5 research outputs found

    Działania opiekuńcze w profilaktyce i terapii

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperOpieka jest potrzebna wszystkim, zarówno dzieciom, jak i dorosłym, a w sposób szczególny osobom starszym, w tym terminalnie chorym. Prezentowane w niniejszej monografi i teksty uwzględniają właśnie tę wieloczynnikową aktywność opiekuńczą. Autorami poszczególnych rozdziałów są pracownicy naukowi zaangażowani w proces edukacyjny w zakresie nauk o zdrowiu, pracujący w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, ale także studenci PWSZ w Tarnowie. W różnorodnym zakresie przedstawili i omówili oni główne tezy monografii

    Historyczne dane o młynach dla Galicji w monarchii austro-węgierskiej/południowej Polsce od 1880 do lat 30. XX wieku

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    W tym artykule przedstawiamy zestaw danych o młynach z 1880 r. i z lat 1920s.-1930s. dla obszaru dawnej Galicji (78 500 km2km^{2}), obecnie w Ukrainie i Polsce. Dane zostały pozyskane jako wynik manualnej wektoryzacji ze 162 arkuszy map w skalach 1:115 200 i 1:100 000, zgodnie z objaśnieniami tych map. Znaleźliśmy 4022 lokalizacje młynów dla 1880 r. i 3588 dla lat 1920s.-1930s. Udostępniamy je w postaci punktów wektorowych w formatach shapefile, GML, GeoJSON, KML z atrybutami dla oznaczenia 7 typów młynów dla 1880 r. i 10 typów młynów dla lat 1920s.-1930. oraz młyny zliczone w gridowej siatce 10 km. Dane mogą być użyte w rekonstrukcjach ekonomiczno-demograficznych i środowiskowych np. do szacowania historycznej antropopresji związanej z osadnictwem, rolnictwem i leśnictwem. Młyny często są związane z budowlami rzecznymi jak śluzy, tamy, młynówki i dlatego są dobrym przejawem ingerencji człowieka w ekosystemy rzeczne. Mogą być także jednym z kryteriów wyznaczania obszarów gdzie miejscowa ludność wykorzystywała tradycyjną wiedzę o środowisku przyrodniczym. Może to być użyteczne do współczesnej oceny przydatności środowiska dla urządzeń wykorzystujących odnawialne źródła energii. W końcu dane o pozostałościach dawnych młynów nadają się dla ochrony miejsc dziedzictwa kulturowego jako zabytków techniki związanych z tradycyjnym przetwórstwem żywności i przemysłem.In this article, we present the dataset of mills from 1880 and 1920s-1930s in the area of the former Galicia (78,500 km2km^{2}), now in Ukraine and Poland. The data was obtained as a result of manual vectorisation from 162 map sheets at scales of 1:115,200 and 1:100,000, according to the map legends. We found 4,022 mill locations for 1880 and 3,588 for the 1920s-1930s. We present them as vector points in shapefile, GML, GeoJSON, KML formats with attributes for seven types of mills for 1880 and ten types of mills for 1920s-1930s, and mills counted in a 10 km grid. The data can be used in economic, demographic and environmental reconstructions, e.g. to estimate historical anthropopressure related to settlement, agriculture and forestry. Mills are often associated with river structures such as floodgates, dams, and millraces and therefore they are a good example of human interference in river ecosystems. They can also be one criteria for identifying areas where the local population used traditional environmental knowledge. It can be useful for a contemporary assessment of the environment’s suitability for devices using renewable energy sources. Finally, the data on the remains of former mills is suitable for the protection of cultural heritage sites that are technical monuments related to traditional food processing and industry

    Neutrophil extracellular traps generation and degradation in patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis and systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Neutrophils are one of the first cells to arrive at the site of infection, where they apply several strategies to kill pathogens: degranulation, respiratory burst, phagocytosis, and release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Recent discoveries try to connect NETs formation with autoimmune diseases, like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) and place them among one of the factors responsible for disease pathogenesis. The aim of the study was to assess the NETotic capabilities of neutrophils obtained from freshly diagnosed autoimmune patients versus healthy controls. Further investigation involved assessing NETs production among treated patients. In the latter step, NETs degradation potency of collected sera from non-treated patients was checked. Lastly, the polymorphisms of the DNASE I gene among tested subjects were checked. NETs formation was measured in a neutrophil culture by fluorometry, while degradation assessment was performed with patients’ sera and extracellular source of DNA. Additionally, Sanger sequencing was used to check potential SNP mutations between patients. About 121 subjects were enrolled into this study, 54 of them with a diagnosed autoimmune disorder. Neutrophils stimulated with NETosis inducers were able to release NETs in all cases. We have found that disease affected patients produce NETs more rapidly and in larger quantities than control groups, with up to 82.5% more released. Most importantly, we showed a difference between the diseases themselves. NETs release was 68.5% higher in GPA samples when compared to SLE ones while stimulated with Calcium Ionophore. Serum nucleases were less effective at degrading NETs in both autoimmune diseases, with a reduction in degradation of 20.9% observed for GPA and 18.2% for SLE when compared with the controls. Potential therapies targeting neutrophils and NETs should be specifically tailored to the type of the disease. Since there are significant differences between NETs release and disease type, a standard neutrophil targeted therapy could prevent over-generation of traps in some cases, while in others it would deplete the cells, leaving the immune system unresponsive to primary infections

    Celiac antibodies in children with type 1 diabetes – A diagnostic validation study

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    Introduction: Autoimmune diseases, such as celiac disease (CD) and diabetes mellitus type 1, tend to co-occur within the same patient. The prevalence of CD in diabetic children is higher than in the general population, and is estimated to be 0.6–16.4%. The diagnosis of CD is based on histopathological examination and serological testing, however, these methods are still imperfect and new diagnostic algorithms should be considered. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic value of serological tests detecting antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptide, endomysium, tissue transglutaminase, neo-epitope tissue transglutaminase and to identify HLA-related genetic predisposition to CD in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). Methods: Autoantibodies were measured in the sera of 392 children suffering from DM1 aged 1–19 years old (mean 11.76 ± 4.14 years old). Additionally, PCR-based assessment of HLA DQ2/DQ8 genotyping was performed. Results: A positive result of at least one serological test was obtained from 81 children (20.66%). The sensitivity and specificity were 76.47% and 91.67% for anti-DGP IgA, 70.59% and 58.33% for IgG anti-DGP, respectively. A positive predictive value was 100% for the anti-TG IgA at cutoff levels of 5 and 10 times higher than upper limit of reference values. HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8 were found in 97.6% of examined children. Conclusions: Tests based on anti-TG IgA are more accurate for detecting CD in children with type 1 diabetes than anti-DGP IgA. A high percentage of diabetic children carry HLA alleles predisposing to CD, which indicates that genetic screening in this group of patients is not obligated