4 research outputs found

    Production of drinking water using a multi-barrier approach integrating nanofiltration: a pilot scale study

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    A multi-barrier system was studied for the production of drinking water with high chemical and microbiological quality. The integration of nanofiltration (NF) and ultraviolet (UV) photolysis was tested at pilot scale in a surface water treatment plant. The NF membranes tested, Desal DK and NF270, allow for the production of permeates with high quality standards, although the membrane with higher molecular weight cut-off (NF270) revealed to be the best option for surface water treatment due to its higher permeability. The NF270 membrane was also efficient to deliver high quality water, even under high pollutant concentrations, making possible to operate with water recovery rates as high as 98%. Extensive studies were performed in the water treatment plant where the proposed system was tested at three locations of the drinking water production line. Seeking to achieve the best compromise between high recovery rate, high retention of chemicals and microorganisms as well as preventing operational problems (flux decline and fouling), it was found that the integrated system should be placed after the conventional sand filtration, operating at a 91% recovery rate. Under the selected conditions – TMP of 8 bar and recovery rate of 91% – it is possible to operate at constant permeability without flux decline for a period of 15 days, after which a gentle CIP procedure is recommended. Membrane fouling was also investigated and the major foulant classes identified were proteins, polysaccharides and humic acids. A cleaning protocol was also tested and the impact of each cleaning step on the recovery of permeability evaluated

    Terapia fotodinâmica com uma nova bacterioclorina carboxamida halogenada de baixo peso molecular

