406 research outputs found
Exploring the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and implicit beliefs among the Japanese female undergraduates
This study examined whether assessing natural verbal relations for career-related terms in female undergraduates could reflect implicit attitudes or beliefs. Specifically, the study intends to characterize the associations between or differences in the outcomes of the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP), career decision-making self-efficacy (CDMSE), and career-related behaviors. 34 female undergraduates participated in this study and results revealed that CDMSE and DIRAP scores for the “unofficial decision/consistent” condition were significantly and positively correlated. Moreover, CDMSE scores of the participants under the latter stage were significantly higher than they were under the former stage. This study demonstrated the association of implicit attitudes or verbal labeling toward career-related behaviors, especially job hunting, with self-efficacy. Enhancing career-related self-efficacy could change one’s implicit attitudes and eventually exert an impact on actual behavior
広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora
Canciones en la producción oral del inglés de los estudiantes de una institución educativa, Rímac, 2021
El trabajo de investigación titulado: “Canciones en la Producción Oral del Inglés de
los estudiantes de una Institución educativa, Rímac, 2021”. Tuvo como objetivo
determinar la influencia de las canciones en la producción oral del inglés. La
metodología fue tipo básica, el diseño no experimental, correlacional causal de
corte transversal. La población censal fue de 70 estudiantes; se emplearon un
cuestionario sobre canciones y un test que medía la producción oral, ambos
cumplieron con los requisitos de validez por juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad. Se
empleó la prueba de chi-cuadrado para determinar la influencia e independencia
entre las variables de estudio, así también Pseudo Cuadrado de Nagelkerke para
estimar la varianza de una variable dependiente sobre otra independiente. El
resultado fue que las canciones influyen en la producción oral de forma alta, con
un puntaje Wald de 16,165 que es mucho mayor de 4 y es reforzado por p = 0,000
< a 0.05
Lack of collagen alpha 6(IV) chain in mice does not cause severe-to-profound hearing loss or cochlear malformation, a distinct phenotype from nonsyndromic hearing loss with COL4A6 missense mutation
Congenital hearing loss affects 1 in every 1000 births, with genetic mutations contributing to more than 50% of all cases. X-linked nonsyndromic hereditary hearing loss is associated with six loci (DFNX1-6) and five genes. Recently, the missense mutation (c.1771G>A, p.Gly591Ser) in COL4A6, encoding the basement membrane (BM) collagen alpha 6(IV) chain, was shown to be associated with X-linked congenital nonsyndromic hearing loss with cochlear malformation. However, the mechanism by which the COL4A6 mutation impacts hereditary hearing loss has not yet been elucidated. Herein, we investigated Col4a6 knockout (KO) effects on hearing function and cochlear formation in mice. Immunohistochemistry showed that the collagen alpha 6(IV) chain was distributed throughout the mouse cochlea within subepithelial BMs underlying the interdental cells, inner sulcus cells, basilar membrane, outer sulcus cells, root cells, Reissner's membrane, and perivascular BMs in the spiral limbus, spiral ligament, and stria vascularis. However, the click-evoked auditory brainstem response analysis did not show significant changes in the hearing threshold of Col4a6 KO mice compared with wild-type (WT) mice with the same genetic background. In addition, the cochlear structures of Col4a6 KO mice did not exhibit morphological alterations, according to the results of high-resolution micro-computed tomography and histology. Hence, loss of Col4a6 gene expression in mice showed normal click ABR thresholds and normal cochlear formation, which differs from humans with the COL4A6 missense mutation c.1771G>A, p.Gly591Ser. Therefore, the deleterious effects in the auditory system caused by the missense mutation in COL4A6 are likely due to the dominant-negative effects of the alpha 6(IV) chain and/or alpha 5 alpha 6 alpha 5(IV) heterotrimer with an aberrant structure that would not occur in cases with loss of gene expression
Modeling of the inherence of feedback regulation and stem cell behavior in granulopoiesis
