1,864 research outputs found

    Património industrial dos antigos coutos de Alcobaça

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    The monastic industrial complex, which is inseparable from the agrarian architecture and from the agricultural distribution of the fruits of the Earth, was supremely represented in the granges and farms directly explored by the monastery or given as a privilege. This way, they kept the products of their own cultivation or the ones of the given privileges according to the manorial economy, the olives were changed into olive oil, the grapes into wine and cereals into flour. The creation of industrial units, besides paying attention to the geographic proximity of the agricultural exploration and the easy control made by the institution which owned the right of monopoly, equally considered the energy criterion which implied a correct use of the waterlines that furrowed the territory. The advantage of the hydraulic engine, explains that the “Alcoa” river, the only permanent watercourse, received the most important industrial settlements. However, not all industrial units could benefit from the water force, namely the oil-presses attached to the olive groves which adorn the moorland mountain and whose motive force depended on cattle yoke. Between the last years of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, this industrial heritage was abandoned and destroyed due to the natural technological obsolescence, or to the occupation of its place by other industries. Our communication aims to analyze some of this patrimony, which proceeds from the industrial archeology together with the agrarian fields used as a reference. Moreover, we want to promote the interest to visit this threatened heritage, highlight it and, eventually, contribute to its further qualification

    Queratite Herpética. Quando e Como Devo Usar os Corticoides?

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    Polar Imperative: A History of Arctic Sovereignty in North America, by Shelagh D. Grant

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    Património da Água nas Comunidades da Serra dos Candeeiros

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    Due to a bold agronomic plan promoted by the cistercian monks of Alcobaça, between the late 17th century and the mid 18th century, the biggest wood of oak trees belonging to the local clerical lands located on the center of the Candeeiros mountain range, gives place to extensive olive grove plantations. To achieve this accomplishment, the monastery develops a colonization policy as a way of conquering arms for the olive tree’s labours. The populations have to live alongside conditions that are adverse to life, namely the lack of spring waters and a poor and stoney soil, from which results a weak fruit crop. The population develops itself along scarce permanent lagoons spread over the mountain heath. Besides this resource, the populations build cooperatively cisterns and wells to welcome the storm waters. Thanks to these strategies they can obtain the indispensable water for the family usage, sheep cattle and working animals, gardens and corn fields. From the previous century’s twenties onward, the economic affluence of a few households allows the construction of private cisterns, but the majority of the population had to settle with the utilization of community wells, with the daily dislocation to the fountains located at the fertile area and also celebrate supply contracts of a daily pitcher of water in exchange for goods and services in the landlord fields

    A cultura do olival e da vinha, motor do desenvolvimento agrário alcobacense (séculos XVIII-XIX)

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    International Trade and Constitutionalism: Friends or Enemies

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    Este artigo aborda alguns dos desafios constitucionais gerados pelos processos de globalização e integração económica. Em particular, o artigo procura reconstruir os debates tradicionais que opõem a retórica do comércio livre à retórica dos direitos humanos e direitos sociais. O argumento central é o de que qualquer uma das noções de comércio livre ou comércio justo tradicionalmente defendidas desafia a autonomia constitucional de auto-determinação social de diferentes comunidades políticas. Nessa medida, a análise destas questões tem de ter lugar no contexto de uma perspectiva constitucional que seja, ao mesmo tempo, independente de uma hipotética, mas ainda inexistente, comunidade política global. O artigo descreve as várias formas de impacto constitucional dos processos de globalização e integração económica e a necessidade de legitimar as novas formas de poder que deles resultam. Por último, o artigo termina produzindo algumas pistas para a construção de um novo quadro de análise constitucional que possa orientar as decisões político-normativas resultantes desses desafios

    As vinhas e os vinhos dos monges cistercienses de Alcobaça, uma história de longa duração

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    Vines play a major place in the Cistercian agrosystem. Wine grape production benefits from the choice and exposure of soils, from carefully chosen wine grapes varieties and from a wide num‑ ber of cultural, support and protection initiatives. The wine produced at the Abbey of Alcobaça meets the needs of the community and encourages an inter ‑regional trade. The success of these wines among the national and foreign elites that visit the monastery is due to the accumulation of expe‑ riences and to the technical development in production and preservation methods

    Viajar e beber. Os vinhos cistercienses de Alcobaça (Portugal) na literatura de viagens

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    The Cistercian Monastery of Alcobaça was the target of interest to scholarly travelers that in the eighteenth and nineteenth visited Portugal and stayed long enough to extend the tour beyond the geographical belt of the capital. With this visit, they sought to appreciate the architecture and art, with emphasis on the tombs of Pedro and Inês, whose history was written. Travellers of a higher status benefited from the monastic hostel facilities, their table and their nectars. The travel literature they produced is of particular importance to evaluate the architectural transformations of buildings, feel the life of the Abbey, their habits, customs and rituals, understand the organization of the productive landscape. The vineyard and wine are significant references in the descriptions. It’s the vineyards of the monastic enclosure and the Gafa’s “relego”, the grandeur of the winery and wine quality that they regard as the best in Europe