, Hanover Medical School, Germany were aware of their genetic risk and had severe concerns about their future health, but still felt able to cope with the genetic test result
Eine Analyse der Anfragen von Patientinnen und Patienten sowie Angehörigen von 1992 bis 2016
Rosset M, Reifegerste D, Baumann E, Kludt E, Weg-Remers S. Langzeittrends beim Krebsinformationsdienst (KID) des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ). Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. 2019;62(9):1120-1128.Hintergrund
Krebsinformationsdienste dienen Ratsuchenden als Quelle für evidenzbasiertes Wissen. Bisherige Studien über ihre Inanspruchnahme betrachten nur kurze Zeiträume und können somit keine Aussagen über langfristige Veränderungen liefern.
Ziel der Arbeit
Ziel der Studie ist die Identifikation von Langzeittrends in den Anfragen von Patientinnen und Patienten sowie Angehörigen an den deutschen Krebsinformationsdienst (KID).
Sekundäranalyse der Anfrageprotokolle an den KID des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ; N = 545.070) von Anfang 1992 bis Ende 2016. Die Anfrageentwicklung wird anhand der Gesamtzahl der Anfragen beschrieben, während die Deskription weiterer Merkmale an einer Stichprobe (n = 55.046) von Patientinnen und Patienten sowie Angehörigen erfolgt.
Die Anfragen sind im Untersuchungszeitraum deutlich angestiegen (1992: 11.344 Anfragen; 2016: 34.869 Anfragen). Dabei liegt seit 2005 der Anteil der Patientinnen und Patienten (zwischen 52 % und 60 %) über dem Anteil der Angehörigen. Das Durchschnittsalter der Patientinnen und Patienten ist angestiegen: Lag es von 1992 bis einschließlich 2000 noch unter 55 Jahren, stieg es seitdem bis ins Jahr 2016 auf über 60 Jahre an. Anfragen zu Brustkrebs wurden im gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum am häufigsten gestellt (Patientinnen/Patienten: n = 11.319, 39 %; Angehörige: n = 4173, 17 %). Auch nachdem E‑Mail als neuer Anfragekanal eingeführt wurde, bevorzugt ein Großteil der Anfragenden weiterhin den telefonischen Kontakt (zwischen 80 % und 98 %).
Die Inanspruchnahme des Krebsinformationsdienstes unterliegt zeitlichen Veränderungen, die vermutlich mit strukturellen Faktoren, wie Prävalenzraten oder Entwicklungen in Familienstrukturen oder Medienumgebungen, in Zusammenhang stehen.Background
Cancer information services (CISs) are a valuable source of evidence-based information. Previous studies in the field of CISs often investigate only short periods of time. However, there is a need for long-term analyses to identify changes in the use of CISs.
The purpose of this study was to analyze trends in the inquiries of patients and surrogate seekers to a CIS.
We conducted a secondary data analysis of the inquiry records of the German CIS (Krebsinformationsdienst, KID) hosted by the German Cancer Research Center from 1992 until 2016 (N = 545,070). Trends in the number of inquiries were described using the whole sample, while the description of further characteristics is based on a sample (n = 55,046) of patients, their family members, and friends.
The inquiries increased in the period examined (1992: 11,344 inquiries; 2016: 34,869 inquiries). Since 2005, a greater share of patients (between 52 and 60%) than surrogate seekers have been contacting the CIS. The mean age of both self-seeking and supported patients increased from under 55 years between 1992 and 2000 up to over 60 years in the year 2016. Breast cancer is at all times the most frequently inquired cancer type (patients: n = 11,319, 39%; surrogate seekers: n = 4173, 17%). Even after the implementation of e‑mail as an additional communication channel, the majority of inquirers still prefer contact by phone (between 80 and 98%).
Changes in the utilization of a CIS over time are discussed against the background of structural changes, such as shifts in prevalence rates, family structures, or media environments
Maternal Age and Behavior during Pregnancy Affect the 2D:4D Digit Ratio in Polish Children Aged 6–13 Years
Background: The length of the second and fourth finger calculated as a ratio (2D:4D) is a marker of prenatal exposure to sex hormones. Higher exposure to testosterone is related to a lower 2D:4D digit ratio, and inversely, higher exposure to estrogen is related to a higher 2D:4D. The digit ratio in humans (prenatally determined by sex hormone levels and androgen receptor activity) is associated with multiple biological, cognitive, and behavioral traits, as well as health in later life. The aim of this study was to verify if maternal traits during pregnancy are associated with 2D:4D among their children. Methods: We investigated 537 boys, 646 girls, and their mothers. The investigation consisted of a questionnaire and a measurement part. In the questionnaire, we included questions about maternal traits during pregnancy such as: illnesses, active and passive smoking, work activity, psychological trauma (death or serious illness of a loved one, divorce, job loss), and age. We performed length measurements of the second and fourth fingers on both hands for both study groups. Results: The GLM analysis showed that children of smoking mothers were characterized by a higher 2D:4D R as compared to their peers whose mothers did not smoke (β = 0.10, p = 0.0008). In turn, the offspring of women who worked during pregnancy exhibited lower 2D:4D R values than the children of women who did not work (β = −0.07, p = 0.0233). It should be noted, however, that the effects of those maternal factors were small, as each of them explained less than 1% of 2D:4D R in the population, adjusted for child age and sex. Pearson’s linear correlation revealed that maternal age was negatively correlated with 2D:4D R in daughters (r = −0.11, p = 0.0137), but not in sons (r = 0.02, p = 0.6908). The negative correlation of 2D:4D R with maternal age indicates that the daughters of older mothers exhibited lower values of that ratio relative to the same-age daughters of younger mothers. Conclusions: For both study groups, the right-hand digit ratio was positively correlated with maternal smoking and negatively with maternal work during pregnancy. Maternal age during pregnancy was negatively related to right hand 2D:4D only among girls