395 research outputs found

    Bacterial Cell-Free Probiotics Using Effective Substances Produced by Probiotic Bacteria, for Application in the Oral Cavity

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    To avoid side effects of conventional antibiotics and disinfectants used for prevention of oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontitis, and oral candidiasis, application of probiotics has attracted attention recently. However, difficulties arise when applying those probiotics in the oral cavity, because exogenous probiotic bacteria do not colonize easily in the established oral microbiota. Even, if we are able to overcome the restriction of colonization by probiotic bacteria in the oral cavity, it comes with the risk of dental caries due to the potential acidic environment generated by probiotic bacteria. To solve these problems, “biogenics,” bacterial cell-free probiotics using only the effective substances metabolically produced by probiotic bacteria, is recommended for application in the oral cavity. The concept and frontline of biogenic research will be introduced and discussed

    Identification and Modification ofPorphyromonas gingivalisCysteine Protease, Gingipain, Ideal for Screening Periodontitis

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    Chronic periodontitis is an inflammatory disease caused by the formation of oral microbial biofilms. Periodontitis is associated with general health and not only oral diseases.Porphyromonas gingivalisis a well-known keystone pathogen for periodontitis and is associated with several systemic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer's disease. We previously developed a system for screening periodontitis usingP. gingivalis-specific serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with a sensitivity of 0.774 and a specificity of 0.586 and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.708. However, the antigens elicited non-specific responses, since they were obtained from whole extracts of sonicated cultured bacteria. The purpose of this study was to identify antigens ideal for a sensitive and specific serum test. We identified the specific antigens using immunoaffinity columns immobilized with IgG antibodies from periodontitis patients. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry identified 29 antigens from the elutes. Recombinant proteins for these candidates were synthesized using the wheat germ cell-free translation system and screened by dot blot analysis with serum from the columns. Three of the 16 candidates that reacted showed strongest affinities upon dot blot analysis; they included outer membrane protein 28, cysteine proteases, lysine gingipain Kgp, and arginine gingipain RgpA. Outer membrane protein 28 was not suitable for screeningP. gingivalisinfection because of its high false-negative rates. Kgp and RgpA were unstable antigens since they underwent self-digestion. They were made stable by substituting the active cysteine residues in Kgp and RgpA with alanine using site-directed mutagenesis. Using the modified antigens, we demonstrated that the patient serum IgG level against RgpA was the highest among all the antigens expressed inP. gingivalis. Moreover, the N-terminus of recombinant RgpA was excellent in differentiating between diseased and non-diseased states (with sensitivity of 0.85, specificity of 0.9, and area under the curve of 0.915). Although dot blot analysis was the only experiment used, the N-terminus of RgpA is an excellent antigen to immunologically test forP. gingivalisinfection, especially for estimating the risks for periodontitis-associated systemic diseases. In conclusion, we have developed aP. gingivalisantigen for screening periodontitis

    Growth of Adsorbed Additive Layer for Further Friction Reduction

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    Special Issue:6th European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2017)Boundary lubrication is one of the most interesting topics in the field of tribology, and a lot of studies have been conducted from the past for understanding the behaviour of boundary lubrication films. General boundary lubrication films are formed by the adsorption of additives mixed into lubricant, and then the tribological performances are drastically improved in many cases. However, there is still room for discussion on the “actual” behaviour of adsorbed additive layer in the tribological condition, that is, under high pressure and/or with external forces. This paper showed the “growing” behaviour of an adsorbed additive layer onto metal surface due to high pressure by means of neutron reflectometry in conjunction with the result obtained through cross‐sectional imaging by frequency‐modulation atomic force microscopy. In addition, the nanotribological study using atomic force microscopy with a colloidal probe showed that the coefficient of friction in the pre‐scratched area was lower than that in the non‐scratched area and that the reduction ratio for lubricant with additive was higher than that for lubricant without additive. This result indicates that growth of the adsorbed additive layer contributed more greatly to a reduction in the coefficient of friction

    The EP4-ERK-dependent pathway stimulates osteo-adipogenic progenitor proliferation resulting in increased adipogenesis in fetal rat calvaria cell cultures

