93 research outputs found

    A integração dos ciganos em Portugal

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    A integração social consiste na aprendizagem das normas sociais que se incorporam nas formas de estar, agir e sentir, ou seja, fazem com que o indivíduo se identifique com a realidade social que o rodeia. A aprendizagem decorre com o processo de socialização, nos quadros de vida envolventes e nas experiências sociais a que cada um tem acesso. Trata-se de uma realidade dinâmica com múltiplas combinações de traços sociais, culturais e identitários. Num estudo qualitativo realizado em Portugal sobre ciganos integrados, constatou-se que os motivos ou factores na origem da integração podem ser diversos, sendo que há distinções de percursos e de histórias de vida de integração sobretudo por razões que se prendem com questões de género, com as origens socioeconómicas e culturais, a ascendência familiar, o tipo de uniões conjugais, a escolaridade, a habitação e as relações sociais diversificadas. Os resultados deste estudo revelam a diversidade dessas trajectórias e percursos de vida, a heterogeneidade de origem e de traços culturais e identitários que, aparentemente, não coloca em causa o sentimento de pertença e de ancoragem à identidade cigana.Social integration is the way of to learn the social norms incorporated in ways into being, acting and feeling, or to make the individual identifies with the social reality that surrounds him. The learning takes place through the process of socialization, with the frames of life and the engaging in social experiences that everyone has access. It is a dynamic reality with multiple combinations of traits social, cultural and identity. In a qualitative study carried out in Portugal on integrated Gypsies, it was found that the reasons or factors for integration can be diverse, and there are distinctions in pathways and life histories of integration mainly for reasons related to gender issues, with the socio-economic and cultural origins, the family relationship, the type of marriages, education, social relations diversified and housing. The results of this study reveal the diversity of these paths and walks of life, the diversity of origin and cultural traits and identity that apparently does not question the sense of belonging and also the anchorage about the Gypsy identity

    Pluralidade e reconfiguração da identidade cigana em Portugal

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    In modern societies, the question of identity is central when considering the need of spreading a cultural identity, which is fairly accepted by all. Gypsies, who are culturally distinguished by the dominant culture, have survived by accepting their past and certain symbols passed from generation to generation while adopting aspects of modern society. This article expresses the view that cultural contact results in miscegenation, a mestization which is reflected in social identity, and which contributes to the existence of a new kind of identity plurals or a new social type that strays from the traditional while not being completely identified by the dominant models

    Antigypsyism in Portugal: expressions of hate and racism in social networks

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    Portuguese Roma/Ciganos face different forms of negative reactions; they are marginalized, live in precarious socio-economic conditions, and are the poorest in Portugal and in the European Union (EU), as shown by the reports of the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). Despite national and European strategies, these situations continue, with the proliferation of racist demonstrations and hate crimes, and the growth of extreme right-wing parties. In 2022, the publication of a report by the FRA, regarding the situation of Roma in 10 EU countries (including Portugal), revealed the impact of antigypsyism in the areas of employment, education, health, and housing; these data triggered hate speech on social networks, which happens whenever something about Ciganos is published. A content analysis of the news disseminated by the main Portuguese media (press, TV, Radio) and of the comments on this news was conducted, through qualitative methodology. The results reveal racist hegemonic perspectives towards Ciganos: they depend upon the minimum income, do not contribute economically to the state accounts, and boast luxury goods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mujeres gitanas en la sociedad portuguesa : esbozando cursos de vida singular y plural

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    Este artigo discute alguns dos resultados de duas pesquisas de pendor qualitativo realizadas em Portugal sobre as trajetórias de vida singulares de mulheres ciganas, a partir da perspetiva das próprias. Trata-se de uma perspetiva de análise ainda pouco explorada teórica e empiricamente, evidenciada em processos que rompem com o papel de submissão da mulher cigana e quase sempre implicam afastamento e/ou punição por parte da suas famílias. Geralmente, os estudos ciganos tendem a atribuir à mulher um papel central na cultura cigana, contudo, os resultados mostram que ela dispõe de pouco espaço para afirmação da sua individualidade pelo controlo e vigilância exercido pelo grupo de social de origem.In this paper we propose to discuss some of the results from two qualitative researches that took place in Portugal. They focused in Gypsy women singular life paths from their own perspetive and almost of them include segregation or punishment from their families. It is an analyses perspetive poorly known and explored, in theory and empirically. In general, Gypsy studies attribute a central role to Gypsy women in Gypsy culture. However, results show that women can not express their individuality due for the control and surveillance exercised by the social group of origin.En este artículo se pretende reflexionar y discutir algunos de los resultados de dos investigaciones de caráter cualitativo realizadas en Portugal sobre las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres gitanas, a partir de la perspetiva de las propias interesadas, que consisten en procesos que casi siempre implican alejamiento y/o castigo por parte de sus familias. Se trata de una perspetiva de análisis todavía poco conocida y explorada 2 teórica y empíricamente. De un modo general, los estudios gitanos tienden a atribuir a la mujer gitana un papel central en la cultura gitana; no obstante, los resultados muestran que la mujer dispone de poco espacio para la afirmación de su individualidad por presión y control del grupo social de origen

