1,881 research outputs found

    Structure Formation Inside Triaxial Dark Matter Halos: Galactic Disks, Bulges and Bars

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    We investigate the formation and evolution of galactic disks immersed in assembling live DM halos. Disk/halo components have been evolved from the cosmological initial conditions and represent the collapse of an isolated density perturbation. The baryons include gas (which participates in star formation [SF]) and stars. The feedback from the stellar energy release onto the ISM has been implemented. We find that (1) The growing triaxial halo figure tumbling is insignificant and the angular momentum (J) is channeled into the internal circulation; (2) Density response of the disk is out of phase with the DM, thus diluting the inner halo flatness and washing out its prolateness; (3) The total J is neathly conserved, even in models accounting for feedback; (4) The specific J for the DM is nearly constant, while that for baryons is decreasing; (5) Early stage of disk formation resembles the cat's cradle -- a small amorphous disk fueled via radial string patterns; (6) The initially puffed up gas component in the disk thins when the SF rate drops below ~5 Mo/yr; (7) About 40%-60% of the baryons remain outside the SF region; (8) Rotation curves appear to be flat and account for the observed disk/halo contributions; (9) A range of bulge-dominated to bulgeless disks was obtained; Lower density threshold for SF leads to a smaller, thicker disk; Gravitational softening in the gas has a substantial effect on various aspects of galaxy evolution and mimics a number of intrinsic processes within the ISM; (10) The models are characterized by an extensive bar-forming activity; (11) Nuclear bars, dynamically coupled and decoupled form in response to the gas inflow along the primary bars.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, accepted by the Astrophysical Journal. Minor revisions. The high-resolution figures can be found at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~shlosman/research/galdyn/figs07a

    High Energy neutrino signals from the Epoch of Reionization

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    We perform a new estimate of the high energy neutrinos expected from GRBs associated with the first generation of stars in light of new models and constraints on the epoch of reionization and a more detailed evaluation of the neutrino emission yields. We also compare the diffuse high energy neutrino background from Population III stars with the one from "ordinary stars" (Population II), as estimated consistently within the same cosmological and astrophysical assumptions. In disagreement with previous literature, we find that high energy neutrinos from Population III stars will not be observable with current or near future neutrino telescopes, falling below both IceCube sensitivity and atmospheric neutrino background under the most extreme assumptions for the GRB rate. This rules them out as a viable diagnostic tool for these still elusive metal-free stars.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures

    Rest-Frame Ultraviolet Spectra of z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies

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    We present the results of a systematic study of the rest-frame UV spectroscopic properties of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). The database of almost 1000 LBG spectra proves useful for constructing high S/N composite spectra. The composite spectrum of the entire sample reveals a wealth of features attributable to hot stars, HII regions, dust, and outflowing neutral and ionized gas. By grouping the database according to galaxy parameters such as Lyman-alpha equivalent width, UV spectral slope, and interstellar kinematics, we isolate some of the major trends in LBG spectra which are least compromised by selection effects. We find that LBGs with stronger Lyman-alpha emission have bluer UV continua, weaker low-ionization interstellar absorption lines, smaller kinematic offsets between Lyman-alpha and the interstellar absorption lines, and lower star-formation rates. There is a decoupling between the dependence of low- and high-ionization outflow features on other spectral properties. Most of the above trends can be explained in terms of the properties of the large-scale outflows seen in LBGs. According to this scenario, the appearance of LBG spectra is determined by a combination of the covering fraction of outflowing neutral gas which contains dust, and the range of velocities over which this gas is absorbing. Higher sensitivity and spectral resolution observations are still required for a full understanding of the covering fraction and velocity dispersion of the outflowing neutral gas in LBGs, and its relationship to the escape fraction of Lyman continuum radiation in galaxies at z~3.Comment: 28 pages including 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Abundances of Baade's Window Giants from Keck/HIRES Spectra: II. The Alpha- and Light Odd Elements

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    We report detailed chemical abundance analysis of 27 RGB stars towards the Galactic bulge in Baade's Window for elements produced by massive stars: O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca and Ti. All of these elements are overabundant in the bulge relative to the disk, especially Mg, indicating that the bulge is enhanced in Type~II supernova ejecta and most likely formed more rapidly than the disk. We attribute a rapid decline of [O/Fe] to metallicity-dependent yields of oxygen in massive stars, perhaps connected to the Wolf-Reyet phenomenon. he explosive nucleosynthesis alphas, Si, Ca and Ti, possess identical trends with [Fe/H], consistent with their putative common origin. We note that different behaviors of hydrostatic and explosive alpha elements can be seen in the stellar abundances of stars in Local Group dwarf galaxies. We also attribute the decline of Si,Ca and Ti relative to Mg, to metallicity- dependent yields for the explosive alpha elements from Type~II supernovae. The starkly smaller scatter of [/Fe] with [Fe/H] in the bulge, as compared to the halo, is consistent with expected efficient mixing for the bulge. The metal-poor bulge [/Fe] ratios are higher than ~80% of the halo. If the bulge formed from halo gas, the event occured before ~80% of the present-day halo was formed. The lack of overlap between the thick and thin disk composition with the bulge does not support the idea that the bulge was built by a thickening of the disk driven by the bar. The trend of [Al/Fe] is very sensitive to the chemical evolution environment. A comparison of the bulge, disk and Sgr dSph galaxy shows a range of ~0.7 dex in [Al/Fe] at a given [Fe/H], presumably due to a range of Type~II/Type~Ia supernova ratios in these systems.Comment: 51 pages, 6 tables, 27 figures, submitte

    B-type supergiants in the SMC: Rotational velocities and implications for evolutionary models

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    High-resolution spectra for 24 SMC and Galactic B-type supergiants have been analysed to estimate the contributions of both macroturbulence and rotation to the broadening of their metal lines. Two different methodologies are considered, viz. goodness-of-fit comparisons between observed and theoretical line profiles and identifying zeros in the Fourier transforms of the observed profiles. The advantages and limitations of the two methods are briefly discussed with the latter techniques being adopted for estimated projected rotational velocities (\vsini) but the former being used to estimate macroturbulent velocities. Only one SMC supergiant, SK 191, shows a significant degree of rotational broadening (\vsini \simeq 90 \kms). For the remaining targets, the distribution of projected rotational velocities are similar in both our Galactic and SMC samples with larger values being found at earlier spectral types. There is marginal evidence for the projected rotational velocities in the SMC being higher than those in the Galactic targets but any differences are only of the order of 5-10 \kms, whilst evolutionary models predict differences in this effective temperature range of typically 20 to 70 \kms. The combined sample is consistent with a linear variation of projected rotational velocity with effective temperature, which would imply rotational velocities for supergiants of 70 \kms at an effective temperature of 28 000 K (approximately B0 spectral type) decreasing to 32 \kms at 12 000 K (B8 spectral type). For all targets, the macroturbulent broadening would appear to be consistent with a Gaussian distribution (although other distributions cannot be discounted) with an 1e\frac{1}{e} half-width varying from approximately 20 \kms at B8 to 60 \kms at B0 spectral types.Comment: 4 figures, 8 pages, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysic