49 research outputs found

    Prediction of the Propulsive Performance of an Atmosphere-Breathing Electric Propulsion System on Cathode-Less Plasma Thruster

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    Atmosphere-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP) is a type of electric propulsion system that uses the atmosphere as a propellant source instead of a stored reservoir. This technology is still in its early stages, but holds the promise of providing a clean, efficient, and sustainable propulsion system for spacecraft, enabling very low Earth orbit (VLEO) mission scenarios. To optimise the ABEP technology, accurately simulating air-based plasma chemistry plays a crucial role. In this paper, an air-based global model (GM) is presented that includes a detailed chemistry model for the various reactions that are involved in ABEP applications. The model’s goal is to forecast the performance of a cathode-less RF plasma thruster under various pressure levels and species concentrations that are typical of VLEO missions. The GM was exploited to map the performance of a fictitious ABEP based on a cathode-less RF thruster in order to assess its feasibility in VLEO. The numerical model is promising as a tool for the design of ABEP systems and for the preliminary optimization of mission scenarios

    Fully kinetic study of facility pressure effects on RF-source magnetic nozzles

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    A fully kinetic 2D axisymmetric Particle-in-Cell (PIC) model is used to examine the effects of background facility pressure on the plasma transport and propulsive efficiency of magnetic nozzles. Simulations are performed for a low-power (150 W class) cathode-less radio-frequency (RF) plasma thruster, operating with xenon, between background pressures up to 102^{-2} Pa and average electron discharge temperatures of 4 - 16 eV. When the electron temperature within the near-plume region reaches 8 eV, a decisive reduction in performance occurs: at 102^{-2} Pa, in-plume power losses surpass 25% of the discharge energy flux. Given that the ionization energy for Xe is 12 eV, the 8 eV threshold indicates that a consistent percentage of electrons has energy enough to trigger ionization. On the other hand, when the temperature is below such threshold, the primary collisions are charge-exchange and inelastic ion scattering, and the power loss remains less than 10%. It is established that losses in the considered HPT are significant if the facility pressure is greater than 103^{-3} Pa, at absorbed powers larger than 130 W. At the nominal 150 W, this results in a 15% thrust reduction. When facility pressure is taken into consideration over ideal vacuum simulations, numerical error is reduced to <30% when compared to experimental thrust measurements at 103^{-3} Pa.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to Acta Astronautic

    Modeling and design of a plasma-based transmit-array with beam scanning capabilities

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    Abstract This work presents the proof of concept of a novel plasma-based transmit-array antenna with beam scanning capabilities. The transmit-array operates above the GHz (precisely at 1.6 GHz) and is capable of steering its main lobe up to thirty degrees. A metallic half-wave dipole is used as the active element of the transmit-array, while twenty-five cylindrical plasma discharges are adopted to steer the beam of the antenna simply by turning them on or off. These passive elements are geometrically displaced in a triangular lattice. A customized two-steps optimization strategy is used to choose the best geometrical parameters of the array and to select the subset of plasma discharges that maximizes the gain of the antenna for each desired scanning angle. Towards this aim, a particle swarm optimization is first used to optimize the geometrical parameters of the array, and then a genetic algorithm is adopted to select the optimal subset of plasma discharges that need to be turned on to scan the beam towards different directions. The designed transmit-array was modeled in CST Microwave Studio, using realistic plasma parameters extrapolated from measurements of a fabricated plasma discharge prototype

    Numerical and experimental investigation into the performance of plasma-based thruster for space propulsion