    Key factors to educational continuity and success of ciganos in Portugal

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    The goal of this article is to analyse the impact of specific public policies on the school trajectories of socially vulnerable Ciganos (Gypsies/Roma) who reside/live in the Metropolitan Areas of Lisbon and Porto. Through carrying out qualitative research, the analysis of key factors will allow us to understand the reasons behind school continuity and educational success of Ciganos, as well as the identity (re)configuration processes associated with the education paths of these individuals. We find that trajectories are not only intertwined with public policies and programmes, but also with other explanatory factors inherent to the individual,to the type of support he/she receives from his/her family, the presence of key figures in their lives, and the importance of peers and institutional factors inherent to the way public schools operate.The open access publication of this chapter was funded by Portuguese National Funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, R&D Unit UIDB/03126/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educational situation of Portuguese ciganos: social changes versus social continuities

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    The purpose of this chapter is to present and discuss the main impacts of Portuguese public policies in the area of education in Portugal, since 25 April 1974. To this end, diversified information was collected, processed and analysed involving legal and other documents about these national policies, especially those of greater impact on Ciganos, in addition to thorough mapping of ongoing projects of local and social support in the Lisbon and Porto metropolitan areas, where the empirical research is being carried out. At a later stage, interviews were held with technical staff, project coordinators and local institutions, as well as Ciganos and their families. The purpose of using various data collection techniques is to capture the reality experienced by Cigano individuals and families, namely patterns of continuity and social change, particularly in the area of education, through triangulation between the discourses of informants and scientific knowledge already consolidated in these matters. We present a critical and reflexive interpretation of the policy orientations and achieved social rights, focusing on narratives of Ciganos, stakeholders and school representatives centred on what has changed in the school trajectories of Ciganos, in terms of continuity, success and permanence in public education.The open access publication of this chapter was funded by Portuguese National Funds through the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, R&D Unit UIDB/03126/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Observação “com presença” junto de um grupo de etnia cigana

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    As imagens e representações sobre as pessoas ciganas em Portugal são estereotipadas e homogeneizantes. Contudo, há casos diferenciados de percursos de vida, vários tipos de famílias (casamentos endogâmicos e mistos), grupos de origem, culturas regionais ou modos de vida e de integração social. Partindo da diversidade de processos de socialização, de acordo com contextos sociais e familiares de pessoas ciganas, expressos em quadros de experiência de vida singulares, que se distinguem de outras pessoas ciganas, são apresentados projetos de vida afastados de imagens estereotipadas, usando como suporte resultados de uma investigação qualitativa, em que foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, para conhecer modos de vida de pessoas ciganas, integradas no mercado de trabalho, questionando a ideia preconcebida de que os ciganos “não trabalham”, “vivem de subsídios” ou “são todos iguais”. Os resultados obtidos revelam percursos de vida e processos de integração social dinâmicos e plurais, expressos através de sentimentos de identificação e pluralidades sociais, culturais e identitárias que desafiam conceções estáticas sobre traços culturais e identidades ciganas.Images and representations about Ciganos in Portugal are stereotyped and homogenizing. However, there are cases of different life paths, several types of families (endogamous and mixed marriages), groups of origin, regional cultures, ways of life and social integration. Starting from the diversity of socialization processes, according to social and family contexts of Cigano/Roma people, expressed in singular life experience frameworks, that distinguish themselves from other Cigano/Roma people, this presents life projects distanced from stereotyped images using as a support the results of a qualitative investigation, in which in-depth interviews were carried out, to know ways of life of Cigano/Roma people, integrated in the labor market, questioning the preconceived idea that Ciganos “do not work”, “live on subsidies” or that “They are all equal”. The results reveal several ways of life and dynamic social and plural integration processes, expressed through feelings of identification and social, cultural and identity pluralities that challenge static conceptions about Cigano cultural traits and identities