50 research outputs found

    Badania marketingowe na użytek decyzji menedżerskich

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    Rosnące znaczenie informacji i wiedzy w biznesie jest pochodną głębokich i coraz szybciej dokonujących się zmian w jego otoczeniu, co skutkuje wzrostem niepewności i ryzyka w działalności przedsiębiorstwa. Tworzy się nowe środowisko biznesu, w którym informacja oraz umiejętność przekształcenia jej w unikatową wiedzę stają się kluczowymi elementami podnoszenia poziomu konkurencyjności organizacji i budowania jej trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. W książce opisano rolę informacji, pozyskiwanych głównie w drodze badań marketingowych, w podejmowaniu decyzji menedżerskich. Wyjaśniono istotę informacji i jej znaczenia w zarządzaniu modelem biznesowym przedsiębiorstwa, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem relacji potrzeby informacyjne – decyzje marketingowe. Zebrano wyniki szeroko zakrojonych badań empirycznych wśród przedsiębiorstw. Poza diagnozą stanu i uwarunkowań badań marketingowych, dokonano oceny użyteczności tychże badań w procesach decyzyjnych przedsiębiorstw. Zawarto ocenę wykorzystania wyników badań marketingowych w rozwiązywaniu konkretnych problemów rynkowych. Za nowatorskie można uznać badania dotyczące negocjacji biznesowych. Jest adresowana do szerokiego grona odbiorców. Treści pracy mogą być inspirujące dla pracowników naukowych zajmujących się problematyką zarządzania informacjami (głównie marketingiem). Poruszono w niej także wiele wątków użytecznych dla praktyki gospodarczej. Może być wykorzystywana w dydaktyce na różnych poziomach studiów ekonomii i zarządzania.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Social Security, Labour Market and Restructuring: Current Situation and Expected Outcomes of Reforms

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    The paper focuses on the social safety nets in Russian Federation and Ukraine in the view of changes on the labour market since the beginning of economic transition. We showed that many past phenomena (e.g. restructuring of the economy, wage and pension arrears, new groups at-risk-of-poverty, demographic transition) caused a need to change an old type social safety net (SSN) into the new one, better adapted to emerging more liberal economy problems. Additionally, we analysed some gender specific issues related to social security that are caused mainly by inequalities in the labour market. Differences of earnings between men and women in Russia caused by sector segregation account for seem to be more important than the gap between gender earnings attributed to the position. In Ukraine the main contributors to gross gender differential of log earnings (that equals to 32%) explained by our model are sector segregation and occupation. We also pointed out to future policy challenges in the area of social security systems in both countries. The retirement reforms introduced recently are a step in the right direction, although their impact will not be felt for a number of years. Other reforms, with more immediate results, are necessary. Social safety nets should be made more efficient and social benefits should be better targeted.Social safety net, labour market, transitional economies

    Substancje zapachowe i kosmetyczne biogenerowane w skali przemysłowej

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    Employer branding and organizational attractiveness : current employees’ perspective

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    Purpose: Drawing on marketing and recruitment theory, we examined the relationships between employer branding and employer attractiveness as seen by currently employed employees. The evidence was sought of which employer branding practices (external or internal) may have the strongest impact on the employer's image perceived by employees. Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on an outline of current conceptualizations of employer branding, the paper discusses the potential of external employer branding activities and internal branding processes in the context of the impact on the employer attractiveness perceived by employees. This paper selects 520 employers from local services firms in Poland. The hypotheses are tested using SEM-AMOS. Findings: Data from 520 employees representing the service companies provided some evidence that more intense external employer branding activities and more intense internal employer branding practices directly affected employer attractiveness, considered in terms of expected benefits. Research limitations/implications: To concentrate on the research objective, the authors only consider the same characteristics in each workers' job environment, neglecting differences in employment conditions, living environment, etc. Practical implications: Our study reveals that internal and external employer branding activities could change employees' perception of an organization's attractiveness. Originality/value: We seek to contribute to the employer branding literature by investigating specific external and internal factors that affect employer image and employer attractiveness. The results support the notion that external employer branding and internal branding practices directly affect employer attractiveness.peer-reviewe