金沢大学医学部附属病院小児科Long-standing controversies in hematopoiesis are the mechanisms of self-maintenance and differentiation commitment of the hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), and regulation of the peripheral control of hematopoiesis. In the present study, we have applied a threedimensional cellular automaton (CA) model to granulopoiesis in order to identify the internally generative theoretical relationship between microscopic mechanisms and macroscopic behavior of hematopoietic processes. The number of mitotic event of the cells in a proliferating phase, the transit time of each of 15 differential stages from HSC to mature cells (designated as Tl to Tl 5, and Tdup for HSC duplication time), and the neighborhood rules for HSC self-renewal were incorporated in this model system as analytical parameters. Homeostatic granulopoiesis was achieved when the following inequalities for the transit times were fulfilled: Tl > Z Tn (n = 2 to 15) and Tdup > 1/2 Tl. Importantly, stabilization of the cell production was induced in a negative feedback manner following external perturbation of the peripheral granulocyte numbers. The Tdup of individual HSC was dramatically fluctuated to produce the offspring responding to this perturbation. A single cell kinetic analysis demonstrated that symmetrical or asymmetrical cell division of the HSC was recruited in a transitional manner resulting in generation of the regulatory effect on the lineage-commitment processes. The inherence of feedback regulation would be a characteristic feature of the emergent dynamical property in the hematopoietic system. The CA modeling will provide the framework to analyze the behavior of HSC and to understand abnormal kinetics of the cells such as minimal residual disease in the treatment of leukemias
La falta d’expressió de MICA en pacients amb càncer de bufeta significa un pitjor pronòstic
Antecedents: el càncer de bufeta urinària i de pulmó es troben entre els deu tipus de càncer més comuns en ambdós sexes. El receptor NKG2D i un dels seus lligants, MICA, s’associen amb el tabaquisme i la susceptibilitat de patir malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica i càncer de pulmó. Objectiu: esbrinar si el sistema NKG2D-MICA s’associa amb altres càncers epitelials relacionats amb l’hàbit de fumar com el càncer de bufeta. Disseny, Escenari i Participants: 70 casos primaris de càncer de bufeta no múscul invasiu van ser examinats per detectar l’expressió de MICA i CD8 +, CD4 + i la infiltració de cèl·lules NK. La majoria dels pacients (n = 55, 78,6%) eren fumadors actuals o anteriors. Metodologia: la tecnologia de microarrays (TMA) va ser triada per avaluar MICA i l’infiltració tumoral de limfòcits en les mostres de càncer de bufeta. Es varen utilitzar Curves de Kaplan-Meier i l’anàlisi univariant de Cox per avaluar la recaiguda, mortalitat total per càncer i la mortalitat específica per càncer de bufeta. Resultats i limitacions: MICA es va expressar en la majoria dels espècimens de càncer examinats (és a dir, 70%). La recaiguda del càncer de bufeta no es va associar amb l’estat d’expressió de MICA (log rank p = 0,1123). No obstant això, ha existit una associació significativa entre l’expressió de MICA i l’alta mortalitat per càncer de bufeta (HR = 0,25; IC95% = 0,06-0,97). Limfòcits CD4 + i CD8 + es van trobar a la majoria (64%) de les mostres de tumors infiltrants. Les cèl·lules que expressen el receptor NKG2D es van trobar només en el 3% de les mostres. No hi havia cap funció lineal entre les cèl·lules NKG2D +, el nombre o proporció de cèl·lules CD4 + i CD8 + TIL. Conclusions: MICA s’expressa només en una proporció significativa de carcinomes de bufeta. L’expressió de MICA s’associa amb avantatges significatius en la supervivència davant el càncer de bufeta. El sistema NKG2D-MICABackground: Bladder and lung cancer are among the ten most common cancers in both genders. The NKG2D receptor and one of its ligands, MICA, are associated with smoking and susceptibility to both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung cancer. Objective: We hypothesized that NKG2D-MICA system was associated with other smok- ing-related epithelial cancers such as bladder cancer. Design, Setting, and Participants: 70 cases of primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer were screened for the MICA expression and CD8+, CD4+ and NK cell infiltration. Most patients (n = 55, 78.6%) were current or former smokers. Measurements: Tissue microarray (TMA) technology was chosen to evaluate MICA and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in samples with confirmed bladder cancer. Kaplan- Meier curves and univariate Cox analysis was used to assess relapse, all-cancer mortality and specific bladder cancer mortality. Results and Limitations: MICA was expressed in most cancer specimens examined (i.e., 70%). Relapse of bladder cancer was not associated with the status of MICA expression (log rank p = 0.1123). Nevertheless, a signifi- cant association existed between high MICA expression and bladder cancer mortality (HR = 0.25; CI95% = 0.06 - 0.97). Tumor infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes were found in the majority (64%) of samples. Cells expressing the NKG2D receptor were found in only 3% of the samples. There was no linear function between NKG2D+ cells and number or ratio of CD4+ and CD8+ TIL. Conclusions: MICA is expressed in a significant proportion of bladder carci- nomas. MICA expression associates with significant survival advantages in the face of both all-cancer and bladder can- cer. The NKG2D-MICA system could represent a common mechanism involved in the immunopathology and natural history of bladder neoplasms
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