54 research outputs found

    Relato de experiência no estágio de Biologia

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino- Americano de Ciências da Vida e da Natureza da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza. Orientadora: Prof. Dra. Luciana Mello RibeiroDentro de um contexto de necessidade de adaptação da Educação às novas dinâmicas da modernidade, o estudante de Licenciatura no Estágio de Regência é desafiado com as expectativas que a sociedade em geral e os integrantes das instituições de ensino em particular põem sobre ele, que esperam dele que contribua para direcionar a Educação no sentido dessa adaptação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo compartilhar experiências e resultados obtidos durante o Estágio de Biologia, que foi planejado no sentido de tentar suprir às expectativas dos agentes mencionados. Foi realizado em uma turma de 2º ano do período noturno do Colégio Estadual Presidente Costa e Silva, e para obtenção dos resultados foram aplicados testes antes e depois de cada atividade. Tanto as atividades menos convencionais (caracterizadas como de Aprendizagem Ativa, exigindo maior participação do aluno) quanto as expositivas tiveram seu mérito nos impactos observados, apesar de que as primeiras exigiram maior esforço por parte da estagiária e dos alunos, pois estes foram condicionados por muitos anos a adotar uma postura mais passiva dentro da sala de aula.Within a context of the need to adapt education to the new dynamics of modernity, the undergraduate student in the Regency Internship is challenged with the expectations that society in general and the members of educational institutions in particular set about it, which they expect from it. that contributes to direct education towards this adaptation. This paper aims to share experiences and results obtained during the Biology Internship, which was designed to try to meet the expectations of the mentioned agents. It was performed in a class of 2 nd year night class at the State School Presidente Costa e Silva, and to obtain the results tests were applied before and after each activity. Both the less conventional activities (characterized as Active Learning, requiring greater student participation) and the expositive ones had their merit in the observed impacts, although the former required more effort on the part of the intern and the students, as these were conditioned by many years of adopting a more passive posture within the classroomDentro de un contexto de la necesidad de adaptar la educación a las nuevas dinámicas de la modernidad, el estudiante de pregrado en la Regencia de Pasantías se enfrenta a las expectativas que la sociedad en general y los miembros de las instituciones educativas en particular establecen, lo que esperan de ella. eso contribuye a la educación directa hacia esta adaptación. Este documento tiene como objetivo compartir experiencias y resultados obtenidos durante la pasantía de biología, que fue diseñada para tratar de cumplir con las expectativas de los agentes mencionados. Se realizó en una clase de 2o año de clase nocturna en el Colegio Estadual Presidente Costa e Silva, y para obtener los resultados se aplicaron las pruebas antes y después de cada actividad. Tanto las actividades menos convencionales (caracterizadas como aprendizaje activo, que requieren una mayor participación de los estudiantes) como las expositivas tuvieron su mérito en los impactos observados, aunque las primeras requirieron más esfuerzo por parte del interno y de los estudiantes, ya que estas fueron condicionadas por muchos años de adoptar una postura más pasiva dentro del aul


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    YouTubeTM as a Tool to Teach Dentists about Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH): Analysis of Quality Content

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    Objective: To evaluate the quality of information about Molar incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) on YouTubeTM. Material and Methods: Only videos in Portuguese aimed at dentists were included. The selected videos were analyzed by two calibrated evaluators, who extracted the information (classification, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of MIH) and the quality was evaluated through a 20-point-checklist, according to the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry and European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Descriptive analysis and statistical tests were applied to assess the association (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis) or correlation (Spearman) between the final scores of the videos and their demographics. Results: Nineteen videos with 13.8±4.76 mean points were considered eligible. Most of the videos did not report the possible involvement of other groups of teeth (n=12), presence of atypical restorations (n=8) and hypersensitivity (n=7); and the different treatments for MIH were very variable.  Twelve videos discussed differential diagnosis and 78.95% possible etiological factors; however, all of them presented clinical images. Data related to the video source and viewer interaction were not related to its quality (p>0.05). The number of likes (r=0.26), views (r=0.34) and video time (=0.58) show a weak and moderate correlation, respectively, with video score. Conclusion: Videos on YouTubeTMabout MIH presented moderate or high quality, with heterogeneous information, and can act as a complementary aid source of information