    Chromosome numbers in 10 Taraxacum species from Poland

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    Somatic chromosome numbers are given for the following Taraxacum species: T. pieninicum, 2n=16; T. dentatum, 2n=24; T. fascinans, 2n=24; T. mendax, 2n=40; T. subalpinum, 2n=24; T. telmatophilum, 2n=24; T. cyanolepis, 2n=24; T. fulgidum, 2n=24; T. gentile, 2n=24; and T. undulatum, 2n=24. Chromosome numbers from Poland are published for the first time for T. dentatum, T. fascinans, T. mendax, T. subalpinum, T. telmatophilum, T. cyanolepis, T. fulgidum, T. gentile and T. undulatum

    Peripheral mechanisms of neuropathic pain : the role of neuronal and non-neuronal interactions and their implications for topical treatment of neuropathic pain

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    Neuropathic pain in humans arises as a consequence of injury or disease of somatosensory nervous system at peripheral or central level. Peripheral neuropathic pain is more common than central neuropathic pain, and is supposed to result from peripheral mechanisms, following nerve injury. The animal models of neuropathic pain show extensive functional and structural changes occurring in neuronal and non-neuronal cells in response to peripheral nerve injury. These pathological changes following damage lead to peripheral sensitization development, and subsequently to central sensitization initiation with spinal and supraspinal mechanism involved. The aim of this narrative review paper is to discuss the mechanisms engaged in peripheral neuropathic pain generation and maintenance, with special focus on the role of glial, immune, and epithelial cells in peripheral nociception. Based on the preclinical and clinical studies, interactions between neuronal and non-neuronal cells have been described, pointing out at the molecular/cellular underlying mechanisms of neuropathic pain, which might be potentially targeted by topical treatments in clinical practice. The modulation of the complex neuro-immuno-cutaneous interactions in the periphery represents a strategy for the development of new topical analgesics and their utilization in clinical settings

    Non-invasive transcutaneous Supraorbital Neurostimulation (tSNS) using Cefaly® device in prevention of primary headaches

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    Headaches are one of the most common pain syndromes experienced by adult patients. International Classification of Headache Disorders identifies about 300 different entities. Primary headaches (migraine, tension-type headache, trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, other primary headaches) has the common occurrence. Although effective treatment of these disorders is possible, it is inefficient or poorly tolerated in some patients. Neuromodulation methods, being element of multimodal treatment, provide an additional treatment option in pharmacotherapy-refractory patients. Both invasive and non-invasive stimulation methods are used. The non-invasive techniques is transcutaneous nerve stimulation using Cefaly® device. In this study, Cefaly® was used as prevention treatment in patients with pharmacotherapy-refractory headaches. This device is indicated for the prophylactic treatment of episodic primary headaches. A total of 91-patients (30 without and 61 with tSNS) were enrolled in the study, including 60-patients with migraine and 31-patients with other primary headaches. Ten courses of non-invasive peripheral (supraorbitral/supratrochlear) nerves stimulation were delivered to 57-patients; in the remaining 4 patients, the treatment was abandoned due to poor tolerance. Patients were observed for 30 days after stimulation treatment. Compared to the pre-treatment period, the reduction in the intensity of pain was observed in both the migraine group and patients with other types of headaches; this included the number of pain episodes being reduced by half, with simultaneous reduction in average pain intensity and duration of individual pain episodes. The subjective assessment of pain reduction was in the range of 40–47%. Based on our data we recommend tSNS as useful tool in the prophylaxis of primary headaches, including migraine

    Chemoenzymatyczna synteza i analiza właściwości zapachowych eterów oksymów o szkielecie terpenowym

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