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Química Medicinal apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaA terapia fotodinâmica (PDT, do inglês photodynamic therapy) é uma terapia aplicada para o tratamento de cancros sólidos, que depende da administração de um fotossensibilizador (PS, do inglês photosensitizer), seguida da irradiação, com o comprimento de onda adequando, dos tecidos alvo. Este efeito ativa o PS tendo como resultado a produção de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS, do inglês, reactive oxygen species) na presença de oxigénio molecular. Os ROS induzem stress oxidativo, levando à morte celular e, consequentemente, à erradicação de tumores. Além disso, a PDT induz respostas imunitárias antitumorais (imunidade antitumoral) que podem mediar o controlo abscopal de metástases distantes.Esta tese apresenta a avaliação de uma nova molécula, bacterioclorina carboxamida halogenada, de baixo peso molecular e lipofilicidade relativa, LUZ51b.No primeiro capítulo de resultados desta tese, os mecanismos de transporte envolvidos no influxo e efluxo da LUZ51b foram avaliados in vitro na linha celular 4T1. Os nossos resultados demonstraram que a internalização da LUZ51b é inibida de forma significativa quando a temperatura é diminuída de 37 oC para 4 oC, mas não pela depleção de ATP nem por inibidores de endocitose. Estas observações permitiram concluir que a LUZ51b é internalizada por difusão passiva. Por outro lado, também foi demostrado que a LUZ51b é libertada das células muito rapidamente sendo este efluxo dependente de ATP, mas não da glicoproteína P. Foi também investigado o comportamento desta molécula num cenário in vivo, nomeadamente no modelo tumoral ortotópico 4T1. Para tal, a biodistribuição de 2 mg/kg de LUZ51b foi determinada em órgãos colhidos em diferentes momentos (de 0,25 a 72 horas). O sangue, fígado, baço e pulmões atingiram um nível máximo de LUZ51b às 0.25 horas. Foram detetadas quantidades significativas de LUZ51b nas amostras de tumores, em todos os pontos temporais incluído 24 e 72 horas após administração. É importante mencionar que nestes pontos do tempo, já não é detetada LUZ51b em qualquer órgão ou no sangue. A acumulação de LUZ51b nos tumores foi sempre superior à acumulação de LUZ51b na pele e no músculo, o que indica rácios de T/S (do inglês tumor-to-skin ratio) e T/M (do inglês tumor-to-muscle ratio) relativamente elevados. Esta é uma observação importante, pois pode indicar que a LUZ51b teria um baixo índice de fotossensibilidade cutânea.O segundo capítulo de resultados desta tese contém a avaliação do eventual envolvimento do sistema imunitário quando se realiza PDT vascular com LUZ51b. Identificou-se que uma dose baixa de LUZ51b, 0,2 mg/kg, combinada com uma dose de luz de apenas 20 J/cm2 era suficiente para alcançar 50-70% de curas em murganhos Balb/c portadores de tumores CT26. Uma nova inoculação dos murganhos curados com células cancerígenas revelou a presença de memória imunológica, uma vez que a maioria dos murganhos rejeitou a nova inoculação com células cancerígenas. O envolvimento de células T foi confirmado pela observação de que não foram alcançadas curas quando foi efetuada PDT com LUZ51b em murganhos Balc/c nude. Adicionalmente, este trabalho também identificou alguns dos componentes imunitários envolvidos na resposta imunitária desencadeada pela PDT com LUZ51b. É demonstrado que a PDT com LUZ51b induz uma forte neutrofilia e um aumento da IL-6 24 horas após PDT, o que é acompanhado pelo recrutamento de neutrófilos para o tumor. Globalmente, esta tese demonstra que a LUZ51b é um novo PS extremamente potente devido às suas características fotofísicas e físico-químicas, tendo a capacidade de se difundir rapidamente para as células e de se acumular num modelo tumoral pouco vascularizado, como os tumores de cancro da mama ortotópicos 4T1. Adicionalmente, a PDT com LUZ51b tem a capacidade de estimular uma resposta imunitária antitumoral que envolve o braço inato e adaptativo do sistema imunitário.Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a treatment applied to the treatment of solid cancers, which relies in the administration of a photosensitizer (PS), followed by its irradiation, with light of the appropriate wavelength, of the target tissues. This activates the PS resulting in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when molecular oxygen is present. The ROS induces oxidative stress, leading to cell death and thereby the eradication of the tumors. Additionally, PDT induces systemic antitumor immune responses (antitumor immunity) that can mediate abscopal control of distant metastasis.This thesis presents the evaluation of a novel carboxamide halogenated bacteriochlorin of low molecular weight and relative lipophilicity, LUZ51b. In the first chapter of results of this thesis, the transport mechanisms involved in the influx and efflux of LUZ51b were assessed in vitro in the 4T1 cell line. Our results demonstrated that the internalization of LUZ51b is significantly inhibited when the temperature is reduced from 37°C to 4°C, but not by ATP depletion or endocytosis inhibitors. These observations led to the conclusion that LUZ51b is internalized through passive diffusion. On the other hand, it was also shown that LUZ51b is released from cells very rapidly, and this efflux is ATP-dependent but not dependent on P-glycoprotein. It was also investigated how this molecule would behave in an in vivo scenario, namely in the orthotopic 4T1 tumor model. For this, the biodistribution of 2 mg/kg of LUZ51b was assessed in different organs collected at different time points (from 0.25 to 72 hours). Blood, liver, spleen, and lungs reached a maximum level of LUZ51b at 0.25 hours. Notably, significant amounts of LUZ51b were detected in tumor samples at all time points including 24- and 72-hours post administration. It is important to mention that at these time points LUZ51b is no longer detected in any other organ or in the blood. The accumulation of LUZ51b in tumors was always superior to the accumulation of LUZ51 in the skin and muscle, which indicates relatively high T/S and T/M ratios. This is an important observation as it may indicates that LUZ51b would have a low skin photosensitivity index. The second chapter of results of this thesis contains the evaluation of the eventual involvement of the immune system when performing vascular-PDT with LUZ51b. It was identified that a low dose of LUZ51b, 0.2 mg/kg, combined with a light dose of only 20 J/cm2 was sufficient to achieve 50 – 70 % of cures in Balb/c mice bearing CT26 tumors. A subsequent rechallenge of those cured mice with cancer cells revealed the presence of immunological memory, as the majority of mice rejected the cancer cell rechallenge. The involvement of T cells was confirmed by the observation that no cures were achieved when PDT using LUZ51b was performed in Balb/c nude mice. In addition, this work also identified some of the immune components that are involved in the immune response that LUZ51b-PDT triggers. It is shown that PDT with LUZ51b induces a strong neutrophilia and enhanced IL-6 at 24 h post PDT that is accompanied by the recruitment of neutrophils into the tumor bed. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that LUZ51b is an extremely potent new photosensitizer due to its photophysical and physicochemical characteristics, having the ability to rapidly diffuse into the cells and accumulate in a poor vascularized tumor model, 4T1 orthotopic breast cancer tumors. Additionally, PDT with LUZ51b has the ability to stimulate an antitumor immune response that involves the innate and the adaptive arms of the immune system.FC

    Trial watch: an update of clinical advances in photodynamic therapy and its immunoadjuvant properties for cancer treatment

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    ABSTRACTPhotodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment used to target solid tumors, where the administration of a photosensitizing agent and light generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), thus resulting in strong oxidative stress that selectively damages the illuminated tissues. Several preclinical studies have demonstrated that PDT can prime the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells throughout the body. However, there is still limited evidence of PDT-mediated anti-tumor immunity in clinical settings. In the last decade, several clinical trials on PDT for cancer treatment have been initiated, indicating that significant efforts are being made to improve current PDT protocols. However, most of these studies disregarded the immunological dimension of PDT. The immunomodulatory properties of PDT can be combined with standard therapy and/or emerging immunotherapies, such as immune checkpoint blockers (ICBs), to achieve better disease control. Combining PDT with immunotherapy has shown synergistic effects in some preclinical models. However, the value of this combination in patients is still unknown, as the first clinical trials evaluating the combination of PDT with ICBs are just being initiated. Overall, this Trial Watch provides a summary of recent clinical information on the immunomodulatory properties of PDT and ongoing clinical trials using PDT to treat cancer patients. It also discusses the future perspectives of PDT for oncological indications