121 research outputs found

    Irrigation Communities in the Roman World Through Epigraphic Sources and Justinian’s Digest

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    This paper deals with local irrigation systems organized by villages and communities that existed in the Roman world. It will examine some epigraphic and literary texts and relevant jurisprudential sources belonging to Justinian’s Digest on this topic. In all these cases, the need for joint water use led to the development of at least initial forms of ‘associations’among so called rivales. These ‘associations’ dealt with different matters such as: a) the distribution of water; b) the regulation of the hydraulic work, such as digging and maintenance; and c) the arbitration of possible disputes between users. For their part, the juridical texts provide a good insight into the ‘legal status’ of these communities, namely how internal relationships between rivales were considered

    Diritto e ‘simulata philosophia’ nelle Istituzioni di Ulpiano

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    In a well-known fragment of Justinian’s Digest, Ulpian addresses the students who are about to face the world of law by reading his Institutes: the young people who are going to dedicate themselves to the law must know that it derives and is founded on justice and this because – according to the elegant definition of Celsus – it is indeed an ars, but an ars that deals with the ultimate goal of all research, that is, good and equity. Jurists are sometimes called sacerdotes of this ars – Ulpian continues – and rightly so: in fact they cultivate justice and bring news of the good and the fair by separating the fair from the iniquitous and the licit from the illicit, anxious to form good people not because of the fear of punishment but because of the encouragement derived from the awards, and aspiring to the real philosophy, not to the simulated one. The text has been studied a lot by Roman law scholars, but this essay offers some further interpretative clues concerning, in particular, the last expression of the fragment, namely that jurists tend – nisi fallor, the jurist controversially adds – to the true philosophy, not to the simulated one

    L'arte racconta il diritto e la storia di Roma

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    Per la prima volta insieme, la storia giuridica di Roma e la storia dell'arte, dal Medioevo ai nostri giorni, vengono narrate specularmente in una sequenza di capolavori pittorici. Essi accompagnano il lettore in un itinerario storico, giuridico e artistico capace di svelare le radici piĂč profonde della cultura occidentale


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    Introduzione al numero monografico della rivista JusOnline 4 2021 sul tema 'Povert\ue0 e diritto: per uno studio sugli strumenti giuridici a tutela del soggetti disagiati

    Roma antica e l'ideale di cittĂ  (con qualche esempio dalla storia coloniale repubblicana)

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    Ancient Rome was not an ideal city, as it was confined within a small circle of walls and a net- work of winding roads, overcrowded, confused, mephitic and drastically reduced by fires. But this does not mean that, in the Roman civilization, during Republican and Imperial age, an ideal city was missing or people did not know how to make it real. On the contrary the ‘perfect’ urban model existed in the eyes of the Romans and it is still vi- sible today, wherever ruins of Roman or Latin colonies are found. The criterias followed by the Romans were those of ‘order’ and ‘functionality’. This is shown by a series of examples: Ostia, Co- sa, Piacenza, Vercell

    Strategie e tecniche di produzione nella Cines dei primi Anni Trenta: le versioni del film Pergolesi di Guido Brignone (1932)

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    Nel panorama cinematografico italiano del primo Novecento la Cines, nucleo produttivo tecnicamente perfetto e modernamente attrezzato, esprime la volontà di rilanciare la cinematografia italiana sia a livello nazionale, che in una prospettiva internazionale. In questo contesto, le prime opere cinematografiche in versione multipla costituiscono un campo d’osservazione privilegiato e restituiscono importanti testimonianze delle strategie produttive della Cines nei primi Anni Trenta. Il saggio ripercorre i principali aspetti di questa particolare modalità produttiva, attraverso il caso esemplare del film Pergolesi di Guido Brignone realizzato in doppia versione, in lingua italiana e francese. Il confronto delle versioni del film consente di riscoprire le peculiarità dell’apparato produttivo di quegli anni, dalle ambizioni della moderna casa di produzione, alla politica propagandistica e di ricerca del consenso di regime.In the scenario of Italian cinema during the first decades of the 20th century, Cines, a technically perfect and modernly equipped production centre, wished to relaunch Italian cinema both at a national and international level. In this context, the first films in multiple version are of special interest and provide important details about the production strategies adopted by Cines in the early '30s. The article presents the main aspects of this particular approach to production, through the exemplary case of Guido Brignone's film Pergolesi made in double version, in Italian and in French. A comparison of the two versions allows us to rediscover the peculiarities of the production system of those years, from the ambitions of the modern production house, to the propagandistic policy and search for the consent of the regime

    Versioni multiple e rifacimenti. Sulle tracce di "Una notte con te"

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    During the transition from silent to sound, multiple-language versions aimed to ensure the dissemination of the film beyond the borders of its country of production, through different versions of the same plot in different languages. This articles examines this process by means of the case study of the Italian film "Una Notte con Te" (1932), shot in Berlin in the early 30s, which deserves to be reconsidered from a perspective that reads the film's music as a connection through which the related versions can be mapped out


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    SerialitĂ  e ripetizione nelle commedie musicali Cines-Pittaluga (1930-1933)

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    Dopo la morte di Pittaluga, la direzione della Cines viene assunta da Ludovico Toeplitz e da Emilio Cecchi in qualitĂ  di direttore artistico (1932-1933). È in questo periodo che il cinema italiano, di cui la Cines copre la quasi totalitĂ  della produzione nazionale, inizia a produrre e distribuire le prime commedie musicali adattate da soggetti stranieri, austriaci e ungheresi, ma soprattutto tedeschi, uniformandosi ai gusti di questi ultimi e cogliendo l’essenza di un modello da riprodurre senza soluzione di continuitĂ : dalle varianti della commedia ungherese, a quelle sentimentali, questi film assumono un ruolo determinante per la produzione destinata ad un pubblico di massa, rilanciando l'ottimismo e i valori tradizionali. La particolaritĂ  di questa stagione produttiva suggerisce il tema qui proposto, che Ăš quello di osservare le dinamiche produttive e contestualizzare alcuni esempi, appartenenti a un corpus di opere cinematografiche che si avvalgono di un modello produttivo standardizzato, assimilabile alle versioni multiple plurilingue – stesso soggetto cinematografico, serializzazione, ripetizione dei clichĂ© – ma che allo stesso tempo si affermano come adattamenti culturali.After Pittaluga's death, the management of Cines was hired by Ludovico Toeplitz and Emilio Cecchi in quality of artistic director (1932-1933). It is in this period that Italian cinema, of which Cines covers almost all of the national production, begins to produce and distribute the first musical comedies adapted by foreign subjects, Austrians and Hungarians, but above all Germans, conforming to the tastes of the latter and capturing the essence of a model to be reproduced without solution of continuity: from the variants of the Hungarian comedy to the sentimental ones, these films take on a decisive role for the production destined for a mass audience, relaunching optimism and traditional values. This production season suggests the theme proposed here, that is to observe the production dynamics with some case studies that consciously use a standardized production model, comparable to multiple multilingual versions - same film subject, serialization, repetition of clichĂ©s - but which at the same time assert themselves as cultural adaptations