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    A Helicon Plasma Thruster is an electric propulsion system in which the thrust is attained accelerating the plasma produced in a Helicon source with a magnetic nozzle. The main components of a Helicon Plasma Thruster are (i) a dielectric tube inside which the plasma is produced from a neutral gas propellant, (ii) a radio frequency antenna working in the MHz range which drives the discharge, and (iii) magnets which generate a magneto-static field (up to 0.2 T) for plasma confinement and acceleration. The principal features which make Helicon Plasma Thrusters appealing for space applications are the simple geometry and in turn the relatively low cost, the long life due to the absence of grids or electrodes in contact with the plasma, and no need for a neutraliser being the ejected beam globally neutral. The propulsive performances (e.g., thrust and specific impulse) of Helicon Plasma Thrusters are strictly related to both the plasma generation and the plasma acceleration mechanisms, therefore a numerical tool capable of resolving both the Helicon source and the plume has been implemented. Specifically, the 3D-VIRTUS code has been developed to solve self-consistently the plasma transport and the wave propagation inside the source, while an analytical model of the plume has been adopted to obtain preliminary estimations of the propulsive performances. In particular, 3D-VIRTUS can handle sources of arbitrary three-dimensional geometries, driven by an arbitrary-shaped conductive antenna, and magnetized by coils or permanent magnets. Moreover, 3D-VIRTUS has been verified against both numerical and experimental benchmarks. The new code has been exploited in a parametric analysis conducted on a simplified configuration of Helicon Plasma Thruster. The parameters of the system (e.g., initial neutral density, along with intensity and topology of the magneto-static field) and the geometry (e.g., discharge radius and length, along with antenna shape) have been varied in typical operational ranges in order to assess their influence on (i) the equilibrium plasma profiles (e.g., plasma density and electron temperature), (ii) the electrical response of the discharge (e.g., antenna impedance), and (iii) the preliminary estimations of the propulsive performances. Moreover, a counterbalanced pendulum thrust stand specifically conceived for testing Helicon Plasma Thrusters has been characterised and exploited. The stand can handle prototypes producing thrust from tens of microNewton up to tens of milliNewton, operated with an electrical power lower than 1 kW, and whose weight envelope (i.e., thruster integrated with other subsystems such as the PPU) is up to 10 kg. Tens of measurements per day can be accomplished with a 2-sigma uncertainty in the order of 15%. Preliminary tests have been conducted in order to characterise of the mechanical response of the stand (e.g., sensibility, linearity range and noise), and to develop a correction procedure for the zero-position drift. Subsequently the thrust stand has been exploited to test a medium power (200-300 W) Helicon Plasma Thruster operated with xenon and carbon dioxide propellants. Finally, a combined numerical-experimental campaign has been conducted on a low power (50 W) prototype operated with argon propellant in order to verify the reliability of the numerical model when handling a real-life thruster.Un Helicon Plasma Thruster è un propulsore elettrico in cui la spinta è ottenuta accelerando, attraverso un ugello magnetico, il plasma prodotto in una sorgente Helicon. I componenti principali di un Helicon Plasma Thruster sono (i) un condotto in materiale dielettrico all'interno del quale il plasma viene prodotto a partire da un propellente gassoso, (ii) un'antenna eccitata in radio frequenza (alcuni MHz) che sostiene la scarica, e (iii) magneti che generano un campo magnetostatico, di intensità solitamente inferiore a 0.2 T, il quale viene impiegato sia per migliorare il confinamento del plasma che per favorirne l'accelerazione. La tecnologia Helicon risulta particolarmente adatta ad applicazioni spazio, infatti propulsori di questo tipo hanno una geometria molto semplice e quindi sono relativamente poco costosi, hanno una vita operativa molto lunga perché non ci sono griglie o elettrodi a contatto con il plasma, e non servono neutralizzatori perché il flusso di particelle eiettato è globalmente neutro. Dato che le prestazioni di un Helicon Plasma Thruster (spinta ed impulso specifico) sono intimamente legate a come il plasma è prodotto ed accelerato, si è ritenuto opportuno sviluppare un codice numerico in grado di simulare sia la sorgente Helicon che il fascio di plasma (chiamato plume). Nello specifico, il codice 3D-VIRTUS è stato sviluppato per risolvere l'accoppiamento fra la propagazione di onde elettromagnetiche ed il trasporto di plasma nella sorgente, mentre un modello analitico è stato adottato per simulare il plume e quindi ottenere una stima preliminare delle prestazioni. In particolare con 3D-VIRTUS si possono simulare sorgenti di forma generica, sostenute da antenne di geometria qualsiasi, e circondate da campi magnetostatici generati sia da elettromagneti che da magneti permanenti. Inoltre, 3D-VIRTUS è stato verificato sia contro altri modelli numerici che contro misure sperimentali. Il nuovo codice è stato quindi impiegato per l'analisi di una configurazione semplificata di Helicon Plasma Thruster. I parametri del sistema (cioè densità iniziale dei neutri, intensità e topologia del campo magnetostatico) e la geometria (cioè diametro e lunghezza della scarica, forma dell'antenna) sono stati analizzati in un intervallo tipico per un'applicazione spazio, in particolare si è valutato il loro impatto su (i) profili di plasma all'equilibrio all'interno della sorgente (cioè densità e temperatura), (ii) comportamento elettrico della scarica (cioè impedenza dell'antenna), e (iii) stime preliminari delle prestazioni del motore. In aggiunta, una bilancia di spinta di tipo counterbalanced pendulum, progettata per testare Helicon Plamsa Thruster, è stata caratterizzata ed utilizzata. La bilancia può lavorare con prototipi che producono una spinta fra le decine di uN e le decine di mN, alimentati da una potenza inferiore a 1 kW, ed il cui inviluppo di massa (cioè motore più eventuali sottosistemi come una PPU) sia inferiore a 10 kg. Si possono effettuare decine di misure al giorno con un'incertezza di 2-sigma nell'ordine del 15%. Alcuni test preliminari sono stati condotti per caratterizzare la risposta meccanica della bilancia (cioè sensibilità, intervallo di linearità, e rumore), e per elaborare una procedura per correggere lo zero-position drift. Successivamente la bilancia di spinta è stata utilizzata per valutare le prestazioni di un Helicon Plasma Thruster di media taglia (200-300 W) fatto lavorare con xeno ed anidride carbonica. In fine, una campagna numerico-sperimentale è stata condotta su di un prototipo di taglia piccola (50 W) alimentato ad argon per verificare l'attendibilità delle simulazioni effettuate su motori reali

    Parametric Study of a Cathode-Less Radio Frequency Thruster

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