24 research outputs found

    La regeneración de las áreas marginales, los casos de Tunja y Sogamoso

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    This paper is derived from research that aims to explore the housing deprivation in informal Colombian urbanizations, as well as to mitigate such an issue by designing a modular, prefabricated and flexible unit. This unit could be combined in different configurations in order to regenerate the urban fabric. The social marginalization characterizing informal urbanizations, the cyclical demographic explosion and the soil consumption have generated in Colombia a qualitative-quantitative housing deficit. Difficulties in accessing the real estate market are due to lack of income which is determined by unemployment. People in poverty are forced to settle in high-risk hydrogeological areas. Furthermore, such occupants jeopardize themselves by building with inadequate materials. The housing requirement clashes with the resources allocated by the Colombian state, which are large but insufficient and fail to answer the housing question and the required quality of life. These conditions lead to both the territorial self-management and the self-construction of houses in accordance with people’s economic resources. The urban fabric generated within the informal city is always characterized by minimal home spaces which are bundled aiming to satisfy the primary need, so that planning and public spaces are absent. This paper details the main phases of the study exploring this reality and comments the key results.La investigación que se expone en el presente artículo tiene como objetivos entender la desventaja de la vivienda en las urbanizaciones informales colombianas, como también plantear soluciones para mitigar dicha problemática mediante el diseño de una unidad modular, prefabricada y flexible, que se pueda combinar en diferentes configuraciones con el fin de regenerar el tejido urbano. La marginación social que caracteriza a las urbanizaciones informales, la explosión demográfica cíclica y el consumo de suelo han generado en Colombia un déficit habitacional cualitativo-cuantitativo. La dificultad para acceder al mercado inmobiliario legal se debe a la insuficiencia de ingresos, determinada por la falta de trabajo. Las personas en condiciones de pobreza se ven obligadas a ocupar lugares de asentamiento en zonas de alto riesgo hidrogeológico. Además, estos ocupantes ponen en riesgo su salud al construir con materiales que no siempre son adecuados. El requisito de vivienda choca con los recursos asignados por el estado colombiano, grandes pero insuficientes y que no responden ni a la pregunta sobre la vivienda ni a la calidad de vida que sigue. Todo esto obliga a la autogestión territorial y a la autoconstrucción según las capacidades económicas. El tejido urbano generado dentro de la ciudad informal está siempre caracterizado por espacios habitacionales mínimos, agrupados en la búsqueda de satisfacer la necesidad primaria, sin planificación ni implementación de espacios públicos. El artículo detalla las principales fases de la investigación que exploró esta realidad y presenta algunos de sus resultados

    Regenerating Regeneration: augmented reality and new models of minor architectural heritage reuse

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    [EN] The paper presents the first results of an interdisciplinary research conducted by the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University aimed at developing guidelines for enhancement of minor architectural heritage, urban and suburban. The research evaluates the creation of a widespread museum that exploit cultural dissemination technologies in augmented reality. The economic crisis, not yet overcome, leads to rethink urban development and heritage conservation, reorienting design towards techniques and practices of reuse. These strategies represent one of the most effective ways to enhance and protect the minor architectural heritage, often protagonist of degradation and abandonment. It seems necessary that the architectural heritage protection has been articulated through contemporaneity, adapting itself to the age of Information Communication Technology. In addition to the architectural heritage, strictly intended as a monument, Italy has a complex system of goods well explained, in the broadest sense, as "minor architectural heritage ". This approach makes possible to identify the Italian Historical Cities as a new category of widespread heritage to be protected. Consequently, it emerges the need to put aside the discretization in punctual assets, approaching an entire system of architectural goods, characterized by a high degree of complexity. Valuing the latter in a sustainable way also passes through new technologies as augmented reality.Baratta, AF.; Finucci, F.; Magarò, A. (2018). Regenerating Regeneration: augmented reality and new models of minor architectural heritage reuse. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 3(2):1-14. doi:10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2018.10884SWORD11432Baratta, A., Farroni, L., Finucci, F., Magarò, A. (2018) Nuove tecnologie per il riuso del patrimonio architettonico minore. In Minutoli, F.(ed) Reuso 2018. VI Convegno Internazionale sulla documentazione, conservazione e recupero del patrimonio architettonico e sulla tutela paesaggistica, Gangemi Editore, Roma, IT, pp. 2401-2412.Bonacina, E. (2014) La realtà aumentata e le app culturali in Italia, Journal of the department of Cultural Heritage, 9, 89-122. https://doi.org/10.13138/2039-2362/740Colavitti, A. M. (2018) Urban heritage management: planning with history. Springer, Cham CH. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-72338-9Ettorre, M. A. (2010). "i-MiBAC: un'avanguardia tecnologica per il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali", LuBeC 2010, una finestra virtuale sul futuro dei beni culturali. Multimedialità, nuove professioni e ruolo del pubblico: ecco come cambia la valorizzazione del territorio [WWW document]. URL archivio.lubec.it/component/content/article/82-lubec-programma/418-interventi.html (accessed 22 October 2018).Frate, M. C. (2010) Restauro e conservazione del patrimonio storico, Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo IT.ICAR (2000) Atti della Commissione Franceschini. 1967 [WWW document]. URL archivio.lubec.it/component/content/article/82-lubec-programma/418-interventi.html (accessed 22 October 2018).ICCD (2018) Atralante dei Centri Storici, sistema webGIS [WWW document]. URL (accessed 22 October 2018).Ippoliti, E., Meschini, A. (2010) Dal modello 3D alla scena 3D. Prospettive e opportunità per la valorizzazione del Patrimonio culturale, architettonico e urbano. Disegnare con, 3, 177-191. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1828-5961/2083Milgram, P., Takemura, H., Utsumi, A., Kishino, F. (1994) Augmented reality: a class of displays on the reality-virtuality continuum, Proceedings of Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies, SPIE, vol 2351, pp. 282-291 [WWW document]. URL etclab.mie.utoronto.ca/publication/1994/Milgram_Takemura_SPIE1994.pdf (accessed 22 October 2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.197321Molteni, L. (1993) L'analisi multivariata nella ricerca di marketing, Egea, Milano.Nicolucci, F. (2005) Technologies for the public understanding of the past: EPOCH's contribution", Digital Culture & Heritage, Patrimonie & Culture Numérique [WWW document]. URL www.archimuse.com/publishing/ichim05/Niccolucci.pdf (accessed 22 October 2018).Solima, L., Minguzzi, A. (2012) Relazioni virtuose tra patrimonio culturale, turismo e industrie creative a supporto dei processi di sviluppo territoriale, Atti del XXIV Convegno Annuale di Sinergie, il territorio come giacimento di vitalità per l'impresa, Università di Lecce, Lecce (IT).Sukigara, T. (2005) The history information disclosure system by a cellular phone, Smart environments and their application to cultural heritage, a workshop held in conjunction with UbiComp '05, pp. 57-60