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    We previously reported that fetal rat calvaria (RC) cells are osteo-adipogenic bipotential and that PGE2 receptors EP2 and EP4 are involved in bone nodule formation via both common and distinct MAPK pathways in RC cell cultures. Because PGE2 participates in multiple biological processes including adipogenesis, it is of interest to determine the additional role(s) of PGE2 in RC cells. PGE2 increased the number of adipocyte colonies when RC cells were treated during proliferation but not other development stages. Of four EP agonists tested, the EP4 agonist ONO-AE1-437 (EP4A) was the most effective in promoting adipogenesis. Concomitantly, EP4A increased the number of cells with BrdU labeling and gene expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)δ and c-fos but not peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 and C/EBPα. Amongst MAPK inhibitors, U0126, an inhibitor of MEK1/2, abrogated the EP4A-dependent effects. Our results suggest that the PGE2–EP4-ERK pathway increases the number of osteo-adipogenic bipotential progenitor cells, with a resultant increase in adipogenesis in RC cell cultures.This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan (13771074 to YY)and Ono Pharmaceutical Co. (to YY), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR; FRN 83704 to JEA)

    Unusual oral mucosal microbiota after hematopoietic cell transplantation with glycopeptide antibiotics: potential association with pathophysiology of oral mucositis

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    Severe oral mucositis occurs frequently in patients receiving hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT). Oral mucosal bacteria can be associated with progression of oral mucositis, and systemic infection may occur via ulcerative oral mucositis. However, little information is available regarding the oral microbiota after HCT. Here, PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was performed to characterize the oral mucosal microbiota, which can be affected by antibiotics, before and after HCT. Sixty reduced-intensity HCT patients were enrolled. Three patients with the least antibiotic use (quinolone prophylaxis and/or β-lactam monotherapy group) and three patients with the most antibiotic use (β-lactam-glycopeptide combination therapy group) were selected. Bacterial DNA samples obtained from the oral mucosa before and after HCT were subjected to PCR-DGGE. The trajectory of oral mucositis was evaluated. The oral mucosal microbiota in the β-lactam-glycopeptide combination therapy group was different from that in the quinolone prophylaxis and/or β-lactam monotherapy group, and Staphylococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp. were identified. Lautropia mirabilis was dominant in one patient. Ulcerative oral mucositis was observed only in the β-lactam-glycopeptide combination therapy group. In conclusion, especially with the use of strong antibiotics, such as glycopeptides, the oral mucosal microbiota differed completely from that under normal conditions, and consisted of Staphylococcus spp., Enterococcus spp., and unexpectedly L. mirabilis. The normal oral microbiota consists not only of bacteria, but these unexpected bacteria could be involved in the pathophysiology as well as systemic infection via oral mucositis. Our results can be used as the basis for future studies in larger patient populations

    Relationship between Aortic Compliance and Impact of Cerebral Blood Flow Fluctuation to Dynamic Orthostatic Challenge in Endurance Athletes

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    Aorta effectively buffers cardiac pulsatile fluctuation generated from the left ventricular (LV) which could be a mechanical force to high blood flow and low-resistance end-organs such as the brain. A dynamic orthostatic challenge may evoke substantial cardiac pulsatile fluctuation via the transient increases in venous return and stroke volume (SV). Particularly, this response may be greater in endurance-trained athletes (ET) who exhibit LV eccentric remodeling. The aim of this study was to determine the contribution of aortic compliance to the response of cerebral blood flow fluctuation to dynamic orthostatic challenge in ET and age-matched sedentary (SED) young healthy men. ET (n = 10) and SED (n = 10) underwent lower body negative pressure (LBNP) (−30 mmHg for 4 min) stimulation and release the pressure that initiates a rapid regain of limited venous return and consequent increase in SV. The recovery responses of central and middle cerebral arterial (MCA) hemodynamics from the release of LBNP (~15 s) were evaluated. SV (via Modeflow method) and pulsatile and systolic MCA (via transcranial Doppler) normalized by mean MCA velocity (MCAv) significantly increased after the cessation of LBNP in both groups. ET exhibited the higher ratio of SV to aortic pulse pressure (SV/AoPP), an index of aortic compliance, at the baseline compared with SED (P < 0.01). Following the LBNP release, SV was significantly increased in SED by 14 ± 7% (mean ± SD) and more in ET by 30 ± 15%; nevertheless, normalized pulsatile, systolic, and diastolic MCAv remained constant in both groups. These results might be attributed to the concomitant with the increase in aortic compliance assessed by SV/AoPP. Importantly, the increase in SV/AoPP following the LBNP release was greater in ET than in SED (P < 0.01), and significantly correlated with the baseline SV/AoPP (r = 0.636, P < 0.01). These results suggest that the aortic compliance in the endurance athletes is able to accommodate the additional SV and buffer the potential increase in pulsatility at end-organs such as the brain