    Knowledge of Dentists about Hypomineralization Enamel Defects: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To evaluate a group of Brazilian dentists on their knowledge of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and Hypomineralized Second Primary Molars (HSPM) related to clinical aspects, consequences, and diagnostic criteria. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional, the participants were invited by e-mail and Whatsapp® to answer a questionnaire about their knowledge of hypomineralization enamel defects (MIH/HSPM) on the Google Forms® platform. The questionnaire comprised eight questions about personal data and multiple-choice questions about their knowledge concerning clinical aspects, diagnostic criteria of MIH/HSPM and differential diagnosis through clinical images. Chi-square test was applied with the significance level set at 5%. Results: Most participants (n = 492; 91.1%) reported having knowledge about MIH/HSPM. The general dentists gave more incorrect answers (n = 40; 65.6 %;) about dental tissues affected by MIH/HSPM. Overall, 83.3% of the dentists gave the correct answer to which dentitions are associated with this condition. In addition, most dentists presented knowledge about the consequences related to possible fractures (n= 487; 90.2%) and about an increased risk of caries (n= 479; 88.9%) in the affected teeth.  Regarding the differential diagnosis performed through clinical images, most participants gave incorrect answers (p≤0.001). Conclusion: The participants presented knowledge about the dentition associated with this condition and possible consequences related to the teeth affected by MIH/HSPM; however, they showed difficulties concerning clinical diagnostic criteria

    Influence of Environmental Factors on the Presence and Severity of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

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    Objective: To assess the association between environmental factors during pregnancy and early childhood with the presence and severity of Molar Incisor Hipomineralization (MIH). Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 120 patients between 7 and 14 years of age. MIH was evaluated according to EAPD criteria. Data collected included the child’s medical history and the mother’s health. Chi-square and logistic regression were performed to determine any statistical evidence of the environmental factors, with the significance level set at 5%. Results: The participants were divided into groups with MIH (n=60) and without MIH (n=60), with average ages of 9.9 (±1.9) and 9.7 (±1.7) years, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between intercurrences during pregnancy (OR=3.55; IC95%=1.35-10.57) and medication taken by the child (OR=3.01; IC95%=1.74-8.42) and the presence of MIH. In addition, other variables were also associated with the MIH (p≤0.05). However, there was no association with variables and degree of MIH severity (p>0.05). Conclusion: The use of medications in childhood and complications during pregnancy can be association to the presence of MIH. However, these factors do not interaction to MIH severity


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    Objetivo: Os padrões de beleza são geralmente estabelecidos em idades iniciais. Esse estudo transversal tem como objetivo avaliar a percepção estética de crianças frente a diferentes alterações estéticas no sorriso, e avaliar possíveis fatores que possam influenciar nessa percepção. Metodologia: Uma foto de um sorriso com dentição decídua considerado "adequado" foi manipulada digitalmente a fim de criar seis imagens que representassem: mordida aberta anterior, fratura dentária, descoloração coronária, cárie ativa, cárie inativa (cariostático), e perda dentária. Crianças entre 3 e 6 anos avaliaram sete imagens (6 imagens alteradas e 1 imagem sem alteração, usada como controle) e responderam as seguintes perguntas. "Você acha esse sorriso bonito?" e "Você gostaria de ter esse sorriso?". Dados sobre o gênero, idade e presença de alterações dentárias anteriores foram coletados dos participantes. O teste do X2 e exato de Fisher foram utilizados para determinar associações entre variáveis, enquanto o coeficiente de Kappa foi utilizado para determinar a concordância entre as perguntas. Resultado: No total, 44 crianças foram incluídas. Gênero, idade e possuir alterações dentárias não influenciaram na percepção estética das crianças (p>0.05). No geral, sorrisos com cárie inativa (cariostático) apresentaram pior percepção estética pelas crianças, seguidos da imagem de cárie ativa e fratura coronária, perda dentária, descoloração coronária e, finalmente, mordida aberta anterior. A concordância entre as perguntas variou de excelente (k=1) a substancial (k=0.72). Conclusão: Alterações dentárias em dentes anteriores são julgadas negativamente pelas crianças em idades iniciais, independentemente do gênero, idade, e possuir alterações dentárias

    Knowledge of Dentists about Hypomineralization Enamel Defects: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: To evaluate a group of Brazilian dentists on their knowledge of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) and Hypomineralized Second Primary Molars (HSPM) related to clinical aspects, consequences, and diagnostic criteria. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional, the participants were invited by e-mail and Whatsapp® to answer a questionnaire about their knowledge of hypomineralization enamel defects (MIH/HSPM) on the Google Forms® platform. The questionnaire comprised eight questions about personal data and multiple-choice questions about their knowledge concerning clinical aspects, diagnostic criteria of MIH/HSPM and differential diagnosis through clinical images. Chi-square test was applied with the significance level set at 5%. Results: Most participants (n = 492; 91.1%) reported having knowledge about MIH/HSPM. The general dentists gave more incorrect answers (n = 40; 65.6 %;) about dental tissues affected by MIH/HSPM. Overall, 83.3% of the dentists gave the correct answer to which dentitions are associated with this condition. In addition, most dentists presented knowledge about the consequences related to possible fractures (n= 487; 90.2%) and about an increased risk of caries (n= 479; 88.9%) in the affected teeth.  Regarding the differential diagnosis performed through clinical images, most participants gave incorrect answers (p≤0.001). Conclusion: The participants presented knowledge about the dentition associated with this condition and possible consequences related to the teeth affected by MIH/HSPM; however, they showed difficulties concerning clinical diagnostic criteria


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    A Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo (HMI) consiste num defeito qualitativo do esmalte dental caracterizado por lesões que variam de cor branca a marrom e que acomete, principalmente, os primeiros molares e incisivos permanentes. Sua etiologia está relacionada a fatores genéticos e ambientais. O método de estudo de associação em que se utiliza o polimorfismo como marcador para localização de genes candidatos a doenças tem sido comumente empregado na busca de evidências que relacionam a HMI a fatores genéticos. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar aspectos clínicos, pré, peri e pós-natais de uma paciente de 21 anos diagnosticada com HMI, além de realizar avaliação clínica e genética (polimorfismos no gene ENAM) familiar. Foi realizado avaliação clínica dos pais e coleta de material biológico (saliva) para avaliação e análise do DNA familiar. O pai foi diagnosticado com HMI enquanto a mãe não. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas em PCR em tempo real, sendo genotipado o polimorfismo rs7664896 (C>G) localizado no gene ENAM. A paciente apresentou genótipo CG com herança da condição pelo pai. A paciente apresentou genótipo CG com herança da condição pelo pai. Pode-se inferir a interação entre aspectos ambientais e genéticos na etiologia da HMI da paciente do presente relato. Estudos com amostras maiores, de diferentes etnias e com avaliação de diferentes genes são estimulados para aumentar a robustez das evidências científicas

    Down Syndrome Resulting from a Rare non-Robertsonian Translocation t(11;21)(p13;q22)

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    Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a common genetic disorder, occurring in approximately 1 in 700 births. It results from an extra copy (triplication) of the whole or part of the long arm of chromosome 21 caused by different cytogenetic alterations: free trisomy, Robertsonian translocations, mosaicism, duplication of the critical region and other structural rearrangements. Non-Robertsonian chromosome translocations are very rare events with few cases reported. Case Report: We identified the non-Robertsonian translocation t(11;21)(p13;q22) and two chromosomes 21 in a female child referred with a clinical diagnosis of trisomy 21.  The infant developed the transient myeloproliferative disorder at 17 months. Cytogenetic analysis was performed in lymphocytes and bone marrow metaphases according to standard procedure - G banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization.  The karyotype study of the parents revealed that her phenotypically normal mother carries the same reciprocal translocation. Conclusion: This is the second report of the translocation t(11;21)(p13;q22),  the first one resulting in DS.  This description expands knowledge about cytogenetic variability in the etiology of DS. Future studies are needed to investigate the long-term clinical effects of the trisomy 21 associated with t(11;21)(p13;q22)