    Progressività dell’abitazione informale colombiana. Considerazioni socio-tipologiche per la mitigazione del disagio abitativo

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    Il contributo comunica parte degli esiti di una ricerca condotta all’interno del Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre riguardante la mitigazione del disagio abitativo delle urbanizzazioni informali colombiane. Ciclicamente, in tutto il Sud America, si assiste a fenomeni di neo-urbanesimo e migrazione interna, legati ad una serie di accadimenti macro economici e sociali. In Colombia, tali esplosioni demografiche hanno determinato la creazione dei cosiddetti barrios ilegales, caratterizzati da esclusione sociale, insalubrità delle abitazioni, pericolosità e scarsa qualità della vita. All’interno del contributo si esporranno i meccanismi socio-urbani di formazione degli insediamenti informali a partire dai nuclei risalenti agli anni ’90, periodo caratterizzato da una grave crisi economica e dal cosiddetto desplazamiento forzado. Inoltre, con particolare riferimento alle maggiori città colombiane, si porrà l’attenzione sulla ricerca di tipologie edilizie e abitative informali ricorrenti, esponendo una classificazione puntuale che tenga conto anche della progressività del nucleo principale. Tale caratteristica, oltre ad essere legata alla condizione economica familiare, determina i mutamenti della forma urbana e della formula abitativa. Infine, si verificherà la ripetibilità dei meccanismi individuati alla macro scala urbana, anche nelle città minori, all’interno delle urbanizzazioni informali in via di consolidamento

    Calcestruzzi compositi con polimeri e additivi. Prestazioni meccaniche e comportamento al fuoco

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    This paper explains the features, the ways of preparation and the performances of the composite materials of concrete and polymers, starting from an historical premise and from the classifications and descriptions that allow to identify both composite materials typologies and the polymers that are used, to detect composition of the single composite for the specific performance. Furthermore, the paper analyze durability, resistance to external agents, mechanical performance and fire behavior. The contribution is completed by economical consideration

    Un esempio di scuola. Il progetto di uno studentato nell'ex Mattatoio a Roma

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    Il contributo riporta gli esiti di una ricerca progettuale condotta da un gruppo di docenti e dottori di ricerca afferenti ai Dipartimenti di Architettura e di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre, finalizzata al recupero del padiglione Frigorifero nel complesso dell’ex Mattatoio di Testaccio a Roma. Il progetto, che prevede la realizzazione di uno studentato con 98 posti alloggio, servizi collettivi e spazi per la cultura, si colloca in quel territorio intermedio tra il restauro di tipo conservativo della volumetria esistente e la proposizione di interessanti soluzioni distributive, architettoniche e spaziali, necessarie all’inserimento al suo interno della nuova funzione

    Intelligent Domestic Ecosystems: innovative housing models for fragile elderly

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    Fragile users represent a category in which the elderly population is included (fragile elderly). In 2017, there were 962 million people over 60, half the number expected by 2050, and many of them have disabilities. During the recent health emergency, frailty was discriminating for access to therapies creating the risk, not yet evaluated, that the mortality rate of fragile users could be increased.This is because, even when not infected, the fragile elderly people were denied access to the hospital spaces they needed. The contribution would describe the state of the art and the first results of the research conducted at the Roma Tre University which aims to study innovative housing models for fragile elderly people capable of promoting de-hospitalization avoiding the submentioned risk and improving the quality of life through the technological transfer of the Internet of Things from the ICT sector to the architecture one. First of all, it will define both the final user of the research, i.e. the fragile elderly through its historical genesis, and the tools of the research, i.e.  the intelligent domestic ecosystems as new integrated and interconnected housing models. Secondly, it will be described the research core aimed to design a prototype, realized with the use of open source and low-cost technologies