5 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus Oil Aromaterapy for Toddlers with Common Cold

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    Common cold is a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, nose, and throat. Common cold suffered by each toddler in Indonesia is predicted to occur three to six times a year, which means that a toddler may experience three to six times of coughs and colds every year. Common cold is also a symptom of Covid-19 whose early treatments used symptomatic and non-pharmacological therapy including tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil aromatherapy. Related to this, this paper reveals the effectiveness of tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil aromatherapy for the healing period of 1 to 2-year-old toddlers in T W Independent Midwifery Practice (IMP). This paper employs quasy experiment design with non-equivalent control group model. Sample includes 14 toddlers with the age of 1 to 2-year-old. Seven of them were given tea tree oil, while the rest were given eucalyptus oil aromatherapy with accidental sampling technique. Aromatherapy was given once a day for seven days. Findings showed that the healing period of the control and intervention group was four to five days and according to the Mann Whitney trial, p-value of 0,530 (0,05) was obtained. In conclusion, there is no difference between the healing period of common cold using tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil aromatherapy for 1 to 2-year-old toddlers in T W Independent Midwifery Practice (IMP). Tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil aromatherapy can be used to accelerate the healing period of common cold suffered by toddlers

    Feed Instagram sebagai Media Edukasi dan Lomba Teka-teki Silang Tentang COVID-19 dan Kesehatan Mental

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    Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak pada beban kesehatan, ekonomi, dan tingkat tekanan psikologis yang sangat signifikan. Di samping hal tersebut, usia muda menjadi salah satu faktor risiko efek dari pandemic. Berdasarkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) terutama poin ketiga yaitu “Good Health and Well-Being” untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang sehat dan sejahtera khususnya selama pandemi diperlukan penyampaian informasi yang cepat dan akurat salah satunya menggunakan media sosial. Selama pandemi COVID-19 terjadi pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat sehingga penyebaran informasi sebagian besar melalui media sosial. Oleh karena itu, dalam meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai COVID-19 dan kesehatan mental diperlukan adanya kegiatan seperti edukasi dan lomba Teka-teki Silang (TTS). Edukasi dan lomba TTS dilakukan secara daring melalui media sosial Instagram dengan sasaran remaja dan dewasa muda. Edukasi secara daring dilakukan dengan melakukan posting feed Instagram pada tanggal 12 dan 13 Juli 2021 dan lomba TTS diadakan pada tanggal 14 juli 2021. Mayoritas peserta mendapatkan skor 100 (skor maksimal) dengan jumlah 18 peserta dari total 32 peserta. Rata-rata peserta yang mengerjakan 20 soal TTS mendapatkan skor 92,66 dari total skor 100 poin. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan peserta memahami dan mengetahui materi edukasi yang diberikan

    Evaluation of Coffee Pulp Waste from Coffee Cultivation Areas in Indonesia as Iron Booster

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    The research aimed to reduce the amount of coffee pulp (CP) as a pollutant and turn it into Coffee Cherry Fluor (CCF) as a functional food. CCF is expected to serve a function as a non-heme iron source to treat anemia. Further, reusing CP should be able to boost the circulation of economy. Six CP samples from three Arabica coffee areas (highlands of Mount Batur, Mount Ijen, and Mount Arjuno) in Indonesia were compared to La Boite CCF, a commercial product made in Brazil. Variables observed were iron contents which is determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer, vitamin C contents as enhancers by Iodimetric titration, total phenol contents as inhibitors by Folin-Ciocalteu method, tannin contents by spectrophotometry method, lignin contents by Van Soest method, total plant count by ISO 4833-1, and antioxidant capacity by IC 50 in the DPPH scavenging assay. Sample disparity significance was statistically determined by ANOVA, followed by Tukey test at 95 %. Sample resemblance with La Boite CCF was tested using Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and then presented in Heat Map. Conclusively, Mengani CCF and Mengani CP Estate samples are similar to La Boite CCF regarding vitamin C and inhibitor contents. It is suggested to reduce the temperature of the artificial drying device in Mengani. Further research should cover heavy metal contents, proximate analysis, and the detail of amino acid contents as research observed variables; expanding this research in vivo to study non-heme Fe's bioavailability should also be conducted